>It's just like Game of Thrones!
> Peerless storytelling
>Every character is as deep as you'll ever get if you ignore the fact that 90% of the cast doesn't have more than two lines in the entire script
>Revivals via the power of friendship!
>It's just like Game of Thrones
> This series is top-tier if you ignore 1,3,4 and the rest
Your turn, user.
Massively overrated games and the lies surrounding them
Other urls found in this thread:
but it's a playstation two jrpg so it has to be good!!!!
>>It's just like Game of Thrones!
Said no one ever
wrpgs suck dick
It is good.
Just overrated, probably because people played it as children.
>doesn't even know what console it's on
>expects his opinion to be taken seriously
I know it's a bait thread, but come on.
I'm going to kill you
I'm sorry that you're too braindead to understand why Suikoden II is such a beloved game.
What other Suikoden games are worth playing besides this one? Do I have to play the first one in order to understand the second?
Wow damn he killed her after making her think he would spare her that was deep and unpredictable
No, but II has numerous call backs, including a quest involving the main character of 1 that you'll appreciate more having played the first one, and imported it's save file.
And they are all good, IV, Tactics, and the DS/PSP spinoffs are of questionable quality though.
Do you get to slowly beat him to death like Whoreson Jr. in The Witcher 3?
You don't have to play the first game in order to understand the events of the sequel, but it is a recommended playthrough due to recurring characters and some of the events from the first game bring mentioned.
First, second and third games are all tied together by the plot, while all the games after Suikoden III are prequels which aren't really tied together by the stories. Suikoden I, II, III and V are all worth playing, you can avoid the rest.
I'm playing V and I already have my castle. When does this game turn good?
>Just like Game of Thrones
Said no one ever
Suikoden V literally takes 13 hours to finally get going. It should start getting good soon.
One-note "HAHA FOR THE EVULZ" villains like Luca Blight are a dime a dozen in jRPGs. He certainly ain't no Arvis from Fire Emblem 4.
I got Suikoden 1 and 2 on my Vita recently, playing both for the first time.
Plowed through 1 and loved it, great game with some flaws. I enjoyed that you play a prince that tries getting shit done.
2 felt much more tired to me, full of typical JRPG tropes. Stopped playing shortly after the guys got their main runes.
Suikoden 2's entire schtick is following the tired shonen manga trope of MC having a morally conflicted best friend + fated duel with the power of friendship being triumphant at the end. So yes, very trope-y.
First one is my favorite
Yeah. I understand that I probably would have found it fucking awesome, had I played it back then. Jesus, I loved the story of Skies of Arcadia back when I first played it, and that shit is generic as fuck (even though it's max level comfy).
Weird, I've never heard someone like 1 and not 2. The only thing I think the first game did way better was how you got your recruits. It's really annoying to get the 108 stars in 2 compared to the first game, so much that it's a huge chore and not fun at all.
I'd say keep playing, the game gets way better once you start building your castle and fight a few huge scale battles
people suck this games dick but shit on chrono cross
was it kino?
I think I'll give it another shot, yeah. Gotta clean the new Etrian Odyssey off my table first.
RIP Suiko series
>Suiko 6 never
It still hurts, anons
chrono cross has a shit load of problems you delusional fuck
people shit on chrono cross because they were expecting a true sequel to chono trigger.
if it was its own original game, it probably would have been praised a whole lot more.
Just be sure to look at a guide if you want all the stars. I know there's one early that's easy to miss, some dude Gilbert I think has to survive the first huge scale battle. There are multiple endings and the super secret one requires all stars and some other bullshit
unironically this. And that's not a statement about jrpgs being superior, it's a statement about how wrpgs are absolute garbage.
4 is a bit weak, as are all the spin-off games. The others are all pretty good, though.
I remember using a guide for missable party members back then. Some cute as hell website from the late 90s/early 2000s. I remembered my friend who is a Suikoden fan tell me that the protagonist of 5? literally goes off to die alone if he doesn't have enough friends, so I'm kinda paranoid about missables.
It was easier in the first game. Just forgive all the mass murdering generals and for the love ofgod level up Pahn
They recently updated the official page after a decade of nothingness, so prepare for Pachinko or a mobile cash grab
I really like the slow start of V
Can I just say that I love how such an inflammatory OP turned into a civil discussion thread?
This album was released on December 2018. Total of 5 CDs, each dedicated to one of the Suikoden games.
Look it up, it's pretty good.
this. fuck off OP
Actually some game journalist said it at the time of the PS Vita port of the Sukoden 1 and 2. I remember it very well. I think it was a Kotaku journo.
many jurons claimed P5 raised the bar for jRPGs, I don't think it excelled at anything and is an average game. I'm pretty sure they gave it high reviews just because it's easier than the previous ones