It's a bubble
>stone "bitcoin isn't a bubble" toss
I didn't realize intelfags were dumb enough to exist after getting BTFO so many times
*holds up 7700k*
delid this intel babby
Stonetoss is the Justin Bieber of webcomics.
Fuck you for making me laugh at this shit
What the fuck is this even trying to say?
Why is shmorky so obsessed with the gay cake?
Because it means the government is telling private businesses what they can and can’t do, and that’s bad.
Unless the private businesses are trying to refuse service to me, in which case it’s good.
I'm gonna do it
I'm gonna post the B-word
Ironically the gay cake guy actually got punished.
I wonder how white people will twist it to shill for Google and Paypal and pretend that they shouldn't also be punished.
It's a bit different when the private business effectively has a monopoly
>there's only one place to watch videos on the internet
i grinned
I am 100% sure it is Stonetoss himself shilling these, does anyone doubt that he browses
oh no no nono
>stone "my hypothetical girlfriend was aborted/fucked someone else before marriage and got pregnant" toss
Oh, really now? Name another video site that gives as much exposure as youtube does. I said "Effectively" you waste of oxygen.
>The biggest international video platform to ever exist is the same as a cake shop
I unironically like his strips.
Don't know why Yea Forums spergs every time someone psots them
No, a public business who benefits from public social programs to help keep his business afloat should not discriminate based on an uncontrollable thing like sexual orintation/race/etc.
I see you're handling your ban from Twitter well, Jacob
I don't get it.
You don't get to pussyfoot around something with as firm meaning as monopoly.
because he's right
By that logic everything can be a monoply.
You should google ''public business'' because I'm pretty sure it doesn't mean what you think it means
fuck off Stonetoss
stop spamming your retarded comics here dumbfuck
>Rock Throw
What gay cake guy? The most famous case I'm aware of was the one in Colorado that went all the way to the supreme court and he won. The supreme court told the faggot couple who was crying that they can fuck off to another bake shop and that the owner was free to refuse baking them a cake.
Did they discriminate based on a uncontrollable thing like sexual orientation or race?
except I believe I just did, youtube has a very, very large percentage of marketshare and userbase of video upload sites. While it's not a by-the-books monopoly, The competition is irrelevant enough to draw comparisons.
Doesn’t matter, the state shouldn’t tell them what to do.
Don’t like it, get another video site.
It doesn't matter if it's controllable or not, by this logic you can't prevent pedophiles from working with children because it's an uncontrollable urge.
White people are fucking stupid.
A business who serves the public is a public business. The term private business is misused and very few things qualify as one.
Lol you're clueless. I suppose you've never heard of a website called Facebook?
Not the best right-wing comics, but not too bad.
I do disagree on a lot of things, though, but that’s to be expected.
>Implying fags don't choose to be degenerate
>faggots are gonna hand me cunny on a silver platter before 2024
Hi stonetoss
>uncontrollable thing like sexual orintation
when did they discover the gay gene again?
its a fucking joke how long that case went on. I was in highschool when i first heard about it.
glad the supreme court sided right
If you treat a currency as a stock, all it can ever be is a bubble. Stocks are bought and traded on a perspective value. Currency is representative of value. Buying and trading on the perspective value of value is artificial. If you can't spend it on anything, there's no "out", there's no way to determine its value.
Yea Forums hates anything that's "annoying" or "liked by annoying people".
Every business that doesn't exclusively cater to a single client (like the military) serves the general public. I once again invite you to google what a public business actually is. A random bakery isn't one, but google sure as shit is (IIRC)
Difference is being a pedophile makes you a danger to children who are other humans, being gay or black doesn’t make you a danger to other you absolute toad.
End of fiat currency when?!
>I suppose you've never heard of a website that regularly censors its userbase to the point where there are articles written about how all the people they pay to censor stuff get "trauma" from it
>A business who serves the public is a public business.
No it isn't. Public vs Private has to do with whom they're allowed to trade shares with. It has shitall to do with which consumers the business is accessible to.
why does stonetoss make Yea Forums seethe so much?
its just a dumb webcomic
This is actually funnier then a lot of shit posted here desu.
When did they discover that orientation is all environmental and not at all heritable?
>ad hominem
not an argument.
The same time they discovered the straight gene.
Being homo makes you just as much a danger to other men, as being pedo makes you to children.
Buttcoins were unironically a bubble though
Still not a monopoly dumb shit. Now fuck off with your goalposts and pick up a dictionary
This is his best one
No, being a child molester is what makes you a danger to children.
Again, white people are fucking retarded.
By that logic men and women shouldn't work together because every man is a potential rapist.
Hell, by that logic large gay men shouldn't work with men who are smaller than them because they're ALSO potential rapists.
Does being a straight male make you a danger to women?
He "won" because the prosecutor said blatantly anti christian things, enough to the point where he could easily say they were being discriminatory (they were)
that is the only reason it was thrown out. Now some fat dyke is starting it again by trying to force him to make a "gender confirmation" cake. He refused and its happening yet again.
pretty much right on the nail here.
This is why you keep your businesses privately owned if possible. How many otherwise good companies have been fucked due to public trading changing leadership / buyouts?
>Being homo makes you just as much a danger to other men
I never thought I'd see Yea Forums embrace the feminist "all men are natural rapists" mantra.
The right can’t meme.
Despite being only 13% of the population...
>logic only applies when I want it
Just as brain dead as the trannies.
retards the court dodged the issue and ruled in favor of the baker on grounds of due process. they never made any opinion on whether a business actually has the right to deny service
>prager isnt ok
>elsagate shit is
>unironically defending facebook, a company that openly states it sells you information,
Clearly. More sexual harassment cases between straight men and women, than anything else.
Didn't he only win because he appealed to freedom of religion? I'm pretty sure if he was atheist he'd get sued.
>he thinks public business is the same as publicly list company.
I guess when a store puts an open to the public sign up you can go buy some fucking stocks.
>being gay or black doesn’t make you a danger
Being gay and having the gay sex gives you higher chance to spread stds and blacks are a tiny minority that are responsible for the majority of violent crimes though
There's nothing wrong with fiat currency. Non-fiat currency is also susceptible to market disruptions.
Yes, that's what I was trying to say. It was all speculative and you couldn't buy anything with it.
oh for fucks sake.
At that point i wouldent blame him for saying 'fuck it' and moving shop
Other way around. As in neither the gays or the pedos are a danger in themselves.
don't you get it? we NEED to hate everything liked by /pol/
>literally changing one word
Do you even know the difference between public and private you fucking mongoloid?
it wouldn't matter if he moved, this fat dyke tranny thing would track him down and do it again because they are mentally ill
>”Learn Colors Online!”
>get gore
>“Learn History Online!”
>get creationism
PragerU is Elsagate for adults.
Nether of those statment disputed the quote
way to out yourself, reddit
Feels like we've done that before, can't quite put my finger on it...
who cares? it's their company and they can do whatever they want with it. you can't just force them to serve everyone they don't want to serve
meh my issue with fiat is it has no real value.
Even iron coins would have an intrinsic value. Perhaps not a much as it would be represented as, but still something.
>blacks are a tiny minority that are responsible for the majority of violent crimes
They're also responsible for the majority of HIV infections. HIV rates among straight blacks are actually higher than they are among non-black gays, and black gays are the highest single group, like literally half, 1 out of 2 black gay men have it. Shit's insane.
>gays are walking biohazards and blacks are violent apes
>lol they aren't a danger tho
Atheists are a protected class.
Yes, a public business is one that is open to anyone to partake in transactions, while a private business is not.
Based abs man joining his brothers to mock feet
Why do you guys unironically hate stonetoss?
I do too, sometimes he's wrong, sometimes he's right, but that upsets Resetera since if he's wrong once, he's always wrong.
>real dolls still on sale
>thinking women would let men have an option in the market of pussy
Unrealistic feminist cyberpunk dystopia, 2/10, come on stonetoss you can do better than that.
>retardtoss spamming his shit comics here again
get a fucking job dumbfuck
Based and redpilled
>White people get a front row seat to all the ways rampant degeneracy fucks up an entire community
>Go on to repeat the exact same mistakes that we did
And that's when I realized that white supremacy is bullshit.
As it turns out, the true master race are the kikes.
God I love this game so much. Timeless beautiful art.
Most things are. Where have you been for the last 600 years?
shit needs to be overturned
government in general needs to be trimmed up