guess where
TOP KEK, THQNordic host AMA on
they're fucking retards for apologizing
>being this much of a chickenshit faggot
I cant stop laughing.
Kek for people being so offended about a man posting on a website.
Literally nothing wrong with his reply.
Never apologize to SJW.
Why do NPCs hate anonymous posting so much lads?
>resetera got so mad they literally brigaded their forum members into sending emails and other correspondence to get the guys into trouble
>AMA on website full of faggots not even Yea Forums wants
Oh jeez wat now
why do you support child rape user
When did they do this AMA?
i thought it was pretty obvious he was only saying thanks to the part at the end about them doing fine
Few hours ago
Ever wonder why Matthewmatosis never comes here anymore, ever wonder why he has a second tripcode on his youtube channel
8ch is where people go when they realize this place is only good for shitposting.
too bad, because modern is shit, invaded by trannies from resetera and normalfaggots like you
kill yourself
>AMA on website full of faggots not even Yea Forums wants
It's actually opposite.
Yeah, one FUCKING CUNT just ruined the company a lot of people worked their asses off to build.
Fuck that piece of shit, I hope they sue him and ruin his life.
Fuck off 8cucks, nobody likes you
because they can't threaten to dox you for wrongthink if they dunno who you are
resetera should have never been welcomed here, kill yourself
>4channel getting unimaginably worse by the day
>still nobody who wants to go to fucking 8ch
>2019 4channel
don't they have an 8mb webm limit?
it wasn't Yea Forums(nel)
He's probably referring to drawings of 2000 year old japanese dragons
So you guys are sheep who will now support THQ, right? Good grief.
remember: this is a publicly traded company and they hosted a community event on a site known for CP.
not only RIP that man's career, this is the kind of shit that can tank a company.
infinite chan is what Yea Forums was 7 years ago.
Someone be nice and link me the thread
the top kek thing is that plebs actually think that infinity is a den of child porno
it doesn't matter lol thq is finished
I always saw 8ch as a dumping ground for the most irreversibly autistic rejects from the world's largest autistic reject community
But now that this retarded namefag whose name is also a gay facebook meme says otherwise, I'm having second thoughts lads
half/v/ is fucking trash now, but there's a reason I left 8ch. Even after being a part of the first exodus. Its not like I want to be here, but it's sure as fuck being over there again.
Yoko Taro did a Q&A on 8ch you know? Seeth more
Journo posted CP on cripple chan for clickbaits then google stopped linking to it.
This was such an obvious marketing tactic, and I'm shocked that they think playing coy after apologizing is the smart course of action. They tried to bait two audiences and fucked up hard with both.
eh, even if it was on Yea Forums there would still be the same complaints.
Dudes carrer is done. He'll end up as burger flipper.
I don't support child rape. That's why I'm not on ResetEra. I don't like associating with people that try to groom minors into their personal fuckpets.
Based! Now give me Timesplitters 4 and remake. I will take 100 copies.
i dont remember this "whoaaa this is a bit much" part
It's actually the way women are wired, not NPCs. If you are anonymous they cannot exert social control.
Aaaand opinion discarded
You mean it gets some clickbait for 4 hours then no one will remember tomorrow.
>he thinks i give a fuck about a 2deep4u waifu tech demo
w e w
This. RetardEra is deluded if they don't think cp or edgy comments haven't been reddit, instagram, twitter, etc
Yea Forums 2011 was pretty dogshit, yeah.
The fact that this rat even dares talk about here shows how shitty this site has become.
The AMA was here or in mugenchan?
Google doesn't list it if you search for it. For them it's the equivalent of a "dark web" website that only criminals use.
they seem to have pretty decent Yea Forums board
>I'm so soooooooo better that '''them'''' lads, better!! you know?!
>implying post 2016 4channel's community is the same as pre 2016 Yea Forums's community
All the coddled kids who embrace words like toxic or triggered don't belong here.
You know that was an impersonator right?
hes a retarded commie anyway.
Infinitely better than ad friendly, captcha ridden, chink owned 4channel.
Resetera is literally created by pedophiles and people who defend pedophiles
>Freedom == Child rape, sexism and racism
This is how free western society ends.
Its pretty dead, because they all come here to shitpost.
I see a lot of Numales and furries in the twitter posts, how do they fit in the equation?
Got a link to that?
Captchas were in 2011, weren't they? Also moot sucked ass and that shit was on him. Hiro sucks ass, but moot did plenty wrong.
>whoaaa this is a bit much
he didn't finish the quote
>whoaaa this is a bit much i hate niggers, gays AND WOMEN
But Reddit, Twitter, ResetEra has the same problems in regards to illegal porn activity but with people actually convicted for it?
>I’m only ironically shilling for soul crushing authoritarianism, which actively promotes child abuse
Imagine bein you
>site known for cp
did this really happen? last time i checked, before my country unfairly banned the site, they did delete and forbid anything illegal(so basically CP and literally organizing a terror attack and little more). how did they fuck up that?
Also if its so good then why are you here?
wow, off twitter for 2 hours thats impressive.
>THQ Nordic dude posted on Yea Forums
a racist white supremacy site.
No user, this is the actual truth:
>Letting Children be entirely educated and guided by their parents bias beliefs == Child rape, sexism and racism
Which actually is true.
Words just don't mean anything anymore.
You could also correctly say youtube is a site known for CP.
You can go back anytime.
It's more telling that this guy would sooner post an AMA on infinitechan than RetardedEra.
it was far less cancerous captcha
>before my country unfairly banned the site
what cucked country is that /
Can they do anything right other than schnitzel?
Fucking Germany #2
To hell with this. Mirage 2000 multirole fighters have been deployed to sanitize terrorist training camps beyond the ResetEran border.
Numales are too effeminate to be men they're women lite
So was it on Yea Forums or eightchan?
he knew what he was doing doing an ama on Yea Forums known white supremacist website
I remember when fags were swearing on their mothers life that M00ts promise for captchas would be true.
>Th-they're temporary! I swear!
dumb bitches i fucking told em too
You have to go back, newfaggot.
>you should only host your AMAs on Reddit
>a site known for hosting subreddits of dead babies and children in bikinis and car crash victims
Yeah cool
Literally who?
It was cripplechan, which reeks of manufactured outrage marketing.
>website so vile
Schreirer once again talking about shit he knows nothing about? Why am I not surprised?
>anything illegal
wouldnt think so,beastiality board still exists.
And how people still think it's filled with cp when kraut chan has borderline softcore cp
you can try to spin it devil we know you are white supremacists
>people still acting like chan sites are some evil site for haxxor pedophiles
>meanwhile majority of users (thus majority of pedos/internet criminals) are on places like faceberg, jewtube and tumblr
Those nuneofags unverified the Skyrim dev because he pointed out how they're too harsh
>a site not on jewgle is now blacklisted
Normalfags are such fucking cancer. Letting them access the internet was a mistake.
Why does 2*Yea Forums get shit on because it has Pedos while Reddit is chockful of all sorts of monsters and no one bats an eye?
Honestly Yea Forums is normie central compared to the degeneracy laying out in the open on Reddit.
More specifically we're talking about the sort of men who are, at times, MORE sensitive than women when it comes to this sort of shit. They'll do anything to fit in and be accepted. They're still in a high school mentality. Unfortunately, a lot of them are actually justified in this, being just freshly out of high school or even still there.
I enjoy some of his vids making fun of sargon and PJW and the like but holy shit is he a literal caricature of a snowflake safe space enabling liberal like hbomberguy
Anyone notice how it’s always amerimutts crying about such things? Just imagine a world without them were you can do an AMA without any chimpout.
Because everyone on cripplechan is a retarded weirdo asshole who proves the stereotype.
and netflix
>some literally who nigger says some shit
omg it's not in google's search results anymore, it got banned by Google!!!!
Jesus fucking Christ, it will only get worse with these illiterate faggots ruining everything.
notice its always whites who are racist?
maybe the rest of the world should stop taking it up the ass from america?
You're probably right, it's hard to imagine he'd just randomly do it without knowing a thing about the site. What's next, accidentally doing an AMA on an isis recruitment forum?
Can't wait until everything finally burns down.
yeah I don't get it
facebook I guarantee has more predators than every chan site combined
>he's right but I don't like his politics, so REEEEEEE
Thanks for sharing
16mb is the limit
I'm on both.
Nigga, as it is we got the legitimately SJW cancerous leftover mods from moot, and the greed from Hiro. Back in the day developers would come here REGARDLESS of the nightly gay furry threads, REGARDLESS of dubs, this site was a wild place and that's precisely why so many notable people showed up. Currently I ca guaranfuckingtee that a good deal of the threads are literally marketing campaigns which Hiro or the mods are actually paid to allow, which is why no developer with half a brain would come to hear any opinions, because they KNOW they paid for many of the said "opinions".
>i do not condone child porn, white supremacy, or racism
so why would you host AMA on facebook, youtube, tumblr, or reddit?
They're referring to loli and shota. Yes, normalfags are that retarded.
Try not deepthroating America then?
Who the fuck is that? Go jerk off with e-celebs over there, no one cares.
delet this
Hey man, they don't say nigger so it's fine to post dead babies.
God, I have one friend who by all means would be considered a chad. In great shape, makes good money, banged several girls, has a virgin fiance, etc, but he's still hung up on the fact that he didn't have a lot of friends in middle/high school and he got sucked into the progressive crowd over there
>associating Yea Forums with cp
is it 2003?
give me a quick rundown on 8ch and why it's worse than Yea Forums
>AMA on cripple chan
Why do I sleep through all the funny happenings
>borderline softcore cp
So does youtube though. It's not about the content but removing places where free speech is possible from people's access.
and mainstream media
>I'm on both
But you said infinitechan was in finitely better.
I swear you retards are all the same. You're just creatures of habit and you couldn't shake your Yea Forums addiction.
i dont' see how that board would be illegal in many places or worth a ban compared to many other zoo websites that were never touched by anyone.
>guys twitter says THQ is associating with child rapists hory shet
>Please take my firstborn child. Never again will we associate with Web Sites unordained by the parish.
Facebook is a pedo paradise, unlimited access to sfw images of children and babies
>the guy he's criticizing is wrong, so that MUST mean he's right!
this is your brain on /pol/
lol, what a spineless cuck
That’s the point user, we are getting closer to a future where some rich Jew can rape a child in broad daylight, and kill anyone who objects because they are a bigot and pedophile
It’s complete control. An inversion of nature and reality
fucking faggots just chickend out and backpaddled
I don't get it either. Have you ever seen CP posted on here before? It gets nuked within minutes.
Who would give a shit about a THQ AMA? Getting all these headlines and trending on social media was a genius move.
You have literally no idea what /pol/ is if you think that.
tbf double/v/ is the only 8ch board I like
Even then it's half circlejerking about not being Yea Forums
no need to get uppity, just saying he's the kind of guy who'd think posting on this site is morally reprehensible because it enables fascists or some shit
it's full of hackers on steroids who treat the web like a real life video game
Why not, nigger? It‘s not like other races want to kill us, right?
>W-We are superior
Yeah no. You autistic faggots just screech so long until everyone is a tranny, the American dream. Same with Chinks.
>Have you ever seen CP posted on here before?
Multiple times
It absolutely is, I'm also watching youtube despite it being nothing but a social engineering experiment. There's value in having contact with people you dislike and disagree with. The fact that you don't understand this is pathetic.
lol. cute.
Yeah how the fuck is this even a question? Its so obbious.
when will they learn
dunno, this all sounds like fake outrage to me
well if we aren't superior then it shouldn't be hard to stop taking it up the ass
For a PR rep, yes, doing an AMA on cripplechan says your company condones cripplechan's values. Business 101, user.
you are killing yourself, and you are the ones killing other races wtf are you takling about you white devil piece f shit
Anyone feel kinda sad Yea Forums is no longer the dark horse of the internet? It's considered tame and timid now like reddit and 8ch is the new evil underground place.
How do we fix this?
holy fucking shit how can he be so based
I haven't seen CP on Yea Forums since around 2009. Hell even that is pushing it, let's say 2006 to be safe. What are these faggots talking about?
Die for israel, gomez. The biggest gaming market is the us because they‘re pussies so we have to adjust our games for you, making everyone a tranny, nigger or SJW.
literally what are you waiting for
look it's another muh /pol/ retard
Probably italy
>I'm a spineless consumer whore and you're pathetic!
Thanks for sharing, insecure-kun.
and as he said, its thankfully nuked within minutes
meanwhile kiketube has livestreams of kid's webcams where the chats are full of indian pedophiles making disgusting comments
whites are inferior genetically in everyway
Jason (((Schreier)))
>actually apologizing
respect lost
>tfw thq didnt answer this user's question
oh no /pol/ bros
america isn't white
Consumer implies I'm paying anything you stupid fuck. 01/10 made me reply
cringe and bluepilled
they dont want your white racist respect
Buy the site
Remove the mods
Holy fucking shit what the fuck are these people fucking doing?
They also have sound Webms on most boards and let you upload most types of mp4. There will be webm threads where entire anime series get uploaded, pretty chill
>Just imagine a world without them were you can do an AMA without any chimpout.
Why not do something about it without imagining? Right, because you can't. Enjoy our cock down your throat.
Yes, because the state should assume the responsibility of raising children. Nothing can go wrong there, right?
yes it is, its the white supremacsit hub of the world
You'd have to be a complete moron to apologise for anything in the current climate. Those that hold you in contempt wont stop and any historic premise of forgiveness and personal growth no longer exists. An apology just exists as a confirmation of guilt, like with "shirt gate" people just piled on the guy even harder after the apology. So there is no real reason to apologise because it offers you nothing.
Yeah I'm pretty sure all these sites have pretty shitty sides to them. But it's gonna get ignored though.
They had to apologize. If they fire the lads, then fuck THQ for good.
They're bashing the poor guys
it couldn't be some Italian posted on 8place for his game TowerGirlsKingdomConquest until users ripped the game because a questline forced you to let a princess fuck a dog and he tried to get a copyright strike when they madew their own version and ended up suing the wrong person
guess they don't want my money either
Cancelled my netflix account about two weeks ago because of this cancer.
Somebody should do something about netflix offices (in minecraft)
>are on places like faceberg, jewtube and tumblr
ive never seen this happen ever unless if you think shitkids doing dumb shitkid stuff like playing sports and walking around is sexy
Nice, new material to jerk off to.
>can even see the fucking question in the screencap
user you are retarded, seek help
I'm glad he doesn't. I'm so sick of you eceleb dicklickers, and the farthuffing vidya "analysts" and the dregs who crowd at their feet are the absolute worst.
Get rid of the mods
yeah you gotta go all in if youre gunna do something like this
Someone posted a bunch of CP on /gif/ not that long ago, but, yeah, this place is basically just a place where teens go to say bad words when they get banned from twitter now.
>tfw no christ chan game
the world is truly lost
it's simply too popular and too big, the old days will never return
get used to seeing more youtubers getting millions of views parroting this site's shitty memes
>go to cripplechan
>look at Yea Forums catalog
>"what are some videogames that let me drop commies from helicopters?"
>take the role of no-fun assburger and respond to everything with centrist serious attitude
>permabanned for leftism
It's better than Resetera because their political shitposting and hugboxing is totally ironic, amirite? 8ch is the reddit of imageboards.
You would think after watching Kavanaugh chad out in front of the senate they would learn apologizing isn’t the answer.
>making every board Yea Forums will fix it i swear
try harder faggot
You're on youtube you fucking retard. Learn how the world works, holy fucking shit.
You fags are always such self-fellating sheep.
That's how they get their clicks these days.
Yeah no clue at all
this guy is a fucking dolt, like seriously. i don't think anyone with half a brain cell can take this prat seriously
Stop being intolerant/
CP got posted on Yea Forums like a year ago
Pretty funny
I'm not watching your shit fucking video.
Is this I like turtles?
That was him being a chad?
You guys wouls cut off your noses if you thought it would trigger SJWs.
>dont get my money because theyre pussy faggots
>dont get leftist money because they dont actually buy video games
>go out of business again
Great job!
would they get the same backlash if they held the AMA here instead?
this is the biggest board after all
What the fuck...
So you would have supported them if they hadn't apologized?
Nice NPC mentality.
>muh gamers rise up
>thinking the birthplace of /leftypol/ bans for leftism
Why do you do this? You are your own worse enemy
In any possible case, buying the site is the first step on your journey to disappointment.
What the fuck is wrong with the world anymore?
There's the one Chilean Sachiko poster who links child porn if he catches you calling lolicons pedophiles.
I miss being a sekrit club
It's about 4+Yea Forums, you knuckle-dragging mongoloid. They used to have boards dedicated to non nude CP.
I saw cp on Yea Forums literally yesterday.
I've sene cp on Yea Forums too like a month ago, fucking webm of it no less.
Haha dude whaat
Would you rather have more teens throwing buzzwords around or actual CP, that you just choose to ignore to make this place muh sekrit club again?
Western society is doomed.
You're trying -really- hard to make "epic xD" buzzwords work.
And you're failing at it miserably. Try again.
Leftist tactic: accuse your enemy of what you’re guilty of
Leftists literally try to lynch themselves to get innocent people arrested
They just wouldn't. No one to babysit the thread.
AMAs here cost money. Hiro wont let you waddle in here thinking youll get a sticky if you dont pay for the site's maintenance.
>ever working
when will they learn?
More exploding vans
>i regret posting on a website that my jewish masters blacklisted 4 years ago because they dared to speak up against the corruption i am demonstrating exists right now
No since everyone knows were just retards
Answer the question, dumbass: would you have supported them financially if they never apologized?
If yes, you're a sheep. Baaaaaah.
Where the fuck did things just go so bloody wrong.
oofers owchies yikers doggos, why would you ever visit a website that's censored by google? are you a child rapist?
yes because 4channel is a christian board
And that’s a good thing
What the fuck is wrong with cunny?
Why would they make a AMA thread on a board where they know a lot of the posts are literally paid opinions?
It's current year and people are still treating the chans like a bunch of Van Exploders. Reminds me of why I still go on this site, we're still somehow treated like the internet was to normal people before it became regular for them.
By that logic we should replace the ad banners with CP.
You have zero self awareness. By your own logic you are a leftist.
Not as much. There's way more controversy surrounding cripplechan.
>8ch is now the big bad of the internet
what the fuck happened bros, how can we recover?
At this point, it's doom cannot happen soon enough.
half chan butblasted btfo lmao
You can't bully and harrass anonymous posters or threaten to get them fired from their jobs/lose their income streams. Anonymity is synonymous with free speech and it makes them REEEE.
why do people think places like reddit are better than sites like Yea Forums?
their subreddits are just as bad as the shit you see here.
Yeah it takes a real man to be an edgy teenager anonymously.
Dude, the last time there was some on Yea Forums the thread with it reached the fucking bump limit. It happens, but ralrey, hell, shit like this probably happens on every site that reaches a certain size. Yea Forums is fucking infamous by now for cunnyposting, reddit has subreddits specifically designed for that shit, and retardEra is filled with convicted pedos.
>tfw I've gone on 8ch before to jerk off to beastiality webms
Damn, I missed it. I hope you guys weren’t too retarded. We don’t often get genuine opportunities to directly speak to developers here (at least to our knowledge).
unironically this
Too much freedom.
People no longer face consequences for things like this because it's considered progressive.
LGBTQP is going to be a real, accepted thing within the next decade.
There's been a few threads on /pol/ about the jewtube shit
as for facebook, literally every single anti pedo human trafficking operation starts on FACEBOOK
You didn’t answer my question. Why do you do this?
I don't browse infchan, but without the Reporter tag, is it even one of THQ?
the pretzels and chocolate are also nice
8chn has been the big bad since gamergate because when moot sold out and started doing work for his jewish masters, people moved to 8ch. Since cripple-san didnt bow down to their bullshit, they blacklisted the site and started actively trying to get it taken down.
Doubling down is a retarded strategy in the long run.
I hope this shit doesn't attract more retards from this shithole to 8ch.
I go there to GET AWAY from the dumbfucks here, this place is just my shitpost haven.
They've been for a while. The election put them into msm for the first time as the new worst place to be on the internet.
>user posting on infinitychan is YIKES! posting
Yea Forums is sfw, for one. At least it's supposed to be.
>They do it there instead of here
its because people still dont understand that Yea Forums is comprised of multiple boards.
they think that Yea Forums is (depending on how new they are to the internet) just only Yea Forums or /pol/.
because at least you can get upvotes on reddit
user, I'm pretty sure you've violated the rules of this website by posting that image from Netflix.
You're not lurking enough.
t. never been in a super bowl/ world cup matchthread
Yea Forums is just a second reddit at this point
excepts no one is groveling for good boy points so everyones free to be to shitpost
Reminder that if you are an SJW you are literally not allowed to have fun
Is he one of us secretly veps?
Do you have no concept of brownbagging? Being a social target isn't safe anymore, this aint the mid 2000's.
The subreddits shield you from the things you don't want to see or know about, unlike here where you get more or less shit thrown right into your face, no matter if you want to hear about it or not.
dont double down just ignore people, everyone forgets shit so fast these days
We are posting on a site that changed its name in an attempt to kowtow to advertisers that weren't selling onaholes. It's been over for a long, long time
Nah. The most sjws could say was 4ch is racist/sexist which does not have any impact anymore. With 8ch every site is claiming THQ is endorsing pedos.
Wait, what the fuck happened?! What'd I miss?!
Fuck off you goddamn ricenigger. May Christ-chan forever embrace irrelevancy
I don't get what's so attractive about literal children
>Van Exploders
Or you know... pedophile enablers which 8ch totally was/is full of.
THQ Nordic is bankrupt and finished
even so, that doesnt change the fact that it doesnt exist in some form on reddit.
Maybe he's not a retard like you and actually knows how to use a fucking adblocker.
Who the fuck isn't using Ublock Origin and/or Adnauseum in fucking 2019?
Point out retarded doublethink? Its funny.
>heh based THQ triggering retardera with words
You people are fucking clowns. I know none of you niggers were here back before 07 either, so you definitely came here after me.
youtube has been pedo central since the begining. Ever wonder why you can't globally search videos by newest upload? because of pedophiles.
So why don't we raid resetera from time to time?
Oh no. Enablers. How awful.
t. seething reseteracuck
faggots like that only go on /pol/, where newfags fester and moralfag endlessly to each other
i kinda realized that but its too late now. i'll see you in a few days :(
i only hope the mods are as tolerant as everyone is with gays fucking children
Ganergate. 8ch has a fucking Ganergate general up all the time. Meanwhile 4ch got neutered.
a PR stunt by some dickhead in THQ north who went to 10-2ch for an AMA
Nice try THQ, the truth is out there now!
Read it in his voice
Im talking about full blown nudity,not just swimsuits and shit
Raids not advertiser friendly.
Yea Forums is mainstream now and filled with fags that belong on reddit and twitter. People on Yea Forums get upset about saying nigger, fag, and kike these days. It's terrible.
Nah he's a retard, he goes to crippplechan. I bet he watches TheQuartering too.
tight pussies
We are pretty good at starting world wars, so if you don't wanna get drafted you better delete that post fucker!
What the fuck are you even saying at this point, schizophrenic as hell
why would you want to post on a site filled with actual deviant perverts and cp lovers?
we need to send more stock footage of vans blowing up to news outlets
So facebook, tumblr, youtube and netflix are the same right? Or do they get a pass because they're "mainstream", even though they never take their shit down and even encourage it in the case of netflix?
I think Yea Forums is the most fag friendly board, and most attractive to newfags.
>GG ops threads still up
There's that cringe I was looking for
they ban you using your device ip
once your account is banned you have to get a new device if you want to register another
I'm down with this. No dramatizations this time.
Having fun is oppressive to those who are depressed
Oh yeah that's what netflix is for right? Tranny nude kids.
its because he is making it up in his own little head. he probably means reddit lmao.
Oh gotcha you're illiterate now, very cute.
WTF is that?
For the same reason you like it so much: you're a pussy who can't stand behind his word so you log on some anonymous bitch ass forum where you shittalk everyone and everything. Would love to see you stammer "N-N-NIGGERS HAHAHA" IRL though.
t. enabled pedophile
>infinite chan is what Yea Forums was 7 years ago.
Yea Forums in 2011 was no different than it was today. I'd say it's more close to that of 2009's Yea Forums prior to the gamespot raids. pic related
Literally nothing you’re saying makes sense I kind of feel bad.
>2deep4u waifu tech demo
What essay generator did you use to make this post?
Truly based
>device ip
>get a new device
are you like 6 or something? getting a new IP is one of the piss easiest things in the world to do. literally just 2 commands
>Go look at the thread
>Shitposts, some memes, and a bunch of actual questions related to the company being asked
Okay, I'm not a retarded white culture warrior, can someone explain what the issue here is?
I usually only use 8ch for the /ss/, loli, and writefagging boards, so I have no idea why people are losing their shit over this.
Especially people on fucking Yea Forums of all places.
Yeah that's how illiterate retards feel often, I bet.
/ourguy/ already settling things
>Yea Forums in 2011 was no different than it was today.
Lmao what? It was literally completely different.
>what are vpns
It wouldn't take much to cause a few suicides
The west is dying
where the fuck is Yea Forums
Fuck me, it feels like this shit was only yesterday.
Go drink bleach you degenerate nigger
Not really. /pol/ is the portal newfags jump in to due to all the antics they do in Twitter and Reddo. /pol/ is the new Yea Forums
Why don't people apologize for posting on resetera and say they "don't condone child pornography"?
You know the issue, you're just playing the part of an obtuse well meaning dolt.
its entirely based on cripple's reputation. If it had been ANYWHERE else, it wouldve gotten much less harsh criticism
>Gay Prison Gang Fights Neo-Nazis
>Rainbow Warriors
I still don’t understand what you are trying to do or why you are so bitter and upset
I simply asked you one question and you had a complete meltdown. It was one question.
from what I found out looking at twitter for 5 mins
drawings = real life sexual abuse of children
"vile" more like a retarded 7chan 2.0 that got de listed for having hidden cp boards
we used to have sink threads nightly
>it was extremely painful
I havent been to 2x4 chan in awhile, has there board structure improved?
because so much of Yea Forums is full of resetera and election fags
Redditors from /r/the_donald go to /pol/, but the rest of the faggots from reddit come to Yea Forums.
Holy fuck I feel old...
No, I really don't.
Again, this is Yea Forums, this place is literally no different than 8ch.
Fuck, I've seen more actual, genuine CP on Yea Forums, Twitter, and Instagram in the past 8 months than I've seen on 8ch.
>cheese pizza
weren't they only cunny posting?
>non nude CP
so... it had didn't have CP?
Yeah, but no one wants to make a gorrilion accounts. It'd be funny if their no-life mods didn't helicopter over every fucking thread
>/pol/ is the new Yea Forums
Yea Forums never bans anyone for spamming porn tho retard
well yeah we live in an age were lies are truth and truth are lies
maybe it was always like that
Improved how? Anyone can make their own boards there. The structure is that there is no structure, there are no official boards.
The guy didn't even get fired.
They just made him apologize.
THQ just bought the Warhorse Studios (Kingdom Come developers).
They don't care.
>It was extremely painful
cripple nigger had hidden cp boards that got exposed because he invited reddit faggot
The bent over, cameltoe on full display kind of "non-nude." CP.
The numales worship said women and are desperate for pussy that they will never have. Furfags just want oppression points for having their fetish
sad snek :(
It's just such a non-threatening type of person. Wow they don't care about pedophiles and post on the internet. These are on the same level as real criminals raping children and just as frightening, these men that do not leave their homes. It's being afraid of theoretical pedos, it's so limp dicked and pathetic.
No it definitely wasn’t
loli is now CP.
>People on Yea Forums get upset about saying nigger, fag, and kike these days. It's terrible.
Do not fall for the meme that genuine people who post here are "offended" when the only people who are ever offended are people with the sole intention of invading and attempting to change the culture of Yea Forums. Resetera for one example
Lel 8ch is loving the attention they are getting today. And deep down inside, I'm sure the guys at THQ are too. This is the most buzz they've got since forever. All publicity is good publicity, just ask Trump.
Where the fuck are these people going? I just took a look at the board and for the most part, they have better threads than here.
It’s not “limp-dicked and pathetic” it’s “malicious and frightening” because these people defend actual child abuse
pedo niggers spending bitcoin on pictures props up the child trafficking market, degenerates get the rope
>stingy mods
>no porn threads
>visual captchas
>even the fucking domain changed
Yeah no, 4channel is a mainstream, neutered Yea Forums.
>yesterday: 8ch is dying, losing users constantly
>today: all these newfags rushing to this cool new site
If we can send them all our newfags we'd be set
Those retards think loli/shota is CP.
>lmao what
Should I actually respond to you?
Yep, almost an entire decade ago. Feels like yesterday though.
It's a laugh but it would be best to keep 4/v/ and 8/v/ separate. They are for different things.
it's dead now
You know it kind of makes sense. If they tried doing an AMA here then everyone would have just called them faggots and told them to fuck off. other chan is irrelevant enough at this point to force themselves to accept the attention
Found one, what you gonna do seething bitch?
>I used tor to go to chan so I wouldnt get on awatchlist
meanwhile that pedo is probably on like 50 just for doing that
Nobody is defending child abuse on 8ch, even 8/b/ bans that shit. Dumbass.
But there are. They took /pol/ from private owned to official. Though it's overrun by jidf and lefty pol pretending to be white supremacists now.
Wait, why didn‘t he just claim he was getting impersonated?
Could‘ve walked away scott free.
They are so happy about having more than a few hundred people on their Yea Forums, indeed
>this kills the thq nordic
>all of the ips they are holding onto will never get a rerelease or remaster
well shit
I bet you still cry about GG, you nigger worshiping faggot
>Yep, almost an entire decade ago.
>he's defending the posting habits of an e-celeb that is also a tripfag
Why in the fuck are you even here?
Yeah they changed /pol/ because the old mod was a turkroach who was getting pretty banhappy during the election.
Because when a company decided to do a PR stunt and host a AMA on the site that's perceived, but not really, as the most vile by the public, they didn't even went for "ad friendle 4channel" they went for cripplechan.
The fact that 4channel is nothing more than a corpse of what it was couldn't be more official.
He literally posted here like a month or two ago in one of the e-celeb threads about him to correct some user. He had his tripcode on so you could tell it was him. I think most of the true Yea Forums personalities who go here just know not to namefag because it's the sign of an attention seeking faggot
We should be angry at the mods here
That was the only thing that bothered you about his spelling/grammar? Kys.
He's literally doing an age old trolling and they probably didn't even notice.
Christ I hate Hiro. Dumb gook is an idiot
Social media perpetuates and rewards weak behaviors like this.
I think I ran into that guy once. Is he still posting that shit?
actually there's now precedent in the U.S. at least that it is. there was some case with some guy in prison who drew his own pictures and when they found him with them in jail he was charged with multiple counts of cp
Numales have social control exerted on them.
send them all the redditniggers so they ruin that site aswell
Is it against the rules to post the ResetEra thread, because the triggered meltdown they're having is hilarious,
HAHAHA what a bunch of fucking cucks
>so you log on some anonymous bitch ass forum
sick bait
You might be one yourself if you actually willingly watch his hugbox videos. Don’t lie to yourself.
>They used to
Baneposting rises
lots of important game guys browse here. pewdiepie, jontron, dsp, boogie etc all those guys were caught browsing Yea Forums at least once. also linustechtips once made a video from a post from Yea Forums asking whats the cheapest gaming pc you can build. Yea Forums is more important than it looks.
please stop you are making me consider to browse pol
based and redpilled
>8ch is the reddit of imageboards.
That's here when we've recycled Wojack longer than Reddit adopted rage comics. 8ch is the new Notfourchan.
If you've seen his videos that's his style.
>*chan is furious about how they pussied out and apologized while bringing normalfags to their site
was it all part of his plan?
I bet you will never contribute to society in a meaningful way, degenerate parasite.
I thought it was well-known that Yea Forums, and ESPECIALLY Yea Forums, was a fucking cesspool.
This place has been irredeemable trash for longer than most of the retards currently shitting it up have even been posting here.
It's why I don't care about what happens here anymore, I just come here for vidya shitposting and news.
If I want to actually discuss a specific game, I'll go to 8/v/.
Or if it's an old game, /vr/.
Or if it's a multiplayer game, /vg/.
Especially seeing as how the mods keep fucking banning actual game discussion for games like SCP Containment because they're fucking morons and think every specific game thread should be on /vg/, thus defeating the fucking purpose of Yea Forums.
>implying mods were stingy shitheads prior
see pic related in: I remember when LOL threads came about after the inception of Loss in June 2008 and they were deleted even back then. Don't act like mods weren't somehow stingy shitheads to begin with. We go through this every fucking year.
It was exactly the same.
>always been shit
W.T. Snacks would like a word with you.
and what happend to said journo?
THINK OF THE CHILDREN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anyone notice other chan is more bluepilled on average? Probably because the population is lower, but the most popular boards are basically half s4s which is neutral shitposting, then half liberal spergs.
How long till end of the world and the human race purges itself and all these faggots go extinct
>infinite chan is what Yea Forums was 7 years ago.
Yea Forums was full of CIA agents?
Reminder that the company in question, THQNordic, recently picked up Warhorse Studios, one of the few remaining non homo devs, best known for their game Kingdom Come: Deliverance.
Doesn’t make it any less cucked
Shaun is based and good
Guess he should have come to a fine upstanding site like 4channel instead.
>>this kills the thq nordic
Quite the opposite. They are gonna get good rep from the non sjw parts of the internet, which will help their popularity.
Note for future devs: 4/v/ will be a much safer and smarter option than 8ch for AMA due to no cp stints here. And you'll still get that outrage/meltdown marketing from resetera and the (((media))).
they are responsible for /leftypol/
>using Yea Forums to make a point
What a faggot
>gymnastics challenge
Oh fuck that reminds me of 7898 and the many other chans no one really knew about.
Yeah no back in 2011 there were hourly LOL threads, dubs threads, and even porn threads, mods allowed for a "board culture" to exist. Nowadays I doubt those fucking brainlets even understand the meaning of that.
someone was posting some on Yea Forums like a week ago
How do you even get introduced to Yea Forums and 4+4ch? I don't remember why I came here
oh yeah you can trust Yea Forums mods 100%
nothing gets past them
Why would something like this get the whole company shut down? Wouldn't this all just blow over if they just announced that the PR guy has been fired?
holy based
Anyone can make their own board on that site, the majority use Yea Forums and /pol/ but besides that generally hate each other. /leftypol/ is a laughingstock, especially after that vid came out of their tranny board owner gagging on a fat dude's dick.
>nazi devs
>Get jailed for having drawn fictional characters
>It's perfectly fine for literal underage girls to prance around in crop tops and hotpants
Just as stupid when Pitchford partnered with G2A and had to rely on a fucking YouTuber to be told why that's a bad idea. What the fuck is the point of Google anymore? Yes, 4x2chan doesn't come up, but that doesn't stop other results that you can gather intel on. And even then, there's a fuck ton of red flags on 16/2chan's own front page.
>faggot actually still cries about GG
Why do you little pussies feel the need to worship feminism?
>just FYI one of your creative directors is currently implying people of color are incompetent
>Thanks for reporting me. I am actually founder of the studio, so not sure if it will help.
fucking BASED
That pic was literally a mod saying he didn't care, the problem is that nowadays mods care, they care about making sure the people paying them have a "quality thread", they care about non ad friendly threads existing. There's being shit because you're lazy and then there's being shit because you want to profit from a community. The latter is clearly worse than the former.
based shaun
>people on Yea Forums once AGAIN falling to obvious manufactured outrage
Every fucking week its a new thing with you retards, I swear. Nice to see where all the cripplecucks came crawling back to - you guys treating Yea Forums like a toilet its nothing new.
tl;dr THQ games flopped then and they'll flop now. Don't even pretend like you niggers liked Darksiders 3.
Remade comment here since forgot image Snacks impact on Yea Forums was more noticable on Yea Forums than it was Yea Forums. Yea Forums's total number of posts didn't even past 8 mil GET until 2008. That year was pretty much the era when Yea Forums started to get old Yea Forumstard traffic after Yea Forums was flooded in by summer newfags of 2007 and moralfag chanology raids. And 2009 was when an entirely new base came in that pretty much represented all of the Yea Forums community up to this day.
They're still melting down. 3000 posts hahahahha God damn
quite honestly i've stopped for the most part because it only makes me angry
but you'll be able to instinctively detect every slimy piece of societal subversion in pretty much every form of media though and you'll start to hate everything. but hey at least you'll be right
Neogaf had a Jewish pedophile mod with the surname Goldberg, you can't make this shit up
>they did a AMA on 2*Yea Forums
No matter the opinion of the site most will tell you that's a dumb move.
They should have just went to Yea Forums cause the backlash wouldn't have been as bad
there's cp on Yea Forums and Yea Forums every other week man
Are you saying that the guy defending a borderline communist is /pol/?
you're absolutely not wrong. the only people who actually like 8ch are the same people who think calling everyone they dislike a tranny is a valid argument. it's kind of funny how they whine about resetera invading but do the same exact thing as them.
A-am i wrong or something?
>Why would something like this get the whole company shut down?
it wouldnt
Nah, people need to stay the fuck away from this shithole.
Let Yea Forums hurry up and die like it should have 12 years ago.
this place used to be the "asshole of the internet" what happened? why did reddit have to ruin this place?
I heard about it in highschool from this classmate I road on the school bus with. It's been 10 years since then. I should never have come here. God I fucking hate this place.
Good thing I always seem to miss that shit then
go look at that picture and do some reading
Trannies don't deserve respect, dumbass.
>thq nordic
Vienniggers should be hanged
Literally the california of Austria
Because when somebody says something they don't like they can't just dig through their post history to bring up some unrelated shit
Yup and he had a hate boner for Trump and white people in general. Also the admin himself is a jew. He and Amir go way back.
wtf is hiney?
Why does he have Tor installed?
You know googling tor or going to their website automatically puts you on a watchlist, right.
nobody pays attention to what this ass clown says
we still are to people that haven't opened the website once yet
Because like women, they ruin everything they touch and are inherently boring, so they have to invade more interesting communities.
Damn Yea Forums is so lame now, being a eightochanner is the new punk.
>Unsurprisingly he's the big guy in the Nintendo shirt.
>Yea Forums
There's nothing wrong with 4channel though.
>Their even dragging little black boys into their gay tranny shit
Alright, that's it.
That's where I draw the line.
/pol/ was fucking right.
literally nothing has changed since the split. I'd argue there's more nsfw on Yea Forums after than before just to piss off gookmoot
Damn these ahegao thots are really upping their game
>All publicity is good publicity, just ask Trump.
maybe if they didn't apologize.
Very late to the party but
>google doesn't list it
This says more about the absolute control over the world's internet by google than the stupidity of normalfags
/pol/ is always right. (They) are the enemies of all, not just white people.
i'm calling him an idiot.
generalization and guilt through association are all the rage these days
Infinitychan is notoriously full of liberal extremists
The kind of "discord trannies" you hear on here come from there.
>these are the same people who would complain about loli drawings on twitter
what has this world come to
I fapped to that pic several times
The guy who owns the infinitychan version of Yea Forums contacted a guy at THQ and ask him to do a ama there.
I'm on damn near 24/7 and I've never seen it on Yea Forums
Yea Forums just has loli shit and gore but that's it, the rest is facebook shit
Absolutely and utterly based
I found out about Yea Forums from my sister back in 2008 and the rest is history.
It's honestly kind of cathartic knowing that this place is pretty much dead, here's hoping it does eventually shut down so I can finally stop coming here and just stick to 8ch full time.
well at least it's making the discord trannies, retardera and twitter warriors SEETH
cp is usually deleted pretty fast on Yea Forums since they have one janny constantly lurking every single loli thread (which is the only place its ever posted) but on Yea Forums it's usually just hidden in a single post in a random thread at 4 am
I remember some polish poster kept posting /cp/ in /pol/ or /int/ few years ago
You need to understand, loli is bad, but wanting to fuck little boys dressed like strippers in the ass is woke as fuck, so it's good.
Hi Shaun
>dude grew up in poland
no wonder hes fucking based, his country doesnt give a shit about Political Correctness
it lists 8ch /pol/ specifically for me
I was a horny 11 year old and found /gif/
>hopefully i'm not stuck on an FBI watchlist for the rest of my life.
why would it matter if he was or wasn't? unless he has something to hide. who was the real pedo here?
>blacklisted child abuse forums
Too busy living a shit hole to care about that. #based
>I don't support child rape.
Why is it that everyone who says this eventually turns out to be a pedophile?
Furries are known to be pedo's
My country once unfairly banned this site because of a thread Kuroko on /e/ (!). Faggots kept bumping it so it lasted for quite a while too. What I'm saying is you don't need a justification to ban something - you need an excuse.
>child abuse forums
closest thing to child abuse iv e seen on Yea Forums were the leon chris memes
Some forum in 2009 that had a "Yea Forums thread" where they posted mostly Yea Forums shit. Browsed Yea Forums for a couple of months then moved to Yea Forums.
>calls Yea Forums(nel) vile
>uses twitter
God damn it you ruined yourself soon
Can't find it via google, would love a link to this particular claim
They don't need to fire the guy. He scored good reps for them today. Will be a weakness if they fire him.
I was doomed from a much younger age, don't worry