Use your vidya knowledge and skills to get the (You)

Use your vidya knowledge and skills to get the (You).

Attached: part 7 the windmill.png (1102x796, 18K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Attached: singing-telegram.gif (320x240, 56K)

its spinning clockwise

simple scream "will you buy her game" while holding a pic of the most generic lewd anime chick and the (you) will come

Now Mary Poppins has the (You) and she's flying away. Failure.
That still doesn't get you close to the (You)
That may get you -a- (You). but not the (You) pictured.

Use the z-axis and realize that the windmill is off in the distance and the ground spikes are well into the foreground. Just walk through the middle with nothing obstructing you.



pick up the large spring on the ground and swing it against the windmill to stop it spinning if it is spinning at all. then climb the spring to get the (You)

Be careful with springs though. They really hurt if they pinch your skin when they close.

Attached: hookshot.png (1102x796, 37K)

at least draw it

Hookshots are a piece of shit and have a tendency to bugger off on terrain or just outright not grab things. This (You), in particular, has a disjointed hitbox. Nintendo fans will still defend it though.

Attached: clue gun.jpg (420x228, 9K)

like this?

Attached: superpapermario.png (1102x2473, 134K)

is photoshop considered vidya?

Oh shit

Attached: just jam it.png (1088x671, 49K)

It's still in the air, but you've made good progress
There are gaems that fuck with a change of perspective in this manner yes.

Joke's on you, the cum actually acts as oil and it starts to spin faster.


Super Paper Mario has this exact mechanic.


Nuke it

Attached: Tac_Gun.png (1400x500, 410K)

I eradicated the time wherein the spikes would have impaled me and forced it to skip.

Attached: 1550916398191.gif (500x266, 191K)

Don't use an @ to reply to posts or it won't link correctly, use these >>

man fuck drawing in paint i want photoshop back

Attached: 1513692775709.jpg (596x572, 59K)

At least some small part of the (You) and some small part of your corpse will end up in the same spot. Valid.
This must be a reference to TH06's stage 5 boss.
No (You) for you.
Eh, what can you do?

Attached: part 7 the windmill - Copy.png (1809x853, 37K)

Attached: telegramgirl2.jpg (650x400, 45K)


You're missing the joke. He's intentionally not giving out (You)s. He wants you to earn it the right way.

Attached: sotn.png (1102x796, 103K)

Was it really worth the bloodshed?

Attached: 1551220675713.jpg (1102x796, 143K)

Oh shit don't break all of them, you might need to damage boost off some if you haven't got high jump yet

pools closed

Attached: dff0d222041f2fa6544a01c8ecbab291e1a3fda2_hq.gif (615x409, 2.67M)

Pretty simple

Attached: Star.png (1102x796, 25K)

I miss harbl.

Attached: kelly_emmett.jpg (159x185, 8K)

Doesn't let you go through things and runs out after a while

Also what the fuck kind of post am I not replying to?

Here's a (you)
(you) earned it.

I told you nintendo fans would defend it anyway.

All gamers are racist pieces of shit and hate women because they'll never get one to fuck them willingly

Attached: 1548378146323.jpg (960x960, 104K)

That's one way to bypass the windmill entirely.
Don't worry. That windmill will catch up on you once you're childless and 30. : )

Mad cause he got your shit ***** without any effort.

Assuming the usual platforming rules, this isn't an issue.

Clue really was a masterpiece.

I suppose you're right, but don't let me catch you using a star on a slow ass rotating platform again.

Just spin it.

Attached: windmill.png (1102x1592, 152K)


>to fuck them willingly
>what? he's fucked 30 hookers? f-f-f-fucking virgin NO

Just blast it whit piss

Attached: Sin título.png (1102x796, 49K)

>*gets impaled by the blade while reaching out to get the (You)

Attached: windmill.png (1106x1358, 105K)

Here you go sir, (you) deserve it.

Attached: 1544895641814.png (371x532, 281K)


like clockwork

Attached: 1542039478966-76704175.png (680x544, 430K)

Don't spread your (You)s around so easily, you'll ruin your ability to pair bond with a stable long-term shitposter.
Longcat is long, but your piss blast didn't do shit. Try adding moar piss.
That amount of 0 effort merits a (You). Well done.

Attached: 1551220675713.jpg (1102x796, 126K)

Attached: ladder.png (1250x996, 200K)

Attached: 1520978925851.gif (1102x796, 350K)


Attached: telescopic hands.png (1102x796, 49K)

A simple strategy, you just guilt the (You) into coming to you

Attached: 3xUs4m8.jpg (663x538, 170K)

damn (you)

I don't ever respond to these, but really solid effort user.

Attached: angry.jpg (720x537, 77K)

Also success... at least some part of that (You) is going to hit you.
Ugly women do not get (You)s.
Could you maybe guilt your self-esteem and feelings of self-worth into coming back first?

Me neither, my mother is still alive too. It's almost like posting words on the internet has no effect on the outside world.

>spikes only one one side of the windmill
>spikes only on part of the ground
>only one buzzsaw, stationary
Not even worth illustrating. Dash to the right, nailbounce on floorspikes up to windmill spikes, nailbounce on windmillspikes for (you).
1/10 needs more buzzsaws and spikes.

You will never fuck a fully delitized giantess and make literally 100,000 babies

Use Soft & Wet to steal the sharpness from the spikes

Attached: 1543960841710.png (1104x1380, 72K)


Attached: you.png (1102x796, 85K)


Attached: 2c099369858deaf-a-nw-p.jpg (2048x1142, 1.39M)

where is the drawfag that turns the you into a dick princess

Attached: 1314491278074.jpg (116x134, 17K)

Good enough, but you could just steal the fucking (You).
"Muh hula hoops" - this phrase indicates the Afag's confusion and lack of understanding.
You wouldn't pirate a (You)
I don't know.

Also why does the one picture of the ugly money-laundering slut have tons of replies?

Attached: Untitled.png (1102x861, 83K)

just spread your weight evenly on the spikes like the old bed of nails trick

Attached: 1.png (1133x1395, 62K)

Attached: ez.png (1102x796, 24K)

Attached: 272948.jpg (661x721, 34K)

Attached: 1537227991269.gif (500x390, 1.92M)


Attached: 1551220675713.png (1102x796, 37K)


easy peasy

Attached: 1551220675713.png (1102x796, 42K)

>Also why does the one picture of the ugly money-laundering slut have tons of replies?
Click on it

Good game.
I knew I shouldn't have used the discount spikes.
Now you have a hindu good luck charm! But how does that help?
You put too much effort into this shitpost :(
Needs moar noclip.

Oh. ... why's it hidden behind a pic of some ugly slut?
Have a free (You) anyway.

>tfw I stole some anons (you)
It's ok, he already got a pile of them.

>why's it hidden behind a pic of some ugly slut?
To hide the twist. Doesn't count if you don't expand the picture. It's just bait.

Attached: 1502425696881.gif (300x300, 1.96M)

Well back in my day we'd at least post attractive bait.

Fuck this gay thread. Fuck you OP, have YOU ever gotten past spikes? Fucking faggot ass jews, motherfucker.

Attached: megamega.png (1102x796, 61K)

Use Concrete Shot

Okay, you earned this, hurry up and take it before mods delete your post.

You get one too for making me chuckle.


Attached: 1551154280723.png (329x329, 246K)

Attached: portals.png (1144x722, 34K)

Nigga this isn't narbacular drop, they can't be placed in midair.

Quit being such a baby, Rock

Attached: you fool.png (1102x796, 80K)

WTF OP you forgot to add a princess.
Don't worry, I made one for you.

Attached: SpikeWindmillPrincess.png (438x682, 13K)

Attached: you.png (1102x4013, 500K)


Attached: j30cfcc2.png (1024x576, 781K)

Most underrated post and further proof that Yea Forums is full of zoomers

>leave (You) to me

Attached: pee guy.png (606x720, 121K)

I would use the BOTW flying machine but this works too

Good content. Gets a (You).
You get extra for putting in so much effort
Not ONCE have I seen anyone using a fortnite bouncepad and glider. ... Someone get on that.

take your (you) for the art

Attached: blowitup.png (1102x796, 27K)

Attached: 1551220675713d.png (1380x1948, 2M)

The power of love gets you the girl and the (you)

Attached: thepoweroflove.png (1004x680, 33K)

That's a nice windmill you have there
This works.

> windmill princess
> not (YOU) princess

Your (You) is counterfeit.



Attached: 1551021809692.png (1685x1080, 1.86M)

God I'm so fucking good at videogames.

Attached: videogames.png (1100x2072, 107K)


At first glance I saw Rick Moranis as dark helmet with a shit eating grin on his face.

Attached: 1534810886513.gif (320x288, 14K)

fine, fuck you


Attached: 1535514976184.png (1102x796, 33K)





I wandered for over an hour to try and get the armor, fuck.

Ahhh ok

Attached: image0-7-1.png (500x500, 165K)

Attached: spyingon(you).png (1102x796, 191K)


Attached: 1551220675713.png (1102x796, 27K)

didnt even think of that

Why am I a giant windmill with spikes trying to stop some martial artist from accessing my field of spike crops?

wow poster


Attached: telekinesis.jpg (1102x796, 121K)


I challenge the Windmill to a duel.

Attached: Don Quixote.jpg (1500x1125, 1.3M)


Attached: Smug Cat.png (337x330, 25K)

Not mine, but it was made by a cool dude semi-recently on /trash/ and I thought I'd share it since Windmills.

Attached: gmod.png (1352x2944, 75K)


shameless, here's your (you)


i'm glad you elaborated cause it'd be fucking insane if someone could create something like that in this timeframe

Modern gaming edition.

Attached: Windmill.png (1102x796, 45K)

>sv_cheats 1


very good

Where's the minimap and the compass with the objective on it


Where's the fucking Fingerless Glove meter?

Attached: 1551220675713.png (1368x5224, 178K)

Attached: Untitled.png (1618x923, 967K)


Attached: Windmill2.png (1102x796, 42K)

Thank you.

Use a Arcfire Tome to burn down the windmill, and get on your Wyvern to collect the (You).

Attached: FE14_Malig_Knight_(Camilla).jpg (338x240, 84K)

Wheres the hit marker

Cool, now do that with OP's image

fuck you

Attached: wait a moment.png (1102x796, 23K)

what the fuck is this bugged i didn't get the achievement for holding X to interact with a collectible

but why

I think you have to tap x a bunch I'm not sure...

tell the (you) reply or your mother will take away your favorite game

Updated to add achievements and more accurately reflect the current political climate.

Attached: Windmill3.png (1102x796, 44K)

made me kek

Attached: 1542058856208.png (512x416, 51K)

Aight, here's your (you)

you can't put portals on moving surfaces

I've already told you how I'd do it, therefore I don't need to show you.

this is great but how am i going to know if my online friends i met on a mongolian basket weaving forum are online to co-op with me


(you) cheeky bastard

(You) broke the game.

Why did I do this

Attached: whoa, looking cool, stickman!.png (1102x1743, 499K)

Cause it's cool.

I would use le EPIC portal™ gun xDDDD
>le cake is le lie

I don't give a shit about (you)


Attached: Kawakummi.jpg (736x534, 138K)

Attached: 1.png (900x900, 1.2M)

>doesn't put the minimap in the lumbridge wheat field

low effort

He's most likely not referring to the core fascists while using the fasces symbol. Fascism has a lot of different definitions and it gets a bit more complicated there. An Umberto Eco Fascist would never side with a libertarian, and stonetoss is probably referring to some american topical event featuring people who are just racist or something. Thus the quotation marks.

There you go. The windmill has been destroyed with any remains on fire, and the (You) has been collected by me on a wyvern.

Attached: 1551220675713.png (1102x796, 202K)

Suck my _____


Attached: 1550965712099.png (1024x768, 1.02M)

(you) motherfucker

Good job

This pops up when they log on.

Attached: Windmill4.png (1102x796, 47K)

Attached: you.png (1338x3386, 2.69M)

Pretty sure you could in 2.

Tell that to the moving platforms in Portal 2, when you remove access to the Neurotoxing supply

Attached: 1537162338767.png (1102x796, 31K)

Jesus Christ.

Not tonight, fucker!

Attached: 7cf.jpg (480x600, 64K)

Good boy


Give me the (you)

Attached: 1536593961146.jpg (1102x796, 195K)

Fuck (you)

fuck you


Attached: 0b5ffceb74be5aa18f103af2ae57a76c.png (335x329, 146K)

What’s this referenceing? LISA?

is this..............



Attached: 1551220675715.png (1343x1091, 69K)


fuck you
not you though, you made me laugh


took me like 3 minutes too long to even find a usable osrs gui in the first place

>Being such a gigantic pussy that you're afraid of replying to people in case they might argue at you.

such wickedness

the villain!

Good one

You son of a fucking bitch.


You got me.

no regerts

Attached: 1475031494951.gif (345x270, 1.4M)

I'll get two of them real easy...

Attached: 1538828113005.png (987x975, 1.01M)

dick move

Source? And another you


Can't tell you because I deleted most of my porn archive

Attached: 1541226307810.gif (231x239, 1.42M)

Attached: get the you.jpg (1102x796, 120K)

the winner

How could you...

Attached: 1550601993961m.jpg (1024x1024, 53K)

>On moving objects


Attached: White Palace.png (1102x796, 273K)

>The spears are currently retracted
>*shunk* *shunk*


would hug and intentionally kill self

too much effort went into this to be passed up. i gotta respect that

Shiggity shiggity shwa

Attached: 3A0DAD24-70A0-426C-83A6-05B0E9C560CC.png (1500x736, 46K)

found the sauce

Attached: 1542574935385.jpg (3000x2400, 3.73M)

I hate these autistic superstitious fags that have to reply to the "Your mom will die in her sleep if you don't reply" cucks.

Oh yeah?

Attached: FOREVER CURSED.png (244x234, 4K)

mad cuz you didn't do it first

fuck YOJU give elf slut

baited well


I expected it and I found it anyway

Pay some money.

Attached: (You).png (1124x884, 51K)

Attached: 1550802367615.jpg (247x358, 36K)



Best post.



Aight ya got me


i miss the time people got banned for replying to exactly that post.


>very based reply
it would be snes-tmnt levels of bullshit not being able to pass the level because the level layout is fucking shit

>No spike teeth