What do we think of this conflict?

What do we think of this conflict?

Attached: core values vs boner cultrue.png (617x484, 347K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Boner culture

Stop shilling your shit blog.


What's the point of core values?

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boner culture was always core values

but now that the fcg is E S P O R T S and got cucked to ESPN we're refining "core values"

didnt a jap player during EVO SFV had to change Cammy's costume midway because it was too raunchy? the fact that costume was there in the first place tells you a lot

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Liking sex appeal in entertainment is not an ideology.

Go back to your tranny forum you piece of shit

Oh yeah boner culture. Who else here goes to boner meetings where we finally let loose and walk around with stiffies in our pants the entire time while discussing boners?

t. oneseethingfaggot

seething tranny

Fuck off OneAngryShitter
>Fuck off OneAngryShitter
Fuck off OneAngryShitter
>Fuck off OneAngryShitter
Fuck off OneAngryShitter
>Fuck off OneAngryShitter

Stop shiling your fucking garbage website here jesus fuck

i have no intentions in cutting my dick off, sorry retard. Go shill your shitty site somewhere else.

I think that this shit wasn't going on in the past. I don't know how the fuck this industry got overrun by mentally ill faggots and feminists. I would have never believed this would happen if someone had told me about it in the past.

the retard is back shilling his retarded shit

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fuck off back retard

Attached: (You) don't belong here.png (461x447, 232K)

sorry to disappoint you but I'm not a fag like you. Stop projecting and fuck off

he contributed more towards improving the industry than you ever will you lowlife

this retard is still at it and trying to make boner culture a thing

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>What do we think of this conflict?
Typical bitching from women and their thirsty orbiters.

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it's literally just fat, color haired women bitching about this and everyone sensible knows anti-NR are in the right, Yea Forums is just contrarian as always

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advertise elsewhere

Imagine being this mad

retard go back to posting your retarded shit on your garbage site and getting laughed at on twitter

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>this thread

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I really wish to go back to the old days where people never bitch about boner culture or whatever culture just to enjoy the game

Normalfags ruin everything.

this. core values=boner culture for gamers. nobody can dispute that because these NEW values are not CORE since they were never there when CORE of GAMING was being formed. so CORE VALUES=BONER CULTURE

Wtf is their problem with coffee? Do those puritans hate anything that gives you a buzz?

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Fuck off, incel.

Like clockwork

Oh fuck I didn't know Reggie was leaving.

Something happened in the uk, women were mad men were spending their time drinking tea instead of spending it serving their 2 toothed wives

>anybody who doesn't fall for my shilling is le discord tranny maymay
I wonder who could be behind this thread

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buttmad leftytranny


did the making this shit even look at the game or is he just after easy retards to bait

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I don’t and I’m better for it

>anyone talking about a topic is shilling it

I don't really care about nontroversies desu.

I pick boner culture

>Heterosexuality is now called "Boner Culture"

Attached: Hhh.jpg (500x500, 92K)

>guy spamming his shitty article isn't shilling
Advertising is against the rules

well when every thing you talking about and post is from the same site and guy yes im thinking you are a shill

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Are you a fat ugly balding tranny? I bet you are.


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Like clockwork


why are incels so upset by oneangrygamer?

I would say incels should be sterilized. But that'd be redundant

They hate everything that men like, it's always been like this

discord trannies are sceething because there are actual women who are more attractive then they are and are now trying to take it away from vidya to feel better. he pointed it out and now they're fuming

oh no someone doesn't share your views, to the pyre with them

t. onedumbnigger

why is this one oneangrygamer retard mad nobody likes him

>cut your dick off
>get mad at boner culture

Today it feels like everything fun is shunned and not allowed.
>no sex
>no drugs
>no bad words
>no video games
I feel like I'm getting either yelled at or judged by the entire world at all times.

It's fucking digital characters that look visually appealing. It's not even real sex. When are they going to stop complaining. Who does this harm?
>well actually it makes me upset to see fantasy pretty girls so you're not allowed to like it either
Fuck outta here. If you don't like it don't play it. Don't yell at the devs or the people who do like it. Find or make something you care about instead.

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fighting games have the hottest girls in all of vidya, how can sex not be a core value of the FGC?

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I find it ironic that trannies always use the incel insult despite the fact that they literally tried turning themselves into the girl they could never get.

I think you should buy a fucking banner faggot

Kind of funny calling a company that had literally strips of cloth on a female for a costume core values. Had they never had such suggestive costumes in 9 I don't think people would have cared as much as they do now. But they did, so it's too late.

>i don't like the subject matter so its adverising

>you don't get to see the three shittiest most cancerous girls in the series get the shit beaten out of them
Just another reason to avoid DoA6.

MK11 changes have nothing to do with ESPN

NRS just went full SJW and they are pretty open about it

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fuck off discord tranny.

>NRS just went full SJW

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This site belongs to us now and you can’t change that fact.

>still trying to CTR
What a fucking faggot.

they literally said that they are aiming for more "realistic representation of women" (in a fucking overthetop fantasy game about supernatural characters)

one of the devs even said how he doesn't want the respect of anyone who wants sexy women in their games

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ok retard and is this the only image you have they have said from day 1 there will be gear and skins in the game sorry you are to stupid to look shit up now fuck off with your fake outrage

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desu I don't really care, a well dressed chick is more attractive to me than a naked one. just wish it wasn't agendas all around

>wow, you can almost see an inch of her thigh
I mean come on, she doesn't even show a hint of cleavage, even though this would be a perfect costume for a design like that (even though there is nothing even fucking unrealistic about women showing cleavage, it's the most basic shit you see every day)

I will believe the shit you say when they actually show any fucking sexy costumes. shit like your pic or this , where they show maybe an inch of skin is fucking nothing compared to what MK used to be

Fuck off, retardera faggot.

why isn't my zombie sexy enough?

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Based Capcom once again proving they know how to do it right.

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Bros... how does Japan keep winning?

ok how is that street fighter dlc treating you

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Why do people think that gold trim is a Zettai ryōiki

>t-t-that dont count
what a sad retard you are

>implying I play Street Fighter

core values is a meme because everyone was calling mcrib out for being a fucking faggot about everything

better than NRS jewery
>SF: can unlock all dlc characters by playing the game
>MK: press X to Goro, on fucking day1

based retard not knowing how to quote posts

who the fuck still plays Street Fighter?

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you have some truly low standards when it comes to sexy designs aren't you?
in the next MK the girls will only flash an ankle at max and you will still herald the devs for how based they are for "totally not falling for the sjw meme"

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>can unlock all dlc characters by playing the game
not with the little fight money they are taking away from you

Attached: HaHaHah.png (504x529, 458K)

nice going mad fag nothing in the game is sjw

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You're such a hero for Boner Culture!

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>>t-t-that dont count
no it doesn't

The manliest of them all.
She has the same jaw than Stryker in Mk9

IF THEY ARE 18........

yeah, fuck you, fucking marie is like 15!

fucking kasumi and ayane were 15-16 in DoA 1/2.

more crying from the oneangryfag

Attached: sonya (2).png (1628x916, 926K)

look, you can still enjoy your game, but you don't have to defend fucking everything about it, especially such an obvious shit as the change in direction with the female sexualization in the game

a single alternative costume having a pretty face, or a single other alternative costume showing an inch of skin doesn't "prove" how the devs didn't back off when it comes to showing sexyness when fucking everything else has a day and night difference

I think as a consumer I enjoy games with tits and ass and realize that the younger generation is more fixated on free to play squad shooters shitty streamers and youtube videos.Therefore I feel the studios I generally buy from should indulge me as buyer with tits and ass but good gameplay first and foremost.

I also don't give a fuck about anyone else's opinion in video games or what is considered exclusivity/inclusivity. I am already playing video games inside my house by myself or with my GF who also likes tits. I will think about society and its ethics and morals when I have to go out of my fucking house the 8 hours of every 5 days of the week. Video games are a hobby and how I feel about them will not affect anyone else's opinion on them.

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Cindy lou literally who?


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I love when everyone gets to this point. They can't admit they were wrong so they start to attack the other person's ironclad defense

so retards want this shit back my god

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Based and nonsuicidepilled


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So how are you any different from pic and meme arrows in

>They can't admit they were wrong so they start to attack the other person's ironclad defense
more like you are ironclad stubborn if you seriously believe that you proved anything about the devs not going down the sjw route with these crappy examples

that, or you are literally just a shill

You will never pass.

>Boner Culture
This is the best meme leftists have ever made

Attached: amy.png (381x396, 180K)

>ironclad defense
you turbo faggot lmao

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>Why are incels angry at incels talking about incels cryi....
Jesus Christ Incel filter when?

>focusing on surface-level aesthetic changes when core gameplay is eroded for simplified garbage and overmonetized, shorter and thinner content

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I wish they'd filter it to say tranny, but they'd never do that.

nice mad oneangryshill


It truely doesn't. It shows as little skin as the hood outfit.

>is eroded for simplified garbage and overmonetized, shorter and thinner content
we are not talking about dbz fighterz here

>Arms being uncovered is now revealing
What's it like living in the 1800's?

OAG is reddit

What is the point of adding women to a game if they don't look sexy?

Sudacas play KoF

you know you can take the hood off right

>difference between sexualization of previous MK female designs and 11 (or even X to an extent) is fucking day and night. Characters went from sexy assasins to burka wearing arabians.
>b-but look, this single alternative costume doesn't have a butt ugly face, or this single alternative costume only covers 90% skin instead of 95%. I totally showed you how the devs are not going sjw at all!

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>I-i-it won't happen to muh nip games!

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look retard the game has more than one skin and has lots of other gear just like injustice 2 you can keep that fake outrage going all you want

So Team Boner Culture are the ones who call scantily clad ladies in vidya Boner Culture, and Team Core Values are the ones who call scantily clad ladies in vidya Core Values? Is there any other way I could interpret this logically?

did retards forget the game has the same thing as injustice 2 or did you not play the game

>Zombies can't be sexy
How new are you to entry level nerd culture you dumb bitch
>Street fighter still has content coming out for it

Who the hell is buying this shit for this dead awful game.

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>tranny reddit discord shills jews reeeeeeeeeee
the only irony here is that the use of "incel" as a general insult only seems to trigger actual incels, who immediately engage assblasted autism mode and obsessively reply to every shitpost that calls anyone an incel.

>Street fighter still has content coming out for it
yes over priced skins

Attached: 25_cpt05.jpg (1366x768, 84K)

>Posting another unsexy zombie
Thanks for proving my point

why is oneangrygamer so cringey all the time

they aren't even necessarily wrong about everything but their writing is so whiney, it's like the articles were typed up in 15 mins after reading a tweet they didn't like with no editing process

the retard even posts videos from nobody's with 55 views and he took LTG seriously

>why is oneangrygamer so cringey all the time
because it's literally some /pol/v/ incel who started a blogsite and can't help but shill his autistic ideology in everything he writes.

>the game has more than one skin
so what, if all of them look pretty much just as non-sexual?
we've already seen a bunch of shit the girls have and it's just a bunch of boring armor pieces.
costumes also do nothing about the fact that the breasts, asses and curves in general just got nerfed.

>taking LTG seriously
how new do u have to be

>Reggie leaves Nintendo

Oh shit I thought he died

I really don't care about "muh skin". Only tards play fighting games for the skin pixels

>we've already seen a bunch of shit the girls
We have litterally only seen two skins and one of Sonyas looks like one of her classics. This is the same shit ypu guys said about MKX and IJ2.

Attached: download.jpg (204x200, 7K)

It's mocking the FGC for being hypocrites.

But Kitana's base skin was literal nun tier.

Attached: Kitana_MKX_Render.png (467x656, 361K)

>we've already seen a bunch of shit the girls have
no we haven't retard do you even know what the hell you are talking about

Makes me sick how little skin she shows

Attached: kitana__revenant__by_romero1718-d9vbmri.gif (1572x2100, 2.06M)

but we've seen upwards of THREE outfits!

this retard cant even bait right

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And what was her Revenant Klassic,Tournament and Dark Emperess

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nobody can be this stupid

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SJW tier Muslim garb. Disgusting how she's covered head to toe

Attached: mkxl_kitana_tournament_hq_cutout_by_molim_dbo5t31-pre.png (742x1076, 305K)

>Coffee machine gets put in at work
>Unclaimed old rancid coffee cups with mold growing in them due to milk everywhere
>Stains all over the carpet and shirts
>Coffee breath
>People taking random breaks because of "muh lack of energy"

>core values
What does that even mean when it comes to the subject of video games?

Not endorsing tits and ass and will never stop others from endorsing tits and ass.

Meanwhile, in MK11

Attached: Kitana-Jingu.jpg (1058x1028, 124K)

not as new as this retard

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Oh man, if one of the girls shows an elbow you're gonna cum your dick right off.

This is literally the kind of shit women in Salem women wore.

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Here's your MK11 roster

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>literal who has opinion
>Yea Forums cares about it even though it doesn't even effect shit and is literally one retard

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the fall of rome 2.0

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A Handmaid's tale

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retards are going all out

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westcucks going to bitch about child abuse when it gets localized

I didn't know one angry gamer was so well known, all the trannies here are seething mad. When did he become this popular?

If only Skarlet was showing that much skin

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Scarlet Letter

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finally we got a burka fighter nice

man the oneangryretard is doubling down hard

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MK is for plebs who cares? GG is kino.

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It's like looking at a woman in ISIS territory

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both are showing cleavage what are you on about retard

Why is Guilty Gear so cucked by SJWs? Ugly, overdressed "Women" everywhere

What kind of Muslim shit is this!

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holy fuck it's literally the felicia day whiteknight tweet. did we go full circle.

i like both games retard

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It's like I'm looking at an Amish wife

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You're only half retarded.

>i like both games

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Baiken is cute! CUTE!!

Look at this shitty burka

Attached: JACQUI-BRIGGS-BOOT-CAMP-1024x568.jpg (1024x568, 92K)

>best skin
>exclusive to Russia
Fuck 'em


Attached: shutterstock_punch_screen.jpg (442x293, 35K)

But the men... They oversexualize the men! Why do we get Beefcake like THIS, but all women are burka'd up??

Attached: 40176_normal.jpg?1531936353.jpg (355x500, 44K)

pointless and stupid let people design their game cahracters how they want and if you don't like the design that bad then don't play.


Why won't you post Sankaku Complex links next, you little shit-eater.

What a fucking disgrace, fucking hell.

this guy is unironically retarded, and so are you OP

>Boner culture

>Reggie leaves Nintendo
What the fuck? Lead with that for the article.


you haven't herd about this where have you been

Our boi Johnny knows flat is justice.

Red Alert 3 says hi.

Seriously fuck this industry. Maybe when all the AAA publishers are burned to the ground things will start to go back to normal.

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all these disgusting subhuman girl fetishists need to be lined up and shot

It should be 'you'. Yea Forums is indeed a community but your implication is that we are all on the same page.

>everyone who hates oneredditgamer is a tranny
This is how people know it's just you samefagging oneredditgamer.

Daily reminder that trannies aren't and will never be women.
You'll be a sad, ugly and pathetic freak until you die a sad pathetic death.

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He’s in, right? How else am I gonna get my fart ryona fix?

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good thing the suicide rate among trannies is high. lets make it higher

Zero Transgendered characters in the history of MK. At least one in the history of Street Fighter

>people arguing whether sexy girls or respecting wamen should be core values
you all are fucking retards. "core values" is a meme term made up by some SJW PR monkey. The only core values a game developer should have are making good games. they should not make "respecting women" their "core values". They, as a game developer, are basing their whole identity, the core of their identity, on the fact that they respect women. so where the fuck are the games? its the corporate equivalent of basing your whole identity on the fact that you like dick up your ass.

>This site
>belonging to anyone
Absolute state of discord trannies

Attached: none-of-you-seem-to-understand-im-not-locked-in-23876200.png (500x687, 178K)

why the fuck are they manipulating their gender while calling themselves a transvestite? transvestite is supposed to be equivalent to cross dresser. no gender maniuplation/mental illness involved.

Sounds like NRS is trying to make a good game first!

The trannies are in full regalia.

Attached: womens-march_thumb[1].jpg (504x540, 101K)

every one of you who responded unironically to this thread just got utterly baited by shills. if you retards had ignored the thread it would've archived already but of course that didn't happen. let this be a lesson, learn to ignore obvious shill attempts.

Go to /pol/ and make a post about kekistani i dare you motherfucker

>Don't talk about the game you want to talk about because the OP is a faggot

Attached: 1502425328042.png (716x724, 255K)

Not going to stop a slutty cosplayer.

fuck off back to your containment board with your retard identity politics you autistic closet homo.

you aren't curious as to why mods didn't delete this thread minutes after it was created? it's a containment thread, and it's doing its job. it's almost assuredly already marked for deletion upon archival.

>Core values
Then get all those tranies and retards with gender dysphoria out of videogames.

Fuck off to your discord shitholes
We survived JIDF and Shareblue and we will survive both you and mods/jannies

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This shit right here.

Daily reminder that these people would literally turn the entire planet gay just so they could cope with their mental illness

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You know what's not fair, gore fags get their fetish game, and I can't get my fetish game. Like what the fuck?

you are obsessed.


Boner culture for sure, the people they're trying to appeal to will never pick this game up en masse and it just makes the experience worse for their actual fanbase. Give me back my qt playboy bunny Sonya instead of a Ronda Rousey glassjaw'd mutt

That dyed hair fag on the last stream saying he always hated Jade until this recent visual rework into an undead ninja more covered than Scorpion deserves a bullet and unironically hates woman far more than normal people wanting to see some fuckin tiddy

Attached: Kerri Hoskins.gif (400x280, 1.03M)

>Endlessly talks about /pol/
>Gets called out for being a mentally ill freak
>"NO U"
Keep it up, sweetheart.


Nips are cucks that will follow daddy america. They even censor their regular porn. I doubt the average japanese virgin would know what the opposite sex's genitals look like without looking for foreign porn lmao. It probably scares them.

I didn't so much as mention /pol/ you autistic containment board leak. You filled in the blanks yourself. You need to go back.

>That dyed hair fag on the last stream saying he always hated Jade
no he didnt retard he is a kitana fanboy retard

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>tranny thinks i made it
>being this new
Ahh they must be sending fresh meat

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>No archive link
Eat shit and die Billy.

I'd say I don't give a shit but given how absolutely fucking livid the trannies are at the idea of virtual women being more passable than them I'm going to have to go with boner culture.

>muh trannies
Stop shilling your shitty website, Billy.


You faggots are made out of porcelain

Attached: 0b3.png (233x261, 84K)

Stop infesting my shitty website, MAN.

Stop turning robots gay
They deserve quick and painless death by the rope
(You) on the other hand...

proof that weebs are as mentally ill as furfags.

Look at this slut wear

Attached: ErmacMKXrender.png (260x385, 123K)

I swear to fucking god that this "gender dysphoria" shit is caused solely by anime.

These fuckers are you average trap/loli spammers
Weeb is too small of a word to describe them

Ok, Weebshitters then.

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Well call me a retard a few more times, and you'll change what he said at the start of the stream after Boon left you mushbrain. His dumb ass is probably the reason the Kitana concept art on the last MK had notes about developer feedback to unsexy her up a bit

Attached: 194031-bio.gif (191x195, 12K)

>oh no someone doesn't share your views, to the pyre with them

That's literally what you're saying about people who want skimpy clothed video game characters, fag.

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hay retard you know they will put this skin in mk11 right

It's ok when my side does it.

Then death to your side.

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is oneangryretard mad his twitter post got ignored buy everyone talking about the kombat kast and the character reveal to night he came here to cry

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>Wtf is their problem with coffee? Do those puritans hate anything that gives you a buzz?

Men started hanging out outside of the home at coffee houses and women got angry. blaming coffee for political disagreements, laziness, bachelors and husbands not dicking them enough.

The only thing that could possibly be sexy is slutty bikinis

t. Retards

>ok how is that street fighter dlc treating you

The same way your ever increasing number of fighter passes featuring one street fighter character and 3 guest characters will soon be treating you.

Only with much less tits and ass.

Damn discord trannies in full swing tonight.

They need attention since no one gives a shit about them in real life.

The only people I've seen get triggered over the incel label fit it themselves. And tranny as the new and hip buzzword insult when not even applicable is some weak banter fit for the weakest willed faggots. Try harder 2/10

I don't know what they're talking about.

What the F*ck where's my boobies????????????????????????????

>And tranny as the new and hip buzzword
>only i can use buzzwords
Many incels are borderline trannies anyway so why should i give a fuck


>>only i can use buzzwords
>no buzzwords in the post used to insult anyone
Learn to read you insufferable twat.

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You refereed to tranny as a weak banter buzzword while saying that incels get triggered by incel term which is another buzzword
Learn to deflect faggot

Wrong again, idiot. I said people who usually fit the description of the buzzword typically get triggered by the buzzword. I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings; go write about how PC or intolerant I am or something.