Is it good?

Is it good?

Attached: SpecOpsBoxArt.jpg (1545x1505, 564K)

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The soundtrack is good!

Third person cover based shooter, so no.
>war is bad
SO DEEP. 10/10

>there are still people who think that was the message

The gameplay is pretty garbage. I thought the story was great, though.

Depends what you're expecting

It's a short linear campaign through a cool setting and O.K-ish story (great by vidya standards) with a barebones 3rd person cover shooter gameplay. Worth about $9.99 i'd say.

Yes it is.

its the most mediocre cover shooter you'll ever play. but just sit back as people rave about the story even though they have no idea what actually happens in the game.

It's a very good game with an excellent story/narrative but brainlet fucking retards will tell you it's le 2deep4u apocalypse now ripoff garbage because they have simian IQs

The gameplay is bland to bad

Apparently liking it makes you smarter than everyone else.
Any game that uses Jimi Hendrix for their main menu music is good

>there are still people who don't realize Walker died outside of Dubai in the first mission and none of the game's events actually happened

>not realizing that they did happen, but in Walker's own personal version of hell

The whole soundtrack is fantastic

Laziest cop out, reads like a bad creepypasta.

Apocalypse now ripped off Heart of Darkness, and like all vidya, it is basically a tarantino movie: A collage of ideas somebody already came up with. Red Dead Redemption 2 is pretty much a just a collage of every popular western already made. That's on top of gameplay that is also not original.

You literally find your own dead body in the first mission

Attached: deadwalker.jpg (1920x1080, 507K)

I thought it was garbage. Boring gameplay. Story is unique but ultimately not worthwhile.
Probably the most gory game there is though, due to one particularly detailed scene.

Why is his rear sight so far forward? It's shit like this that keeps me from enjoying popular games.

walker died in the helicopter crash

It's mediocre at best, interesting if you play blind without knowing the twist but after it is just one more third person cover and shoot of that generation

I came to accept a long time ago that nearly all game devs have next to no idea how guns actually work

I enjoyed it. Good soundtrack, nice story. I got 98% Cheevos in about 12 hours.

Story wise if you aren't interested in the cheevos you can Do in maybe 6 hours if you’ve never played it. I’d day it’s worth the steam sale price of £4 or whatever it is when it’s dicounted. Several scenes stuck with me because I’m a pleb apparently.

t. pleb that didn't clear the game on FUBAR

>The gameplay is pretty garbage.
Nah. It's formularic as fuck default UE3 gameplay, but it is polished enough to not be garbage.

Yup. Suicide was annoying enough I decided not to even bother trying FUBAR. I assume I could, but I wanted something I could do in a weekend and not have to swear at the pc all evening. Might take a shot at it. There are a couple of points I can see it being very difficult. (Heli crash rescue/most of the tower/last level anything when there are heavies as they are bullet sponges.) did you do it. How’d you find it?

>Laziest cop out
Why did the devs pushed it after release? Were they actually strong enough to make a game that dares to have some message, but freaked out and went the "it was all a halucination haha just sayin lol it's just a game bro relax" route when people shown at least some signs of talking about it seriously?