>they didn't pick us for AMA
They didn't pick us for AMA
Other urls found in this thread:
the left always wins
They didn't pick us cause we're fucking coons. FUCK I HATE YOU ALL!!!!
8ch board owner asked them nicely and they came on
they didn't pick anything
8ch board owner asked them nicely and they came on
they didn't pick anything
Why would a game company whose trying to establish a reputation choose one of the most angry, hateful, racist and awful places on the internet to do an AMA?
So this...this is your brain on the heteronormative pill..
But they didn't go on Resetera?
8ch board owner asked them nicely and they came on
they didn't pick anything
>the rights not right
hold up
Yea Forums doesn't have someone shilling the board on our behalf
>we're fucking coons
N8 is a coon
more like "begged them"
8ch board owner asked them nicely and they came on
they didn't pick anything
8ch board owner asked them nicely and they came on
they didn't pick anything
>they picked a site where people play and buy games instead of a shithole that spams the same thirty threads every hour
Wow, I wonder why...
You can use this shitty ass thread as exhibit A, faggots.
Resetera fags incoming.
you seem mad
U mad?
How would it have been any different? Yea Forums is one of the few places that is not a brainwashed liberal echochamber and it would have been shit on anyway.
I was mad when I initially posted, but I've jacked off since then.
he mad lmoa
It's good to get it out of your system.
At it boy, just let all the stress juices out. Also, fuck trannies and fuck jannies.
>going to 4x4chan instead of Yea Forums for extra impact
wait what did I miss? is timesplitters on the horizon?
Nothing would have changed really. Someone would have posted 1488 shit or CP if he really wanted to be edgy amd put the whole site on lockdown and journos would lose their shit. Nothing special really.
they didn't really 'pick' anything, the dipshit head mod mark mann annoyed them until they agreed
Why is Mark so based?
>r*ddit seething because they want their ama monopoly steadfast
>slander that everyone on any yotsuba imageboard is a raycist pedo
>retards actually take the bait and thq nordic even has to backtrack or else they lose their livelihoods
hackers on steroids tier
Idk, I'm enjoying shitposting though. Can't wait to forget this shit come tomorrow. Although, someone is going to get thrown over the bus for this PR disaster, ah well.
who fucking cares where he did it, did he announce battle for bikini bottom hd or not?
8ch board owner asked them nicely and they came on
they didn't pick anything
they didn't pick us because this place is a worse shithole than what they actually choose.
Mods and Jannies are massive faggots and the userbase is underage trash or /pol/tards
they woudn't be able to answer half the amount of questions they answered there here.
quick rundown?
Far more shitposting. 8ch has less
8gag had that reputation long before this happened
If they wanted to do an AMA on someplace other than Reddit they should have done it on Twitter, or GameFAQs, or resetera
New Destroy all humans
New Stalker
New timesplitters but not for a while
New Darksiders
See above plus saws are pissed
THQ Nordic made an AMA on 4+Yea Forums
it went well and nice but everyone else is trying to fucking destroy them on Twitter and News websites
Less shitposts, but more shit posts.
u mad bro?
Some dumbass PR lead causes a literal media shit storm. Reddit, resetera, and some other faggot sites go crazy over it. Just a stupid AMA is all.
> Yikes
I don't know how this meme started, but I don't like it and it needs to end.
You don't pander to extremists. They always need to be opposed, never appeased.
8/v/ board owner contacted them so it wouldn't of happened here
So is THQ Nordic officially making "right-wing" games now?
Could use some diversity in the industry I guess...it's all sjw influenced games atm.
Tell that to the USSR
Incel snowflake
Or 8ch were actual vidya fans are
5 new games announced
wow its literally nothing, i guess 8chn faggots will do anything to bring their shithole into the spotlight once in a while, kys niggers
>Reddit, resetera, and some other faggot sites go crazy over it
Link? I wanna harvest some salt
You have shit taste if you aren’t hyped for time splitters and destroy all humans
how did this happen
i am so confused
You mean like the bethesda dev? The one who told them that they're too extreme and it's the reason why many devs don't like the place, which pissed them off to the point that they removed his checkmark so they could ban him?
Yeah, I wonder why nobody wants to have an AMA on their site anymroe.
That the best you've got?
I can't blame them, Yea Forums is worse than ever.
to be honest, I think this was actually a real PR move to hype up their announcements
there's NO WAY they'd just do this "just for lulz"
Do they even make good games? I don't recognize the studio name.
So, hold up, let me get this straight: a legitimate business entity went to infinity chan for an AMA? nice confirmation it's an FBI honeypot
You really think that obnoxious zoomer has ever heard of either of those?
>someone actually posted screen caps of darksiders torrents to thq guy and he said he was sad
Here user: Twitter: twitter.com
The postal devs post on 8/v/ all the time. They are based
I forgot about 8c. Their Yea Forums seems to actually stay on topic, I may just fuck off there when I'm fed up with the trannies and fagposters of Yea Forums. No, kids, it doesn't help to hide off topic threads only to find that page 1 has like 2 threads and the rest are shitpost or bait threads.
"Stop buying THQ games. They are pedophiles. Not the good kind of pedophiles but bad pedophiles who aren't socialists! If you don't obey, I'll report you to AOC and Bernie and expose you as racist piece of shit"
wat do?
So basically THQ PR just announced new games today but everybody's crying about 8ch being a site that hurts their feelings?
Yep, the insecurity is amazing. Honestly 8ch is based.
Yes,they basically announced what they are going to bring to E3 if I am not mistaken. Shows how much """journalists"" and (((bluechecks))) care about videogames
U need to go back.
was 100% agreeing with your post until I saw your pic
kill yourself
Literally another Shrek meme. That's how underage filled this place has become.
>Inb4 retard tries to imply he's not underage for coveting a Children's movie meme.
Defending Cringeposting should be a bannable offense. Nobody even argues here anymore, they just take turns saying cope, seethe, and yikes until somebody gives up and leaves.
I assume 4*2 chan doesn't have an archive i wanna see the cunny spam during these threads
Transparent move by them to win over chan demographic. Only thing is it doesnt work if they apologize for it as soon as they get called out.
>so so sorry
If they told the journos to suck a fatty I would have unironically bought everything they released for the foreseeable future but oh well. They didnt even say nigger.
>retard tries to imply he's not underage for coveting a japanese kids show meme
They have a literal ex-KGB member as a "president" now, who staffed all governmental positions with ex-commie buddies.
Hey, at least we aren't the worst anymore.
That's what happened when actual commies saw how shitty their system was.
It's still up on the board
We knew about Darksiders and Stalker, but DAH and Timesplitters are huge
RIP thread.
Stil pretty funny to watch the shit show that ensued everywhere even Yea Forums
I think we would've been nicer.
That would be a better choice for an AMA than going on 8gag's /vpol/.
yeah but the posts are deleted.
link? didn't see that
>hurr why didn't they pick us
This is good for Yea Forums. I want Yea Forums to go back into being irrelevant and obscure. Some boards like Yea Forums, Yea Forums, /pol/ and Yea Forums are too big for their own good.
Good, because this place is a massive dumpster fire anyway.
>open thread
>first reply is a smug pepe shitpost
Gee, I wonder.
Twitter trannies SEETHING
they didnt pick. 8ch mods came to them. people did ask Yea Forums mods to do an ama here but the assholes will usually told the game devs to pay for a sticky
>8ch mods came to them
Then that was the worse move on the 8ch mods/Mark's part of the deal.
>people did ask Yea Forums mods to do an ama here but the assholes will usually told the game devs to pay for a sticky
Isn't THQNordic a decently sized vidya company that bought a lot of studios? Surely they could of paied for a sticky AMA, right?
just from the pic, bet they draw kemoshota
I wonder how Zoe Quinn reacted?
This is legit making me angry
Why should THQ apologize? It's an anonymous imageboard and shit like this can happen at anytime
It's just a game company interacting with a different portion of their fanbase
Quarter Pounder weighs in on the subject.
they need to apologize because the big bad twitter influencers are having a whinge about it and writing articles on their blogs
What % of Yea Forums's current userbase are even old enough to remember 8ch?
Saw the thread and checked it out, Apparently 8ch has a zoophilia board now. When? Isn't it illegal? The posts are fucking vile.
This has to be ironic
Part 2
> now.
always had it.
like legal in half of the world.
fucking animals isn't vile if you do it in a way that doesn't hurt them.it's a weird kink, possibly for "losers", and that's it.
>going to 8 because Yea Forums is controversial
who the FUCK are these people? seriously
Our twitter aristocracy
>they dont know
its not even summer holy fuck
Just a friendly reminder that gamergaters from impchan are on the same level as anonymoose faggots
I hope someone snaps and starts targeting resetera users and jannies.
8ch is unironically more Reddit than Yea Forums, prove me wrong. It has a literal subr*ddit system for fucks sake.
>twitter aristocracy
thank you user, now i can go laughing myself to sleep.
Animals can't inherently consent though. Also, isn't 8ch in the US, where zoophilia is illegal?
But what about Timesplitters
>2014 was over 4 years ago
fuck I feel so old
No, this man actually thinks he might be assassinated by CIA sniper for visiting a video game board.
Isn't it based somewhere in South Asia?
Actual unironic pedophiles projecting onto others.
>Animals can't inherently consent though
>to sex
this is absolutely ridicolous and alien and nonsense given society accepts killing animals for food and population control.without their consent.
It's not. Resetera is literally where all the delusional faggots go to circlejerk themselves to death. It doesn't matter if you are a leftist, if you aren't extreme as them, they will ban you for being a racist or some other buzzword. Why do you think they only allow fucking paid emails to sign up on their shit forum?
>the left always wins
Except for like, every time?
When have the left ever won anything?
Based Mark, maybe I shouldn't have left 10-2chan ages ago
Ex-8chn user here. Used to go there a lot and was unironically my first imageboard. Had some great memories at 8chn. But then 8/pol/ infested all of 8chn and now the boards that I used to love are either dead, slow as hell, or was 100% infested with /pol/ cancer. I was so mad at the admins & mods not stopping the the /pol/ cancer from spreading that I decided to come to Yea Forums. Still go on 8chn sometime for 8/tv/, /sudo/ for /intl/-shitposting, and /christian/ but other than those board, I given up on 8chn.[/spolier]
>post stalin reforms
average nu-marxist education
stalin wrote a book about the issues with communism retard
That fat jew said something right for once it seems
whendid you exacly win? hell you already losing again
>Tell me about Mark. Why does he have benefactors?
Well it's assumed the animals being sexed are pets, which we don't eat, and can get fined for killing or abusing. In this case it would be rape and or abuse.
Just fucking kill yourself
sure you did you are just another faggot
8/v/ was unironically the best place to discuss video games on the internet from Sep - Dec 2014. Then it started to suck, but it's still better than regular Yea Forums.
>It was extremely painful
The "journalism" descriptions of the thread are funny.
>Someone immediately proceeded to post loli pornography depicting two young women with gigantic breasts being groped by a man towering over them
>disdainful look
This artist pushes all my buttons
cease your [discriminatory word for LGBT people] poster here
>even bitching in UN couldn't get you past 300 favs on twitter.
I bet this is more devastating to her female ego than the actual issue.
this is the "child pornography" in question btw
>isn't 8ch in the US
It's in the philippines iirc.
>mark doing something right for once
He should treat himself to a cake for that.
Why do they think it's loli when they see giant boobs and big asses? Is it because it's anime?
Take a guess. They make shit up about others on a constant basis and every now and then it turns out that they were simply projecting their own failures onto them.
>almost no wojaks or pepes
>on topic vidya threads
>has a BASED mod loved by the users
>obscure enough to drive the normans away
>anons are actually chill and contribute to the threads
and i thought it was worse, good bye Hiro i hope your shithole collapses.
All he did with t was to show that the THQ guy had a sense of humor and no problem with bloody drawings.
10 bucks that they don't really know what loli means and are too affraid to ask or look it up.
99% of Yea Forums shitposting would be fixed by thread IDs
>he's the big guy with the nintendo shirt
Pretty interesting how many vocal anti-GGers turned out to be sex pests.
Infinity chan is made for /pol/tards. I hate SJWs as much as any sane guy but I don't want to browse a board that feels like it's always in some Gamergate or Anita Sarkeesian type of happening. It already happened here and we didn't recover.
People only like Mark because everyone who hates Mark already left the site years ago.
Fuck journos. There is so little news to be made out of this story that they are recontextualising statements to imply things.
There are seriously articles that google meta-data have captured saying “THQ condones cheese pizza” but when you open it the article’s title has been dailed back.
Trying to imply that if you are against social justice influencing your games’ quality; that you are being derogative to “art that embraces diversity of perspective”.
Okay but he's right that Lovecraft would have been a prolific shitposter.
Why is Yea Forums so furious at this?
Because it is about a better chan
Look how they chop his quote.
>“I...” “...condone...” “...baby sex!”
>He said it! He said it!
I don't expect anything from them anyway. They're just glorified clickbait writers and if it's about something as obscure as 2^3 chan they can make shit up as they go, knowing that normalfags will eat it up.
I say 8/v/ was good up until the infinity next shitshow happened. Then 2016 8/v/ was just ok overall but then after the 2016 USA election was over, 8/v/ started to slowly become worse and worse with each day. The last straw for me with that place is when I try to point out the double standards of 8/v/ but then when I got back, my posts where deleted and I got a ban from the mods. You're better off posting on 4/v/ rather than 8/v/ at this point.
>>almost no OC or memes
>>politic threads disguise as vidya threads
>>has a faggot mod hated by the users
>>obscure enough to barely keep itself alive
>>anons are actually /pol/tard and don't contribute to the threads
I've convinced devs to do AMAs on Yea Forums before. They went surprisingly well.
>"social justice", which is applied as a derogatory term to art and entertainment that embraces diversity of perspective
>that embraces diversity of perspective
cease your [discriminatory word for LGBT people]
>Says 'Mark' will 'take care' of it
>We suspect that may be a coded reference to child prostitution
>guys I've done some reforms so it's not a communism now
>oh btw I also turned the country into a police state, but that's no communism alright
Typical burger socialist.
It'd be amusing if it wasn't infuriating. And they're trying to leverage to get people on their side despite the reality that SJWs operate based on dogma. They're blind to their own faults and promote racist ideologies that seek to compensate for what they perceive as inherent unfairness confronting various groups. They're effectively advocates of race realism.
I tried something similar for an indie dev who I made friends with during the actual game-development threads that pop-up here. The response was a hundred variants of “fuck you faggot shill” and that was it. Like ten people played his game total and I was the top of the leaderboard. Poor guy. Somehow still got a Wii U release; they’ll let anything with a pulse in.
what a loser
the ministry of truth at it again.
I actually like this format of censoring.
These journos are a bunch of [discrimantory word for talentless hacks].
Be fair to the journo. Merely reading such words on an LCD screen can cause unprepared progressives to spontaneously start throwing Hitler salutes. ("Queer" is safe, though, for some unfathomable reason.)
I'm pretty sure all these posts complaining about "us" not being picked for an AMA are 8ch users, they will probably screenshot these posts and flaunt them in their site. I've been there several times and they have a chip on their shoulder against Yea Forums, after all these years. You can smell the inferiority complex.
i unironically love to shit on trannies and sjw, Yea Forums seems like a better site for me
Maybe they should [learn a computer language].
>diversity of perspective
On what fucking planet
what game?
>>that embraces diversity of perspective
>>that embraces diversity of perspective
>>that embraces diversity of perspective
Can anyone explain to me with all of the fart-huffing with the left in the past say 6-7 years? Why the hell are they so far up their own assholes that they didn't realized that they have become the same monster (the christian right and/or the right in general) that they had been fighting for decades? Did Obama's presidency really fucked them up so much or something like that? Or was it Occupy WallStreet that was the point of no return for the left?
>implying a lot of people don't post in both places
Who the fuck has brand loyalty to imageboards or web forums?
I smell a new GG brewing, and that's a good thing, maybe this time you faggots won't pussy out
They don't. Mention Yea Forums in anything but an absolute negative light once and you'll get filtered.
The left always
>kills all dissenters
But you're totally the good guys so it's all ok right?
I think it was when they killed Occupy themselves for being too white and unwoke.
its like one add a car company made saying you can buy your car in any color aslong as its black
"You can have any perspective you want aslong as its the same as ours"
I'm not a manchild, nor have the free time to care about such inane garbage like gamergate, to be honest.
resetera is this way
This. I've been posting on here since 2009 and 15-7chan since GeeGee. Here is better for shitposting and template style threads with rapid discussion. The other one is better for anything else especially cute and funny threads
>has the free time to tell us about the thing he doesn't have the free time to tell us about
That’s the exact type of post that’ll trigger responses of:
>*entitled white cis male shakes fist at cloud*
And the failure to see the irony causes an anguish in my soul. The worst is my wife is basically one of these thinkers; she’s in love with gay culture so much she tries to commit suicide to be “just like the queens on the TV”. I have to walk on egg shells around her or she’ll decry “muh people” and sashay-away.
My best mate’s son is basically gay because his mother only watches Ru Paul on a loop; buys him dresses and women’s shoes. Pink clothes. The extended family buys him prams and dollies; and says “boys can play with what they want to” and a single quiet tear rolls from the corner of my mate’s eye.
Glad I put that out there, can’t say this shit anywhere else.
>I'm so so better than them! :)
ResetERA and Kotaku DO realize that they're just doing a Streisand Effect for both THQ Nordic and 8ch right?
False equivalency. The gamergate autists have been at it for like 5 years now.
Because they would never get any genuine replies and then some genius nukes thread with naked cirino
To be fair, I am.
>already knows more about gamergate than the average person
Why would there be a new GG over resetrannies seething about nothing?
Why would anyone here try to defend THQ Nordic who sold out to chinese bugmen and (((Koch)))?
Don't you have an entire chan created as a containment zone just for you?
Imaging being this retarded
well they are still free so they can speak, unlike sjw trannies
Because I've been posting on Yea Forums and Yea Forums for over 10 years. I was here when that shit started.
It would appear as though you have an ample amount of free time then, user.
We dont know there is a new Destroy All Humans. It might just be remasters.
why is it so easy to spot you faggots? you don't belong here, this is why 4channel.org exist, this is why this place is so shit now.
fuck you
Blockara, it’s on steam.
“It’s okay.” - Polygon, 2016
I think even the voice actors didn’t give enough of a toss to play the product; but I could be wrong.
Newfag telling oldfag that he doesn't belong here?
They picked them because their mod gave them protection from all the big time shitposting. Besides, it's not nincelshit, so why bother?
just fags and fags really
>"It feels horrible to be associated with this company in any capacity," said one developer currently working for a studio under THQ Nordic, who requested anonymity to protect their job.
>"I definitely worry about the affect it'll have on our audience," they continued. "The mainstream game audience is arguably already leaning right, and this (implicit or explicit) approval of this awful group is only going to drive sales in their direction and away from the kind of progressive people that I would love to reach. The comment on 'continuing to avoid making games for SocJus audiences' fills me with the most dread."
They're angry because they know they're losing.
They barely answered anything there.
pure gold
>google say it bad so it bad
even if you were an oldfag, my oldfag self will still call you a faggot, and the reason 4channel exists.
8ch is more like rddit in that you can make sub board
Yea Forums is more like rddit because most of it's users come from there
Wow this company is so based and redpilled!
>Child porn site
I love how these SJWs have to make up literal lies. I have been browsing 8ch for over 6 years and I have not once seen any CP. The most that was a 2D loli board and /hebe/ which was quickly deleted. R*ddit on the other hand had literal child porn subreddits for years and Neogaf was ran by literal Pedo mods.
It's a PR stunt. Yea Forums isn't newsworthy.
>blacklisted child abuse forums
i remember shaun shilling his videos on /leftypol/
>they know they're losing
care to explain how? the guy who did the AMA backpedaled and is apologizing profusely for it. people are saying he's going to get fired.
Most of 8ch users are actually from reddit. Remember they even made several subreddits to keep track of their autism back when gamergate was blowing up. Half of the board was against that garbage not the fact that they were trying to fuck with 'journalists'.
everyone who shits on sjw trannies is BASED indeed
What are some good games from these guys? I just got paid today so I'm willing to throw a bit of cash around.
its literally pr speak user
Shit on=apologized to?
oh noes!!! people are saying!!!!!
>resetera and twitter normalfaggots
Did someone ITT already post Mark's nudes?
You aren't looking in the right places. It was easier back when the cripple was still admin.
Lol no. Here anons even admit to going to reddit. You are so salty you have to tell lies. The worst cancer 8ch get's are from retards from here.
>They made several subreddits
No you fucking retard, that was before the 8ch exodus. You can't even get your time straight you newfag. You are seething just like the SJW journos since you have to make up bullshit like them.
>and /hebe/ which was quickly deleted.
"Quickly deleted"? That place was active for, what, 18 months? 2 years?
He gave a quick twitter disavowal. He probably won't be fired because European companies are a lot slower to react to this sort of thing. Unless a THQ higher up demands his head, the company's likely to just write this off as a one-time oopsie. And *multiple* people were involved in the AMA, so they'd have to fire everyone who participated.
Welp, now they're going to be eaten alive.
I remember the name of the subreddit now, it was kotaku in action. Sorry but the people who left to 8ch were the redditors.
tl,dr a whore with severe bipolar disorder that lies for attention and the spark of the whole gg shit
Gamergate was around before the 8ch exodus. Reddit, Tumblr and many other sites were part of GG. You are thinking GG = 8ch which just proves how much of a newfag you are.
id apologize to you after taking shit on you too, but it wouldnt change you have a turd on your head
Who the fuck is Mark? What happened to hotwheels?
And never posted real CP. Pedo subreddits were on reddit all the way until 2016
Existed before 8ch exodus newfag and wasn't related to 8ch in any way.
>I know, I will say 8ch is Reddit so us normalfaggot newfags can finally be part of 4channel!!!
kys faggot, you have no idea what you're saying, literally pulling lies out of your faggot ass
>go and check that site to know what's up
Wow, and I thought Yea Forums's layout was horrible.
Oldfags know GG/Anita Sarkeesian did more damage to Yea Forums than good. The reason these two got so big in the first place was because of US. The reason GG was banned and moved to 4+Yea Forums was because mods (but mostly anons) didn't want another fucking Anita in the making. Big happenings and getting involved in things only shit up the board more.
Nobody can positively ID who is responsible for the AMA or whether or not anyone was actually fired.
They can literally just fart out a fake apology, claim someone was fired, and then go on their merry way.
They either knew what was going to happen, or never cared enough about the situation all that much to begin with.
As someone who came here in 2009, you are in fact a perpetual newfag. You're not an oldfag unless you came here in 2005.
I know I'm late, but if you think the world as it existed in 1945 is in anyway comparable to the low IQ bartenders calling for open borders today then you REALLY need to sterlize yourself
If you tried to tell anyone who fought in WW2 or Vietnam that they needed to open their borders and let in millions and millions of mexicans and south americans they would probably shoot or lynch you
what we have now pretty much an abberation that is only maintained and possible because the technocrats decided to side with the establishment and censor the population and the national media being owned by a handful billionaires.
On 8ch each board has it's own owner. The owner of 8ch Yea Forums is Mark.
No! Didn't you hear, 8ch is a literal cp site! PLEASE DON'T GO THERE
that's because this site got exposed when moot decided to censor topics talking about things his girlfriend who was fucking some other guy on the side didn't like.
and then i guess jap moot just kept all the same rules as the last guy because he think's that'll bring advertisers back or some shit? yeah not happening.
Mark Kern, owner of Yea Forums.
>all these butt blasted political nobody replies
godspeed user
>Gamergate was around before the 8ch exodus
I never said it wasn't. People here were getting fed up with the constant generals and links to reddit in their pasta OPs. This was before moot even knew what was going on.
This post! Such power...
and look where we are now, 4channel.org and Hiroshima literally inviting normalfaggots with open arms.
What a nice improvement!
You are a newfag retard and think Kotaku in action = 8ch. Kotaku in action existed before GG and 8ch exodus happened after GG. 8ch never had a subreddit and the two are unrelated. You are such a newfag it's pathetic.
>political nobody replies
Well yeah this is Yea Forums you idiot. Even the original poster is fucking nobody.
Did he buy out Yea Forums or something? Last I remember 8/v/ was owned by a fag in a wheelchair
Jokes on you, I’ve been on 8ch back during the exodus and left during the election when /pol/shit went full throttle. Would someone who doesn’t visit 8ch know what pic related is?
>And never posted real CP.
Plus Yea Forums gold accounts!
Oh and 2mb image limits!
8ch was owned by Hotwheels but each board has it's own owner.
8ch is owned by the weelchair fag, the boards all have individual owners as well though.
Isn't that the brit-bong that unironically say that European history doesn't belong to Europeans just because there were a "few" blacks within Europe and that Europeans were fight among themselves despite the fact that pretty much every other continent and other races were doing the same thing? BTW, is he's a Rick and Morty fanboy by any chance?
>Shaun actually shilled his videos on 8ch in /leftypol/
I guess he's ok with Cheese Pizza then.
so did jen ever even exist or did she leave him for being an estrogen-filled bitch?
>I-I am from the infamous 8ch, that is why I am saying factually wrong things
Better than 8ch inviting and actively working with redditors to "expose" faggots.
Kotaku in action was only relevant because of gamergate, yes. 8ch is pretty much gamergate, the rest of the boards are emptier than Yea Forums's /3/. Go back.
The Red Faction games are pretty good, best destruction systems to date, especially in the first two. If you remember the kind of destruction that Crackdown 3 was peddling, Red Faction actually has that. Alan Wake is pretty good too if you like story-focused games, great music as well.
Red Faction Guerilla.
>cripplechan is cp friendly
>but not reddit who had cp boards
>but not neogaf which had pedophiles in its leadership
>but not resetera which is made up of neogaf fags
Unless they are talking about loli, which is a whole different argument.
That's why moot didn't want to create /pol/ in first place, because he wanted Yea Forums to be only a hobby board, entirely free of politics. And he was right, politics ruin everything.
Shut the fuck up
it was just loli
It didn't. Stop listening to Jewish journos
GG existed for a long time before 8ch exodus you stupid newfag. GG existed on multiple different websites.
>The rest of the boards are emptier
Except /pol/ is bigger you retard. It's so pathetic that you have to lie because you are an image board fanboy this cucked site.
cripplechan had literal cp boards before the normalfags at twitter started reporting it.
GG literally made moot quit so gook moot bought it. It's exactly what I'm talking about.
You don't even know your own history. Again, go back.
Well which is it? Retardera fags are notorious for claiming something is CP friendly when they just have loli content.
Explain /hebe/ then. It was up for years with over 200 active ISPs. It was only deleted about 2 years ago
You are such a newfag holy shit kys.
Reddit had a literal subreddit called "r/Whalebait/ and it existed for years. 8ch at WORST had kids in swimsuits.
To be honest Moot was starting to act like a fag around that time too
>don't say mean things about my pedophile friends
/childlove/ wasn't loli, user
the THQ threads only had lolis
>It didn't.
Interesting, you sure do seem to know an awful lot about what content was and wasn't posted on a board dedicated to sexualizing young girls - why is that?
8ch is like reddit, everyone can make their own board, I know for a fact that there were several cp friendly ones.
Moot wanted to leave way before GG. GG was just an excuse for him
>that's because this site got exposed when moot decided to censor topics talking about things his girlfriend who was fucking some other guy on the side didn't like.
Not to mention that girl worked at Gawker.
Because I was around when Journos claimed it had CP. Your argument is shit
>Lol if you know it didn't have CP that makes you a pedo
"AKSHUALLY these girls were 13 or over!" is definitely a bold defense.
So, what's the fallout of all this? ResetERA gets trigged for a few weeks, and 8ch and THQNordic get a bump in attention?
basically yeah
Is there an actual argument someone can make for why 8ch isn't better than Yea Forums? The only one I can think of is that it has less active users but Yea Forums has far too many posters now anyways.
actually, my dear reddit tourist, moot quit because of the fappening. he knew the legal troubles the fappening would entail so he decided to jump off the ship and sold it to hirokike.
he also had became a full blown normalfag.
Does nobody remember the last time a publisher came here?
I just prefer Yea Forums because it's more active. 8v is more active, sure, but 8tg just sort of crawls at a snail's pace.
How can you know it wasn't being posted unless you made numerous visits "just to check" that there wasn't any CP being posted? One visit would only be a single snapshot into an active community - imagine visiting Yea Forums, seeing the rare instance when there's no shitposting on the front page and then trying to suggest "Yea Forums NEVER shitposts".
They're just trannies waiting to die soon. And they never buy games.
8ch has the opposite issue of having too few users, but the userbase ratio is roughly the same in terms of underagefags, /pol/shitters, etc. it’s actually low key easier to derail a thread on their Yea Forums because of how many stormfaggots and wannabe oldfags there are.
I don't care about politics
I Prefer if they make surveys like Atlus and the others Japan third parties.
Not her ((him)) but the left wins every single thing. Proof:
Take any current Conservative viewpoint, hop in a time machine back 20 or 50 or 200 years, and your "right wing" conservative viewpoint will be seen as insanely radical left. The history of politics has been a leftward march for decades. The "right" exists as token opposition, and are hardly twenty years less progressive than the mainstream left.
The conservative party in my country supports gay marriage. They didn't once. In fact they support trannies too. When the left agitates for pedophiles the mainstream "right" will put up their ineffectual opposition... but twenty years later when the debate has shifted further and the left are proposing mandatory hormone blockers from birth, the right will have forgotten that once they stood against this degeneracy. And when a right wing party gets into power (such as RIGHT NOW in many countries across the west) you notice that none of the once-opposed leftist shifts are being rolled back. Gay marriage? Nope. Trannies? Still allowed to walk free. Welfare? Health are? Etc. etc.
This is the sad truth. Become a neoreactionary.
8 chan is literally made up of people from r/kotakuinaction and butthurt faggots that left after talking about Zoe Quinn got banned, of course it's gonna be reddit 2.0.
I use 8ch for porn and noone can stop me.
Hiro did a really good job at tricking all the normalfags and advertisers that Yea Forums has changed.
So as long as I intend to eat them afterwards it's okay?
Whatever happened to "Q&A"? Did the world just forget about that term?
>I can only get aroused by girls in the age bracket imposed by the state
t. american
Honesty, they would have honestly get the same backlash anyway if they did an AMA here due to /pol/ or some problem games journalists will come up with out of their asses.
it did change for worse. this site is full of trannies now
I think it's somewhat pathetic that the cripplechannelers in this thread are desperately trying to defend their site. They often pride themselves for being the "uncucked" and darker version of Yea Forums, if anything this bad publicity should make them happier as less normalfags would think about going there. I guess they really need the users, huh?
remember when "emojis" used to be called "Emoticons"?
Hot trannies?
Man, Weimar Germany was super progressive too. The Greeks and the Romans had no problem with people fucking each other. Racism by skin color barely even existed as a concept up until just a few centuries ago. Most nation-states have either outright abandoned Socialism at this point or else are a crumbling Marxist cult ala Venezuela.
It's a pendulum, not endless forward progress. I'd argue we've even gone back quite a bit, what with the Left now taking the opportunity to be censorious scolds who can't stop losing their minds when something offensive is depicted and everyone starting to get disillusioned with Neoliberal Globalism.
You can blame japs for that.
trannies are not humans
Nice site, loser. Remove the parentheses
cwc looking trannies
Nigga I don't even post on cripplechan, I just support anything that makes ResetERA upset or angry it literally fuels me.
emoticons are text while emojis are pictures
also emoji is a nip word that coincidentally bears a resemblance to the word emoticon
It's contaminated product and no one would want it, I think it's against regulation too.
Fuck the mods for nor trying to get AMAs here
It's the same shit, I don't see a change in the rules or moderation
They did. 4ch or 8ch is the same thing. Faggots and trannies are livid, that's all that matters.
I think it's somewhat pathetic that the resetrannies in this thread are desperately trying to defend their site. They often pride themselves for being the woke and better version of NeoGAF, if anything this triggering should make them happier as less based and redpilled 8chnners would think about going there. I guess they really need to dilate, huh?
Trannies are literally humans who become trannies. You think they're birds, retard?
>the left always wins
Who /zoocore/ here?
Trannies are mentally ill human beings who need a firm slap to their faces and behavior corrected to normalcy. Not their degenerates promoted and encouraged like in present society.
Comparing trannies to birds is offensive to birds.
lol trannies WERE humans but they are no longer them. they are trannies and trannies are not humans
Every day must be a good day to you then because they're always mad about something
He means in the long run. Obviously.
Right: Blacks are objects and sub human.
Left: Wrong.
Left won.
Right: Women are dogs and need to do what they are told.
Left: rofl, nigger what?
Left won.
I don't know what the head mod of 8/v/ is into but he must have some contacts, he got a bunch of devs to post there like Running With Scissors, the Earthworm Jim guy, the LISA dev, he even got Yoko fucking Taro once, it's ridiculous.
nobody tell this user about black slavery and the democrats
>Fire everyone in this decision immediately
Why do they think they still have that moral authority? This isn't 2015 anymore. Everyone sees who lunatic and crazy leftists are.
These faggots seriously need to come down from their ivory towers or else they will do something wreckless.
How much money do you collect in rent from them? You ARE charging rent for all the space they're taking up in your head, right?
Right wingers strongmen are getting elected (Trump, Bolsonaro) while globalist left-wingers face declining popularity and increasing embarrassment (Trudeau, Macron)
The vast majority of people are naturally Libertarian and just want to be left alone as long as nobody else fucks with them.
Convenient that the person bashing 8ch wanted them to do the AMA on retardEra. Heres one thing an user said
The goobergate butthurt runs deep. Journalists will NEVER get over 2x4chan being allowed to exist.
don't worry, xir is just going to regurgitate some bullshit about that epic "party switch."
i want them out, but they are still there. god help us
Discord trannies are basically niggers in term of space.
And heres THQN's response
That's the only reason they're pissed about it. THQ failed to go through the ((((("""""proper channels"""""))))) to announce their games.
Left now: Castrate all men and kill all white people
Right: Wrong
Right is winning.
Reminder: Infinity chan was the worst parts of Gamer Gate who literally chased Moot off of the site, then claimed him leaving was proof of Jewish conspiracy.
>because of how many stormfaggots and wannabe oldfags there are.
yeah. threads tend to have more conspiracy theorists over on crippleboard.
>trannies are not humans
I have a feeling Hotwheels may need a new host and a new place to live on short notice
>democrats during the 1800s
honest question: do you know what "left" means?
Yes. The thread was dozens upon dozens of actual relevant and discussion provoking Q&As but Resetera and Plebbit took to twitter to harass THQ for it because they're the only ones allowed to talk to devs.
He already sold the site a long time ago to some aussie.
Slavery was untenable as an economic system with the rise of industrialism. Women entering the workforce also began to make economic sense.
What matters is the prevailing conditions. Humanity and its society is no more intrinsically good or moral than it was during the Dark Ages.
both sides you described represent variants of neoliberalism
Yea, just slap people, that will solve problems. You should hit them with your katana too weeb. All forms of faggotry from basic gays to full blown Caitlyns are just morons trying to be unique. The only reason they exist in enough numbers to ever even be heard of is because of retards like you crying in a fetal position all fucking day about them like they even fucking matter. If half the world started bitching about how scummy you were all day you'd probably dig your heels in and double down too.
Which elementary school grade did you drop out of that lead you to believe people doing gay shit magically changes their species? I hope you carry around a plant wherever you go to replace the oxygen you waste.
>bowing down to the SJWs
Should've listened to the thread, never give those slimes an inch.
>he really thinks japanese companies are going to care
I browse /asmr/ sometimes
>the sticky is a 1488 nazi get
>the board owner makes threads about niggers getting beaten up
>20% of threads about doxxing or even try to audit some thots that earn too much
>40% of threads are about nudes/erotic asmr
>40% about waifus
It's fun I guess, good for fapping
>10-2chan is a pedo website because its users created boards dedicated to cp in the past!
>what do you mean reddit users did the exact same thing? we're not a pedo website because we're mainstream!
I use 8ch for smaller porn boards but holy shit 8ch's layout is such a fucking clunky cluttered piece of shit compared to this site's. And there's nothing like 4chanx for 8ch to fix it, it's awful.
Trump is not at all a neoliberal, if he were we'd be having a hell of a lot more unemployment as more unskilled jobs are exported to the third world.
Take it up with nature. The most conservative societies, which is always a common ideology of nations in their youth, always reject sexual degeneracy of all kinds. Feminism and sexual liberation follow the death of civilizations for a reason.
trannies are not humans. go back to resetera if you dont like it
Long run?
With the "left" winning the people who were dominant over the globe are now losing their position. Guess what? In the vast majority of the globe, blacks are objects and women are dogs lol.
Europe has been eclipsed and unless Trump saves the US so will the US
>resetera getting triggered by Mark's asshole
This is fucking hilarious.
>those racist pedophilc racist racist pedophile incel incel racist buzzword buzzword buzzword!
8/v/ is unironically much less of a shithole than this place nowadays, that's a sad fact
The end of slavery had nothing to do with racism. It was an act of agression against the South. The South didnt nead the north, it was self sufficient without them and fully capable of functioning as its own nation so the North had to contain and curtail them. It kicked off the war of northern agression and the bad guys won.
Also it was actually democrats at the time who supported slavery- though party restructing happened so a lot of what we consider right wing today was very much a democratic thing back then
It's a PR move. Some of the less crazy trannies will leave them alone, the rest will need some fresher and more exciting outrage to grab their attention.
>The only reason they exist in enough numbers to ever even be heard of is because of retards like you crying in a fetal position all fucking day about them like they even fucking matter.
Epic take bro, very enlightened.
The reason they exist because the ((media))) owned by (((billionaires))) pushes them down everyone's throat.
>No scandals
Man the right is winning, but god is it retarded.
That's not THQ
Yup. Ever since the neofags splintered and the great Reddit invasion, this place has lost its heart.
Jesus Christ. Who people fuck and how people want to present themselves are what indicates to you that the right is losing?
The erosion of one's ability to speak freely isn't a more pressing concern to you?
>The great reddit invasion
You mean the election?
>what we have now pretty much an abberation that is only maintained and possible because the technocrats decided to side with the establishment and censor the population and the national media being owned by a handful billionaires.
Why does that sound like something I've heard before...
>stuffs face with cheeseburger and nuggets harvested from animals that spend their entire lives in cramped cages being pumped full of hormones before having their throats slit
>Listen to us, endorse our ideology in lockstep or else we will get you fired
How sad these people are. Liberals have turned into such hate mongers.
Aside from the gg general that place is fucking dead, and threads that aren't dead is usually because they're complaining about the sjw boogieman, so basically another gg thread.
ResetEra needs to be purged.
Have you seen the American Left?
Competence is a myth, the winner is always just the lesser idiot.
I haven't actually checked on it for a few months so it's possible.
>Still go on 8chn sometime for 8/tv/, /sudo/ for /intl/-shitposting
/intl/ is literally more cancer then /pol/. If it wasn't for them and hotwheels the board wouldn't have been unusable for that time when that one faggot spammed the site.
There is no american left. You have the far right vs the slightly less far right. One party clutches pearls shouting "Socialist!" while the other rips their hair out screaming "Racist" and both are fabricated problems that never existed for America.
At least they're dead, not living and having to deal with some retard putting his 2 inch up their poop chute.
It's actually really depressing how much migrants have infested if this board.
If it was just actual /pol/lacks shitting up the place it would be one thing, but /pol/ hasn't even been /pol/ for the past like 4 years
>they didn't pick us for AMA
That's because you're all cross-posting faggots from reddit and resetera
Goobergatechan is pure yikes-tier cringe
user, are you dumb or do you not see the same ids
>slightly less far right
I'm not sure how right wing the Green New Deal and Reparations are, as well as careening their collective cars right into the brick wall that is Identity Politics.
Are you fucking retarded or what?
So bestiality is fine as long as I torture and kill the animal before sticking my dick in it?
pre-election/early election /pol/ was fun
>going to 8wheels
the absolute state
I have not, disregard that I suck cocks. Why is he missing the reporter tag then?
I didn't go to the board much but dornerposting was indeed fun.
Sad that that /pol/ is long dead.
Then you're fucking a dead animal. And while it might be legal, you are such a depraved and degenerate motherfucker, that anyone around you would fucking lynch you.
you can choose to post without one
why cant any Yea Forums mods invite people to do AMA on Yea Forums? Mark had to personally email THQnordic to an AMA and they said yes.
Im sure there are some mods who moderate Yea Forums more than any boards and care about this place why cant they invite Gaben or Reggie here and give them stickies?
Yea Forums used to have a lot of left-leaning hacktivists who hung out here as members of the decentralized anonymous but Yea Forums has slowly turned into a cesspool of right wing, racist, pedophile, neo-nazi furries. Back in the mid-late 2000's people used to post Nazi memes as a joke and then over time it stopped being a joke
Even if they were just trolling back in the day, it normalizes it for those that are actually serious and they take over.
Which is why people shouldn't let bigoted jokes slide as "just jokes", because it normalizes that shit for people that are serious and they gain a foothold in that community.
Yea Forums was always hot trash, but it's gotten a LOT worse over the years b/c of this
That was dumb of them, they've already gone into full damage control on their twitter too.
Yeah about that...
But killing people who aren't committing a crime is illegal user! That's called murder!
>why cant any Yea Forums mods invite people to do AMA on Yea Forums? Mark had to personally email THQnordic to an AMA and they said yes.
I don't know if you tried to get a goypass in the past like 6 months or so but hiro had tanked the site's reputation so hard with all of the literal malware ads that credit card companies blocked him so you couldn't buy a pass without using meme coin
he realized that that was losing him money so he set up some convoluted bank account in fucking brazil to get around it
Racism and Bigotry are not actually bad though, so fuck off.
>caring about doritos
oh nonono fucking americans supporting israel scum
old /pol/ would be ashamed to share the board with you reddit
user, have you heard of pr speak or are you that dumb?
But 8ch has the same shitty malware ads too. Or it at least it used too last I remember.
>people shouldn't let bigoted jokes slide
In WWI and WWII, rocket propelled explosives were still in their infancy, and tanks were basically impervious to lobbed grenades and other explosives. There was only one point of weakness- the cannon barrel that lead directly to the people inside. Realizing this, the practice began of sneaking up to the tank and lobbing a grenade directly down the barrel. To counter this, tank operators began raising their cannon angles to the full aperture to avoid these attacks. It was too high for the white man to jump. It was president Abraham Lincoln who noticed that black soldiers alone were capable of this incredible feat: dunking the grenade into the hoop of the cannon, so he immediately emancipated them and sent them to the Western front. This practice later developed into the sport we call basketball.
You want to know what's funny? It was us, the /pol/tards that destroyed our own board by mistake. r/the_donald was actually created by other /pol/acks to "try to redpill the redditors". It actually "worked", but...then reddit admins purged the /pol/acks mods to put some more "PC people" and then reddit just flooded back to /pol/. What a mistake that shit was. I miss old /pol/
I'm well aware of what PR is, and if THQ Nordic were smart and cared about public relations they wouldn't have gone to 8ch in the first place. Honestly, they should have come here, or maybe a place like niche gamer or something instead.
They still said yes.
It baffles me how nobody even took a casual look at 8ch before agreeing to it.
based as fuck
something, something, Any community that gets its laughs by pretending to be idiots will eventually be flooded by actual idiots who mistakenly believe that they're in good company, something, something
they've got some weird ads there that are certainly sketchy but they were nothing compared to the ones we had here
I don't know if you experienced it (or for some reason didn't have an adblocker around like last september I think) but it was the lowest of the low malware clickbait should you've seen in your life
it legitimately depressed me for an hour or so how far the site had fallen because of hiroshima's shit
Racism isn't a right wing thing, its an extremist thing. You can very much love guns and god without wanting to genocide all non whites.
>Honestly, they should have come here
Right, they should have come to HACKERS ON STEROIDS or more recently "RIGHT WING HATE SYMBOL PEPE"
>t. doesn't know what pr speak means
Only right wingers are racist, so yes, racism is a "right wing thing".
I can't believe they went straight to 8.
Like, if they wanted anti-esjaydubs clout, they could've come here, that'd be more than enough.
But holy shit they went straight to 8. Whoever that PR kid was, good fucking luck getting another job in the industry.
I wonder when will we fucking kick off Hiroyuki. The guy has done only harm, he has a past of selling user data, has added malware ads and trackers and is fucking testing an account based mobile version for fuck's sake. Why hasn't some rich user buy the site yet?
Why are sjws which i just noticed are overwelmingly from California?
Like it or lump it the left hated him and opposed him with all their(admittedly pathetic)strength and they failed miserably. So the left doesn't always win.
Rich people are incapable of having morals. The higher you are on the latter, the less grasp of reality you have.
Nigga, the guy OWNS the site. There's no kicking him out.
>some rich user
No such thing.
Agreed. The rules are fucking strict on Yea Forumspol to the point where even if you link a video to make a point it is somehow shilling an E-celeb or being banned for disagreeing and debate. They became the cancer they hated.
based ding dong bannu poster
I do think we're getting into "assassinations are the only way to teach journalists a lesson" territory
It would be a PR nightmare, it's almost guaranteed someone will post gay or even child porn on their AMA thread.
After that Fukushima nuclear plant disaster in 2011 all the radiation drifted across the Pacific ocean and settled in California.
I hope Clinton runs again, Bernie already is.
Sequels are always more action packed than the original.
Incorrect. Notch considered buying Yea Forums
You are the one taking it seriously lol.
>Or 8ch were actual vidya fans are
you sure are delusional
thats the kind of place in which you cannot even discuss wolfenstein because /pol/fags gets their feelings hurt each time someone implies nazis are bad people
That's some nice logic you got there, (((fellow user))).
8ch has a reputation for being a CP board, fairly or not. That's worse then this place by a fair amount.
What does it mean then honestly? They are either dumb and honestly didn't expect this to happen and are now attempting damage control through PR speak as you put it, or they did this deliberately and are covering their asses with the standard corporate bullshit.
I have no idea if they really view chanboards as being a key part of their audience or not, so I can't really guess at their real motives.
Don't worry, the justice system will resolve the murder case posthumously.
>we will unironically get to experience an actual race war in 2020
Fuck m8 I'm so stoked, been stocking up on ammo for years.
He didn't even manage his own game, why do you think he could have managed this site?
so are the trannies still melting down?
Quick rundown?
I couldn't believe that they're actually committed to making sure The Guild III comes out ok, I fucking loved II and badly want another one with working multiplayer.
Wouldn't a second Clinton vs Trump match-up in the general election be incredibly boring though? She is even less liked now then she was in 2016, I honestly don't think anyone will be able to pretend that she has even the slightest chance of winning.
Yup. Nearly 3500 posts of pure tranny outrage.
It's the latter, obviously. That's what I meant by PR speak. Otherwise I would've specified it as backpedaling like you did.
>this bitch sounds like she needs dick
>upon closer examination it's Zoe
Well there you go.
Is there any support for THQ? I have to imagine that trannies use twitter way more than people who support them so they're probably just getting one viewpoint.
imagine being so fucking tumblrina that you search other boards to look at the outrage
Literally tumblr shit , just continue with your life and dont feed those liberal places.
Fucking faggots here are acting like kiwi farms
Fair enough. I probably misused the word damage control in my original post you first replied to.
seething tranny. Are you going to go on a shooting spree?
KiwiFarms is good for archiving internet drama.
>MagaMan Boss Selection
So is this an actual big deal or is resetera having another temper tantrum?
>Guy keeps trying to take my position as sheriff
>Every day that we're to face off in court I have my guards throw him in jail
>So he keeps not showing up and getting fined for it.
I loved how accurate a sim that shit was to real world politics.
Not him but there were several invasions before and after the election, but the worst redditors are by far the "ugh, yikes... racism much???" crowd that have been coming here for some time
its a big deal because 8ch is dabbing on us
lol u mad little tranny?
THQ went to do an AMA to 8meme
Biggest fuck up since 911 easily
Im surprised people even care about the walking corpse that is THQ enough to be this ass blasted.
Nah, It'd only be resetera having the tantrum if they went here.
They went to the place, at least in the public eye, for people who are supposedly even further rejects from this place.
Even "enlightened centrists" types are at least going what the fuck are they doing.
Sorry I'm not gonna miss a glorious meltdown. These people have pretended to be on ivory towers for too long, now they slowly realize they don't have that moral authority they think they do.
>caring about what trannies have to say in the first place
do you also unironically have 3gb or pure black dick webms right?
Fucking faggots
>"ugh, yikes... racism much???" crowd
Trolls have existed in Yea Forums since forever. It's just bait for /pol/.
Kiwi Farms is an unironically good read, and really funny.
>Sorry I'm not gonna miss a glorious meltdown.
Nah, everyone will forget this at the times of E3.
Wtf why do devs go to 8gag instead of here? It's slow as shit.
No user, they're sincere now. I'm not dumb or naïve enough to think a good portion isn't bait, but to say there arent actually fags coming here with those opinions is just that, dumb and naïve
Not even. They'll be offended by something new at the end of this month.
Because they aren't cucks
Normal people don't give a fuck. As always.
People are starting to wake up to the fact that libertarians and conservatives are a more viable demographic than the morally outraged Marxists, and that's what outrages and frightens them.
They don't know better.
seethe more tranny
nobody here ever asked them to do an ama
So why are you here?
>and that's what outrages and frightens them.
Correct. They are frightened to shit that they are losing all influence in the only country that puts them on a pedestal. In 3rd world countries trannies are literally gassed or lynched.
>TOR protection to go on atechan
They should have come here.
Just stop, you incel.
Resetara is having their Trans breakdown because 4ch and 8ch are the final bosses on the internet and we don't fucking care about their feelings.
Welp gonna move to 8ch. Good knowing ya guys, but it looks like the hotness has moved on from this snoozefest.
Yea Forums is based
8meme is literally Yea Forums rejected fags
Still remember the "we are leaving" pictures?
To laugh at you
yea they were most of the oldfags who left, in good time too considering what happened to this shithole since then. Compare for example the 8/v/ catalog vs the 4/v/ catalog and get abck to me how they are the 9gag of Yea Forums?
8ch spawned because they got sick of admin and janny faggotry.
Who could have foreseen a site full of people like this would be bad for an AMA?
>sjws are just boogiemen!
Still waiting for this blatant lie to take off when ubisoft literally offers reeducation courses for men and outrages like this occur on twitter full of purple haired trannies and furkin with their pronouns listed?