Too easy on normal

>too easy on normal
>too hard on hard

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>too hard on normal

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>too easy on Normal
>not sure if Hard is too hard or just right

>too hard on easy

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>Hard just gives enemies infinite resources.

>higher difficulty is just bloated HP and damage values instead of improving enemy AI

Is there a game that gets it right?

>too normal on normal

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>Hard is pretty fun but still kinda easy
>Insane mode has some stupid gimick

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Halo or F.E.A.R., I guess.

>game is hardest on easy mode because that mode doesn't have grenades which are pinnacle in M and H mode

Fire Emblem Fates Conquest

>too hard on easy
>too easy on hard

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Source on that girl

That was my experience with Persona 5.

Guitar hero
Try playing on expert all the time and then try to play on easy. My ass got ruined every time

uniroincally EDF

Perfect Dark. The higher the difficulty the more stuff you have to do in the mission, utilizing more gadgets and parts of the level. The highest difficulty is essentially the canonical version of it involving all the stuff a special agent would actually have to do.

>shadow warrior 2 tells me to play on hard if I am experienced with first person shooters
>Play on normal anyway
Somebody stop me

>hardest is the easiest

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warcraft 3

Source: Some image I found on Yea Forums

The AI doesn't get any better, the enemies just get more skills. I do really like that there's almost no stat bloat though.

Persona 5

Explain yourself

Terraria on expert. Enemy hp and damage is raised, but it feels natural. Bosses have new attacks.

You die faster but the enemies die faster too
On easy, you're both just bullet sponges

In S.T.A.L.K.E.R, the higher the difficulty the more damage everyones guns do, and so in a game about scavenging ammunition, having to hit less bullets to take down an enemy is preferable

>There is no increase in the challenge with different difficulties

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Nier Automata is the worst offender, fuck

>Hard mode is just a massive difficulty spike early on that spontaneously plateaus

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>playing expert mode with a group
Truly the patricians way to play terraria

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Also cross-hairs off and Master difficulty. It's the ONLY way to play if you want the true experience

master is great

>game lets npcs steal your potions on hard mode then use them in battle

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She's from the top of my dick

WoW's Ulduar.
The Pinnacle of difficulty design.

>easy mode just omits the final 2 stages

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Download the subtitle patch and playing with Russian audio

That too. The English voice acting isn't great and it really adds to the alien and isolating atmosphere

This literally ruined nier for me. I managed to force myself through the ending after playing till opera on hard and then saying fuck it and doing the rest on normal when I got to the twins. Not putting myself through another run after playing through 2B's. It was exhausting.

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>play on easy
>get to final level
>cuts out before final cutscene
>"go play on hard mode to unlock the true ending!"

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destiny raids make mechanics tighter on hard mode

>Very hard
>Insane just makes it so you can't recover health, items cost more, enemies spot you imminently, etc

Fuck, I'm gonna go back and actually finish the game now, I got sick of the bullet sponges and droped it.

Hello Crisis Core and Ifrit taking a million hits on hard.

How? If you're learning with actual technique instead of brute forcing every song then his shouldn't be possible.

>Insane mode removes the crutch mechanic
God I love bayonetta.

>game gives you three difficulty options with weird names
>pick the middle one because I want to play on Normal
>finish game
>discover the middle one was actually Easy

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Dont forget and

Fucking REmake.

Name 3(fiddy) games that do this

>too hard
fucking pussy

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>Difficulty select:

>don't know what will be too hard

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>Very Easy and Very Hard mode are switched
>Every mode in the game is punishingly difficult

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>beat game
>Easy mode is now unlocked!

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Ninja Gaiden.

God Hand if we're talking about the difficulty levels on normal mode. The better you do the more aggressive the ai gets with added moves. they get higher health and damage as well but it's nothing like a lot of other games.

>normal start normal but gets easier with progress until it's easy at the end
>hard start hard but get easier with progress until it's normal at the end
fuck this shit, I'm looking at you Yoko Taro, fuck Nier Automata

>beat game A, you can now transfer a code to game B to play it on Hard mode
>beat game B, you can now transfer a code to game A to play it on Easy mode

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>Hard is normal difficulty
>normal is easy
>easy is impossible

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Dante must die?

>Easy gives you too much leniency
>Normal gives you a fair way to strategize and form your own path around challenges
>Hard limits your options greatly and everything becomes a number/frame game where you optimise everything and do everything the same way

Why can't a game just have a single difficulty mode and stop trying to be inclusive for everyone

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Not him, but I'm guessing that someone who's used to playing on expert is going to be hitting every note early on easy because they come at you so much more slowly.

I don't know why people complain about this, sometimes the enemy hp and damage is just too low on normal, so you can get through the game without thinking and just spamming attacks, the increase in numbers can completely change how you play and actually force you to learn the mechanics.

Only in 3

>pick Hard cos fuck it
>starts off okay, think I can manage this
>sudden ramp-up in difficulty half-way through, can't progress
>don't want to play all over again on a different difficulty
>never finish game

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MGS3, hardest difficulty is instant gameover.

It's actually pretty satisfying.

Devil May Cry

Did 2 do that


This, fuck static difficulty settings.

Difficulty needs to be organic or on a challenge by challenge basis.

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Changes the enemy composition, increases the number and increases the chance for demons to spawn as well.

THIEF Gold’s higher difficulties add more objectives and conditions in addition to raising the minimum value of what you need to steal

>diablo 3 on sale
>friend wants to pick it up
>play game on "normal"
>way too fucking easy, kill one of the bosses in a single skill
>up the difficulty to the 3rd lowest (highest you can pick on a first play through)
>now the boss loses only 80% of its hp to said skill
>can't unlock any real difficultys until you get close to beating the game
>get bored since the game is brain dead


Fucking Contra 4.

>game is super easy
>suddenly throws a challenge at you that requires you to play flawlessly

this is debunking the rumor that accuracy is changed with difficulty, not that damage is

still wrong

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so it's damage resistance rather than the damage itself

>hard mode ending isn't cannon

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Literally every rhythm game I know besides Rhythm Heaven is like this. Guitar Hero “hard” is just normal mode though.

>Normal is casualshit
>Hard is memery

All inflating numbers has ever one is increase the length of a fight and reduce the number of mistakes you're allowed to make

Except in Fallout 4 where damage numbers were increased for both the player and the enemies so it became a one-shot fest

care to explain, retard who's only played 4 with a friend

Guitar Hero, There should be a mode that either lets you play on the normal difficulty with orange notes to get used to them or on hard without them to avoid the 1-2 punch of a difficulty spike and a new tactic that has to be learned.

Beat saber, Can almost perfect every expert song but that new expert+ is something else.

And that can change how you play for the better. Let's imagine if dark souls was a typical game, on normal, enemies wouldn't do nearly as much damage, you would just be able to spam attacks and win without thinking about their movesets that much and yet if there was a hard mode that put it to normal dark souls difficulty that would be a bad thing by the logic that increasing the numbers isn't enough when it isn't, sometimes increasing the numbers is all the game needs.


>TFW watching BTiLC for the first time and this scene comes out of nowhere

The movie was way better than I expected it to be.

Time Splitters died for our sins. RIP.

a fresh run on hardest can be harder than the max difficulty, inferno, because there is such a huge powergap between the weapons that drop. for example you can farm mission 1 and get level 50 weapons on inferno while on hardest it's around lvl 30 but the enemies aren't that different


>Hard is too Easy
>there's no harder difficulty
I fucking LOVED Kingdoms of Amalur but is was just so piss fucking easy.

>kill goblin
>goblin drops 10000 gold

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You don't even play games.
Tog just watch some fat fuck steam games and pretend you actually played it.

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