Man this game was slept on hard after the initial launch drama

Man this game was slept on hard after the initial launch drama.

Anyone else having a great time with it? They fixed every issue I had with the launch version

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>they fixed every issue
yeah no. The game is still shit, i'm so fucking bored of the maps at this point. They are all just chokepoints, and geonois sucks now because of the ion nerf. Adding more heros (that should have been in at launch btw) doesn't help the core gameplay. This new mode coming in march better be fucking good

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do you still get shot from behind all the time in blast?

who the fuck still plays blast?

>200h ingame
it was alright for $5. HvV is still trash and I don't want to play it anymore.

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I'd rather have the new game mode before anakin

Yeah this game is fucking awesome. It's fun, I don't mind mindless shooters too much. They have their time and place. And plus this game looks fucking amazing.

My only real complaint is that I play on PC and LITERALLY the only fucking game mode I can play is Galactic Conquest. Never anything else. Sometimes I want to play starfighter assault, or extraction, but nope, no one plays that shit and I'm forced to play galactic conquest all the time.

Call me when titan mode releases

Shame it'll be weeks before I ever get the chance to play him outside arcade mode since he'll always immediately be taken every match just like when Grievous, Obi-Wan, and Dooku were added. Also, he's going to be gamebreakingly OP and steamroll every match.

>i'm so fucking bored of the maps at this point. They are all just chokepoints, and geonois sucks now because of the ion nerf. Adding more heros (that should have been in at launch btw) doesn't help the core gameplay

I have a modest amount of fun with the game without taking it seriously but its hard to deny its stagnant due to lack of worthwhile content. maps especially.

I've been playing it for the past few monthes. Picked it up for $5 on sale. Its not bad though i hate how all the assault maps turn into chokepoints. Though I fuckinb love using the flametrooper. I'm looking forward to the classic Battlefront mode coming next month.

Yeah, all the galactic assault maps are fucking trash. I miss the walker assault maps in the first game, they were really good. Whoever did the maps in 2 clearly never made multiplayer maps before in their life. Kasshyyk is proof enough of that, possibly the worst map ever made in any game.

wish EA didn't strangle the game for removing loot boxes. i'd like to see what the post launch development of this game would look like with a full team behind it.

>This new mode coming in march better be fucking good

If it's something like Conquest on every map I'd be hype as fuck.

What's wrong with the core gameplay? I think the shooting and moving feels pretty good. It didn't reinvent the wheel but I don't see anything to complain about.

My biggest gripe is how long it takes to fucking unlock shit. It's not easy getting hundreds of kills as the officer.

I would love this game, except I never get to go on awesome killing sprees with the heroes in galactic assault like everyone else always seems to. Tired of seeing some guy with 50+ kills as a hero every match when I rarely even get to be one or die instantly on the occassions that I do.

just play officer, best way to get the points fast. use the SE-4CC with rapid fire

it'll be clone wars only right now. i've heard people say that dataminers have found 3 maps for it in the files, but i'm personally expecting only 1 at launch.

I was more referring to HvV since that's the most efficient mode for leveling characters, and as much as I also fucking despise almost everything about it, I also can't ever seem to stop playing it.

my issue with the coreplay are the maps are their objectives. lets use kamino for example, the first phase involves the droids trying to enter a room with only 3 entrances. The clones just camp it. Then the heros join in like 5 minutes after and either the same thing happens or the droids (with bossk usually) manage to break though. Then the same fucking thing repeats 3 times in all the phases

The shooting and blasters feel like shit compared to the first EA Battlefront. That game nailed it, 2 ruined it.

I hate HvV, the target system is and always will be trash.

I don't disagree one bit, that mode makes me rage because it encourages the most cancerous bullshit I've ever seen in a game (Luke, Lando, and Boba Fett players are universally complete scum). But still, I somehow still play and enjoy it anyway simply because it's the most reliable way to get to be a hero when you want. That and I'm quite good at it so as long as my team aren't going full retard and not working together, I usually dominate.

and on geonosis where if you cant stop the clones from completing the first phase then it turns into a 10 minute slog with clones usually winning anyway. next to maps the mm in this game is utter trash

Honestly what we are getting is more than enough support imo. More than I expected at least, after they had the audacity to release 4 small paid DLC packs for Battlefront 1 and call it a day.

The DLC's for the first one were hardly small. They each came with two new heroes, new modes, new maps, and new weapons. Some of those maps and modes were fucking fantastic and are sorely missed in 2 (Scarif, Bespin Sabotage, etc). 2 has so far gotten 6 new heroes, only two of which were out in the first month, and like 2 new maps. No new modes, no new weapons. The support for 2 is nowhere near what 1 got. Hell, they even added offline walker assault with bots for free in the first one, meanwhile we still don't have galactic assault with bots in 2.

I just want to play a remaster of the 2005 version on PC ffs. Somehow the bot support system in BF2 is WORSE than 2005's bots.

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Dont forget we're also getting a new CIS and Republic reinforcment with those

(Sadly not the Rolly bois)

I expect Commando Droids and Republic Commandos as the reinforcments
(Hopefully we can get them to make Delta Squad skins for the Commando too)

This tbqh. Just give us a remaster collection of the actually good games which were the original 1 and 2.

>cross era heroes here to stay because instead of players saying how dice needs to add more heroes they said how shitty the ST maps are with only a few heroes.

great job retards

Maul while targeted is literal cancer. Jump onto something big, choke push anyone who challenges, run away sanic speed if choke push isnt off cooldown when the next person jumps up

>the ot and prequel maps also played like ass as no one could stop certain heroes

that has to do with the balance of the game the game was balanced around all heroes in every era and even then Dice can not get them balanced.

i honestly dont care about new heroes as long as the gamemodes are as fucking trash as they are
no hero is fun to play when the game itself is shit

do vehicles still not spawn on map and are there still vehicles on rails, or how about even having the snow speeder be a two seater

it's much better now than at launch and has great potential. single player campaign is still utter shit though

Same shit Luke players do, though you're not wrong. However, since Maul can't block at all he's still easier to kill. Han fucks him up pretty easily.

Vehicles are unlocked the same way heroes are. Get enough points and you spawn with them.

None on rails anymore fortunately

That's not true though. The AT-AT's, LAAT's, and MTT's are on rails and you just play gunner.

>They fixed every issue I had with the launch version

The beta was mind-numbingly boring. I only sort of liked space combat but I'm a huge nerd for that. So, unless the gameplay was seriously revamped, Imma pass.

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