Name a single WRPG that has a choices and consequences system that can even come close to this game.
JRPGs won
i wanna fug the princess
crash bandicoot
Your life.
Jesus Christ look at that fuckin forehead
ive played long live the queen, how is this in comparison?
What game?
THe better to cum on
>"heh this will be a quaint game to pass the time"
>two in-game weeks later my schedule is already falling apart because I'm trying to make time for everything and failing
Princess Maker 2, it's pretty fun if you're into the idea of making schedules and improving little by little in the things you do. It has the same runescape itch for me, personally.
I actually downloaded a DOS emulator on my phone just so i could play it.
How is princess maker a JRPG?
Made by the same people as Evangelion
JRPGs don't even have a choice and consequence system like this. Princess Maker and an anomaly, it's like using Dwarf Fortress as a barometer that town builders are measured to.
I love this game
Besides the raising sim there's an exploration and dungeon crawling segment with equips, levels and stats.
The uncensored version with the naked cheat code.
>not marrying your daughterfu
I haven't played PM2 in a long time, but I'm 100% sure you're overstating that "RPG" aspects. It's like saying Recettear is a JRPG, when it's clearly not the focus.
are the other games in the series as comfy as 2?
why not? she have a ton of status to improve, you're roleplaying as her father and theres even dungeons and bosses in the game, just because combat is optional doesn't means its not an rpg
yeah, 1 and 3
can you marry your daughter on 3?
So is this game actually good or is more of an autism simulator?
Yes to both.
Its not that complex, i actually wish it was more, but its very comfy. Also get the dos version
Fucking I don't have that much tism tbqh I guess I'll see how long I can last
of course you can, it's princess maker!
Autism Simulator. Whether it's good or not is up to the individual.
Basic gameplay involves setting up a monthly schedule for your daughter and then watching her stats fluctuate with the occasional event here and there. Basically like a business management sim but with raising a daughter.
You take a more active role if you send your daughter out adventuring, where it plays more like an actual JRPG but that's about it.
It's really good like Long Live the Queen but way more in depth.
You plan out her weeks and go for one of over a dozen different career endings.
Do you need an emulator to play it?
I seriously hate dosbox
Should I get the steam version?
Very different. This doesn't have a bunch of bad ends that can only be avoided by focusing on specific stats to raise. Instead, you can basically go about doing whatever you want and eventually the game ends when she reaches 18 years old. You can get a "bad" end at that point, but you don't really get a game over unless you treat her poorly, which is kind of difficult to do on accident since the game tells you if you're doing it wrong.
You could play the remake but it's heavily censored.
>lizzie shinkicker
All but the fourth game are available on Steam in English, so you can probably find a cracked version. They are all compatible with newer versions of Windows. Not sure if it was XP or 7 that was the cutoff.
>Can make her overweight
>Barely any visual difference
I was greatly disappointed. My daughter also didn't get the hang of anything besides farming. Guess that's what happens when you're raised by a Kansan.
i think the only difference is that the old one is pixel art, which i think looks way better
Being overweight affects her growth, so if she's fat, then she'll get higher numbers for her measurements somewhat permanently.
Don't forget the censorship
Long live the queen
>can alter her bust
>there's an actual visual difference
Japs know what's important.
The only censorship that I remember was the removal of the nude cheat, but she still appears semi-naked as a kid when you take summer vacations.
Is princess maker 5 good or should I just buy 2 instead since most of the time I only hear about 2
It's not an rpg, it's a raising sim with a dungeon crawler bit that's practically a minigame and can be ignored entirely.
>two in-game weeks later
So literally 20 seconds after the game starts?
>Sin stat
>Sensitivity stat
is there porn in this game?
can you fug her?
1 and 2 have a fun adventure system where you go around areas fighting stuff, but 3 and 5 have more expanded raising parts, 5 especially. I haven't played that one yet, but it seemed pretty detailed about where you can go, who you can talk to, and other stuff like that.
>over a dozen
more like 74
Sin is how much she's brutally killed/how many times she's gone drinking with Satan in the desert.
Sensitivity is how much of a fucking hippie she is.
It doesn't show anything, but yes, you can marry your daughter. Your demon butler can also marry your daughter if she hangs out too much with him.
>no porn
then what even is the point?
Fun. Just try it out.
There's no outright porn, but there are several scenarios where it's implied. Plus there's a fair bit of art where you see women or even your daughter in the nude.
What was censored?
There's a whole genre of Princess Maker-ish games but nobody in Japan calls them RPGs.
nobody calls dwarf fortress a RPG either, but it is (adventure mode, anyways)
jesus christ that's ugly as fuck
Here, have some future police woman training sim to wash your eyes
For some reason I misremembered, thinking you were able to plan out individual days instead of entire chunks of each month. So it was probably two years I was recalling.
Much better, thank you.
got 3 and 5 on steam, seem good but the translations and font choices are such utter dogshit they border on unplayable. 2 on steam has some questionable localization choices but they aren't game breakers.
I'm gonna try and do this. Somehow my Infinite Space save file got corrupted so I've been looking for other games to emulate on my phone.
i suddenly want this game
Is this translated?
Looks cute
>I seriously hate dosbox
Use Dfend.
Am I the only one who didn’t like long live the queen?
>Barely any visual difference
She gets visibly fat though.
is that a map of three kingdom china?
>WRPG that has a choices and consequences system
People who actually know shit already acknowledge that Japanese games at their best offer more extensive C&C than western games generally do.
I think the only games in this genre ever translated are Princess Maker series and Graduation II
How many of these games are things that could actually be played by a young girl who was into princesses?
I have PM1 and PM2 on steam.
Should I play PM1 first?
I told you faggot, play Arma 2.
PM1 is pretty archaic when compared to it's sequels. It's like Sim City compared to 2000. You could probably just skip it, but if you do play it just know that the sequels have a much more complex system. PM1 does have the most loli nudes though.
I'm guessing those aren't in the Steam version.
What's wrong with her faaaaace
>playing the soulless remake
They are.
So, the game HANDHOLDS you the whole time, that's lewd.
I want to play every games in this genre that are translated
PM1/2/3 and Graduation 1 and 2 are the only translated one?
>virgin dream
what is this about
it doesn't really handhold you.
I wouldn't say that. Your butler just says a small thing that you shouldn't pamper your kid too much or else she'll start hanging out with the wrong crowd or be rude to you. If you pamper her too much, then that actually happens and your daughter ends up as a common whore instead of the demon queen that she could have been.
PM5 as well. I think the Slave Trainer games might also fall under this category, but they're porn. That one NIS game, something Trillion, was also said to be similar to PM.
I'm fine with porn games as long as the gameplay is good
ty a lot user! going to try them all out
What is the psychology behind that? Is pampering wrong to do as a parent? I always thought the lack of attention is what makes the kids do crazy shit.
>what is this about
Manage a girl who wants to go into show business
If you pamper too much they become spoiled and don't learn anything of value from you.
this pic just made me realize that i don't want a daugther
Or if you push her too hard and she runs away from home.
Well, it's like having everything handed to you on a silver platter. Eventually the kid's going to start taking things for granted and acting all haughty and full of themself, treating those around her like shit.
>Want to play PM5
>TLwiki is ded forever and cant dl the patch
>Steam version is a buggy mess with bad translation
It's not fair
But.. is it porn? I mean, a title like that..
>Parenting is boss level hard
No wonder we got some many shitforbrains roaming the streets. We really need an parenting license or something soon seeing as we are becoming overpopulated.
That's kind of a shock.
Didn't Valve just ban a game over having loli in it? I know they allow eroge without any need for a patch, but I'm just surprised since the girl's age is explicitly stated.
I imagine a game as old as Princess Maker has mosaics, yeah?
Honestly, I'm not even a fan of loli, but it doesn't really bother me. I've been on Yea Forums too long.
Either way, I hate consuming a censored product.
Thanks for the info, user.
Its not the parenting is hard, just that people under-estimate the work involved.
Idol raising on Wonderswan!
Talk about misleading.
>Nice daughter you got there, would be a shame if something happened to her
Any story or endibg in this? Or we are just doing dress-up for 24/7?
Could just do what China does and tax people for having more than one? kid instead of giving them money for each extra kid like we in America do.
Any h-mods for this? Or any h-games with similar look/gameplay?
fuck off lady. i don't need to hear your shit
Princess Maker is maximum comfy. 2 is in my top 5 favorite games of all time.
>letting a bandit rape her will raise cube's affection a lot
You keep her alive and happy until she hits 18, then the game ends and you get an ending based on her stats and other factors, like accepting a marriage proposal from an NPC or going too hard into specific professions.
Princess Maker isn't eroge, so it might have flew under the radar for being technically non explicit. It also was released long before Steam allowed R-18 content. So I doubt anyone at Valve has looked at it since.
why these kind of games and actual sim-dates never get translated? they seem fun
Does her appearance change at all to reflect her age or it's permanent OP pic?
Good to know.
I'm sure all they show is a nipple here and there, either way, judging from your screenshot. They probably didn't even need mosaics.
I realized it wasn't an eroge; in fact, I didn't know it contained nudity at all.
It takes quite a bit of effort, especially for games on the scale of Princess Maker. There's a shitload of text in those games, so I'm surprised and very happy that they got all of the important ones translated. It would also help if someone could make a list of games in this genre so that translators looking for projects to work on could just pick some out of such a list every now and then.
I always made her fat when I was a kid.
No more than 10 people would play them
How much money you get for having extra kid in USA? Can you have a fulltime job fostering 10 children and earn a living?
She changes
She gets a new base sprite each yea on her birthday.
Only the first two games, to my knowledge, have nudity during vacations in the early years. After she starts developing secondary sexual characteristics, she covers up when swimming.
Her appearance changes.
yeah but there are vn that must be way longer than those games and get translated
No you can't, Bender.
Have you guys seen this brown loli?
Her appearance changes with each year. She also changes slightly if she is over or underweight, also if you give her the breast expansion pill but those are less noticeable.
That's comfortable level of non-explicit nudity.
Thanks for letting me know, user.
Only moege and chuunige got translated. This belong to neither.
True. I'm sure the Kiseki RPGs have a lot more text since people complained about translating those, but these games must have a good amount as well due to all of the events and endings you can get.
There's some naked monster girls in the adventure scenes, and some of the endings have nudity as well.
>some of the endings have nudity
Like the one where you fug her? Maybe I should get it then.
I didn't remember the endings that have nudity, but I am starting to remember the monstergirls in some encounters now. I guess some of the prostitute and similar endings could have bare breasts, but that's the most you see in these games.
You get 100 bucks in Sweden for each head. So if you get 7, that is 700 bucks. 400 bucks for food, bed and clothes, now you earn 300 bucks + 500 jobless bucks.
Plenty of sandnigg family do this, problem is, they dont spend time with their 7 animals, and they become real shitters later on.
The difference is people are paid to translate those.
I'm reading an article from 2015 that a family of three in Rhode Island state, with the parent earning $13 per hour, can still receive food stamps, heating assistance, housing assistance and other benefits that Cato values at $28,000.
The mistress for some rich guy ending in PM2 shows her naked in a bathtub with sideboob and nipple exposed. I can't remember if any other endings showed nipples, and I'm not sure if PM1 had any in the endings.
The older DOS versions of PM1 and PM2 also had a debug feature which made your daughter naked all the time, but I can't post that here.
why this hasn't been translated anyway?
Dwarf Fortress Adventure Mode and to a certain degree Fortress mode.
Should have linked the article
A lot of good games don't seem to get translated often enough because major translation companies seem to be too scared nowadays. It really sucks.
I might go play PM1 right now.
1-not even the Japanese call that game an RPG
2-it's not even the best game in the series, 5 does everything 2 does but better
3-Deus Ex
4-being a fanatic to either 'sides' of RPGs is denying yourself of some fantastic classics, and makes you unqualified to discuss them for lacking understanding of what makes them good
Does 5 have Adventure Mode or at least a good equivalent? That's one of the things I've been severely missing while playing through PM3.
That dude doesn't even remember all his past clients.
>get daughter to wear costume of daughter of other PM games
>he remarks `that looks familiar somehow`
yes it does, in fact some of the stages lead into entirely different areas with enough sensitivity stat and boss kill
There is BOSS battle?
ya rly
Oh baby, I have to hurry up and get through 3 so I can thoroughly enjoy 5 without the guilt of not having finished at least one playthrough of 3. it's well-made, but it's just lacking a bit of what I liked in 2.
3 and 4 are kind of out there
they made a robot girl raising sim on Dreamcast
I've only played the first one. Pic related was probably my favorite ending.
N64 had one too, though it was more of an adventure game. The first game on the SNES was better, but it stars a robot boy instead.
Ayanami raising
DC had some weird ass Japanese exclusive games. I wish people cared enough to translate them like they care for Playstation or SNES games.
Aegis simulator when?
Sure feels like over here.
Artbook where I pulled that page from if anyone's curious.
Long live the queen is princess trainer but better.
The dos version.
Raising sims are about as common as RTS these days
No but being a gainax game there's fanservice and lewd cheats for nude mode and bigger boobs in the DOS release.
But you won't do that to your daughter would you?
They announced a new Wizard's Harmony series game recently and it's a DRPG instead of a raising sim
not even close
Remember when TotalBiscuit played long live the queen and was too blind to figure out the mood system.
CRPGfag here and I... can't. It's over, JRPGchads win... I can't believe it, but JRPGChads win...
The breast expansion pill is in all versions. It isn't a cheat.
So, is this basically The Sims, but without any gameplay or AI?
He got a sticky when he died.
>Implying any Japanese game will ever come close to Dwarf Fortress, joking or not
It's the The Sims with gameplay and without AI.
There's an ending for that
Who here /glasscannondaughter/?
If you want to rack them bucks, make her a competent fighter and send her to the demon gate in the desert to destroy skellies.
>he hasnt played princess trainer gold
Because your priming your more fit daughter (who is supposed to be genetically on par with you because why would you impregnate someone who is worse than you) to successfully pass down your genes.
Sex is only pleasurable because evolution has needed us to encourage our bodies to procreate.
Fucking sheeple
Holy shit, your daughteru can lift a truck.
so a literal cavewoman?
Why is she so fucking sensitive?
Hell yeah.
I honestly can't tell if this is serious or not. I guess we do have mostly teenagers here, so it's probably sincere.
Don't knock it till you try it.
I'm sure plenty of people didn't like it. I'm not one of them, but I'm sure they exist.
I think it was because I had her do babysitting until I decided to make her be a fucking lumberjack.
Welcome to the family!
Why the fuck did he play it? He hated anime and waifushit with a passion.
his waifu made him play waifushit