Well Yea Forums?

Well Yea Forums?

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the game is modern war cringe

inb4 burger restaurants

Blackards front and center
"Strong Female Protagonist", probably interracially involved with said darknesses
Everyone is ass-ugly for """realism""" (because the devs are ass-ugly)


>Shoehorned sjw politics
>ugly women
>balls to the wall gore
>censored nudity and sex
>minority protagonist
>white antagonist/villain

>picture of Anthem

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B is confirm
...even when it's a Gameboy game

Name 1 (one) game that has this

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it sucks

>is an FPS

no white people

aren't half of those european?


>"That's right Mr. President, it was the russians"

>company that worked on it is american

no boob physics
no female characters with chests larger than b cup

It's bad.

>game appears on mountain dew gamer fuel

>Everything has to have a token black person
>Everything has to be about moralism
>Must be against Russia or China
>Has to be about how great minorities are even though they do not reflect statistics in the real world.
>Bland writing
>Glorification of Military and how diversity (less white people) is our strength.


Loves Censorship despite having "mah freedoms" and "mAh freeze peach".

99% chance any game was made here since Amerigods make everything

based retards

Assuming you mean the second one (since the first has none of those)
>Shoehorned sjw politics
arguably yes
>ugly women
>balls to the wall gore
>censored nudity and sex
>minority protagonist
>white antagonist/villain
wasn't he hispanic or some shit? either way watch dogs 2 is incorrect.

Ugly women

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The Story is created first then the gameplay.

Anthem got made by the Austin team

>obvious /int/ and/or /pol/ shitpost thread
video games

Burger music starts playing in every level

Game is shit.

>Shoehorned sjw politics
>ugly women
>balls to the wall gore
>censored nudity and sex
>minority protagonist
>white antagonist/villain

try again

Attached: america game.png (843x714, 95K)

Eurocucks and canadians do that too you know

Ugly fat women and fag propaganda.
Pic unrelated.

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its a shooter

Dangerhair character(s)
White villain

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the women are intentionally unattractive
you can be gay with 1 other npc for some reason

This, and if it's a modern game:

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Secure the burger town.

>four exemples of this

oooh god please noooo, they are literally killing our white race

game has lable "made in america"

John Videogames, aka grizzled 30 something white guy.

soundtrack consists of nothing but inception horns

fuck the world
we're saving america

Prototype (2)

Ugly brown women

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Good indies
Not so good triple As

Everyone complains about it but won't stop playing it.

Mafia 3 is the only one developed in America.

>brown people are the enemies

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ugly "strong" women and black males everywhere

I tried to enjoy this but it felt like you were cheating the entire game (I played for like one hour)

The game has CORE VALUES

what game?

It's kind of janky and unpolished.

>fat ugly women
>almost black and white color pallette
>more hallways than all 3 seasons of daredevil
>male characters choosing to be cucks
>the exact same moral in every story
>pointless open world
>too many mechanics, none of them polished
>the same 5 libtard voice actors
>bad faces
>tutorial made for frothing retards
>tutorial unskippable
>shit combat
>clearly just a movie with afterthought gameplay
>zombie dlc

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dull colors
dull gameplay
orchestrated ambient music that all sounds the same and isn't memorable at all
black female protagonist that acts as the political mouthpiece for the purple haired white game director.

>Shoehorned sjw politics
>ugly women
>balls to the wall gore
>censored nudity and sex
>minority protagonist
>white antagonist/villain

try again

la goblina wimmen and gratuitous violence, a major character is explicitly depicted as homosexual in their interactions and dialogue even though it is irrelevant to the plot and situation

>"strong and independent female characters" aka, women with no attractive female features such as sensibility and reactiveness

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Protagonist has depression

Goblinoid """female""" who's supposed to be strong but is just bitchy/mary sue who spouts SJW shit because burgers are physically incapable of separating politics from entertainment

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>he's black

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generic violence and gore