

anyone know any good therapists

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For HRT?

is discord really full of trannies or is it judt another incel meme?

this may be me

Go read some denpa instead.

the meme isn't that discord is full of trannies, it's that there is a discord server full of trannies who coordinate shitposts on various boards

>getting distressed over DDLC
What a baby.

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I'd love to see OP's reaction after reading SubaHibi.

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ill go ahead and play that and keep you posted

i knew sayoris death was coming at that moment and it still made me cry

iLl bE fInE

Smith & Wesson

Just some advice for SubaHibi. Don't be discouraged from the first chapter. It's kind of bland and uninteresting but things start becoming more instresting in the second chapter. The third chapter, It's my own Invention, is kino.

ok, ill do that.
just wondering, will this game break me

if Doki Doki almost did you in then, yeah, probably

discord is full of everything, trannies, furries, incels, redditors, normal people, black people, everything


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and cute boys like MYSELF

>there are people that base their online identity on a 6/10 2 hour VN

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Subahibi gets way too bogged down in sucking its own quasi-philosophical dick waaaay too many times. Also gets caught up in being arbitrarily edgy for far too long.

It's full of everything, most Redditors use it too if that tells you everything

yeah, but that's like every piece of japanese media

It scared me and I was a little embarrassed. Don't worry it wasn't over the suicide scenes or anything because the memes made it too silly for me. But Monika herself I under estimated and just saw as a yandere who causes glitches at first, that part where you pick between yuri and natsuki and each time you picked it would zoom in and ask again made me really unhappy, I wanted to turn it off.

in that case you understood it wrong

monika is best girl
sayori is adorable
natsuki's a bitch who is kinda nice 1% of the time
im not sure how to describe yuri

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Well of course it's not like I didn't feel bad about Sayori, but the suicide music and jump scare I felt like was trying a little too hard, kind of like IT 2017 with Georgie's arm being bitten off with him screaming and bleeding being drug down the well, the most disturbing part is too early while everything else was just whatever.

i feel like thats true but think about how well it would have amplified it if you hadnt heard anything about the game and just thought it was a dating sim with some weird elements

of course the games popularity kinda backfired on that tho

Actually, I probably would have freaked out like a beta bitch if it wasn't for the memes. I should thank the memes. I wish I wasn't such a faggot.

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More than usual, though.

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If you're actually emotionally attached, freaked out, shocked, or anything similar to Doki Doki Shiterature club you should be lined up and shot.

sigh...fucking killyourself



Oookay... *backs away slowly*

You should kill yourself slowly too.

i agree with allof you

I'm already doing that
It's called life


ok by that logic, if you feel any emotion other than fun you should be gassed by the masses

no, that is actually the case, user
the whole thing originated from screenshots of trannies talking about shitposting their political agenda on Yea Forums

I've never even had sex before, nerd.