apologize Yea Forums
Apologize Yea Forums
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what game was it
Maybe he shouldn't be such a pussy.
Grow the fuck up, developers. You are adults. Act like it.
Stop making bad games then.
>game of the year
let me guess, it was dragon age inquisition?
Woman or pussy fag
Cry more
What game? Unraveled?
i have literally never partaken in review bombing or any of that shit so i dont have to apologize.
only thing i do is tell trannies to kill themselves these days.
>polished exceptional title
>but it got slammed
I'm with you Yea Forums. I only titled it "apologize" because I know that'll get more replies. This is your problem.
Making a piece of art in this climate is shit unless you're ready for a gajillion contrarians shitting on you for the tiniest flaws. Literally any and every piece of media will get shit on in any Yea Forums topical board. Moby Dick? It's shit. In the Court of the Crimson King? It's shit. A Clockwork Orange? It's shit. Every game ever made? They're shit.
Imagine crying because of shit you read on the internet
Imagine being that incredibly weak and out of touch with reality
I bet its tranny and he worked for some shit like Mass Effect Androgynus
Sheesh. They should have learned from the best. Behold.
Remember Me, they went on to make Life is Strange. That won awards right?
Can you imagine if John Romero had done the same thing after becoming a fucking joke thanks to Daikatana?
cant fault a man for playing tbe game
will we ever find out what game it was?
>I made a game that was perfect and amazing and the best [btw it fell short of what we wanted but lmao stfu]
The brutal rape gamers gave this poor person needs to end. Guys we need to do better, Gillette was right.
If you are a true artist you dont give a single fuck about peopleĀ“s opinon you do whatever it is you do because if you dont you go crazy
>get a secured job for years and get paid for it
>someone doesn't like it
>cry instead of fixing it
>boho don't say bad things about my game in the internet
>boho don't harass big companies saying mean things in the internet
Jesus christ.
I stayed at an airbnb in Philly and this woman had about 40 of these things around her house. Couldnt even use her fridge.
to be honest anyone who's ever tried anything creative probably knows that it sucks to put a lot of work into something and then get negative response, or even no response at all. however complaining about it publicly like that makes you a huge bitch
He did. He dropped out of the industry and now collects old junk.
They're not artists, they're corporate drones. It's like crying because they're shitting on a smartphone.
How do you know he didn't?
damn, i guess /pol/ wasn't joking with the whole s o y stuff, this shit is pathetic
>Kids games
All games are for kids, or adolescents.
>I work for a multimillionaire company, please feel sorry for me!
Why are people such pussies nowadays?
>only thing i do is tell trannies to kill themselves these days.
They don't need your guidance to do that. They manage to kill themselves just fine on their own
If it wasn't people doing shit for money, there would be literally no videogames.
Good. Darwinism was correct. The weak should die off and only the strong shall remain.
Participation trophy babies existed long before /pol/. This is what happens when you cannot shit on something bad. Case in point: Hulett, he's a fucking cunt and now all of a sudden he is the victim.
I love reading this shit lol. And yes I have imagined wasting 5-7 years of my life slaving away on a single video game only to have it flop hard. It would be soul crushing. Asking $60 for it doesn't seem like a bad deal in comparison but if the game is shit, you're sure as hell not getting my money.
I dont disagree with that nor it contradicts what I said
If you do it only for money even less reasons to give a single fuck
If they were a rookie on the title that sucked shit they probably didn't even have anything to do with why it was good or bad, they were just filling in a head slot that did nothing of worth except finishing assets or programming some small features that they were told to. They had no hand in it sucking and would have had no hand in it being a good game either and thus shouldn't feel bad if it gets slammed and probably shouldn't have felt responsible if it had been well received either though they're welcome to deceive themselves.
He should take after his username.
Why not accelerate the process?
Obama made everyone feel safe. Lefties got cocky. Cockier than normal, anyway. Notice how there was never talk of "safe spaces" during that time. I'm not blaming Trump for how things are now, I'm blaming Lefties for not being able to cope with loss.
Dude, ever heard "money is your thanks"? You're a fucking means to an end, a mercenary, I don't owe you anything past the ticket of admission. If you happen to show me a masterful artistic display like older devs did, then I'll commend you and try to support you in the future, else go die in a pit. That's all it boils down to.
Lack of real struggle. I speak from experience.
I'm a game dev, coming up 20 years, and DESU this is the reason I'm planning on exiting, not any corporate evilness, I just don't want to make games for man babies any more. It seems to be getting worse now, new games are judged not on their own qualities but based on a bunch of internet identity politics and culture of outrage BS.
I mean I'll likely just start making kids games.
sorry randy, now get back to bl3 ass hat
His username doesn't reflect himself very well
Grow the fuck up bitch.
That's not what Darwinism is you faggot.
Fucking sociopath
AAA are paid upper 5 figures or 6 figures. Imagine an indie spending years and seeing their shit bomb.
There is a balance naturally. Artists need money for their work but they need to produce product for good reasons.
I used to work in a machine shop and there was an old guy in there that lost his left arm to the machinery and he still worked there. On the same machine that took his arm, no less. I wonder if he still works there. Anyway, this guy is a pussy.
That's not a sociopath, that's a legit arrested emotional development retard.
Old were not "masterful artistic displays", what in the sweet fuck are you talking about?
lack of hardship. none of these people have ever worked a blue collar job, or anything "hard". That's the problem. they expect their cushy white collar job should pay for everything, when that can't be possible in a global economy and a country full of immigrants who came from hardship. they are living in a false reality and break down when it comes back to bite them.
Did you get paid for the job you did? If so then who the fuck cares about if it's good or if people liked it?
What are you babbling about and what does this have to do with my post?
if devs stopped exclusively making sjw and feminist proganda I would stop criticizing them so harshly
That's a risk of working for months in a row in a bubble without any constructive feedback. At least in theory you can be creative but at the same time customer-oriented. Just these studios probably don't allocate resources for playtesting and such.
Isn't it funny how you never see trannies working in machine shops or oil rigs or as janitors (real ones not 4channel ones)? They tend to flock to jobs that get attention. Just thinking out loud.
That excites me even more.
In the Court of the Crimson King is a goddamn masterpiece and fuck you for even saying it isn't ironically
This is why you paint, sculpt, write, or play music or do other one-man fine arts.
It's fucking obvious when what your doing is good, they have more artistic merit, no shareholders or other useless fucks, etc.
Yes they were, they were the closest it ever got to "art". They had a vision, a vision that came from down to earth fellows like Team Silent, it didn't come from dickless corporate stooges. Someone made a Resident Evil, others made other games. There was no rush to make Souls-like or battle royale clones because they don't know to make good games themselves. Ironically it's now that games are the farthest from art, now they they are corporate mcgames.
i pretty much never see trannies IRL, period. i think it's one of those things that's blown massively out of proportion online because people love getting mad about it
You shouldn't be too emotionally attached to your work, someone will always hate it. Don't take it personally, especially if you're just an employee. I understand that this can be difficult on a creative field because you're pouring part of yourself to your work and so on, but try to detach yourself as well as you can. As long as your boss is happy or at least you aren't under the threat of getting fired, all is well.
It's shit. Moonchild is a shit and Seinfeld can't sing. Also it rips off Mahavishnu Orchestra (even through Fripp denies it).
>"T-they just didn't understand my genius!"
Meh, obviously if the end product was better it would have been receive better and whatnot and this whole situation would have been avoided.
Anyone posting "don't be a pussy/fag/woman" have clearly NEVER made something of value before or put themselves in a vulnerable position, and it's obvious. Those that think they can work on a project that they love for months to years, put their entire heart into it, produce a product that they love, only to have it get slammed by critics (in whatever profession) and think that they would just be totally unphased by the comments are DELUSIONAL. You're not some big tough guy by thinking you wouldn't be distraught by the opinion of others in this scenario, you're delusional.
Does that mean you would stop your craft? No. Clearly the person in OP didn't stop either and is quite successful because they persevered. But that doesn't mean you wouldn't be rattled.
[insert that Rocky quote about getting hit and getting back up]
Occam. All the outrage you see on twitter? It's literally all the people outraged you'll find on earth. There's nobody else.
>It's fucking obvious when what your doing is good
it's only obvious from an outside perspective, if you're the kind of person who strives to improve then it's easy to become extremely self-critical, especially since no matter what you do, there's gonna be people out there way better than you at it.
I dont love getting mad about trannies. If I never saw a tranny again online, I would die happy. I'm just sick of seeing trannies get jobs in media companies I buy products from.
Ok, have the balls to find me an AAA from the past ten years that didn't feel like a product of a heartless corporation but a work of love. Hard mode: no RE2r.
If you actually typed this and it isnāt pasta: OOF
Most artists actually care to some extent (except maybe GG Allin) but they just don't say it aloud because it would just fuel further ridicule
Are you posting this to make fun of these people? Because that's pretty dumb if you are.
>Notice how there was never talk of "safe spaces" during that time.
Imagine never using the Internet before 2016 and actually believing this, holy crap. Why are you even posting? You need to be lurking and seeing how things work.
No they're not.
Silent Hill 2, TS's swan song, is a boring lifeless piece of shit and it's not even scary (it's arguably the least scary in the series). The story is hilarious, and James is fucking willfully retarded. Every version of the English VA is comically bad. The twist is predictable. My god man, my god. On top of this the gameplay is just horrific. I say this as a series fan.
I don't demand 60 dollars for my "art" though
>Clearly the person in OP didn't stop either
Reread their post. They were declaring that they were done making video games.
Actual historian: the first obongo term was bad but it was the second that started all the super faggotry shilling of safe spaces and whatnot.
>Publicly like that makes you a huge bitch
So who was the person that wrote that?
Regardless, I bet you think it's much better to bottle up these feelings inside. That way no change or progress is ever made!
Boss and work environment treats me like shit? Better keep that to myself and be thankful that the good ol' boss took a chance on me!
Macho Ma'am could probably swing a shovel
What a fucking faggot, jesus christ.
No problem with trying to motivate yourself
Oh, great, now we have voidburger on Yea Forums too. Just fucking great.
>game didnt even live upto developers ideas
>complain when people say its bad
fucking niggers
God I hate the sort of people who had out unqualified compliments like these to nobody in particular. Same assholes who need 'wholesome' memes in their life. Fucking grown men and women who need to read really vague birthday card messages to boost their confidence just to survive another day in the safest society ever created
>kids are cute and dont complain
lmao what
No. Faggot should just stay in their kitchen and cry like the little bitch they are.
It's easy to get outside feedback for your project when it's something small scale like that.
It's easy to get tips on improving just by watching others at work or reviewing their own product.
Worrying about people "being way better at it" isn't a good way to go through life, since there will always be someone better at something than you. If this is your worry, why would anyone do anything at all ever? This isn't even a thing with most arts anyways since it's about both technical mastery and creativity. You can measure technical mastery to a point, but creativity is completely independent of that. It's the marriage of the two that allows for a unique endeavor.
I bet you thought he was a real hero, too. He probably even thanked his boss for keeping him on after he lost his arm. Didn't bother suing the company, either.
What a role model.
>not being able to cope with loss.
To be fair, Yea Forums has the exact same problem.
what game then
Empty compliments like this just make me feel worse because you can tell they're not genuine.
a what?
hes right though,how new are you?
I can see crying if somebody destroys something you put a shit ton of yourself into... what I can't see is making a public spectacle of it. Just down yourself in a bottle of something and shut the fuck up, like every other god damned man on earth.
>How heart wrenching it is to work on something for years and people say how it could be better
Grow up you fucking baby!
> It's fucking obvious when what your doing is good
And there are still people who are completely delusional about what they do (like, well, this Sonichu guy for example). And I think it is much more understandable when an amateur cannot assess his own work, than when a professional goes on to bitch about bad stupid customers.
I know a guy who works as a blue collar, good pay all things considered.
During his training the supervisor left him alone, his hand got stuck in some gears and he lost part of his index and thumb. Technically he could've become rich, lawyers told him he has a fucking strong case, upper six figures or a million.
He chose to have a job for life. Why? Don't ask me, he was a retarted weeb.
Social media was a mistake.
I don't see why you felt the need to tell us that considering you are anonymous.
either a delusional faggot in complete denial of how shit his fagass broken/generic/bland his games are or a roastie
complaining about your boss being a shithead or your work environment being terrible is a lot different than complaining that customers didn't appreciate your art enough. it definitely sucks getting that sort of response but if people didn't like it, it's not their fault.
You know the devs don't demand $60 either, right?
You reread their post. They went on to make plenty more games after they got destroyed by critics. They're getting out now. But they didn't get out after they got bombed. They persevered and overcame that to work on many AAA titles and become successful.
Fat, low test, lazy, etc.
I've posted my shitty little smut writing here before and had people shit on them, I just went back and started editing and changing things so it'd be less shit.
These faggots need to learn to take some criticism, the whole internet isn't fucking Yea Forums.
Fuck, compared to Yea Forums most of the rest of the internet is TOO nice when it comes to works of art, to the point where they'll overlook massive fucking flaws in something like a written story (like all the shit you see on ffnet or ao3 that's written in horribly broken English and reads like it was written by a 12 year old).
>over a fucking video game
I am laffin. Literally first world problems.
nothing wrong with that post really, but such is life.
It's almost as if the "safest society ever created" has led to soft individuals and is an overall detriment to the continued development of our civilization. I wonder what happens next.
I don't mean self-analysis, I mean the product is obvious to others.
It's easy to get quick feedback on a small scale project compared to a fucking videogame where 36 months go in before you have an alpha shat out on the other end.
You cheeky cunt.
These people don't make art. They make what the corporation wants made.
You could argue for Indies, but even they can't help but shove mainstream politics into everything.
You don't face problems like OP's pic in blue collar work, you will face an individual mad client or boss at most and you're not emotionally attached to your work. It's physically demanding work sure but it doesn't prepare you to a situation like public ridiculing.
t. blue collar worker
Well, yeah, that's true.
Putting a lot of work into something only to have it suck must be rough.
Never happened to me before because I'm not retarded enough to think that my shit dont stink.
Wanna know why this pic was deleted? Because they were shitting on her for being a karma whore (verbatim, "Poor guy. Your husband is married to a kharma whore."). Still got "le gold and le silver" for taking a pic of his husband.
>You know the devs don't demand $60 either, right?
Well, someone clearly did. I feel like it's in my right to value whether the product I just spend 60 dollars on is actually worth 60 dollars.
What was the shit game?
>also I know a lot of devs into kids. Kids are cute and don't complain
imagine going into a male shitter and seeing these post-it faggy things plastered all over the sink
imagine being a roastie cunt who literally need constant praise and affirmation how STRONK AND AMAZING U ARE to not completely fall apart and have a mental breakdown.
First of all, don't come to Yea Forums to have your writing analyzed. Pay an editor. If you ever went into a Yea Forums critique thread, you would know these people are fucking retarded. There is basically nobody in there with a background in editing, so the amount of knowledge people will provide is incredibly limited. It's like people who listen to music trying to critique your playing technique. Second, you could be a goddamn grand master and people will shit on it. Yea Forums is literally the worst place to get anything critiqued.
But there will also be people who like it. Why are you only focusing on the negative feedback?
I really want to know what game he worked on, because I have a feeling that if it got "utterly slammed", it wasn't actually all that polished or exceptional.
The game is probably The Order 1886. Santa Monica helped with it and later they released GOW.
nobody cares about your feewings you whiny minge
>beautiful, polished and extremely well made new IP getting utterlu slammed and people being livid
I call bullshit, new IP never get reviewed that badly if the game is as good as he is saying, unless they fucked up in marketing and promised something while not delivering.
Spore dev?
Isn't /ic/ just as retarded as Yea Forums too?
It's probably a most recent Bioware game lol
This wouldn't happen if devs weren't huge vaginas trying to get wet for the corporate suit cocks. When a game gets hate, it's because the game has baffling things in it, shit that doesn't work, the kind of stuff that looks like intentional sabotage. But they aren't, it just means they caved in to the changes demanded by corporate suits, so they sacrificed the entire game for it.
If dev teams around the world simply refused to cave in, things would be different. It's not a rebel fantasy, it would fucking work. Corporate suits will do mass firings, but they will learn that hiring new people and re-building teams costs more long term than to just let the teams do what they feel is right for a game.
And Yea Forums thinks their food analogies are bad.
This was documented in the Star wars prequels. It showed how sheltered George Lucas was.
The best films are those that were fought over through infighting. The best example of this was Titanic and how James Cameron got poisoned by his own staff. The studio and everyone just gave him shit over it but it ended up being one of the highest grossing films of all time.
Go up on stage and play a song and see what you notice:
The guy stinking up the joint with nonstop booing or polite applause.
Everyone focuses on negative feedback. See what you notice: "5 stars, great game", or some autistic "analyst" delving into a 10-part video series ripping apart even the tiniest flaws.
I mean, you got to put yourself out there to get your chops busted and lap up the praise... it's just how it is.
Wrong, it was fear that he struck in people. Who would challenge someone that would fire them at will?
Look, worst kid of the bunch, he single handedly chose him. Who was going to stop him? Rick McCallum?
>make a shitty game
>people say its shit
Basically you can get some extremely basic but vague criticism if your flaws are obvious enough but you could get it in more helpful forms from other places. Yea Forums is full of people who have hot opinions and are extremely critical but don't really get much done themselves. The Yea Forums style of discussion isn't good for learning, even if it gets you honest responses.
I assume. It's a bunch of literal amateurs without education or even active training in what they're critiquing and they're "just winging it" half the time. It's the artistic equivalent of people that pretend to be intellectual by reading Wikipedia articles and using google.
It would work if it wasn't for
>Skyward Sword
>mix of TP and WW
In style maybe, but the game was the shits.
>not just being happy about the earning you DID manage to rake in
>not just calling the complaining retards out on being filthy niggers and letting them know it won't stop you from further working on future games because you like doing what you're doing, you're having fun with it and you want to give out all new and interesting games for people to experience, the ones who actually do enjoy, not just moron posers who never actually play video games and just want to push their shit agendas onto everything
Lucas says that McCallum was a great producer because he never told him no.
Compare to Gary Kurtz, who openly challenged and shut down Lucas if he felt he was acting retarded and it's not a coincidence that the best movies in the series were produced under his tenure, and RotJ was a huge nosedive in quality after Lucas had the money to force him out.
With some self control you can control what you choose to focus on.
I don't understand this stupid shit. I am a software developer (not video games) and I couldn't give less of a fuck if a customer likes our product. At the end of the day I still get paid. Plus 99.999% of the time I don't even get to decide what goes into the product. I just do what the higher ups say, and I doubt it is any different in the video game industry
Surprising nobody, the user here won't list what game or studio they work for so everyone could be crying over some dev that made something like Ride to Hell.
>be boom mic operator
>movie i help make sucks
>move on with my life because it was a team effort and unless they're crying about visible boom mics it wasn't my fault
You need to focus on negative criticism because they're are often kernels of constructive criticism in there. You will never improve by plugging your ears.
>Just throw your purchase away lol
Assuming the guy didn't change studios, so that studio worked in both the panned game and the goty one, you can easily guess what it is.
>I wonder about why people are so much either way at all.
>shit stain writes a novel on plebbit
this is funny
>this is my baby, $60 to look at it, I've spent 3 years perfecting it
>I give $60 of my hard earned dollars because I love babies
>its a fetid maggot filled turd wrapped in a baby blanket
>this thing is a fucking disgusting excuse for a baby and a complete, literal piece of shit
>How dare you insult my baby that I worked so hard on
>just because it was worked on with great tenacity and time doesnt mean it isnt a fucking piece of shit and that time and money couldnt have had a better outcome by someone more competent at making said baby
This person is absolutely full of shit and either isn't a dev at all or is far too up their own ass about what they worked on.
For one, AAA devs seldom actually give a shit about the games they work on anymore because the publishers make sure that AAA games are devoid of individuality or artistic integrity. These devs are forced to work on soulless Skinner boxes and they know it so they never take it personally when the game they worked on gets absolutely thrashed by reviews. The only disappointment they feel is that they had no choice but to take part in making those games to begin with instead of being able to work on a game under a passionate director with a clear vision. These games aren't "someone's baby" anymore because they're cooked up by the publishers, or they may start off as somebody's genuine passion project only for the publisher to bust down the door like CPS and take their baby away.
For another thing, if this supposed game was actually "polished and exceptional", then it wouldn't have been slammed. Good finely crafted games virtually never get genuinely bad reviews. At worst, they just don't gain much traction in sales, but they are still universally praised by those who have actually played them. And before somebody brings up shit like God Hand and it's abysmal scores, as much as I love that game, it hardly qualifies as "polished and exceptional". It has plenty of flaws that can be polarizing to many but it has qualities that make up for those flaws to some who will dearly love it.
Millennials* and its because there coddled, spoiled brats who grew up physically but not mentally
>all the top comments blaming fan criticism for leaving the games industry
Good, get out. We need adults that can manage their egos.
Is coding your identity? Do you feel the need for people to hug you and feed you cookies if your coding works?
Because that's the problem with these people, they don't understand they're workers, they've been taught they're "personalities", that they "matter". They don't have much identity outside of the shit they work on. You probably code, take the cash, use to enjoy shit you like unrelated to that. They take it personally instead, and they shouldn't because they're corporate drones.
If you buy a 60 dollar item on Amazon that is broken:
1. It likely wasn't an item you've been waiting several years to come out
2. You can refund it for full value, unlike a video game
3. It probably didn't waste hours of your time to figure out it was broken
>Pay an editor.
Dude, I'm not selling this shit, it's just some shit I write in my free time.
Obviously I'm not trying to imply that Yea Forums critique is always (or even more often than rarely) valid, but a lot of the modern internet coddles the fuck out of people, which is why I find it baffling that some random AAA grunt gets so upset at people being fairly critical.
>For one, AAA devs seldom actually give a shit about the games they work on anymore
Someone link him the battlefield "rent free" party to celebrate the game fucking bombed with the pic of the homophobic sexist racist tweets on the big screen.
Dude, these people can't live just working a job, it has to be about the greater cause, whether it's politics or "art" it can't just be a job.
Imagine all the queers that destroyed GW2 with their writing thinking they're actual novelists.
Of course, but that doesn't mean you should completely ignore the good stuff people have to say about you. It's important for an artist to recognize and nurture their talents.
this literally happens in all industries. the company i work for just delivered a fucking sweet product to our customer that only we can build and works like a charm and in the bonus review meeting and we got our bonus docked because the customer was watching our schedules like a hawk and saw we slipped on minor milestones by a day due to production problems, and had the gall to put in the powerpoint that we didn't build the product with any sense of urgency. if you're a working adult, grow the fuck up bitch and don't get too attached to the products you make
why would you need praise to encourage yourself
telling you that you're a useless shitstain and you need to get your shit together is a helluva lot more motivation to git gud than mindless platitudes on how great you are
I really hope you're not that Mortal Kombat guy. I tried to give that guy constructive criticism and I don't think he took it, because all he does is shit up MK threads with his erotic fanfic.
He said "polished and exceptional looking". Just pretty graphics like quantum break for example. Or The Order which is the game he is talking about most likely.
>I really hope you're not that Mortal Kombat guy.
Oh god no, isn't he the same guy who's always shilling his Hey Arnold shit and talking about how none of his stories have niggers as well, or are those 2 separate autists?
They stopped teaching kids about sticks and stones. It's just autistically screeching at "bigots" instead.
>I can't deal with criticism and got ptsd from it
Is this nigga serious?
>products rather than experiences
So a lootbox instead of a moviegame. Pick your cancer.
I can see that. Remember Me was a highly polished turd.
Nothing anyone ever actually pours their heart into rates lowly.
It rates lowly because they cut corners and don't try hard enough to convey their vision for the game. If he spent months pouring his heart into a game, the rating and general reception should reflect that.
>I bet kids games will be good haha
I would not let anyone who ends a sentence with haha near children
I never said you should, but focusing on praise does nothing for you.
The problem is nowadays is everyone is a paid and professional critic even if they have no right to be. It's hilarious watching someone like Fantano talk about music and clearly have zero fucking clue what he's talking about and can only thread together buzzwords like ICY SYNTHS and WALLS OF SOUND and FUZZY GUITARS.
It does suck but you can use that feedback to improve. Obviously ignore comments like "kill yourself" but if a ton of people are telling you that your game sucks shit because it controls poorly, it probably controls poorly.
Can you properly link someone or are you literally retarded?
RM was actually very nice art-wise. The combat was c-tier japanese shit like Bujingai or Genji.
People always have been but people use to be better at bottling it up because they were just expected too.
PTSD didnāt just suddenly happen war vets, it just only got recognized and accepted down the line
A egotistical fuck like this fits the bill. The only person who can't rebuff his advances is a kid.
Literally who?
I hit off topic people with in topic material all the motherfucking time, just because.
>There'll always be haters, that's the way it is
>Hater niggas marry hater bitches and have hater kids
>But they gon' have to take my life 'fore they take my drive
>'Cause when I was barely livin', that's what kept me alive
When Kanye West has a better grasp on the world than you, you need to take a good long look in the mirror
I've worked in games for 6 years and been on 5 cancelled projects. Boo fuckin' hoo this guy. EVERY game gets trolls when it releases. You just gotta ignore them and focus on the fans.
An amazing person doesn't need to be told they're amazing.
This isn't actually that bad of an analogy. especially for AAA games.
Triple A's are developed by massive teams of people, and designed by committee and focus groups. Often times, the people who develop the game aren't even in the same building, let alone the same continent. This model isn't exactly conducive the prevalent influence of a single person.
More often than not, all the people on development are broken up into super segmented teams working on very narrow and specific things. It's a lot like trying to piece together a puzzle with a hundred people, but each person is putting their section of the puzzle together in a separate room.
Most, if not all, staff probably wouldn't consider the current triple A game they're working on to be their passion project. To most of them it's just another paycheque
>t. pic related "just because"
Usually some of the best entertainers have the lowest self esteem.
although because they believe theyāre terrible is usually their drive
It could help if devs were more realistic with feedback, didn't shit on the customer, and didn't release half baked reboots with their game journalists buddies calling their userbase entitled for not liking something all on top of pinching every nickel and dime out of your pocket.
We have had shit games since the beginning and people have bitched that a game sucked dick but at least most devs and studios have the decency to say "we fucked up" and quietly back out and maybe try again. Every media industry has this but they are smart enough to know that you don't fuck with an angry customer.
This guy worked on bioshock 2 LMAO
his 3 points at the bottom are bang on for me too
That retard could beat the shit out of me. I'd like to see him go 1v1 a chimp.
He could beat a chimp ez.
Retards have retard strength, and the "chimp super strength" shit is a myth. They're like 1.5 times more powerful for their muscle mass.
We know. We were talking about the game dev in the screencap, not you. You're alright, OP.
>If it wasn't people doing shit for money, there would be literally no videogames.
Wrong stupid zoomer faggot, the first vidya was made out for fun, they didn't except any money and games were better instead of being the same thing being vomited over and over.
>implying there'll be any white people 300 years from now
GLISTENING GUITARS seems to be his favorite. I don't even understand what he means by that.
>work for AAA comoany
>surprised when people call your game and company out for being greedy and putting out shitty games as a service rather than actually good games.
its pretty pathetic to prop yourself up with flowery nonsense
i guess im not a woman though
It's too late for that. Consume product, get excited for new product.
"Gamers are dead" wasn't about roasties and journalism only, it was about removing the "toxic" barrier that prevented anti-consumer practices. When you cannot shit on something without being doxxed and destroyed, it becomes hard to get scummy money grabbing habits to go away. At this point you can't even say capeshit is shit.
So what's the game people shat on, Bioshock 2 was well overrated like any other entry in the series. 2k Marin's other game was this fucking turd
> the game was meant to be a reboot of the series; the idea was met with mixed reactions from critics and players. It missed several target release windows before release. The Bureau: XCOM Declassified received mixed reviews upon release, with critics praising the game's tactical elements and art style but criticizing the game's artificial intelligence, permadeath system, narrative, and gameplay. Most critics considered the game a disappointing entry into the series.
Did you crack the code_
>it's another zoomer posts another absolutely retarded opinion episode
I'm so sick of watching reruns. Seriously though, kill yourself. All the games you grew up with will always be inferior to anything made before the 7th gen.
Isn't that true of any creative endeavor? Aren't there gonna be people who intrinsically do not like your creation?
My understanding is yes this is true. Why would it be different for video games? You have experience, could you use that to shed some light on the situation?
Do you play or have a copy of the first videogame ever made? How fucking stupid can you get?
sorry but maybe don't make a shit game
unless you work for a shitty company it's metacritic score has nothing to do with you getting paid anyway
Name some of these games retard. And no your uncle making a tetris rip-off as an autistic project in 1989 that only you and your cousins played doesn't count.
>"give award" button
what the fuck? reddit lets you give people internet awards now?
It means a single coil guitar with a Fender Twin on the neck or split and a good bit of reverb. They're "glistening" because they're wet with reverb, but that faggot wouldn't even know that because he doesn't know anything about music.
>I'm entitled to praise and success because (in my opinion) I worked hard!
>fucking entitled manchild piss babbies not understanding my genius I'm leaving!
Fake money to have gay extra features.
The first time I presented some of my research at a conference the first person to ask a question basically just outright said my research was completely pointless and has no value.
I didn't cry like a bitch because I've been told the work I had dedicated so much of my life to was useless. I just rolled with it and kept moving on.
I played the Silent Hill series when it was current. Every mainline game.
Anyone who's poured hundreds of hours into creating something will understand how much of a rollercoaster it can be. Sounds like the guy in the OP was just one member of a team though, so he doesn't really get a free pass to bitch this hard. But if you're a lead on a project, or a solo developer, and your game tanks...you will be a wreck.
Yeah he quit the industry and now pumps Gasoline at Moe's.
I want to believe someone goes to a topical conference, researches material, presents it, and then is told that was "completely pointless and has no value"... but I', having a hard time buying that anyone would have made a series of consecutive decisions this bad.
What a faggot lol
Still better than CliffyB. Imagine going from "TOXIC MALE SIMULATOR OF WAR" to lawbreakers and then bailing out and posing as a queer on twitter.
were you not on the internet around 2012? because thats when shit started going downhill with PC culture and SJWs
Jesus Fucking Crist, people are constantly bashing movies, music and novels (rightly so in many cases) and the same effort goes into those.
These devs should grow a thicker skin considering they are not artists, but artisans in the entertainment market.
Exactly, it was when he got re-elected. Specifically, when Anita announced the videos, all of a sudden there was a massive surge of homos from every corner of the internet. I still feel it was organized because the internet became unbearably bad overnight.
AAA games have HUNDREDS of people working on them though and among those hundreds, only about 1% are in any decision making positions and even they are stuck bowing down to publisher whims. The SJWs on these teams, like for the writing team, may THINK they're a part of something bigger but the reality is that they aren't. Their writing is, at best, an aspect the publisher does not give a flying fuck about making it an extremely minor piece in the overall whole, and at worst, is still just playing into exactly what the publisher wants because they think it's going to make them more money. They are likely the ONLY people who aren't aware of how meaningless they actually are in the big picture so I guess you're right in that they, of all people involved in AAA game development, would be the only ones who would get upset by seeing shit review scores. For the entire rest of the team, from the artists to the programmers, they know they don't matter and neither does their work. It's just another job at this point to them and they can only hope that luck into a dev team with more freedom or at least hope they don't get laid off, but they feel no attachment to what they put out
Kinda hard to explain, but I was looking at how to incorporate a particular type of nano particle into thermoset plastics as a reinforcing agent.
The guy basically said it was useless as you can't do that at all and that my current result of showing an improved distribution was still useless.
Honestly, it depends, if it's the case of Darksiders 3 where the game got unfair reviews, AND you're working alone then it can be disheartening, but even if that's the case, if something doesn't make sense then regardless of who, critics or fans, regardless of how many, one or a thousand, you don't have to lose your mind over it. If there's value on the criticism then you can just use it to grow.
>make a bad game
>people realize is bad game
>reviews say its bad
I don't give a fuck about your feelings, I'm not spending money on garbage.
Not anymore, they can't. Go argue Bohemian Rhapsody is a shit movie and didn't even deserve a nomination and see what happens, however right you may be. The only movie that got bashed lately is green book and it's because to them it's nazi propaganda.
Why is this industry filled with sissy, pathetic men?
Holy shit, I'm going to print out copies of those at work and paste them in our bathrooms. There would be nonstop laughter all day.
Ah, you see, but I was also pretending!
Getting laid off can be a pretty big deal.
The writing is what devastated guild wars 2. It heavily depends on the game. What killed Battlefield was the narrative, if the loons didn't meddle with actual history there would be no shitshow.
That's my point: to them it being a job is not enough, it has to be a bigger cause, or it's worthless. Notice how it's always liberals to claim videogames are art, because they feel miserable working on toys for children.
>Go argue Bohemian Rhapsody is a shit movie and didn't even deserve a nomination and see what happens, however right you may be
Uh, Reddit fanboys hard over that movie, but you can still go to /r/movies and shit talk it all you like and plenty of people will agree with you.
You should have minored in common sense.
That's amazing.
It seems autism is pretty rife in gaming, customer and developer alike
>gets PTSD because his game sucked
Jesus. How did these people even get through school? Did they never get feedback from their professor because their paper was poorly written? How did they even hold a job?
They should have bought land when they had a chance
How do you know that it wasn't woman hugging?
I don't think you understand how research works. You can't just immediately dismiss an idea without testing it. Even then you can evolve the idea and improve on it to get closer to your goal. Which I managed to do in the follow up from the work.
Welcome to the new generation. The best we can do is laugh and hopefully they won't go as far as suicide.
if your AAA game gets enough flak for being bad that it outweighs the positive, something really has to be wrong. Every game has tons of people who like it, normalfags just don't get riled up over mediocre stuff. you really have to go out of your way to make them notice something shouldn't be as it is.
>you can't do that at all
Was he right?
and nothing of value was lost
post an abstract, dissertation, or paper.
Modern sensitive men self diagnose with PTSD all the time. One shot an AR and got PTSD, another received mean replies on twitter.
This is celestial level
The key to being a dev is to have no respect for professional critics. You can get plenty of feed back from other sources.
>A single dev was the only one working on AAA game
Wow, I guess its fair, working by yourself, having to design everything from scratch, having to compose every music and sound, having to render every model, programming everything, editing trailer, no one to talk about it, must be really hard.
It worked eventually, changed from the previous method that I was doing. Unfortunately ran out of time to properly complete the project but was able to prove the idea correct before then.
We had Yea Forums gold way before them
faggots should really stop using that word
first off, it's a disorder, that's what the fucking D stands for. it literally means something's not right in your head. it's not a normal conclusion to being exposed to trauma
second, it's only triggered by extreme trauma, like survivng mass freak accidents or being bombarded by artillery for days on end. i'm pretty sure being told you did a shit job doesn't qualify or if it does, you're so weak mentally you belong in a loony bin
meanwhile.... in japan
eyy good one
I don't get it.
no way
no fucking way
Heh, your loss
>hehe loss xD
fuck off back to r/gaming
>ew games are judged not on their own qualities but based on a bunch of internet identity politics and culture of outrage BS.
>Polish a piece of turd
>Trick yourself into thinking this is acceptable
>Have a cry when people call you out on it
It's the same shit for every psychological condition. Had a busy day? you are stressed. A bit down on a monday? Must be depression.
No. When you do bad you should feel bad. Because when you do, you learn to do better.
I wonder why he didn't mention what game it was. Probably because it was shit.
Japanese devs:
>We apologize for making a game that wasn't up to everyone's standards. We will learn from this experience and craft a better game next time, if you'll give up the opportunity.
>Don't like our game? You can go fuck yourself
Western devs:
doing god's work, user
>Game crunch time gets removed
>games become bad around the same time
You deserve all the bullying if your gay enough to post about you crying like a bitch over reviews, beta ass nigga
i liked bohemian rhapsody
That's an incredible reaction image that strangely I've never seen before now.
Entitled faggots. I make music and every ass hole is vying for the same tiny slice of attention so they're constantly putting eachother down to feel better about their own shit. Of course, the first time people shit all over something you've poured your heart into it hurts, but you get the fuck over it and keep going. As time goes on you get used to criticism and understand that when you put something out there it's out there for anyone to judge and you get some goddamn thicker skin. People are so fragile it's embarrassing. Don't create shit if you can't take a little bloody nose.
I still cant believe weve reached a point where they're trying to turn "anti-sjw" into an insult or make it out to be a bad thing. I forgot that being against censorship and hamfisted political shit in my games is a bad thing.
That's not a real quote, idiot.
Listen to this man
Where the fuck have you been? SJWs wear that name as if it's a good thing to be called.
I don't have an example on hand to show you, but I've heard "anti-sjw" used on sites like Twitter, always by angry blue checkmarks with "feminist" or #resist in their bio.
It is one of my absolute favorites.
So did my literal boomer father. It's a straight-to-dvd tier movie, it should have never been allowed to win any award.
Are you really this stupid? Kill yourself tranny, no one cares about your dumb cause anymore
It was Fuze
Says the seething incel.
Just what I wanted to say. This shit is everywhere in social media and it always pisses me off to no end. The funny thing is that I am depressive and generally have a bunch of problems thanks to autism and shit so these things are supposed to be aimed at people like me but they actually aren't. They're aimed at people that are used getting complimented. The type of people that believes everyone likes them OR at people that are just damn naive and retarded and really believe there was some supernatural thing like a soul in these things and that they actually "speak" to you.
I honestly don't know. I wish I wouldn't have that much of a problem posting on social media because then I would just ask these people and ask them if this really works for them and WHY. I personally just think that people are just sharing this shit to feel as if they did something moral today. The only thing that makes me happy are actual accomplishments of mine not some fucking meme that pretents I am good at something when I am obviously not.
this is so fuckin dumb lol. how is column 1 symbolic and yet column 3 isn't? selective literal interpretation on your end you fucking nerd
Fuck I have some weird ass muscle ache since yesterday and it hurts to laugh but I can't stop.
>triple A
This fucking guy. Its effectively assembly line work.
>or even no response at all
That's me. It don't really need it, would be nice though but I primarly do it because I love it. In the end you never get fans unless you also blog and I HATE blogging. The only other option would be creating a shitton of fanart for the newest fads which is what most bigger artists do but I hate that as well since I want to draw what I personally like, not what's popular and I almost never like popular stuff and even if I do I always happen to like some bullshit character or something nobody else likes.
Video games ARE art but not all art has to have a fucking deep political message. Art can be mass produced schlock that serves no other purpose than just some dumb entertainment with no enriching qualities whatsoever.
Because everyone builds in hides in their specific comfy micro bubblue thanks to internet these days and all they do is self-adulating each other and copying everything the others says, add to that the idiotic celebrity fanatism and virtue signaling and a LOT of attention whoring but no actual problems and you get all these multi-allergical vegan pussy babies that suffer a life long PTSD because someone called them stupid once during their elementary school time.
Both sides blow it out of proportion. The SJW because they need something to virtual signal 24/7 a week and because the whole SJW culture is massively female centered (I honestly barely ever saw anything about transmen, it's always transwomen and that whole "fight for feminity" bullshit) and the right because it reacts to that and blows it even more out of proportion by making it seem like half of the world was trans when in reality barely anybody talks about it. It's similar with gays. I know a lot of them but all of them are perfectly normal, don't care about politics any more than random people and most of them are manly dudes with cool hobbies, not the faggy fags you see on the internet.
This if my favorite Yea Forums image.
Only an idiot or brainwashed would ever say this. It always baffles me when people believe this, they must have erased their childhood memories or they're just, as said, retarded and blind.
lmao get fucked tranny devvo
>PTSD from mean comments
People died in bloody trenches with their friends and survivors managed to come home with their mind relatively intact, grow the fuck up. People are so weak.
I thought the reason why video game journalists were always butthurt was because a lot of them are or were goons?
Gameplay comes first for Japan, no matter what the aesthetic they go for is.
Not to say the West going story/aesthetic-first is always better either.
nice understanding of psychology, idiot
Just months?
>Devs making bomb ass kids games
And I will fucking be there.
I've been thinking a lot lately about how I would deal with particularly negative criticism if I ever dared to share anything I created. There's something about online comments that make them seem particularly hard to deal with. Maybe it's just the sheer volume of feedback you can get, and we just tend to hone in on the negative among all that. But you also don't know if that user who called your game an insult to everything that is good in the world is being sincere, hyperbolic, or if he didn't even play it and just wanted to be an asshole. And even when you can rationalize it and tell yourself it shouldn't affect you, that doesn't necessarily prevent it from affecting you, because emotions are stupid like that. Or when it's actually constructive criticism, there's just too much of it to process it all.
Still, it's the creator's problem at the end of the day. You can't force the entire internet to be civil, understanding, and only offer constructive criticism. Hell, telling people to be polite probably just makes things worse, because nothing encourages trolls more than seeing that they have an effect on you, and even positive feedback starts to look insincere when you realize people are trying to protect your feelings.
people can indeed be harsh on developers for so many reasons, some minor and stupid and some very reasonable and right
folks just want to have fun/escape from real life problems by playing
games, so when they encounter something that can ruin that moment of escapism and fun, some of those folk can make a huge deal of such thing that ruined that moment
i can understand the feeling, and they are free to criticize and make a huge outcry about that, but sometimes it just feels that the outcry is just autistic/beign too much of a dick instead of just criticise or protest
about the devs, some of them can take the hit and stand still, but some just aren't strong enough to take those autistic outcries or hell... even real criticism... some devs really don't accept opnions from people that dislike/hate their work
i also can understand their side, but if you are a dev, you should know that you need to take everything that people can throw at you, else you can fuck yourself over by doing something retarded that can ruin your game/company/name reputation
in the end, everyone is somewhat on the wrong
>Write fetish fapfiction about games I enjoy
>Get to indulge in defloration, domination, Impregnation kinks as much as I like
>90% positive feedback
>Rest is either fair criticism or easily ignored bile
>Plenty of people supporting my Patreon to pay my mortgage so I can write more
>Tricking Yea Forums into complaining about video games
Damn you got us good
>people who were responsible for a single aspect of a game (texture artists are only responsible for the textures, musicians are only responsible for the music, etc.) getting sad/angry when people criticize the game as a whole
What egotistical assholes. They act as if the work of all those other people was unimportant and the only people responsible for how the game turned out is them.
>it was just community managers and eSports related staff
nothing of value lost
I met one working in a restaurant but that was one person in over 4 month's worth of a sample size.
The times I closely follow a game rabidly is because I see the potential and want it to be better, to stick out among the rest. This guy is the epitome of "consume, move on and keep consuming"
How much money do you make from it?
Fanboys becoming devs is ruining the industry worse than publishers possibly could.
He should have worked harder
The customer sounds like a real prick
>people can indeed be harsh on developers
>but sometimes it just feels that the outcry is just autistic/beign too much of a dick instead of just criticise or protest
You'd be surprised. I've seen a lot of shit Japanese companies release complete garbage for $60 and no one bats an eye. Mainly because their weeb fanbase are stupid, but also because the nippons don't insult their fanbase by shoving their political opinions down their throats, or half ass the main mechanics of the game.
bros.... I fell bad now...
Maybe this experience will teach him not to make a shitty soulless product.
Does it help to know that his reaction was irrational and his own problem, not that of reviewers or people criticizing whatever game he worked on?
One of the benefits of working on huge projects like that is liability is distributed and no one individual is to blame for a failure (or success for that matter). Even if you are actively responsible for creating the exact thing that is getting bitched about specifically, because other people involved in the project should have caught it first.
Why are people allowed to lie about having PTSD? If I lied and said I had cancer in order to garner sympathy there would be repercussions when I was exposed.
Review bombing isn't even a real thing people do, anyway
I think it's funny that if you bring up OCD knowingly exaggerating, invariably somebody will call you out on OCD being a serious mental issue. But be completely serious about having PTSD because people were mean to you and you are literally a nazi if you call it out.
honestly feels good to me if what you say about ocd really is commonplace. The whole 'i love to organize stuff that's my OCD for ya XD' shit always bugged me to no end. There's a huge fucking difference between liking orderliness like every fucking body alive and having to do crazy shit like open and close things a set number of times or always do stuff in very specifc to function normally.