>gaming is only an unacceptable hobby if you’re ugly
Gaming is only an unacceptable hobby if you’re ugly
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If you're ugly, nothing you do is acceptable.
t. ugly
Like, don't be ugly bro
this post was made by the photoshop crew
ok you first
>being attractive is only an acceptable hobby if it brings you everything you could ever ask for in life
>these three eternal gigachads replace the final boss from the last video game you played
How fucked are you?
buncha jawlets around here
Congratulation you can now become a chippendale dancer for fat old women and attract all the gay men
this looks grotesque desu
Not like I can do anything anyway
t. ugly and clumsy
>this looks grotesque desu
lol just be yourself
being ugly is unacceptable
What the fuck is wrong with you guys? It is so easy to get a girlfriend, I literally had girls following me and telling me that they wanted to fuck me during college.
All my girlfriends have told me the same thing, they compliment me because my room is clean, I smell nice, or my clothes don't have visible stains on them. The bar for men is literally on the ground and yet you incels somehow still manage to trip over it.
Your whining is annoying, man up and take some personal responsibility. Work on your appearance and you won't be ugly.
>The bar for men is literally on the ground
Liar or woman detected
No, gaming is just unacceptable in general. You could be the hottest guy in the world, but if you're playing with Tonka Trucks and Barbies then people will still shun you.
Go outside and get a real hobby, Yea Forums.
is there a term for bootlicker except instead of prostrating before authority, you prostrate before social norms and expectations, nonethtless at your own expense? closest thing that comes to mind is cuck
you're a cuck
I know this is pasta but
>the bar for men is on the ground
??? men have the bar set MUCH higher because women don’t date down the scale. Even fat ugly hambeasts will turn down ugly dudes because their standards are so fucking high.
It's called being a normalfag.
seething incels detected
to be fair, the bar that men set is also high.
i guess its an evolutionary thing to be picky with who you wanna fuck
That's nice and all but what's wrong with you?
>Nothing is wrong with me. I'm the model human
You're delusional.
That goes for everything
absolute state of this board
>The state of this board
>the state of this board
>full of unironic normalfaggots and general retards who think they belong here despite disliking the people and posts
>full of phoneposters and moralfaggots who think they contribute anything
Media consumption, including video games, are not a real hobby. You deserve to be mocked.
Prove it
>What's that you fucking faggot you read books?
>That's not a real hobby, let me put your nose to the ground you gukd
>Implying I need some faggot like you to define what a hobby is (something that one does for fun)
passive media consumption is bad, but highly interactive games are good for the brain. That's why I've got such a big ol' brain
Is shitposting on a vietnamese basket weaving forum a real hobby
Reading books is not a hobby either.
Playing sports, cooking, composing and playing music, camping, those are hobbies. THINGS you do for fun, not consume consume consume buy more products
Yeah and that's why you're on 4channel, right?
Playing video games is a skill that you can improve at, especially when it comes to specific games that are very competitive, so I think the argument could be made that at least some video games are a hobby.
I play video games for fun
Therefore, gaming is a hobby.
>Work on your appearance and you won't be ugly.
>It takes 13ms for people to differentiate attractive faces from unattractive faces
>Your face heavily affects your entire life
>Love at first sight is real
>Study: Unattractive Men Not Viewed As ‘Dating Material,’ No Matter How Great Their Personality
>Strong Inverse Association Between Height and Suicide
>Height is extremely important
>Halo effect
>How Important is Physical Attractiveness in the Marriage Market? (tl;dr very)
>Bottom 80% of men compete for the bottom 22% of women, top 78% of women compete for the top 20% of men
>Women care about face much more than body
>when you do surveys of women-- men and women. Men are right upfront in placing attractiveness in their top three. Women place it lower on their scale-- five, six, seven, eight. But in fact, when you evaluate women's behavior, it's no different than men. So women say attractiveness doesn't matter, but, in fact, when you evaluate their behavior, it does.
That guy is unironically not attractive. His eyes are too chinky and his cheekbones not prominent.
being ugly is not acceptable nor is having hobbies whilst being ugly.
He would mog you from 10 miles out you deluded looklet.
Don't you dare use Sho for your non-mathematical shitposting, you zetta son of a digit.
Where my incel bro's at?
Don't worry too much ugly bros. I'm a pretty handsome guy and my life is falling apart around my ears lol
Then why did he marry a shitskin tranny? He has a kid with this horseface woman.
>Playing sports
Oh those sports you hate to pay for equipment, uniform and a place to practice?
Oh that cooking that requires ingredients, utensils to do?
>composing and playing music
Oh you mean that music you have to pay for instrument and classes to play and learn?
Oh, that one hobby with one of the most expensive quantity of tools needed to do so?
Cool consumerist ridden hobbies fag, you always have to pay nigger.
>Playing sports, cooking, composing and playing music, camping, those are hobbies
>THINGS you do for fun, not consume consume consume buy more products
So lets see here
>Playing sports
requires gear to play said sports and a place to play which also often requires spending money
Requires cooking tools and food
>composing and playing music
Requires purchasing instruments
Unless you're a mountain lion this requires purchase of various gear to camp with
All of your "THINGS" you do for fun are also consumerist hobbies just like playing video games.
>Not being a mountain lion
No wonder women aren't interested in you
Prove to me I'm not a mountain lion.
Who gives a shit about women? They're going to hate you and use you as a ATM or whatever else they have planned.
If there are any incels here, just go your own way and forget these bitches.