Rockstar just killed Red Dead Online

>nerfed all money making AND material resources by 50%
>new weapons so expensive you're forced to buy them with real money
>NO bug fixes - horses bonding resetting all the time, when you sell things you don't get money missions not working etc. They fixed ZERO bugs that's been reported for 3 months.
>they've added a few pvp modes which nobody plays and a fishing challenge

And you know it will work too. People will spend money on it and we will see zero singleplayer DLCs for the game.

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They added the evans repeater?! Please tell me it's in single player.

Oh and I forgot to add: they added emotes that you can ONLY get by paying real money.

I know it's retarded but I would enjoy another Undead Nightmare.

It's a beta you fucking retard, and completely optional to GOTY 2018

People are mad about it because it's taking away focus on new single-player content. is never going to happen because this bullshit will make them a shitton more money. That's why there was never a GTAV single-player DLC.

Was there ever a SP DLC promised?

nothing added to single Player, Evans Repeater isnt even in Online yet. Its listed at "Not Available yet"

Not "promised" but I know it was mentioned at one point. And then GTAO took off and it was never talked about again.

I meant RDR2, and I actually prefer it that way, for GTAO that is, they can go crazy and it won't feel out of place, the Doomsday Heist is honestly one of the most fun campaigns I've played.

I don't get why people trust Rockstar , they are EA tier garbage


Buy shark cards goy

I bought RDR2 for the singleplayer experience, not the online one because I knew it was going to be absolute rotten shit.

This is 100% intentional, it was revealed recently that RDO makes a lot less money than GTAO, so they are making some changes

Of course idiots will defend this because they think Rockstar is their friend

>This is 100% intentional

Of course retard, since when patches happen accidentally.

You either had to RMT or spend $500+ from a Rockstar to enjoy GTA 5 online, why would you expect otherwise from RDR2? They only want whales not you.

they were never going to make singleplayer DLC anyway

>Microtransactions Are Nearly Half Of Take-Two's Sales Now
>Take-Two CEO Says the Company is Under-Monetizing its Users
>Take-Two are wholeheartedly embracing the games-as-services model, and plan to only release games with “some ability to engage on an ongoing basis” and “recurrent consumer spending” options – that is, microtransactions – from now on.

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>I bought RDR2 for the singleplayer experience
Then you wasted your money.

They're gonna pull the same bullshit that killed GTAV for semi intelligent people and make all the cool guns, cars, etc. online only and behind walls of cash for kids and brainlets. Shit sucks, money sucks.

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>nerfed all money making AND material resources by 50%
they were faggots about this in gta V anything that could even hurt a dent it their microshit will get a heavy nerf. plus red dead online is boring, hard to believe red dead 1 had it better

I forgot RDO was a thing. I never see anything about it but i still get ads for GTA Online

predicted this before the game even launched. where exactly does rockstar go with this online title? gta:o has already done pretty much everything they wanted to do, so red dead will be a lite version dressed in a cowboy theme.

the people that play gta:o religiously have been trying to warn you people from the beginning: play red dead for single player, don't expect anything great from the online experience because it will be shit.

>He thinks he's intelligent
>He doesn't know how to use whales to his advantage


The Rockstar Fanboy Checklist:
>go back to Fortnite
>you have ADD/ADHD
>short attention span
>you're opinion doesn't matter
>Rockstar sold x amount of copies
>the horses are better than RDR1
>the controls are better than RDR1
>it's only the beta
>Online review scores
>reddit spacing
>angry PC gamer
>muh realism
>muh immersion
>it's not a twitch shooter
>nobody complains about x
>regurgitated Dutch memes
And their personal favorite
>you didn't play the game
If you think you're arguing with a fanboy, simply resort to this checklist, call him a fanboy, then ignore him. Watch him cower and recoil as he's been found out.

I would have at least torrented the game to check it out if they put it on PC. Why the fuck would you make a game and not have it available for computers? Who actually plays anything on consoles?


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I want rockstar and take two to die. They are more cancerous than ea or ubi but they get away with this shit because their games pander to the biggest casual audience on the entire market. Fuck rockstar and fuck niggers.

i never played gtav or gtao, but i have a question: when the game went to pc, were there mods that put the online only weapons into single player?

yes. mods are janky, tho, but they do work.

That's because there is nothing there. Rockstar seems to have zero clue what to do with it beyond PVP battles and daily challenges.

Daily reminder that Rockstar fanboys flip flop when they damage control.
When you criticize the single player they say that online is a "free service".
When you criticize the online they say it's a single player game. Lol

Riding with a shitty horse who lost all of this stamina in 3 min is completely killing the fun.

it's all true tho

Yes but Rockstar patched the game to set them to despawn as soon as they spawn and doing so risks getting you banned from GTA:O.

I know you're just being incendiary, but the answer to your question is "the vast majority of people who buy games"

Yes, you can use everything from Online in SP through mod menus.

>I want rockstar and take two to die. They are more cancerous than ea or ubi but they get away with this shit because their games are good.


>I meant RDR2
As far as I know, it's never been mentioned. I doubt they're even considering it, because they know they'll make way more money on online shit.

what the hell do niggers have to do with any of this though?

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23 million people it seems

>being a jew=intelligence

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Goddamn I couldn't imagine slaving away at something like RDO or even GTAO just so I can have pixels to show off, it's like a second job that you have to pay to work. I've been there done that with Runescape, if you're going to make a multiplayer game it better have damn good gameplay or cooperative aspects to entice me. Of which both games have neither. I'll stick to SP where I can enjoy the game at my own pace when the gameplay is still acceptable and the world is more interesting to explore as a predetermined character.

why do weebs want anything related to the west to die? can't they move to japan and play their switch all day?
oh wait they'd be considered outcasts even there

It is. You can easily see any of the following catchphrases on the checklist in RDR2 threads. The fanboys and paid shills spew them like NPCs. Programmed to defend big corporations like bugmen and liberals. Be sure to call them out when you see them.

Just join one of the many kids desperate for the heist finale money, you don't even need a car, the heist provides you with everything, play for 20 minutes and get 300k at the very least, first time I joined a 2xHeist I got 1M.

The mods usually have spawning menus that will just load whatever infront of you, even stuff from multiplayer as it's in the code.

t. chink-store shill

GTAO sucked dick but at least you could have fun with your friends.
RDR2’s gameplay is carried by Arthur and the story, it’s just not fun, not even with friends.

What the hell is that? Lol

Take it up with Rockstar, fanboy. St. Denis is literally swarming with chinks and you defend Rockstar still.

why did you reply twice

I greatly enjoy the idea of an accidental patch. I just picture something along the lines of: “Oh fuck, ah shit, all the dlc just patched itself in, god damn it.”

They did the same shit with GTA V by slowly but surely increasing the grind with every update while adding more and more expensive toys to force you to pay to bypass the problem they themselves created, dunno why people would think this would be any different.

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This is meYou defend diversity. You aren't white.

I didn't.

That's the problem, you keep buying shit cars when you should be buying the businesses, latest one, the Nightclub amasses money passively, you don't need to do shit other than sell the product. I have 10M even after purchasing all the weaponized cars, hovering vehicles, attack helicopters, jets, fighting planes, I even bought the fucking yacht.

woooooah you grinded enough for a virtual YACHT in the game you already paid for??


Didn't you read retard? It does it passively while I destroy whales in freemode.

nobody mentioned that game user, guess you're the rent free faggot here

Can't wait for the PC version to have private servers and custom game types like GTA V