Is GOTY already dead 4 days after launch?

Is GOTY already dead 4 days after launch?

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it was dead 30 seconds after launch

Has it only been 4 days? It feels like forever since anthem was shit on. Will people give a shit about it in another week

It was dead since the first beta. Everyone realized it was a no content bullet sponge game.

i still don't understand how games can have years and in some cases literal decades of examples of contents and basic quality of life features laid out over updates and still launch shit barebones as fuck
overwatch had a damn near decade of tf2 updates to copy off of, not to mention every single fucking fps ever, and they started off with with less maps than tf2 had at that point, barely two distinct gamemodes and almost less variety via heros that would just be different weapons in tf2
i don't fucking get it, even destiny 2 launched in the same fucking state as the original destiny, why are these chucklefucks refusing to learn from other games but copying them regardless

>state that they have 9 months of patches they plan to push on day 1
>let everyone play a buggy beta
>let all the pre-load fuckers play the same buggy beta
>let all the reviewers play on that same buggy beta
>day 1 push a 9 month patch
Who fucking does this?

Making games isn’t about actual game development anymore. It’s about doing the bare minimum to sell to as many dumb schmucks as possible.

when will this shit be 30 dollars

I'm just a little salty that BF5 and Anthem came with my 2080, I still haven't installed BF5, fuck that, but Anthem I figured Id try, It's meh, A solid 6.5/10 Right now, I just feel it's like early Division levels of sponge fighting.

Because retards will still buy and defend these games, so why waste any additional labor hours put in when you can just ship it with minimal effort while allowing an underpaid skeleton crew to work on the game years after release?

>release day 1 patch
>support forum is now full of people complaining about how they can't run the game anymore

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They clearly need better computers.

>Who fucking does this?
Pretty much everyone for the past 2-3 years

Yeah I'm actually surprised that people aren't mentioning this more. It already ran like shit and now it doesn't run at all for a lot of people.

It was never alive to begin with.

Sucks that you got two $30 games with your card.

>30 dollar
Honestly, I consider both of them to be worth far less. I wish I could at least get two games I kind want, being Division 2 and Dirt 2.0.

Did bioware make this picture. Are they supposed to be proud of it

Is pic related fake or has Bioware officially been driven insane?

It was dead before it launched technically.

Yes Bioware made it.

Jesus Christ

It's not fake, it's an accolade picture made by the community. Obviously bioware has not not acknowledged that this game has been thrashed by journalists.

Games these days are about making MVP games. Minimal viable product.

you do it when the patched version of the game is broken and you cant fix

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nu-bioware is the laughing stock of the industry. press S to spit on bioware’s grave

but muh iron man suits

>day 1 push a 9 month patch
no, that's their roadmap for the live service updates

Why can't the enemies be a challenge? most of them seem to pull the same thing that happens in warframe, they just stand there and never shoot at you.

Didn't even bother to follow this one. Is Division 2 going to be any good?

they arent even close to iron man suit. not to mention gay ass chicken legs. plus freelancer is literally a poorfag incel vs swimming in pussy and rich as fuck Stark

They could have done much more with the flying shittery.
Basing most of the game in a wide open area was a mistake. You could do so much with it in areas with lots of obstacles and verticality.

Its been out for 10+ days
Early access just means give us money because you have fomo


>always online game
>servers will be shut down eventually
>probably sooner than later now
>even the people who do like this game will be unable to replay it years down the line

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yeah this. I wanted to do what I did with division and wait until all patches are in and all DLCs are released and under 20 bucks, but this is the one case it'll die before it even gets good

>replay it
No one replays video games anymore.

the cut scenes look boring as fuck. Can somebody give a quick summary of what the plot of this game is?

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pretty much this.

Games nowadays become more and more disposable. Why even bother buying always online gams if you can play a free2play game (like Warframe for example) instead?

Its a hammy well produced tv show that wants to feel as cool as a marvel movie but its not even close.

It follows the pacing chart you have and has all the trappings of a good story like conflicting motivations,betrayal, failure, loss, redemption and intimidating composed bad guys.

That structure is ruined by them not utilizing any of the rich setting and making campy quippy dialog overpower and development of the cast or the plot even to the point of taking the gravity of the core plots conclusion and just quipping it off to credits.

Loose ends everywhere and there's an after credits scene that reveals a secret that will give context to what all the mystery updates on the roadmap are likely about.

Then you're not the main character* any more (your famous tho) and you unlock a bunch of content to play in Tarsis and the game world.

TL;DR Good setting, bad execution from whoever paced the scenes. Annoying side characters (mostly) too much telling and not enough showing. The plot continues after the credits with a big implication. Its like a marvel movie with no charm or finesse and too much happens off screen.

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>have to drag haluk away from what would be his death
>he apparently resents you for it
>you meet him again and he is openly hostile and resentful, but you're forced to work together
>cool, they're going to have some interesting and underdone character interaction for a change
>next conversation in tarsis he says let's just be a clean slate, and they proceed to act like there was never any conflict

God DAMMIT Bioware, you were THIS close to having another decent character arc.

You guys sure love to talk about this cashgrab eh

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Haluk was decent but they were just so hot and cold about everything. Its like every fucking dialog choice was paragon or renegade

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>wanting to replay this garbage

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There were 11th Century British peasants with better Quality of Life than this game has.

>Its like every fucking dialog choice was paragon or renegade
Fuck, I knew something was bugging me about these dialogue choices

Yknow the gameplay loop, graphics and game itself is pretty good. Whats garbage is the pacing and disjointed presentation of the world.

To call this a scam would be juvenile. It's just an example of production hell.

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Feels like the core gameplay is alright but things like bugs and lack of content really hold it back.

It's a shame really. This is the first looter shooter I'm actually interested in.

the fuck is that from?

the "gameplay loop" of anthem is bad, nothing different ever happens

Yeah I got them with my 2080 as well. At this point I just want the DLSS patch to come out for Anthem so I can test out the feature. Game runs like butt on my 2080 any way. I thought I could get 60 fps at 4k if I turned down settings but I'm nowhere near it.

is that Olivia from Bolivia?

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What do you get on ultra at 1080p? During the initial tutorial I was getting like 140-150fps, but since then I'm barely hitting 50-60 in any session.

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Its not a bad game on a fundamental level. If you miss armored core fast mechs you'll probably like this. The layering of equipment slots and items for crazy min max builds is not in bad form here.

Just be prepared for a high production value poorly written narrative to go along with it.

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ok im like 100% positive that this is just Yea Forums trolling

But then again i know people who support Fallout 76

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I've only tried lesser resolutions in town to compare. I have my fps capped to 60 because that's all my monitor is, but at 1080p I was getting dips well below 60 in the fort. It's ridiculous. and at 4k it'll dip down to almost 30.

>Fallout 4
>Ass Creed Odyssey

what a pleb

The game really needs to tell people who it's mechanics work, The fact that to get combos I have to punch people and then throw my grenade or my rocket to do any real damage kinda bugs me. Because it seems to have a much higher focus on these mechanics then it does shooting at any given point. As to kill 1 enemy on hard at level 8 with my gun I have to drop 2 charged shotgun shots, or 7 rounds of my carbine. But if I punch the fucker and throw a sticky on him I can kill like 3 dudes in the area around him in about 2 seconds.

nah this guy was an EA marketer from EA's game changer. Reddit outed the faggot

Go look on shill central for yourself, it’s quite funny

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Forgot to mention the tutorial area ran way better than the main map for me also. I'm guessing it's a vertical slice of the world isolated by itself and doesn't run nearly as much shit. I was almost locked at 4k/60 there, but way way less out in the main game.

Its from escape from Tarkov's model viewer

I wouldn't say that.
Its got more mission variety than warframe did for years. The game also has some punishing difficulty for people with nads.

Time will tell if they can do the monster hunter thing and update with engaging new content and expand the setting.

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O/U: """Bioware""" will be killed by EA in one year

Funnily enough those three 70s contrasting with the lower ratings make me more hype than any amount of 100s and 90s some games have been receiving lately.

Personally I like the joy in discovery. When nobody knows yet and the meta evolves with player experience.

At level 8 you probably haven't seen much of the gear you can mix and match. Remember, its a sleeper mech game so your ordinance is going to be more influential than your gun until you unlock more slots for items. Then you can min max to your hearts content.

I did 27350 damage with a sniper at lvl 18 for reference. stacking damage through affixes on my gear.

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It needs a lot of polish, and has a fuck load of bugs. Could it be good? fucking sure it could, but it needs Division levels of 4.0 patches worth of attention to get there.

Well, I'm dedicating some time to it, all of my friends are shitting on it. But I've spent a lot of time in all sorts of loot games since I discovered them on PSO1/2.

>Its got more mission variety than warframe did for years.

wasnt warframe free

i have seen zero mission variety yet
>go place kill thing