Western shooter

>western shooter
>if it's somewhat modern slap customizable military spec ops uniform and enemies must have a baraclava or a hadji towel
>if it's futuristic slap full customizable body suit armor
>they all play the very similar and the only thing sets them apart is game modes

Why are FPSs so creatively bankrupt?

Attached: 1.png (695x661, 561K)

if you really think any of those games play the same you are retarded or have never touched a single one
ugly? Yes
similar? No

Attached: 1543495195283.jpg (1536x1920, 314K)

>Posts a TPS
What did he mean by this?

The major aspect of the genre is "first person" making retarsd assume it should focus on "realism simulation" than actual game design.
Despite Wolfenstein 3D having score points and life systems, as an indicative of the genre having the same elements as any other genres.
In other words, BJ could have been more on pair with Mario and Sonic than your average COD protagonist.

i was just posting armor

What ever happened to good armor design? I feel like it just disappeared with Halo 4.

They were also a lot more diverse and colorfull, so actual "clones" or rip offs where obscure shovelware nobody cared about.

Attached: FPS genre.png (671x629, 1.04M)

>any of those games play the same
>bungie who made halo and destiny
>not the same
>calling anyone retarded
my sides

FPS is what you create when you're not smart enough to create TPS

People think too much detail makes a design "believable" even thought it just makes it harder to memorize.
Also, desperation for creativity and shit that should have been left for concept art, before the final version is triming the fat by cutting out the pointless details.

>hide behind chest-high walls: the genre
TPS are even worse.

What is this? A picture for ants?

Anthem's an FPS?

Attached: Better image.jpg (2216x2072, 1.57M)

>the developers are the same so the games play the same
are you retarded? destiny is much more similar to CoD with powers then fucking halo

lmao where did the AR + Holographic/Red dot meme come from
i swear every single pseudo-realistic shooter of the 2007 - 2013 years had these as the main gun of the trailers/default classes

To be fair, it looks pretty cool.

Probably one of those weird unintentional "fads" that exists for no reason and nobody even questions it.

Attached: Samsara roster except for p849 because she didnt get in.png (1200x1200, 236K)

>all those doom clones

>tfw only recognize half of these

And they still attempt to be somewhat different.
At worst, they'll only trance of being remembered is having their assets used on some random Doom mod like a weapons and monsters randomizer.
Part of why they'd even be different is because of attempts to break through engine limitations and innovative features.

TPS is the lowest effort genre in existence after Gears.

uh I think you replied to the wrong user

literally half of those are half life or doom mods, and they all play exactly alike

Hexen is barely action focused.

half of them are shit

Why is this a staple mechanic in every fucking TPS?

Doesn't sound like any western shooters I've played

Attached: feature-2.jpg (1600x900, 238K)

Try to appeal to the same wide audience that consumes the same shit decreases creativity
News at 9

>complains about TPS
>doesnt call out that Anthem is a TPS

>lowest effort genre
>needing to make more/higher quality animations for the player character because you see the entire body and not just the hands is somehow lower effort

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pass the whiskey

>"But FPS are all the same"
>T. Retard that doesn't explore video games outside of Watchmojo/Dorkly tier memes and opinions from secondaries

vanquish is the patricians shooter

>He doesn’t like Tacticool

How much of the gay do you have to own

>they are all turn based, party games
>your party is composed of anime characters with the only things differing them being height, gender and hair color
>absolutely nothing seperates them from another aside from what flavor of science fantasy they are

FPS requires first person and third person animations. TPS requires only third person animations. Neither require higher quality ones.

>Shitting on Titanfall pilots

Attached: Viper.png (484x767, 756K)

>nuDoom was marketed as a generic Halo MP focused game
>People liked it because it felt more "gamey" and cared more about the SP
>New game looks less shit in comparison
>One of the reasons for the return of the iconic designs is because they're more colorfull and simpler, so they fit more for a fast paced first person game than whatever the fuck nuDoom's health packs even were

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>what is dark souls

Some people care less for character animations and more about weapon animations and sounds
Or rather "feedback"

I kindly ask you to remove the holo pilot from that hateful image before i crack your ass in half and let you bleed out right whete you stand you fucking degenerate.

does first person really need special animations, when they can just make it a TPS and move the camera focus to be in the character model proper?
Like, I know I'm oversimplifying that, but, its a lot less work than modelling completely separate models and animation sets if you make the TPS ones fantastic.

>the fastest person there is the one not in power armor

Pilots are some shit, man.

If there's once thing FPS never got right, at least as often as other genres, is boss fights.

Attached: 1544478856158.png (1200x1200, 1.68M)

what else am I missing?

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D44M's bossfights were pretty good

But yeah in general FPS boss fights are "Shoot it until it dies" which is fine if it involves you using movement mechanics. Unfortunately, that's rare.

>its a lot less work than modelling completely separate models and animation sets if you make the TPS ones fantastic.
It would also be a massive fucking waste of polygons. first person and third person animations/models also often aren't the same. There's good reason this isn't being done.
The GDC videos on first person animations in Overwatch and Destiny are good to watch on the topic.

>Doesn't recognize Red Faction
I don't blame you. Geomod is an interesting idea but PS2 era hardware took away the unique thing it had.

Attached: Just you and me miner.jpg (600x900, 70K)

>Wolf 3D had some characters facing the same angle, but at least Hitler had the "fake" ghosts and a second face
>Doom had some sprites based off clay/latex models and the Spiderdemon was a bit shittier than Cybie
>Doom 2 had the IOS as an atttempt to make something different
>D64's was an attempt to make something different from both the Spiderdemon and IOS, that even required the secret demon keys
>Quake was id's first purely 3d game with shitty development so Shubby is what she is, before the expansions go back to "shoot it until it dies"
>Heretic/Hexen had more interesting bosses that just had new moves and sometimes phases
>DK3D's bosses were kinda simple too
>Marathon had no true final bosses whatsoever
>Strife did at least used them to tie in with the Sigil weapon and the weird as fuck lore behind the game
>Some of these games focused more on the base enemy roster than the bosses
>FPS eventually dropped bosses as a whole because "muh realism/bosses are too gamey"
>NuDoom tries most of the shit above and it works okay but the stages aren't that interesting

shit user my fps backlog is huge, I'm trying to finish kingpin now

Is it Unreal?

Attached: is this unreal.png (293x288, 182K)

The fuck tps are you playing, gears?

Helioskrill was one of the unique armor sets in halo 5, mr gayboy

>first person animations
you mean, drawing the gun on the right?

Actually, another reason why FPS devolved is because making it good or interesting isn't that easy.
Game design is kind of a lost art in this industry.

I recognize that gun from far, its Unreal

>third person animations
you mean, drawing the character in the bottom middle?

>doom again
i'm gonna go guess it's final doom: plutonia and it's probably map 32: go 2 it
this image is also mixing chex quest for example

Can slow paced and movement based FPS co-exist with each other?

inability to detect differences between two different masses is a trait shared with prey animals, which are know to be much stupider species than their predators.
these are all distinguishable from one another, you're just a total retard


I actually dont mind brown and bloom military shoters because i actually enjoy human targets instead of some shitty monster bullet sponge.
Tactical shooters have been a thing for ages so yeah

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TPS is for low skill players who need a wider frame of view and the ability to look around corners without exposing themselves. TPS will never come close to the skill ceiling of FPS games.

>calling destiny creatively bankrupt
Cherry pick. Call destiny what you want, but the art direction is fucking great.

Attached: destiny 2 titan.png (787x767, 752K)

Which is more skillfull, gun in the middle or gun in the right side?

>heh im so f**king guud at this game fps is 4 retarts

Name 5 modern eastern shooters besides Splatoon

D2's style is 100% ass compared to the variety we had in 1. My Hunter and Titan have never looked as good as they did in 1.
Not to mention just how ass Sentinel is compared to Defender. That shit is inexcusable


I can't stand the sight of D2, guns and all.


Attached: Capture.jpg (1247x252, 67K)

While I agree, the art direction as a whole is still very great.

Attached: dreaming city.png (665x374, 471K)

oh wait I misunderstood, I hate D2. D1 actually had soul, brother.


binary domain
that's it from this decade

Don't you fuckin dare diss holo pilot you filthy slow

GitS was actually super fucking fun. Cant remember why I stopped playing it, mightave been games coming out.
Is it still running? I might go and play it again