Anette is the best character with the best performing actress in RE2 Remake...

Anette is the best character with the best performing actress in RE2 Remake. Claire and Leon had the worst acting out of all the characters. You literally can't prove me wrong,

Attached: htgseww2fid21.jpg (1331x645, 47K)

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Marvin clearly had the best acting though

You cant prove an opinion wrong or right. Jesus user, its common sense.

Yeah he was amazing as well but he was only seen a couple of times sadly.

Do we know who was the facial model for Annette? Her bone structure is so nice, she's so pretty :3

No its objective truth no matter how you look at it.

annette is pretty damn good but claire’s is stealth the best, tons of subtleties and intonations, especially when she’s talking to sherry

Those mother fucking mom jeans.

Prove it, phaggot.

malgorzata dittmara, a polish model

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Karen Strassman ?

>"You'll never get your filthy hands on the G."
i don't know why, but the way she says that makes me hard.

gimme the g

Ada needs it

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Karen Strassman is the voice actress, not the facial model. Most characters have 3 different people portraying them

>facial model
>mocap actor
>voice actor

>tfw you will never be a young umbrella intern who hits it off with annette and ends up in an illicit yet carefree affair outside of work when the sexual frustration and emotional neglect in her dysfunctional marriage becomes too much to bear and spend your nights and early mornings sweaty and tangled in passionate love in humid motel rooms at the height of the heat wave

I can't help but notice that they tried to make her much less of a monster this time out with her attempts to stop G from spreading. In the original she was completely amoral and just cared about her research. Why the change?
they've gone back & forth on how sympathetic to play her over the years, something more mixed like in the remake seems like it makes more sense for the kind of story they were trying to tell in that game though

Leon is basically the poster boy of RE but Claire seemed to have gotten more love overall in the Remake.

Attached: 1548555919818.png (445x598, 177K)

She's still amoral though. She and her husband experimented on orphaned children.

Nothing she did in the original made any sense, and she even tries to kill you for hurting Birkin, even though he's already at stage 3 by that point. She was vastly improved for the remake.

is this an official picture?

nude annette skin when?

Pure mommy.

user please

>Be Annette
>Come home after a long day experimenting on children.
>Something smells great from the kitchen.
>"Hey honey, what's for dinner?"
>William whirls around a pot roast in hand.
>"William, I just want to know what we're ea-"
>USS busts in through the vents.
>"Dr. Birkin. We'll be taking you contribution to the employee potluck quietly."
>One pulls out a punch of post-it notes with lists of food scribbled on it.
>"We have our orders..."
>Rub my temples as a scuffle ensues and William is left beaten on the floor.
>"My creation will save me..."
>He pulls out a turkey baster full of gravy and injects himself with it.
>I just wanted a goddamn sandwich.

Ada was the best

She was great. Horrible person, but I still liked her.

fucking kek

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>the one at the helicopter has mr. X's hat on

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too lel

God damn it, user. Ya got me.

It's one of the wallpapers that comes with the deluxe edition