Utawarerumono Mask of Deception & Mask of Truth are currently on sale for 15€. You do like SRPGs and war stories...

Utawarerumono Mask of Deception & Mask of Truth are currently on sale for 15€. You do like SRPGs and war stories, don't you Yea Forums?

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if it was on pc, sure

>Underwater Ray
hahaha no way fag

Why wouldn't you get Underwater Ray Romano?

It's also on PS4.

Oh boy strip poker

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>Snoy Playstation only
That's a yikes from me family.
Why would I ever want to play censored weebshit?

that's still a no way fag from me

because you're a thirsty faggot with shit taste and no brain

>let's take it to a handheld and the parent console that 4 people in Japan own
>and lets censor it to hell and back
gee I wonder why nobody cares

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>war stories

>refrains from buying Snoy's censored titillation makes someone thirsty
It's pathetic that you'd consider buying an incomplete titty game and then accuse others of being thirsty.

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>and lets censor it to hell and back
A single CG was edited because of the EU. It shows up for less than 2 minutes in 80+ hours of gameplay. Here's an example of things that are left untouched in the game.

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>titty game
Nvm, you are retarded and don't even know what utawarerumono is. Kinda sad that people like you infest this board in 2019.

Is that the one where the catgirl watches the guy do stretches in the bath house and gets progressively more mortified at the sight of his naked body?

I don't like SRPGs. I like action games. Are either of those games action games?

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Oh right it's not a weeb titty game anymore because Snoy protected you from the game you wanted to buy.

It's not a titty game because it's a fucking war drama about civil war.

They made a spin-off, but unless you can read japanese you're out of luck.

>Because of the EU
Please enlighten me, what content in Utawarerumono was forbidden in the EU?

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Why did the last threa get deleted

This CG for "child abuse".


As you can see here the lewdness was not the issue.

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Uh huh and all the other games that feature spanking children yet were released in the EU fine are just anomalies or are you being lied to by someone?

Remake and 2-2 when?

Too much text.

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Are there actually any sex scenes in this VN?


top is lewder because it looks like she's fisting her

Then what's the point!

I totally would if it was on PC

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Deep engaging writing

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the first game literally was a titty game. It had a good story, shit gameplay, good art, and a LOT of titties.

Fuck off, retarded secondary.

It had god awful sex scenes sprinkled throughout, it's nowhere near the level of garbage like senran kagura and other titty games.

It's not a titty game if all the titties are haphazardly jammed into it to make it sell.


just because it got normalfag'd up after the fact doesn't change reality.

>hurr durr it's not a titty game, it's s respectable game for respectable gents like myself
only TM has got away with moving past that so far. This shit didn't sell even on par with the first porn game

>it's not a tiddy game because the tiddies in it don't count even though it was literally an adult VN

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Ah yes, the reason why they moved on from the eroge shit to console release only surely was because the eroge version sold more. You are a fucking imbecile.

Fuck off asshole. I filtered out the image MD5 for the one you always post and you just started spamming other ones.

Make a fucking general already you faggot. I'm not playing your fucking kemonomimi stealth post-apocalyptic setting, I hate the concept wholly.

I'm saying calling Utawarerumono a titty game when the sex scenes were a minuscule and forced part of it is dumb.

I mean, you can go look it up yourself. The first game sold more. I'm sorry this hurts your feelings to the point where you deny reality , but it is what it is.

Censored console releases of VNs rarely make as much as the initial run, it's simply some extra cash from people who are too scared to see a cartoon tit.

Most people will skip all ages VNs if there's a non censored version out there, even if they control past all the sex scenes like me

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Everyone tells me the SRPG side is shit and the cutscenes basically drag on forever.

Not enough merch

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more like "never". Not even stuff pretty popular with normies like Shits:Gay, and I like S;G. I literally can't name one. *MAYBE* FSN after its what, 3rd console release now? I even doubt that.

That's because it's not much improved from the first Uta, which was a good VN and a shit video game.

Only thing is now, you get no sex, less story, and more junk battles. It's like an even worse Tears to Tiara

I enjoy both VNs and SRPGs, but I'm specifically after an SPRG at the moment. Will it scratch the itch or is the gameplay barebones? VN hybrids like Zero Escape have the potential to be the comfiest combination when done right.

Except that the PS2 version of the original utawarerumono outsold the PC release and both the sequels sold more than the PS2 release.

>Only thing is now, you get less story
Both are longer than the original? What are you talking about?

thanks OP

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Why is she so lewd

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Zero Escape isn't a hybrid of anything. It's a straight up adventure game. VNs became an offshoot of those after people got tired of brute forcing through dialogue options, puzzle, weird sequence triggers, and permastuck states in older games of that genre.

Well, the OP was implying it was a good SRPG, so I guess my interest is lost. Looking at the artwork, it already feels like a dumb pandering fest.

>139,777 is less than 50k
only in retardworld

it has the usual bad sex game gameplay. It's not even on Rance or Kamidori's level.

Fuck, I'd say just play Kamidori. Then you get tons of fucking and good gameplay to boot.

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>Last week, Aquaplus announced that Utawarerumono: The Two Hakuoros topped 130,000 total sales on its release date.
It sold more than 130k units in it's fucking release week. Where did you pull those 50k from? Your ass?

No thanks. Hentai games are trash for horny teenagers. When I saw "SRPGs" and "war stories" I thought the OP meant something akin to Tactics Ogre or FFT.

It's a VN at heart, the post game can be quite challenging though. Mask of Deception felt kinda barebones compared to the sequel, but you got a good amount of trials and regular fights. Only the first one was an eroge aswell, but if you're not into the story then your enjoyment will probably not be all that high.

I liked the SRPG segments since it had a good amount of skill customization as well as TIMED HITS, but there's a bigger focus on the story and dialogue rather than gameplay, so you'll have like an hour or two of writing to get past for ten minutes of gameplay.

>always got the same three cards on her hands

Anyway, is that the hentai series with the two trap humanoid dogs?

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Mask of Truth is so good. The last, like, ten hours are the craziest roller coaster of excitement I've ever seen in an rpg, and there's so much good stuff on the way. Like Jachdwalt's punk ass playing Kato to the greatest swordsman.

Mikazuchi is too OP though

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>feet exposed from the start
what's the point of strip poker when the main prize is on display from the get go?

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It literally released on pc first and had porn scenes

The first game has an excellent feudal war story. It develops at a steady pace and lets you really feel the development of your forces, in the narrative sense. It is also full of stupid anime stuff but it's really fun.

The second game stops being a war story and just kinda spends 30-odd hours setting up for the third game, but it's worthwhile every step of the way.

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Which of the games can you fuck them?

None of the games.

Then why are people trying to sell me this shit

You aren't even the same guy.

translated? is there any way to get it? sounds interesting enough

Because it's a fucking good story.

Welp, what a waste.

Pirate it, should be on nyaa and wherever you get eroge from. Make sure voice patch is included.

Is there any reason to keep using Ruru as a tank once you got Jacht and later M. in Truth? I guess her debuffs are okay, but retaliation damage is better.

cheers user, found it, will play it soon. let's hope the scenes are nice, the gameplay is fun and the story is interesting

She has the highest base HP in the game and she heals like crazy at the start of her turn. Thanks to being mounted she also has quite the reach.

Does the PS4 version include Japanese? The text itself, I mean. Or do I have to get those from the Japanese store? I'm hoping to practice a bit with them.
I'm kinda butthurt that they're not on PC but I liked the first one.

If you have a PS3 CFW, both games were released in Japanese for that.

I am so bad at Poker. Strip Poker I might as well just strip before the game starts.

im gonna look into it
thanks champ

Hey Kuon, what's an aphrodisiac?

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Her flute gives her so much power, even if she doesn't tank she's the best support unit. Biggest HP though

>no vita sale
don't greentext me

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I wonder if yuzuha would've turned out like this aswell if she wasn't so god damn sick.

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I mean the "give me your money, you get an allowance" kinda thing.

I thought Underwater Ray Ramano was a yaoi VN.

what the fuck was I thinking

Rulu is fucking insane
>High HP
>HP recovery skills
>Rebound or whatever that skill was that makes your turn come faster when attacked
>Def down and AoE delay attacks
>Flute turns everyone into sanic for a round

I never really used Jacht that much, he always felt too slow. Munechika is useful as a tank, but only if you don't need to move around a lot. Any map where you need to travel she'll get left in the dust.

sounds like Hakuoki?

Jacht's dodge cancelling an enemy attack is really good. Munechika is fun for solo memes.

It's been a while, but can't Ougi do the same thing? He's pretty much untouchable once he enters overzeal.

Ougi in general is retard strong. I remember having him solo/stall munechika in deception's final dream fight, and he did next to no damage because of elemental affinities. Just enkan'd until I killed the mobs and then ganged up on her. Jachq's can cancel ranged attacks but yeah, he doesn't offer too much outside of unga bunga.

Is there any reason to ever bring Nosuri? Her damage is just awful, and high jump and ZOC evasion are rarely useful. Kiuru and other dps can do twice of her damage.

Kiwru kinda blows in mask of truth. The set magic damage of fukuryubai is so much less powerful. In Deception he was just shitting out numbers on the last boss but in Truth I could barely justify using him. Archers just got shit on in general

Doesn't nosuri get the ability to attack twice per turn aswell on higher levels? She also has a better attack range than kiryu, she's good for battles where you move often / switch targets.

Kiwru gets double attack if he doesn't move. I don't think nosuri has gotten anything like that but I'm not finished with dream battles yet.

>SRPGs and war stories

Only one of these applies to these games. It's a vn first and foremost.

dumb bird made for sexual bullying

care to share where you found the pc version?



Which is a real shame since I like what little gameplay that's actually there. I'd love for Aquaplus to make another game with a similar system found in the two Mask games but with a greater focus on the battles.

Try either nyaa.pantsu or nyaa.si and check their fap/sukebei section.

care to share where you found the pc version?

Is there any way of playing the eroge without switching locales?

I want to abuse Anju!

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Some of them work, just give it a try and if it crashes on you then you'll have to switch locales.

No, you fuck.
Stop being lazy and go your control panel.
God damn.

He didn't deserve anything he got.

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I want her to spank me

Ougi's biggest use is dazelocking troublesome enemies. That and he shits out damage once you master his combos.

Oh the irony.

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How much more ecchi can I expect?

Remake fucking WHERE

The weirdest part about this is that he still has nosuris spare underwear for some reason.

Poor Oboro, only getting to vicariously fuck his anija through his sister.

A ton of it. It's originally an eroge but they wanted more shekels so they made them all ages.

There is some to give you a break here and there, but for the most part it's about the engaging story and drama.

I forgot what happened to him at the end of the first game other than something about Nosuri's underwear, like you mentioned.

Haku framed him for abducting the princess, so he could save nosuri. He was then held captive in the castle and when woshis put on the fucking mask he wished to become a girl.

I always found Nosuri useful for building co-op attacks off of because she's fast and can always be in position.

wow I looked at the h CG and they are garbage, why isn't it the same as OP image? Remake?

Because only the first one was an ero game. The OP image is from the sequels.