There’s a least one dumbass who actually defends this scam here right now and he will post in this thread.
There’s a least one dumbass who actually defends this scam here right now and he will post in this thread
Not me.
Since you want attention, here it is:
OP is a faggot. Sage goes in all fields.
>these threads are still being made
wew lad.
at least its not xbox live
And they'll only defend it by insulting OP because there isn't much logic at play.
tetris 99 BITCH
S***** and R*******
Nah it’s shit user. But the slight, SLIGHT excuse I could give them would be that they can’t do like Sony and microsoft did and just take one of their server warehouses and say “THIS IS FOR VIDYA NOW”
Xbox has microsoft to fall back on. It’s why Xbox live is legit the most consistent one, and I don’t even like Xbox it’s just the truth. Sony’s is worse but they still got that corporate back end funding server production n shit.
Nintendo is using the sub model to figure out this whole online thing. Problem is they rely on P2P connections more so than I honestly think the 360 did. Smash online is so reliant on all 4 players having a perfect connection and instead of just doing what splatoon or Mario kart do with lag, they slow the whole game down instead rather than just letting one player be laggy as hell and everyone knowing who’s the lagfag.
Admittedly though I do expect them to have some legit internet structure before 2020... I hope...
>nintendo has free online
>it's shit
>start charging for it
>it's still shit
they could have used this opportunity to make it not shit
I won’t defend it
But I bought it. Needed it for MonHun
You called yourself out, OP. Go and take up the challenge.
The absolute most that can be said for it is that it is the cheapest of the three scams.
>its only bad when nintendo does it
faggot ass bitch
PlayStation Plus good!
I remember them boasting at the DS's reveal about it having wifi, and for 2004 wireless standards it was quite good.
How the hell did we go from them keeping with the times when it comes to online to the mess that is NSO?
$20 for
>no servers
>no built in voice chat
>no easy friend searching
>no miiverse
>no partying up
>no free games (ROMs don't count)
>no achievements
>half-assed cloud backup
>terrible matchmaking
>general lack of features compared to xbox live
is somehow not supposed to be bad?
Yeah right
Why does Nintendo reset their virtual game library every new console, that is the biggest scam. I have bought some of these games 3 times because of this bullshit, nintendo has access to the greatest exclusive game library in existence and they do nothing meaningful with it. The Wii's virtual console library was worth the games as a service model on its own, it gets worse with every console. I don't know why I kept buying the games.
>The only way to play Splatoon.
This game is evil! DO NOT PICK IT UP! It's a strong drug you can't escape!
If you think $20 is too much, or that you deserve more for that price, you are indeed a poorfag. Honestly, even with NES games, shitty NSO, cloud saves, and tetris, I'd say it's woth the price. Does that mean it's fantastic? No. But stop being a wage cuck and spending your money on games.
It's only bad when Nintendo does it XD
>PSN+ $60 for 1 person
>NSO $35 for 8 people
Better than the alternative, still bullshit.
>pay $20/year to Nintendo to play Nintendo games online
>pay $60/year to Sony to play non Sony games online
>not a scam
Rent free.
people play $60 a year to watch movies with other people but i dont see your dick in the booty homosexual bandit ass complaining about it
Enjoy your paid online that cost 3X as much with no free games.
Rent free.
I don't plan on renewing. Going to enjoy MHXX on it a bit more and mod the fuck out of my switch when I get bored of the Online.
Here’s the twist
It’s you
Not an argument
Scams usually cost more than 5 pennies a day.
>Sony online
>16 pennies a day, for a year
>Nintendo online
>5 pennies a day, for a year
Yeah guys we need to not accept this charge
everyone here is talking about PSN or Nintendo online but HAS EVERYONE FORGOT ABOUT XBOX LIVE