Runescape fags,
I’m considering making a well rounded account on RS3 and a pure (either 1 def, zerker, or piety) on OSRS.
How does this sound?
Runescape fags,
I’m considering making a well rounded account on RS3 and a pure (either 1 def, zerker, or piety) on OSRS.
How does this sound?
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nobody cares. runescape hasnt been good since before members was released.
dunno why you'd ever wanna play rs3 at all but if you're gonna then atleast play ironman. osrs is a better game even if you don't pk but sure pking can be fun
Why wouldn’t I want to play rs3?
its bad compared to osrs. and it has like, less than half the players (as is expected).
i hear its been super casualized and the lore butchered compared to osrs but i refuse to touch rs3 so i wouldnt know first hand
'cause it's really fucking gay with a billion dailies and weeklies you have to do if you want to not waste your time.
>its bad compared to osrs
bad how?
>I want to play the version with less than half the content!
lmaoing @ oscucks
What if the reason for more players on osrs is because of the mobile?
What do the weeklies and daily’s unlock?
It's not, osrs had literally 2/3rds the total playerbase before mobile came out.
Might as well play with spreadsheets for a day...
Your childhood innocence is gone and the only drive you will have to play this game is making max GP per hour and fastest XP methods. Any worthwhile part of this game like castle wars or blind questing with friends is dead.
Tons and tons of xp
But the beta came out way before the actual release
I actually quite like all of the new lore. I don't understand all the hate.
Oh I thought it’d be something better. Did they ever make like half the skills relevant? Like did they ever fix mining and smithing to not be absolutly worthless outside of making it cheaper to fix certain armors?
Is there any reason why i should ever bother with leveling farming, hunting or construction?
Construction is fun, plus I remember it having some nice utility like recharging summoning points, offering teleport points, having an alter, infinite glory ammy usage and a few other things.
>all this shit
f2p is best.
Does anyone have a spreadsheet or an image or something that shows the differences between 3 and old school? Have a month of member I want to try out.
this user is correct, the amount of dailies/weeklies fucking kill the game. youll spend hours doing that shit every day and you gotta do it because theyre often the best ways to earn xp
Why would I want a game that traded soul for content?
Dude just play it who cares what these assholes think. I play OSRS and have an RS3 acc too and it’s all the same dumb game. It’s like saying gold is better than HGSS
>less than half the players
But 50+% of players online in osrs are bots. What if rs3 just have less bots but more actual players?
Construction is easily the most useful skill I’ve had in the sense you’ll get usage out of it regularly
not that user but
>writing has gone out the window with constant references to modern pop culture and retcons out the ass, like Zanaris being the moon
>killed Guthix so they could have their grand epic god storyline
>bungled that and had to introduce even bigger badder elder gods so there could still be some kind of imposing force
>proceeded to fuck that up as well, have to move on to eldritch sea horror with Xau-tak which will probably turn out just as poorly
>keeps piling on lore/story to existing areas resulting the clusterfuck that is the modern world map
anything written after Paul Gower left might as well be non-canon tbqh, it's just been downhill since
Is there any proof to back this claim?
>standing in the ge hitting a punching bag for hours is content
The fact that every resource spot on every server has 20 bots each isn't enough as evidence?
>haven't played RS since middle school
Wait, the game had actual lore? I just thought it was a bunch of small, generic self-contained quests.
when did gower leave?
>references to modern pop culture
This has always been the case.
>killed Guthix so they could have their grand epic god storyline
People have always liked the gods, I like the gods. I like how they characterized each one of them, except maybe Armadyl.
>bungled that and had to introduce even bigger badder elder gods so there could still be some kind of imposing force
I thought the whole Zaros, Seren and Mah relationship and backstory was very unique and interesting.
Was any of this perfect? Probably not, but it still got more far more interested in what was going on in Gilenor than when I was playing in 2003
on f2p?
>zanaris being on the moon
>gods outside of the established lore just after the god wars
>finally finish the sea slug quest line
Wait how does the sea slug quest line end? I just remember something about a queen
Technically this best short version of RS lore, or RS3 lore at least.
Both Andrew and Paul left during 2012 and Ian left sometime around 2015-2016, though Paul was consulted for the lore of Dragon Slayer 2 in OSRS
Neat. Thanks, user.
>>references to modern pop culture
>This has always been the case.
it had pop culture references but it was rarely anything current, nowadays anytime RS updates or adds a new quest it has some dumb meme from the past few months
>tfw my favorite questline was already completed but they made an unnecessary additional quest resulting in the main NPC dying
fuck jagex
you play as a band of nobodies instead of your character and the queen is crushed by a stone pillar
Mobile sucks on anything that isn't a tablet. The only reason I see it being good for is just doing a bunch of quests while being on the go. Plus it can really drain your battery
I got super high lvls in RS3, 99 RC and fishing.
Can't bear the thought of ever starting the game from lvl 3.
For me the Quests and shit like Barrows made the game fun.
Runescape is one of the few games where I actually felt like I was on an adventure.
>nowadays anytime RS updates or adds a new quest it has some dumb meme from the past few months
recent examples?
>Plus it can really drain your battery
Limit the fps from settings and there you go
That sounds anticlimactic as fuck
Ignore all the anons telling you not to at least try RS3, the games aren't as different as people make it out aside from the combat.
>RS wiki
>quests by release date
>scroll down to trivia
that one new penguin quest with the literal Doctor Who tardis
They're fucking British, what type of reference humor do you expect from them?
how about reference humor that isn't so on the nose for starters
Make a med level on OSRS. Most of the content on there is PvE shit you won't be able to do as a 1 def pure.
The penguin quests are supposed to be reference overload. From the first quest onward, they were meant to be humorous.
Bring me something from a more serious quest series that has a more blatant reference.
lol what im pretty sure even theatre of blood can be completed with 1 defence, xeric and inferno certainly can
woah woah, the penguin quests were humorous but it was never about relying on pop culture for its comedy, they relied on good writing instead of "durhur I got the reference and clapped"
with prayer flicking, sure, but it's a pain in the ass.
>he didn’t save Korasi
osrs has about 5 times amount of active players
are you saying 80%+ are bots?
literally who?
bots or trannies which is essentially the same thing
No you dont need prayer flicking lol. And even if you did so what it's an intended game mechanic
i doubt trannies would play the version without furry costumes and dressup
Huh? I havent played runescape in 5-10 years but I'm pretty sure zanaris was always on the moon.
In fact I'm pretty even the IRL myths that zanaris derives from places it on the moon
OSRS is far superior to RS3.
t. tranny
none of the fairy quests mention it being the moon and the first mention of it being the moon is from 2013 after RS3 was out
>I'm pretty even the IRL myths that zanaris derives from places it on the moon
such as?
OSRS is just RS3 with less skills and fewer polygons. It is in no way old-school or a faithful recreation so if you've never played before there's no reason not to just play rs3 and do the quests and high level PVM content there
OSRS added in fucking Priff for crying out loud. There's no defense for trash like Zeah and Nightmare zone.
eoc is enough to make people hate rs3
why would they care for a shitty wow clone?
osrs players nowadays are hypocritical as fuck. the actual players from back in the day that quit, quit OS a long time ago as well
there is nothing wrong with adding Prif
>There's no defense for trash like Zeah and Nightmare zone.
Zeah was a necessary addition to avoid cluttering up the world map with bullshit but the way Jagex has been handling it is fucking stupid, Nightmare Zone should've been quest-locked or at least not available outside of Lunar Isle
It takes five seconds to look up an optimized revolution bar that will make 95% of the game the exact same left click and prayer flick gameplay that OSRS is.
The remaining 5% of the game that requires timed usage of cooldowns and abilities is the sort of endgame skillful PVM people have been wanting since the game's inception and allows for much more mechanical complexity from bosses and elite dungeons.
Afking in the nightmare zone then putting on a whip is about all OSRS has to offer in comparison
and thats why people dont like it
why is it so hard for rs3 niggers to get that through their fat fucking heads
The content that requires more than 30 iq isn't even in OSRS so it's not like you're missing out by not doing it in RS3
Woah now!
Are you mad that you missed the last double xp weekend?
whats with all the fucking faggots standing around GE swapping costumes waiting for someone to compliment them?
Also, fuck the skeleton holiday costume from 06, stop trying to be 'cool' by looking like you're an old bastard
I unironically enjoy playing both RS3 and OSRS
Double XP has been around since 2012. Considering Priff is rs3 shit from 2014 don't be surprised when it's ported to OSRS too
>worse than osrs
Hahaha not anymore thanks to reddit
I don't stay around in the GE longer than I need to. Spambots, beggars, and kinky haired max level niggers talking outside of their clan chat are an eyesore to look at.
they have specifically said double xp would never come to osrs
There's enough easyscape afk training methods in both there's no reason not to play both and see each game's respective unique content. Theater of blood doesn't require fucking 79 construction so there's no excuse not to do it
>Prifddinas didn't exist in the lore until RS3
In the lore? Yes, not like lore is the barrier for adding in garbage when zeah exists
Accessible? EOC is older than the city by several years
oldschool oldschool was top notch. newschool oldschool is trash in comparison, and honestly it died to me when GE was returned.
inb4: hurrr durrr it was necessary
Explain how Zeah conflicts with any lore
Economy is fucked too, I would like to think that the jmods are just incompetent but they definitely did that shit on purpose to increase bond sales.
HGSS is objectively better than GS. Just as OSRS is objectively better than RS3. RS3 took on a bunch of things that people hate about modern MMOs while also taking away a bunch of things people loved about OSRS
I quit RS3 back in 2015 after achieving all my PvM goals, I had lots of fun with it desu, getting the skills necessary for bossing and such and then grinding out for all the rare drops and pets.
It's just that the economy is FUCKED with all the treasure hunter shit that comes into the game not the mention all the furfags and regular faggots who play now.
anyone that defends an entire casual continent full of house politics pandering to potterfags and GoT fans isn't worth arguing with
can't wait til you fucks get the trashfire that is menaphos and start eating it up
that sounds fucking terrible just focus both accounts on OSRS retard
OSRS would be better if they added Dungeoneering and Resource Dungeons
>ywn ever sell floors again to pures for fat stacks
>ywn ever train multiple skills at once
>ywn ever know that good feeling of working with the perfect team
>ywn ever rush multiple floors, 20+ with randoms ever again
gib Dungeoneering
also 11$ a month
holy shit
11$ a month?
I don't really understand what you are saying.
He's telling you that 95% of the combat in RS3 is completely identical to osrs, and that the other 5% is super high level content that most people don't reach.
What is the issue?
I really don't understand people who complain about EOC nowadays. It was terrible at one point but jagex fixed it like ten times over.
You can literally play the game with old school's combat system if you want.
If you don't want to do that then you can still use the modern system and afk.
I legitimately cannot remember the last time I manually used a skill in RS3. It is all automated.
Runescape 3 has plenty of issues even in it's combat, but saying that it isn't like osrs is just complete ignorance at this point.
yeah but why should you?
people want old school and osrs is as close as you get
why should people play the worse version for them?
>people want old school and osrs is as close as you get
Private servers exist. Not that they aren't shit, but they are technically closer to actual runescape in 2007 than modern osrs.
And I'm not saying that you should play RS3 even if you hate it, just that the combat being different isn't a real excuse for liking osrs more than RS3.
There are plenty of legitimate excuses.
you dont need an excuse to not play something
>no argument
Dungeoneering was the best skill to work on while listening to music or a podcast and just zone out, I un-ironically want it added back in
That's true I guess.
But if you play two games and like one more than the other, you should have at least one reason for that opinion.
woah damn, I read in generals that OS players get completely butthurt over anyone enjoying RS3, but wowee
Fucking zoomers.
generals are trash
I was comped on rs3 up until about six months ago I'd suggest just skipping it. Quests are few and far between so plot points are either forgotten or dropped, combat is a bad version of wow with input delay, and the majority of the game is just a fucking barren world. There's just barely anyone to run into these days.
of course, I havent entered one in a good two years, but the OS players being butthurt little fairies is true
>somehow got Hunter up to 52 without too many suicidal thoughts
>go to 57 with orange sallys and some falconry
>entire grind is an utter pain and I'm still 200k from 66 for Varrock Hard
what the fuck bros, how do I train Hunter without feeling the need to tear out my eyes? Haven't done Bone Voyage yet because I hear you have to pay 50 slayerbux to tell wyverns to fuck off and while that's only two wilderness tasks that's also 50 points that aren't going towards a helm unlock.
no one cares old fart, get out, you're being replaced
dab on ya nigga
Depends on your previous experience and interests.
Still, I would recommend am ironman main in both rs3 and OSRS and a separate account for pvp related. Mainly focusing on osrs pvp since it's much more active.
Ironman 100% rec on rs3 though either way. osrs less important.
Fuck off dungeoneering is pure cancer and shouldn't exist.
*uglifies your goblinfu so that the option to put her out of her misery becomes an insignificantly small fraction larger*
*cutifies her in the sequel that nobody asked for to the sequel nobody asked for but then sticks her in deadcontent wars*
Cor Blimey mate, nothin' personelle wot wot
Player owned farms is EZ PZ
Hunter & Construction are player-owned ports skills
Dropped it 10 seconds in, how can you stand this shit
>tfw bought the limited edition Chosen Commander hoodie
>cave goblin questline was one of the few quests that had the original creator see it through until the end
>the same year he left Zanik is redesigned and killed off
it hurts
>there is nothing wrong with adding Prif
>inaccessible to low level players meaning the GE will eventually become even more desolate than it already is - may be avoided by not having GE clerks or an elffag equivalent present
>strains immersion that elffags have all the good shit the world has to offer stuffed into small and tidy city quarters; no need to venture into dangerous areas for it
>may or may not include dailyscape shit which decreases the want to keep playing after a daily limit has been reached
>big for the sake of being big like Zeah, pain in the dick to get from point A to B unless you've got your mandatory graceful outfit
But it could be great, and I'm willing to give the OSRS interns the benefit of the doubt that they can pull it off. Hopefully the crystal will actually be glassy white/transparent instead of the cyan sharts of RS3.
it was jessika's fault
Fuck, that was the banner I saw on the front page when I started playing along with the In Pyre Need art. Really hyped me up for seeing all the member's stuff.
With the way things are going, WoW is a shitty rs3 clone
they already said they won't be adding a 2nd GE and that it won't be the same resource hub RS3's is, all it offers currently is the closest bank to a POH, a new randomized dungeon, and some new crystal tools
Best hair
Best sword
2nd Best girl
based and votedfor pilled
More nostalgia
Dungeoneering is okay as a minigame but probably shouldn't be a skill
I'm actually doing this right now, levelling a range pure on OSRS while I mainly play RS3. I've been having fun, exploring the world and questing at my own pace. I was a poor f2p monkey when I was a kid so everyday is new and exciting.
If the rewards were cool new things that don't destabilize the prices of what we've already got (tome of frost and antipoison totem comes to mind) and they didn't pull that "F2Pnigs over level 90 can fuck off and die" scheme it'd be pretty neat.
I joined when that just released and always hated it
Does it bother anyone else that greater demons, that look like real demons, are weaker than abyssal demons that are just two foot tall shitty spider things?
Greater Demons are just doing the Virgin Chad thing to appear more threatening than they really are, while Abyssals are Chad Virgins that look like they came out of babby's first autodesk class but can punch you in the dick.
I still do
Who’s 1st?
its cancer
its funny
The only girl in Runescape that matters, and will ever matter, DivineZanik Skinweaver
man tarns lair is forgotten content
nobody cared so the monsters dont even have their drop tables updated
Guthix was right, all gods are shit and don't belong in Runescape.
>tfw can't play as Thok outside of minigameheim
>tfw no Thokscape
>Morytania quests have Roald and the other dude talking about how breaking the edicts will make Guthix come back and end the world
nigga was right in a way, we got 3scape
nigga please
gay pansexual tranny bird
Your proving my point posting that literally gay bird made to appeal to the furfags.
this guy was probably gay too
He was warsexual
Bandos is warsexual
dat nigga ded
EOC is trash
Remember Zezima? He's now a MLP faggot.
well zezima was always a faggot so i don't know how this is new at all.
Who cares, I never gave a shit about any faggot on the leaderboard
Free armor trimming
Free trimmed masterwork
Masterworks all you can't go wrong
Honestly, if they made it so that it wasn't all centralized in a single location, and made tiers of dungeons scattered around the world, it would feel better. Maybe something along the lines of the the resource dungeons already present, elite the new elite dungeons meant for profit or tokens rather than exp, but still granting some xp, and the actual dungs as they are meant for exp grinding.
That's what I hope they do in the future
Who melees Nex?
Nex armours needed for masterwork trim