unpopular opinion: fallout new vegas's writing is only good because bethesda is shit at writing, otherwise it's awful
Unpopular opinion: fallout new vegas's writing is only good because bethesda is shit at writing, otherwise it's awful
ehh its good albeit boring
side quests in this game were fucking boring and the map is garbage
I wish retarded opinions were unpopular, but nowadays that isn't the case
Cope, Planescape, Braid, American Mcgee's Alice, TLJ & Beyond Good & Evil are the only western games with a good story. Everything else is objectively terrible
Cope? Never heard of it. Is it an RPG?
what do you mean OP? this game has an incredibly beautiful story and writing. The intense drama of getting almost killed and then tracking down the guy who did it was orgasm inducing to say the least. And the factions, god they are good, who could forget
>obvious bad guyRroman LARPers
>obvious good guy American LARPers
>two choices to take over the strip which are mostly the same
truly a perfect game, 10000/10, would jog through an empty shithole with some gameplay every 15 minutes again
>American Mcgee's Alice
>Beyond Good & Evil
Strange choices.
Yes, they are indeed strange. I mean, who the fuck gives a shit about the writing in Alice?
>the map is garbage
You taste is garbage.
It's only "good" because writing is all that Obsidian has, and now they don't even have that. Other developers focus on making games that are actually fun to play.
>obvious good guy American LARPers
Except the NCR are never painted as "good." They're frequently labelled as expansionists way in over their head lead by a corrupt and dirty elite.
The Legion, while undercooked due cut development, are about using raw brutality to bring civilisation back to mankind. Their methods are harsh and cruel, but their belief is that man can never truly rebuild until the ways of the old pre-war world have been cleansed out, a hard reset back to simpler times.
>a game is only as good as it's company
The two are completely unrelated though. Your opinion is unpopular because it is baseless.
That's simply not how you compare writing.
>literally a giant horse shoe of orange vomit
literally not a single landmark on the map except the obligitary faction hangouts and the strip which was extremely underwhelming
i love new vegas but it has one of the most boring maps in games
No one claims it is masterful writing it is good because it promotes immersion rather than leave you scratching your fucking head.
Name some video games with better writing
If you're going to mention a JRPG don't bother posting
Well, there's merit to that argument.
It isn't a case of good or bad, more that it's consistent. In Bethesda fallout every second NPC barely even fits the world they're in.
Fallout 3
For me it's because I can't break myself out of the cycle of doing all the intro shit for the sake of XP, and gear.
I want to make a character and run straight to vegas and start there, or have a harder time with speech checks and shit.
>Bethesda """""writing"""""
The main story motivation of hunting down Benny is fun the first time around if you are a combat heavy character because its difficult to get to him/kill him unless you've leveled up a bit. I'll never forget walking into the strip the first time because the game was teasing you with hookers and blackjack but all I wanted was to find Benny after 10+ hours of getting to him and he slipped out of my hands because I put all my points into guns and explosives.
Its also much more compelling if you've played Fallout 1/2
I enjoyed it as a vague objective. Bethesda rpgs always drop the ball on the main quest, as they almost always nullify the potential to roleplay.
in 3 what character wouldn't immediately and urgently chase after their very clearly loving father?
in 4 what character wouldn't chase their fucking child?
in Skyrim you're literally the chosen one.
I'm tempted to give oblivion a pass as you're just a barely significant cog in a larger machine.