How can someone actually consider this overrated piece of shit good?

How can someone actually consider this overrated piece of shit good?

Attached: The Last of Us Remastered.png (665x830, 417K)

Other urls found in this thread:

play on survivor difficulty

It appeals to the normie crowd by being mostly a movie. People who don't play videogames but want to pretend they do gobble up this sort of shit because it's emotionally manipulative, and almost devoid of gameplay.

it's the silent hill 2 of this generation
pretentious, empty shit that pretends to be deep and cool and therefore a videogame that's somehow not a waste of time

Silent Hill 2 is actually a well written masterpiece, TLOU is objectively garbage

>t. oblivious boomer

The gunplay its fun, specially in multiplayer

but user, i play all sorts of games across all platforms besides mobile and nintendo stuff and i love it - great multiplayer except when fighting wifi warriors

Yea Forums hates it because it's good earned all the rewards it got and it pisses Yea Forums off so much to see something good. Never listen to Yea Forums you all can get fucked by a group of niggers and i would die laughing at your losers faggots LOL.

It's not a masterpiece but I enjoyed it. At least 7/10. It's not either of the extremes, poop or solid gold

> Yea Forums hates it because it's popular
Literally not an argument when this board circlejerks these 24/7. TLOU is just Shit

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>a well written masterpiece

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We're talking about the public in general, not you. Nobody's ever talking about you.

>Point proven
Eat a bowl of dicks LOL

Just mad.

Yea Forums loves Undertale now, they have no problem with circlejerking popular games. They just hate boring pieces of shit with no redeeming value like Uncharted , Red Dead 2 & TLOU

I don't get it either. And Jak and Daxter and the Crash games are some of my favourite games. WTF happened to Naughty Dog? They haven't made a fun game since Jak 3. TLoU is one of the shittiest games i've ever played

>>a well written masterpiece

Attached: jerome-lejeune-foundation-body-builder-down-syndrome.jpg (768x384, 49K)


>Still mad

Keep Seething

It's a flask i know.

Attached: Seething.png (591x54, 4K)

All game reviews are dodgy lies.

It's horribly written user. Nobody is mad except you.
The dialogue is hilariously bad, hilariously acted, and James is willfully stupid to the point of comedy even for a delusional person. It's almost hard to believe it plays for drama when it's so unknowingly funny.

tasteless plebs made the uncharted series more popular than it ever deserved to be and convinced naughty dog that people didn't want any more games like jak.


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I guess this is what I'd resort to save face if I had 70IQ and nonironically thought SH2 was a """""masterpiece""""", and was btfo.


Why was the other thread deleted?

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Multiplayer was unexpectedly great and the best of its kind, shit on anything released around that time.

Because even the mods know the game is good and it made them upset.

>btfo with no response
stay mad, stay free and never forget:
>Silent Hill 2 is terribly written

NPC is a banned Term, if it was called Normal fag it would still be up

I don't need for cunt faggots such as yourself FAGGOT HAHAHA STAY MAD HAVE A STROKE PLEASE DIE OFF!

Shut the fuck up retard

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UC isn’t bad series though. The only medicore game was 3. I forgive 1 because it was ND testing with new game design and it has decent story and characters. UC2 was revolutionary for its time and still hold up today. It just doesn’t stand out due to genre saturation now.

I never seen any "gameplay" of this so-called "game". How bad does it look?

Uncharted 3 and 4 are garbage. I don't get their popularity

The basic gameplay plays similar to Resident Evil 4 and Dead Space, so I enjoyed it. The story is pretty mediocre though. People obviously praise it more for it's execution of the story and not so much the story itself.

4 is the most mechanically refined of the series but the story and characters were really forgettable with few good moment. PvP MP could have been fun but got fucked by progression/gacha BS system. Co-op missions were good though. It didn’t deserve 10/10 but I still would give it 8.5/10. 3 was shit both story and game mechanic but I never played the MP so I can’t fully judge it.