What's your greatest Yea Forumsidya accomplishment?

What's your greatest Yea Forumsidya accomplishment?

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nothing about playing a video game can be considered an accomplishment

no matter what you do, what goals you bother to set, how much you play, how well you play, you'll end up feeling empty and unfulfilled in the end

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beating the game sex for the first time

i have really rare achieviements.

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3rd place at a local Third Strike tournament ages ago. Beating Ikaruga on acid was cool too.

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>used to successfully play world of tanks on a somewhat professional level.
>regularly got hackusated while playing badcompany2
>im pretty good at building rockets, assembling spacecraft in orbit and landing craft in KSP
not sure if thats what you meant

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For a week I was mvp in the world in killzone 2. I was even sent a poster for it.

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i beat dark souls 1 in two hours
pyromancy route is slower but more fun
also i'll take 8 minutes over the fucking seathe skip any day

I also
>won a halo wars tournament and got a job at gamestop for it
>got a shirt from warner bros for making a guy gardner character in dcu online
>beta tested some games
>got invited to dallas mk tournament

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xcom2 without squad size upgrades on a blind run starting right on release

was a good 10 minutes of seratonin

now I feel empty again

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I conquered Eurasia as Finland in HOI 3 once.

Our guild wasn't great and we had some boomers before they were know as boomers, your typical family guild
no, really, gm, his wife and her two brothers, and some work colleagues of gm were all in the core raid group
We were top 10 on our server and our server was maybe top 15 in Europe, just to give you a scope
However we managed to get two server first kills in ulduar flame leviathan I think he was called and thorim, both in hard mode
That felt really good and was probably my best accomplishment in the game

I once played that video game you hate, and I liked it.

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Ys 1 on Nightmare, never again.

I found a huge glitch in a multiplayer game once. Devs gave me a lot of money in game.

I beat NKG

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>Tay Tay will never wrap her slender arms around you

This, won first place at SSF4 at a local event, got 100 dollars.

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I don't know, off the top of my head I beat MDK2 on Jinkies with Dreamcast controls when I was like 10.

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Found a way to exploit a glitch in an online rpg but was too young to really understand wtf was going on. Just knew if I did it my character could face roll content far above what I was normally capable of.

Told my friend then some cunt Female mod who was watching my tells came and stole the helm I worked months to get then banned my other characters but left my current character. Reported her to the game developer who was very active online and in the game, who stripped her of her Mod status and IP banned her and her husband from the game. Got my helm back and significant x2 exp boost for a month and all my characters back, as well as 10k ingame for finding the glitch.

Had an IL world record speedrun in a game for about a month or so. Still pretty pleased with it since it's not too far off from the current record.

Remember when Taylor Swift denounced the alt right and said she was a democrat? Good times frog poster! Good times!


Cumming inside a cute boy

Fuck this piece of shit boss with a shovel

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good, now do the radiant version

That's not just videogames, it's everything in life. Working towards goals is where the meaning lies. Reaching them is always unfulfilling and empty.

You are like little baby

Watch this

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I guess reaching global and rank A on esea in csgo.

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Funny that I hurt my hand getting this one

i beat autism