you're told to make a game and even if it flops you'll be paid handsomely, however, the game has to be based around your fetish and nothing sexual, not even inuendos are allowed. how do you do it?
You're told to make a game and even if it flops you'll be paid handsomely, however...
Other urls found in this thread:
I have a girl fetish, so I think I'll be fine
Leon wears this outfit and this is X's instant death grab
Easy, all the characters are crossdressing boys. They never have sex or kiss but they wear cute clothes.
Impregnation could be put into a non-sexual game.
Make it about fatherhood or something with scenes depicting what lead up to the fading out that was the conception of each child. Like a short dating/romance cutscene, then you have a game about taking care of various children.
non-gay furry, i don't see the problem, just slap some Renamon, gardevoir, lopunny, shit like that and it'll be Yea Forums favorite game no matter what
on topic
>belly stuffing (Not weight gain)
i dont think it would even be a game unless you eat the enemies cooked corpses for boosts i guess?
all of the female characters have tops with sleeves but an open armpit and the game also has sweat generation on the character models
every female character has a midriff revealing outfit
Sounds a bit ADOM. You can eat food for bonuses, and if you eat too much too quickly, you suffer a speed penalty until you burn through it.
Make a Wonder Woman game
t. guy who invented the polygraph
>no innuendos
How's that?
Really? I knew he was a psychologist, but I had no idea he made a lie detector.
depends what you consider sexual,
because a bare midriff is all I need
It takes literally all of my self control not to talk about William Moulton Marston every time a polygraph administrator asks me what I know about the polygraph.
All the girls are barefoot, easy.
Perhaps you should. They might be impressed.
Every female is wearing a crop top and they have a slightly toned belly
I'd make a small guess the character just by looking at their armpits game. It would take thousands upon thousands of female characters from across vydia, and you'll have to guess whose armpit is being shown. Once you guess right the game will show you a profile of the waifu, and lead you to their games. It'll be promotional stuff, so thats how I cover IP issues and stuff.
You're all right dont come to school tomorrow
not very subtle
They wouldn't be. Just like they hate the fact that the book "How To Beat The Polygraph" exists.
A game where you power up by eating. You fight by bumping into things with your fat belly. If you get hit, you get thinner. You gain muscle as well as fat so you can still move around fairly quickly the better you play.
>however, the game has to be based around your fetish and nothing sexual,
Someone already beat me to it so I guess I'm just making a sequel.
How often do you speak to polygraph administrators, user?
Used to be annually, but it's biannually now.
Why is that, user?
All the characters are big titty dark elves. The rest of the game can be literally anything else.
Because it's required for my job.
my brothers
new full HD kirby for switch
take a wild fucking guess what the fetish is
I enjoy teens getting coerced into things by old men so I guess it would be an episode of Totally Spies: The Game
Findom is hardly sexual without context so I'm taking the easy route, suckas.
That's a lot of fetishes, user.
You play as a bottom-heavy female whose main form of attack is sitting on her enemies. Like Mario's Ground Pound.
too obvious user
I guess like God of war but with an older less clothed Atreus
Make a standard typical medieval game except everyone happens to be a monstergirl.
Also have throwaway lore about how they're all hermaphrodites.
>nothing sexual
uuuh bros?
i am literally learning programming to make it a reality
I make Fire Emblem Fates
I literally can't, keep the money I guess
>make it third-person
>your stomach is an inventory pouch
>you sweat, whimper and look exhausted as you get closer to your max carry limit
Mmm, the thought of a "You are over-encumbered." message being shown.
Hell yeah, just make a straight-up castelvania homage game. Nobody will ever know it's a fetish game.
Male weight gain/belly play
Would make it a sumo westler manager type game where you recruit men that want to be sumos and help them succeed in their careers.
The lead material would be purely fan made, so a win-win.
MC is recruited/kidnapped by a female demon lord specifically so that she can use his rare precognitive power as an early warning system against attacks from rivals. Gameplay is a mixture of puzzle and tactics RPG wherein you use your hints about the future to ensure that your lady's castle is prepared to ward off invasions. Between mission segments focus on castle-building, hanging out with your lady, and receiving headpats.
i have similar fetish. Basically any cute girl getting coerced into doing the dirty with a guy who isnt her boyfriend. Bonus points if the boyfriend finds out and has a meltdown over it. I take points away if the boyfriend is into it though, that cuck shit is creepy.
You play as a dragon in a hi tech modern world where everyone wants your hide for various reasons.
Survival based gameplay and story where enemies will sometimes try to kill you and sometimes try to capture you to dissect you for science.
You're obviously very capable of fending off attackers (being a large fire breathing monster) but poachers will try to hunt you down for your horns and shit, rich oil barons might want to keep you as an exotic pet or mount your head on their mantle, and you'll occasionally have to escape from high security area-51 type locations.
While dodging SAMs and fighting off attack helicopters and troops armed with heavy weaponry you can lose limbs and suffer battle scars, but you also get stats and skills to choose from to help defend yourself in different ways.
You'd like Panzer Dragoon.
I've heard of that one, don't you play as a guy who just transforms into a dragon every now and again? Not a huge fan of that trope.
Jaded and wealthy twins, brother and sister, run a small crime syndicate for fun because they are so far removed from the plight of the common people that such a thing is just a game to them. They step too far into literal and figurative territories they should have left alone and are attacked and held captive in their home.
Whichever twin you don't choose to play as is mishandled roughly and killed in front of you, though with the help of a subordinate's timely arrival you are able to turn on and kill your captives. There is little time to mourn the passing of a sibling who was every bit a part of you as you realize the gravity of the situation you have found yourself in and the very real consequences of your meddling. You take the helm of your gang of thugs and ne'er-do-wells to set in motion your revenge and, just as importantly, cover your tracks and shadowy connections which mark you as a criminal to authorities even higher than your rival gangs.
I imagine it cyberpunk, but it could take place in any timeline.
>dolcett game
This won't piss off parents
Sure. It's an action game that takes some inspiration from Silent Bomber from the PS1. Your regular attacks are melee, however your special ability is to hack enemies and turn them into living bombs that you can then use; they can follow you around and act as helpers and you can command them to go places, attack enemies and blow up (a bit like Pikmin or Lemmings). You can have different types of bombs (regular explosive, napalm, EMP, bombs full of sticky foam that trap other enemies, etc); bomb power depends on how tough the enemies are. You can get bonus points/damage by chaining bombs/explosions together. All the enemies are different kinds of cute robot/clone girls.
No, there are multiple games with different mechanics for each one. Most are rail shooters.
The gameplay is built around the story that humanity nearly killed itself in its last war and the war engines they created from extremely advanced ships, drones and weapons to genetically created monsters like dragons are running amok. The world is controlled by some kind of system called the Sestren Data Circuit that seeks to restore the ecological balance of the planet , record its history and resurrect ancient humans being held in stasis by creating more monsters and culling mutants.
Most games involve a protagonist coming into contact with "the legendary dragon" who is essentially a "divine visitor" (the player) who is seeking to free humanity from the will of the ancient humans and their drones.
Panzer Dragoon Saga is a turn-based action RPG, Orta is a rail shooter. The rider is a drone-hybrid in Orta that can ride the dragon which can change modes between speed, balanced and heavy for different attack types, speed and agility.