This is the only straight white male in Overwatch. Say something nice to him.
This is the only straight white male in Overwatch. Say something nice to him
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What about Reinhardt and Torbjorn?
isn't he mexican or something?
Torb has a million kids too
Did you even try bro?
i think he means normal white male, but like he isnt normal he's wearing a cowboy getup with a big dorkie belt buckle in the future... how gay can you get?>
>I think he means normal white male
What the fuck are you on about?
You might want to rethink that.
Why couldnt he be gag over 76
i mean believable character as in mccree looking like you everday average white male
never seen a guy who looks like rein, torb, reaper, junk or roadhog
Reinhardt slams Ana's and Pharah's pussy every day with his massive footlong and i won't believe otherwise
Reaper is mexican and Hog is an islander
I'm already Reinhardt and Torbjorn
Isn't Torb a dwarf? I assume OP means straight white human male
Mexicans are white
>Isn't Torb a dwarf?
No, he's just short.
isnt there a checkbox that says "hispanic"?
Pick one. After he and Jess broke up he started fucking dudes
No he's actually canonically a mythical dwarf
this pic has him listed at 4 feet 7 inches
No I am not saying he has 'Dwarfism' I am saying he is canonically a mythical dwarf Tolkien or Snow White fame
I literally quit over Soldier 76 being gay, not because I care about anyone being gay, but because it was sign that Blizzard has become creatively bankrupt.
He literally isn't. I can't find a single fact to back that up.
>He literally isn't
He canonically is though
He states himself in a voiceline that he's not a dwarf, which is more proof than the shit in your ass. And even if that were true, does it make Brigitte any less human?
You keep saying that with no evidence
The voicelines are not canon
Brigitte is half-Dwarf
Blizzard nearly made Junkrat and Roadhog a Goblin and Ogre but thought that was too on the nose
but that's wrong you fucking retard
No its true, voicelines are not canon
No they didn't, they almost gave him green skin as a mutation from radiation. He would still be human.
>tfw Brigitte could have been a shortstack
In the earliest written drafts they were a goblin and ogre team
tall torb is a fucking turbochad holy shit
They just said that because they can't keep their own fucking stories straight. They're canon until their retconned and fuck any OW developer that says otherwise. Aside from that, theres still no other indication of Torb being a mythical creature, let alone able to breed with a human.
>They just said that because they can't keep their own fucking stories straight
The Overwatch video game is not canon
Its better he be short, its weird to have an non-compensating character to need turrets.
so its just Schrödinger's Dwarf, isn't it?
> lolol you dumb, sensitive minorities always crying about "muh representation". It's not about skin color and gender, it's about the character traits! You should be able to relate to the universal characteristics of anyone and not have them look exactly like you!
this one looks terrible
and I definitely agree but his robot arm and his hammer look fucking menacing scaled up to full size
The game is not canon
Tjorb is a mythical dwarf in canon sources
Tjorb is a dwarf
>Say something nice to him.
I'm glad he's back. They need to update his in-game art to match his movie short art, though.
what canon source you faggot
Since when?
That means arabs are white too
What kind of ass backwards world is a video game not the primary source of said video game's canon? In game depictions are the primary source of canon I don't give a shit what the developers say let alone some user
>That means arabs are white too
According to the government they are. And northern Africans
>What kind of ass backwards world is a video game not the primary source of said video game's canon
>Diablo III
>World of Warcraft
Blizzard has been doing this for a while now
Brigitte is not human, is a fucking monster.
It makes no sense that a fucking healer single handles every hero in a 1v1
>Since when
Latinos being a separate category from white is a recent thing
>in a multiplayer only hero shooter
*tink**tink**tink* I've got somethin to say
even TF2 has canon
Reinhardt is actually gay, that is why he doesnt have kids.
he's too old and he's a tank, meaning he's mainly played by cucks
dwarf, are you serious
la luz
has back problems
mccree is truly the only one a non-söy white man can relate
until they announce him trans that is
>not a fag
hes not a fag, he's just devoted to combat and crusading, not being able to keep a relationship outside of shieldmaidens. That and I bet he just fucked any women he saw after winning wars.
Reinhardt is gay
Torbjorn is bi and not white
Reaper is both a Mexican and gay
Junkrat and Roadhog are gay
The only character in Overwatch that isn't gay is Zarya
Now that you mention it I really liked the tf2 comics but I never took them all that seriously. Like if Demoman fucked Scout or something I simply wouldn't care as it has no bearing on the actual gameplay. In the case of Overwatch, people take the non game media too seriously
>old badass guys suck because they're old
Spoken like a true zoomer.
>tfw McCree main
feels so fucking good bros
McCree has literally been fucking dudes for years
Its just nice to know why mercenaries are fighting in maps like 2fort and gravel pit. It wouldn't affect the game at all, but fans of the game can delve a bit deeper to find out what's really happening.
>going this far out of your way to be offended
Nice bait. Shouldn’t you be in school OP?
>a bad thing
just because you're a gay mercy/briggite main who duo queues with your dps friend and have dreams of passing hiv to him someday doesn't mean this is becoming canon someday
Which one is the bottom?
i just know him and brig have something on the side, you could see it on her face in that one short
>brown hair
>brown eyes
He's a cowboy. He literally fuck dudes. It's part of the package
>Tanks are cucks
>hooks you and snaps your cock in half
Torb doesn't give off any bi inclinations considering how he's long term married with many children and you don't get whiter than swedish.
Blue eyes originate from some mongoloid proto-caucasioid sandnigger. You're arguably less white if you are born with blue eyes since it would mean you're missing that big Neanderthal noggin that actually made Yurop smart.
roadhog is easy shit to play he may be the least cuck of them all because he's basically a dps hybrid but doing vast amounts of damage with him is something even the sissy mercy main can do
Dwarves aren't Swedish
Soldier 76 was supposed to be the generic straight white man but for some reason they decided to obliterate that.
Mix one of these guys with HUNK from Resident Evil, he can be the new one.
Did you just assume xir gender?
The fact that this bothers you enough to make a thread over it is hilarious, being a snowflake must be hard.
Hell yeah they are. Sweden = Svartalfheim. It's basic norse!
Roadhog ironically
So? There should be none. White men are really out of fashion and becoming obsolete.
Oh ok then. Zarya and Torbjorn are the only straight white characters in Overwatch
>White men are really out of fashion and becoming obsolete
It's kinda true when you realize that the most popular characters are minorities.
When you kill Hog as Junkrat rat says ''Guess we know whos really on top''
>the most popular characters are minorities
>most popular
The most popular characters from Overwatch are Tracer, Mercy and, all of whom look like idealized white women.
werewolf skin when?
Source: your ass
Wrong. most popular heroes are rein, moira and either ana, mercy, or lucio depending on what platform you play.
you forget he's also handicapped. Missing his arm\.
Mccree - amputee
76 was old, now gay
torb dwarf
Rein Old
oh and junk amputee
Hog body acceptance.
>Back problems
Lel what? Ok then McCree doesn't count because he's an amputee
god what a fag
he's too fucking fat and lazy to move so he just bottoms
no its not
literally always been nonwhites
McCree is the best character.
who cares
game sucks
>Irish name
I'm kidding though.
Clearly you've never been around some rural areas of western states.
Shit, I knww this old retired military vet who runs around in jeans, plaid pattern shirts and cowboy hat and boots\ all the time.