>Canyon flight (ridiculous as it is)
>Hype music
>Radio of ground assault as you fuck shit up
I expected AC7 to be disappointing, like most sequels nowadays are. But it did not.
My only complaint is the lack of VR, which would've made this easily the most incredible VR experience and would've made the game even better.
Ace Combat 7
What's ridiculous about canyon flight?
In the AC7 mission, you have to avoid searchlights in the canyon to make a stealth approach. Kind of hard to not notice a fuckload of planes and helicopters passing by even without light, I'd say.
They do have VR missions, but only 3.
I disliked the story and characters.
Just another generic "Belka was phone!" twist.
I was never made to care about any of the characters. They tried to make a Final Fantasy style game, but didn't build any emotional attachment to the characters by letting you play with them. All the (1hrs+) cutscenes are about people who are not in any of your squads.
The only character I actually felt any attachment to is "scrap queen" and you never play with her in any capacity, she's just seen in a few cutscenes now and then and nothing happens with her story.
Story is a mess but the gameplay is superb.
Is there even any game like it?
If you mean that mission then yeah. Jets and helos are loud as hell.
>the gameplay is superb.
It has the standard Ace Combat joy of flying fast jets through fun maps, and it makes you feel like a badass just as the prior games do, but I wouldn't say the core gameplay was good.
Circling and shooting autolock missiles is not challenging
I didn't really like how almost every mission had a
moment going on, it pretty much forced you into multi-role setups instead of specialized ones, fun gameplay and story otherwise
are the other AC like that as well?
Didn't feel anything for scrap queen either, despite her being front and center of the cutscenes. I think it's just Japanese being unable to present a decent story though.
Yeah, I meant the mission specifically, my bad. Why are they flying in a canyon in the cartoon you posted though? Avoiding radar?
>I think it's just Japanese being unable to present a decent story though.
Don't blame all of Japan for Project Aces' recent incompetence.
Not even Project Aces was always bad at this. "that moment" in AC5 is one of the saddest moments in games. Everyone who played knows what I mean.
Use guns more and you will have more fun in my experience. Missiles only get you through the game, but there is something immensely satisfying about drawing a bead on a target and gunning them down with the machine guns. It also makes your bombing runs more effective.
They just want to spice things up I guess. There's what, two or three missions where it's legit focused on ground targets all the way through? And even those are easily doable with any plane, so there's never a reason to take an attacker.
I literally do not recognize that picture at all, is that a reference to PJ's 'grave'?
No, that's a screenshot from a VN called Planetarian
>Don't blame all of Japan for Project Aces' recent incompetence.
Basically every Japanese game I've seen or played (which is not too many, I admit) has been pretty much a mess in presentation. MGS, Dragon Quest and other RPG's, Persona (cringe on a whole different level though), Yakuza etc.
Plus, there is really only 1-2 pure attackers anyway, the obligatory A-10 Warthog and some other bomber jet
>are the other AC like that as well?
there's pretty much no reason (other than liking the specific plane) to take an attacker over multirole or fighter in any ace combat game
The gameplay is good, difficulty might be another matter. You don't have to and shouldn't end up circling over and over. Use agile jets, or break up your flight pattern to avoid ending up chasing the enemy in a circle every time.
battle for farbanti is the best mission overall
True, I recall only seeing one other attacker in the list, outside of the A10 which they probably will always keep around just because.
There's literally no reason for them to have dedicated attackers other than wanting them to be in the game.
This. And finishing campaign with only the brrt is satisfying (and gives you a medal).
>You don't have to and shouldn't end up circling over and over.
The game is coded to force you to circle fight.
Try fighting enemies in your X-02S kitted for maximum elevator authority and pulling nothing but high G turns. You will get out-turned by every plane, at least until the game tells them to let you get behind.
This is true. Sadly I found the music to be disappointing in that mission, but overall it was the best mission.
Loved the one where you fight Mihaly in the clouds and chasing him through mountains, even if it was a pretty shit/bland mission when you look back at it.
the music is the best fucking part, especially when sol squadron shows up
All those fights the enemies have attack patterns you're supposed to exploit. With the Wyvern eventually Mihaly will turn straight towards you to attack and that's your window, he won't evade missiles.
I just wanted scrap queen and the princess to get together. Add a little positivity to all the sorrow in the game. And because the princess' face is ideal for Avril to sit on.
Most of the titles you're giving are known for their goofiness: particularly Yakuza and MGS (Kojima's writing is so ludicrous that it basically breaks the scale). Dragon Quests plots are mostly fantasy for kids, and Persona 5 is a bit more serious than 4 but still has a furry mascot animal.
However there are some good writing in Japanese games, like Valkyrie Profile, Tactics Ogre and final Fantasy Tactics, the SMT Devil Survivor serie or Silent Hill 2.
I agree.
It a rare one without some long insta-fail gimmick in the first part, and where you can choose what and where to fight.
So was anyone actually able to play AC0's multiplayer?
I still don't get why your praising AC7. It's barely better than AH and it sold poorly as well.
This. I'm not that user but I agree. AC7 isn't that great but the Ace fanbase is so starved for an AC game that they will gladly eat shit.
I am not also any of those anons, but fuck this fan base so hard for allowing shitty games to be made. The AC fan base has literally no standards. This is why games like assault horizon sold well.