What's Yea Forums's opinion on R6 Siege? Is it any good compared to other modern AAA shooters, or did Ubi fuck it up?

What's Yea Forums's opinion on R6 Siege? Is it any good compared to other modern AAA shooters, or did Ubi fuck it up?

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It's the only shooter I enjoy at the moment, I hate respawn shooters and BR
Ubi has finally realized in year 4 that siege is a golden goose, so hopefully there will be more fixes this year

It's absolutely fantastic and I can't get enough even 1200 hours in. I genuinely think it's the best shooter on the market. Happily waiting for more and more this year.

It's an absolutely amazing game but God damn I'm so shit at it.

I'm honestly kind shocked at how popular this game became, I was expecting it to die a month or so after it released.

It's the best modern shooter.

It's good, but I have to take a break from it every couple months because it consumes you from how much fun you can have

I'm a shill too, but you're right.

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I've been playing for a year or so, love it more as I play it more.
Though I play with my buds from work so it makes the sometimes retarded randoms in my team tolerable.
Gameplay is great though.

That's been my experience, too. Ubi fucks up a lot of games, but from what I can tell, the Siege team has managed to wrestle with them enough in order to keep their grimy microtransation-filled hands away from it (barring the ops being paid/grindy).

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It's the perfect mix, hero shooter meets counter strike, and it gets regular updates.

How long before Ubi retroactively makes one of the ops gay to damage control Division 2? :^)

It's certainly unique, but it's unforgiving as fuck and therefore bit of a feelbad game. For every game you do decently, there are five where you're killed 30 seconds into the round without firing a shot or even seeing your killer. It's also like, 90% rote map awareness.

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game has gone fubar ever since global abilities and Donut Steel Operators. it's shit now, but it still might be one of the best shooters out right now that aren't BR. But then again, that's not a high bar to set

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It's an fps with hero shooter elements but no where near the retarded extremes OW takes it.
People get attached to characters, it's possible to carry bad teamates, shooting is fun.
It's not a big surprise why it's popular.

It was a lot better when gadgets were less game defining before the operator design took a turn for the worse with tons of retarded bullshit being added that lessened the need for situational awareness. I can't stand the game now because it's essentially a full blown hero shooter.

Dokaebi is getting nerfed and lion reworked completely reworked though.

It was good then they powercreeped the fuck out of it

I want to love the game, and it's very good mechanically speaking.

My only deal-breaking gripe is the awful netcode. It's has the worst peekers advantage of any game i've played, which discourages defensive play and encourages a roaming meta. I've been shot by so many 3 speeds before they were even on my screen, but their killcam shows they casually strolling into the room and lining up an easy headshot on my dumb ass.

I'm a Dokkaebi main and I'm salty as fuck about the Mute-related nerf. It doesn't make any sense mechanic-wise, considering her logic bomb is a virus that gets injected into the defenders' phones and shouldn't be affected by a signal jammer once it's already uploaded.

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>donut steel operators
Meh, never felt like this was an issue, even back to ela
They're getting nerfed.

Yeah I've been on both ends of that and the kill cam just shows me sitting like a dumb fucking retard with my thumb up my ass without even trying to shoot back.

Ela looks like she was pulled straight out of a Shadman drawing

best shooter on the market that isnt dead or dying

You mean you need someone to play Mute to have a chance to counter her "Stop playing the game" button?
>lion rework
I'll believe it when they show it. In the meantime he's still fucking retarded.
Also Finka still exists.

>even back to ela
>resistant to concussion grenades because she and her sister concussed each other as training
>Zofia's ability to be stronk and just get up by herself that has nothing to do with her (read: Ash's) gadget.
>E purposely gave Ela an OP gun because we want her to be able to take an entire team by herself Xdddd

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It's b&r

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It also goes off on its own now after 18 seconds
They did show the lion rework too, fag.

wasnt the release very rocky?

>muh broken operator is getting nerfed WTF!?!?!
cry me a river, faggot

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>They did show the lion rework too, fag.
They did and it was fucking nothing. It's still a "you don't get to play the game" button. Not having real time wall hacks is just the bare fucking minimum.

It's literally 2 seconds long now you pathetic sperg.

t. holds one angle the entire game and cries when he gets shot first

I'm fine with the time limit nerf; it makes sense. I just don't like how they went "fuck the logic behind the device let's just break that to nerf it"

>i don't know how valuable 2 seconds of making the enemy not play is

>guy who looks at 3 year old footprints and pinpoints your exact, current location
>guy with invisible traps
>physics defying stimulants
>holograms that ping your exact location if you shoot them
>less lethal rounds that are more powerful than actual bullets

The beta was dogshit so people were cautious around release time, but it shot up in popularity, especialy with each year

It will help plays, it won't make them.

The shilling.

in actual fact it's shit and gets more broken with every update

I wasn't referring to real-world logic. You'd have to be a complete and utter retard to think that Siege gives a shit about total realism.
What I meant was that this would be on the same level as nerfing Lesion by making his needle traps fizzle out and disappear after a certain amount of time. It doesn't fucking make sense because there's no reason for them to do that in the first place.

Gets more fun and interesting with each update*
It also breaks but if you mean balance it's very well done.

user, in a game where peeker's advantage is the meta, an ability that makes your opponent unable to do just that is more than enough to make plays.

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Peekers advantage legitimately hasn't been meta for over a year now

>have over 200 hours
>still silver/gold
How do I git gud?

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It's honestly past the broken update phase. The game is 4 years old at this point. They have it down pretty well.

It's literally the only shooter my old ass can play and not be last.

We've been getting broken OPs that are even more powerful than that, but when those are out of the way, it always comes back to peeker's advantage. Ever since Blackbeard, it's always been this same cycle.

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Who has been broken since Lion? Maestro is good, Maverick can make plays, but they aren't broken and OP. If anything this has been the weakest year operator wise.

>gets emotional

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It's ok, far better than most other modern shooters but it has it's fair share of problems.

Maverick literally has no counters and breaks sound.


>there are genuinely people out there who claim R6 wasn't ridiculously broken in year 1 and 2

Fuck you, it was bullshit that it didn't work like that from the begining.
>mutes ability is to deny the use of many enemy abilities within range
>one of the most cuntish global abilities still work no problemo though

Maestro is too strong. Almost a one man army
>Two (2) evil eyes that can shock enemies and the whole team can spectate through them
>LMG with an ACOG, a ton of bullets, and low recoil

>It doesn't make
>her logic bomb
Do you listen to yourself when you type?

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But he isn't broken feeling. A lot like opening a mira window, that shit goes both ways.
Shooting with the eye besides plant/breach deny isn't worth it anyway unless it's smoked or they have almost no time.

Maverick isn't "broken" per se but he really is unfun to play against and a total fuckup on ubisofts part. It's evident that they have no plans for their desired 100 operators they want and they get less creative, less balanced and less fitting every time they make a new one.

Shoot through the hole, you fucking retard.

At least you're there. I'm approaching 300 hours and I'm only barely silver

Except unlike mira he can open 15 holes and if you don't babysit them he will eventually peek one and shit on you.
>just shoot him back lmao
Isn't a counter, in the same way as just standing still isn't a counter to lion

Just play more. If you really wanna tryhard, watch youtube faggots, do some map exploration, and always practice/warm up with t-hunt. Also a few friends is almost mandatory, otherwise your rank pretty much means nothing since you're relying on pure chance with your teammates.
t. plat 2

>dude just flank or use c4 lmao

>he can't even fathom the power of being able to open up infinite new lines of sight on bandited or muted reinforcements that defenders have to keel checking for the next 2 minutes

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>have heated firefight using my mira window
>maverick makes a hole in the wall next to me and kills me because I couldn't hear him due to shooting and being shot at
>enemy throws flashbangs through window
>can't hear shit when maverick makes hole
If his gadget relies on people always having to keep their eyes on walls to counter him, he is really terribly boring to play against. Not OP, just unfun.

With maverick in play there is literally no point in even having bandit or mute.
Either way you are going to be in a gunfight through that wall anyway, might as well let them have it.

Gameplay wise it's amazing and one of the most unique competitive games out there

But the fact that the artistic direction went to complete shit turned me off a lot

I'm so glad ubi finally added a notification when you are near a Mute Jammer

>By existing, has a passive ability that makes all reinforced walls unsafe and need intermittent checking for as long as he's alive in the round.
>Ability ignores normal means of securing reinforced walls
Haven't played since long before this guy was added, but he sounds like pure cancer to me.


Mute still has his uses, but yes bandit is completely useless with this meta, they will have to rework him completely. Hell, they literally made superior bandit with kaid. The only thing he can't do is bandittricking but that has basically been rendered useless by mav.

>add maverick to the game
>suddenly anchoring down extremely unsafe and tiresome
>add nomad to the game
>suddenly roaming is a death sentence
Wait a second this isn't fun at all

and now they are adding the aussies, where the attacker will make roaming completely FUCKED

I'm sorry, you seem autistic

Roaming was already completely fucked, gridlock is a much worse version of nomad and a 1 speed. Maybe they will buff the gadget so it doesn't take one bullet to destroy them.

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>not worth buying into anymore after ubisoft has completely fucked character balance and avoided de-bloating the game or improving the clunky UI
>prefiring wins you games, there's basically no firefights or retaliation and you'll spend most game time on your camera drone trying to spot enemies
>if you don't spot enemies you're basically fucked
>team killing and a persistent hacker problem
>starter edition is a scam for poor people so if you still buy it avoid this

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Why does Thatcher still destroy every defender gadget before year 3? Why not normalize the effect it has on all gadgets, it makes no sense.

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BFV is empty and boring. Black Ops 4 is trash. R6S is the most fun FPS games I've played since BC2. You never know exactly where the enemy is. I highly recommend it especially with friends.

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t. actual bronze

None of what you said is realistically true except "spotting enemies"
Even the starter edition is getting done away.

I think it's probably ironic shitposting at this point.
Oversimplfying an operator seems like a common joke, like
>just stand on a mute jammer lmao
>just always be flanking
>just stand still

Still enjoy the game despite it's problems. Only play casual, don't like comp do to TK'rs (Lvl.165ish last I checked). I'm fine with the wackier stuff as long as it isn't terrible/is fun to deal with. Complaints mainly come down to consistent teamkilling faggots that ruin games. Who get assblasted that your A, defending yourself from them & their gaggle of retards. B, report you for calling them out as cock munching Team Killers. C you still get banned for basic self defense while they get off scott free. Besides this only complaint of operators is CLASH, whose a worse case on all bases for the game. Every operator in shit can be compared to her as a baseline.

>Castle: Give him 4 or 5 for proper cover, allow them to block drones
>Tack: Extend his shield to his legs. Make facing him a serious stationary threat for mobile player.

Dream Gadgets I'd like to see: I know you cowards come here to shill, steal my ideas you fucks.
>Flamethrower, Gasoline Trap/giga explosive jerry can, Molotov, flame rounds (short damage over time if shot)
>Magnetic boots easy vertical movement, grappling hook gun inside/outside building movement
>Ammo bag, bi-pod LMG, Giga deploy able shield
>Glue gun, Glaz Defender equivalent (Winchester), duel wielding secondary rusher
>Jin Roh roamer, Juggernaut ram (as seen on logo)
>Motion censored turrets think Aliens (A. 1 strong/big machine gun B. 2 small pistol variant) with dialed efficiency (Green slow tracking but safe for allies to cross in-front of. Red fast tracking but higher risk of friendly fire if activated)

Thought's about my autism?

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TTK in siege is lower than CS, current game size is over 70GB without HD textures for an online only game, you need to go through 6 menus to change a gun attachment or 3 between rounds, netcode favors the instigator which I like but since TTK is just 1 headshot with any gun people just pussyfoot prefire constantly to avoid getting rushed, everybody gets team killed often unless queuing with a full party and ubi refuses to change the mechanic for non-squad queue despite it only being used by griefers, hacking even up to last year was still a problem in ranked, global gadgets trump everything else. I don't see how this isn't realistic when it's been that way for over a year now. Siege is a great concept but ubisoft can't polish a game and a team that readily admits to not wanting to develop siege anymore deserves to be forgotten.

I don't think casual only players who think Clash is an operator worth complaining about should get a say on anything.

They are nerfing it and making it louder with the Y4S1 patch. So that should make you a little happy.

The game went to shit past the first year cap, anyone that is playing it right now is a shitter with complete shit taste.
It's just a moba shooter right now with a playerbase that keeps dropping every year. Anyone in their right mind moved on after it ubisoft made it a total wankery with more retarded ops and bugs that will never be fixed. Hell even the OG dev team dropped the game and the studio long ago for Guerilla Games.
If their playerbase keeps dropping they're going to make it F2P, and that will reaffirm the *shit game* status.

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I don't think any of those will address the core issue of maverick just making the bomb site into an inhabitable swiss cheese but at least maybe people won't get blindsided by him as often and have a chance to move.

That explains why EU servers count only Turks, Iranians, UAE and other subhumans. The last time I heard someone speak or write in English was last year.

>lighting complete garbage
>garbage unstandardized hitboxes
>ping in the hundreds for most players
>50hz servers
>even more bugs and exploits than now
>shields that literally didn't even work
Yeah alright man keep being completely delusional

>45 million players
>playerbase that keeps dropping every year

>client side smoke
>castle FPS exploit
>unreliable destruction
>people just disconnecting to cuck cav
>1 speeds without the speed nerf and with worse hitboxes
People who actually say R6 was the best in year 1 are genuinely braindamaged and probably most upset at Ela's bio.

Are you sure you were supposed to quote me?

Its a lot of fun but I'm worried about power creep and how zany the ops and equipment are getting. Definitely worth picking up on sale though.

Interesting concept with shit execution and even shittier art style.

Instead of addressing these issues and fixing them Ubisoft is going to make most of the operators useless
>ash without acog
>lion rework
>glaz will never be picked again
>let's put mira mirrors on shields

Yeah you can tell by the use of the word "delusional"

It's fun when you don't take it seriously and play with friends. If you play alone and have to deal with the randos it will immediately piss you off from Memefaggots who can't go five-fucking-seconds without spouting some tired, old ass joke, sweaty try-hards who get WAY too angry because you aren't playing like you're getting paid to play this game, or the literal children who are a mixture of the previous two, while also somehow managing to have a less functioning brain than the previous two. Basically don't take the game seriously and play with friends or it's a bad game. Side note, ubisoft are word nazis who will legitimately ban people for saying Black, nibba, and negro (Spanish negro.)

uh oh, I found the "I'm only in bronze because of my teammates" fag.

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But it already fixed them you mong, that's the point. These are all legacy bugs that were present in year 1.
All the changes you listed except for potentially the shields are a net positive for the game. Ash still has another decent gun with an acog and if you genuinely bitching about her losing one your opinion isn't worth much.

Portable trophy systems and EMP grenades don't exist in the real world but it's all close to existing in the Rainbow Six world.

it peaked in the second year, it has only been a downward slide since.

this. Plus those cgi trailers/shorts are fucking awesome.
I hope we get more lore stuff like "The hammer and the scalpel".
Thatcher is a fucking beast.

You're the one being delusional for claiming that Siege is or was good. Past the 1st we understood the mechanics and the formula got stale.
And most of the bugs you mentioned along with your retarded friend here
are from the following years.

been here since black ice and through the ups and downs.
besides this and tf2 what other good fps is out there right now anyway?

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>peaked in second year
>operation health
Like.. no.

No, they aren't. But I assume you either know that or never even played the game and are shitposting for god knows what reason, which is an incredibly sad way to spend your life.

Her entire ability doesn't make sense mechanic-wise. It literally ruins a lot of the intended mechanics of lurking on defense. It gives way too much power to attackers knowing exactly where the defenders are due to something they can't control what-so-ever. At least jackal has to scan places you've stepped, dokidokipanic just has to use it during the first ten to fifteen seconds of a round to ruin a well placed ambush and fucks with the flow of the game. Even lion's ability has a way for the defender to keep it from happening. Doki's you're just fucked unless you're paying mute and camp one of your jammers while she does her stupid ass phone call crap. If the phone bomb at least had a range around doki when she used it it wouldn't have been so bad, but effecting everyone with no way of keeping it from happening is bullshit.

>Tranny trash
>literal worst operator in the game and both being the examples everyone points to when it comes to stupid fucking operators.

CoD dropped the ball on their own games, RS6:S picked it up after dropping their own core design elements.
RS6:S literally went "we want the CoD audience." No more classic RS.

>do hatches like the good teammate I am
>spend the rest of the round jackal'd

I was only talking being annoying gameplay wise.

The cav disconnect bug was fixed years later
>castle glitch appeared in last season of 2017
>blitz exploit appeared with finka
>the game exists since 2015
And that's just the tip of the iceberg of bugs of this shit game you fucking drone.

So am I everything about both characters are fucking horrible mechanics wise, gameplay wise, and art style wise.

You're right, year 3 was so much better with
>Club """rework"""
fuck off

>gridlock gadget just spawns more traps from nothing.

I'm a Mute main and fuck you Dokkaebi! Also they further nerfed the 18 second auto shut off to 12 seconds!

>blitz exploit appeared with finka
No I'm talking about year 1 where the game would frequently just let people headshot you through the shield
If you're going to say "that's just the tip of the iceberg" you need to have more than one point up your arsenal, otherwise it just comes off as you grasping at straws.

I just like posting my penis screenshots and a couple others

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>those fucking graphics
delet this

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>50 renown have been deposited to your account.

I enjoy it, recently its the most played online game I've ever played. I dont get much time to play Arma 3 or Squad like I use to since Im a dad, so this give me a more fulfiling experience that requires me to think to a certain degree compared to the generic spawn shooters and while still having quick round times. Good to see Ubisoft make an attempt to improve and support the game, despite being two steps forward, one step back.

>since Im a dad
gay af

two steps forward, one step back still means they are making progress slowly but surely.
I was fucking shocked when I realized how much I like this game.

Fuck off Ubisoft you're not fooling anyone.

I am a dad too, and I prefer be more present for my son rather than waste my time on a mp game rife with teenagers. If I want to relax with a mp video game, I'd rather play somthing decent and instantly fun like the original Insurgency. Siege is the opposite of a fun game. It's a fucking MOBA with FPS flavor.

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It's great but not amazing.

It's not perfect and it has a ton of flaws that are built into the game like the way it registers bullet hits but it's one of the better online shooters on the market. It gets 2 new operators every few months and every time new operators are released we get a new map.

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