This was Bioware's last chance and they blew it. A year or two from now they'll get put on some shitty B tier project that no one has any interest in and when it flops they'll be absorbed. The exact same thing happened to Visceral. They blew Dead Space 3, got put on Battlefield Hardline and then they were gone.
This was Bioware's last chance and they blew it...
I've been waiting for this since ME3
Fucking trannies deserve it
I think they have one more shot. If Dragon Age 4 is a giant mess then they're absolutely fucked.
I think people forget that despite it having the Bioware name, Andromeda was developed by a completely different studio. Inquisition was the last Bioware Austin title and it reviewed/sold decently.
Honestly people wanted this to fail
They wanted Bioware to fail and if they make another game people won't buy it either
Andromeda is irrelevant, Anthem was A team. Frostbite has killed them
They don't deserve another chance.
Yeah Edmonton will be shuttered. The only real question is how fast EA bins Anthem.
Frostbite is the most garbage engine out there, it literally cannot make an appealing face or realistic facial animations
>Anthem was A team
Anthem was what was left of the Mass Effect team, which was never particularly good in the first place. You're right about Frostbite being completely garbage; EA is retarded in continually insisting on it.
>it literally cannot make an appealing face or realistic facial animations
Just because they are incompetent doesnt mean the engine is shit.
This is one of the reasons why people want BioWare to burn.
Its full of incompetent people pretending they know how to make games.
>Frostbite has killed them
Honestly? The engine is fucking phenomenal. The problem, with some irony, is the lack of deep RPG mechanics, shitty dialogue and mission writing, and shallow false choice presentation.
It's like they forgot the reason BioWare originally gave three (or more) possible answers: because it feels like actual choice.
It's like they forgot the most important thing in an immersive game is great dialogue.
It's like they forgot the basics of making good RPGs: bad mechanics will be forgiven, bad writing will not.
Except they didn't. Everyone who knew these things left BioWare years ago. The man they believe knows how to usher a game to a successful finish is Casey "No Ending" Hudson.
They deserve this.
It also hates third person and is the reason for no dialogue trees. Andromeda was made using a fucking kitbashed version they basically reworked from the ground up. Ironically, if they take the ground work laid by Andromeda, they can use the engine to make a successful game now.
Except the won't cause all the talent is gone too
>The engine is fucking phenomenal.
Wait, have you not seen Battlefield 1?
>engine being good for first-person shooters means it must be good for everything else too
nice strawman bro
Good post, retard.
Keep moving those goalposts, Cuckworth.
Anthem in UE4 would have been way better.
I'm just mind blown that it takes a game as shit as anthem for you dumb faggots to no-buy. Like come on that shit is a no brainier.
But he's right. This isn't moving goalposts this is a basic counterpoint that an RPG and a shooter are two entirely different animals.
>unable to even back up a simple statement
I unironically like the artstyle but you couldn't pay me to play this shit
They're a small indie studio. Why would you want them to starve?
>a shooting game is different from a shooting game!
It's almost as if SJW's run BioWare......oh wait
>Anthem wasn't the B project.