Is it dying?

Is it dying?

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To be fair kill yourself

>caring about twitch eceleb viewercount niggerfaggotry instead of just playing the game
gill yourself my man
also fuck jannies

twitch viewership =/= playerbase
you also have to be 18+ to post here

Some of the big streamers aren't streaming it tonight as well as there's more games then just battle royales

>Caring about battle royales
>Caring about people who watch other people play games
Boy howdy I sure do fucking hate the future.

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Get woke go broke

This, fuck yourself OP

twitter and twitch number threads should be a 30 day ban

Apex's battlepass is going to be the defining moment for if it can compete in the long term. If EA fucks everything up with overpricing and filling the pass with garbage so they can put all the good skins in lootboxes they will end up killing the game. Especially when fortnite is just giving their pass away for free.

>top view count apex player is a spic
well that explains that

if ecelebs aren't vidya then neither is streaming

Metacritic,Twitter, and Twitch Viewer threads deserve a non-negotiable day long ban

Pretty much

When does the battle pass release? Shroud said this Friday.

Fortnite's revenue was down 50% in January and that was before Apex Legends punched it in the balls. February will probably be for them.
They still make enough money that I can't really call it dying.
At the same time the revenue drop and Apex Legends stealing their players has Epic begging people to come back to Fortnite and offering free battle passes.
Hurting seems accurate.

Ape Legend is over

>apexniggers will defend this

Attached: apex-hitboxes.png (1047x1079, 604K)

>characters have different hitboxes but same health
>the same scope will zoom in differently on different weapons
>headbobbing you can't turn off
>reticule moves constantly instead of staying still like 99% of other shooters
>wingman and peacekeeper are the only guns worth using
>grenade spam
honeymoon phase is over and now everyone is seeing that Respawn can not balance a game for the third time in a row

Respawn really needs to start communicating shit. If they think they can stay silent for months the game isn't going to last long.

No you idiot, hes 140% larger because hes more than twice as large

How could you explain it in your post and still get it fucking wrong

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What the fuck are you talking about? The numbers are literally right there.

>Being 100% LARGER would be double the size
Right, and last time I fucking checked, 79 is over 100% LARGER than 33

lmao he deleted his post when he realized he was stupid


Bu bu bu bu but the EA shills 12 hours ago told me that Cuckpex was on the up and up

Attached: based apex saving vidya.png (999x324, 489K)

The playerbase will obviously drop even more and will stay at a relatively alive state for some time thats for sure unless they will keep shitting on games balance and stuff like that. Also Fortnite will win always and theres one massive reason for that - poorfags. Apex needs relatively good hardware to be enjoyable meanwhile Fortnite runs at like fucking everything. People actually dont realize how big audience with shit PCs/hardware is and thats a reason why shit ton of old as fuck games(especially on PC) have bigger communities and playerbases than some titles released past few years.

We're talking about Twitch viewerbase, not palyerbase.

Apex's monetization is also real fucking bad. All the cosmetics they have are terrible and overpriced and also have lootboxes like overwatch but you only get 45 of them total instead of a free one every level like overwatch. People want some kind of reward for playing and are waiting and hoping for the battlepass to fix that but we have no idea how hard EA is going to fuck with it. Meanwhile Fortnite's monetization is really good since you can literally generate infinite battlepasses after you buy one of them and now they are giving out a free pass so you don't even need to buy the first one.

Apex has a lot of problems that people are expecting to be sorted out eventually but there are no actual hints if things will get fixed because they refuse to discuss anything. In realty they are still owned by EA and there is the possibility that things will just get worse since EA likes to burn everything they own to the ground.

Who gives a shit about some streaming faggots? It doesnt show how healthy game is at all especially how companies tend to pay for streamers. CS:GO has like 10k viewers at best even tho it has 300k players daily lmao. If anything it shows what fanbase is more autistic since instead of playing the game themselves they just watch it.

I'm sorry, I just saw the 40% difference and didn't realize it was referring to total mass and not just HEIGHT. My bad :(

Yea Forums does. Don't like it? Don't click the thread. Don't respond.


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is it going to make it...?

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Yes, battle royale is dead, we are witnessing the second age of fighting games.

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Fortnite and Apex are going to be the Duopoly, BIG TWO, the DC and Marvel, of Battle Royal

Apex's has a big problem, it crashes like crazy.

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It was fun for a week but it got stale fast even fortnite is more engaging

>half the top Black Ops 4 streams have #ad in the title

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wow what a credible guess

for once i agree with this epic faggot

why are they paying to advertise a game they're no longer updating

based fortnite dev

APEX could've been THE battle Royale if it had the mobility options present in TF/TF2 (double jumps, wall running, etc) but nope, had to make it as sterile as possible. Good job EA.

It's usually much lower than the player base because most of those viewers are bots.

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The battlepass and the first big patch is going to be the defining moment.

The top BRs hinge on whether 2 or 3 guys who happen to be streaming at any given time, and right now they're all playing BLOPs 4.

Ain't that guy an Epic shill?

Can't even get a full squad anymore

>it's only lower at the moment because the big streamers who would otherwise be streaming Apex are being paid to play the new Blops 4 content
>season 1 starting in a few days so it will jump again

Is he going to admit he was wrong?

Right now I prefer apex over fortnite. As for streamer views, who cares? If you like something then play it. There's no need to be competitive over games and trying to manipulate others into liking or disliking something.

I kind of agree with him. It's difficult to compete with Epic's aggressive update schedule, and Fortnite offers game modes that arn't BR.

>Epic shill admitting their competitor has legs


he is employed by epic games and was spying (lol) on steam

The fortnite season starts in a few days too. We also have no idea if EA will completely fuck up the season to maximize profits.

I'm saying that his tweet is clearly implying that the game would not be in the same league as Fortnite at the end of the month and yet we're two days from the end of the month and it is. It's close enough that it hinges on whether the big streamers for each game happen to be streaming at any given moment or whether there is a tournament going on.

I'm a 4-year shroud sub. I follow what he plays because he knows what's best. you just suck at the game.

ebin bait friend

It's Tuesday night. Which is PUBGs weekly maintenance scheduled break. PUBG might not be the top dog it once was but it's doing fine both financially and player base.

In the same way an infant is technically dying because oneday he will die.
What a stupid thread, both games are healthy and will bleed their playerbase eventually and are currently massive successes even if they're shit.