Why did fighting games die?

Why did fighting games die?

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brap snif etc

Because arcades died.

imagine the taste of her shithole

They aren't dead

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People demand less investment for the same payoff nowadays. I blame ASSFAGGOTS.

Felicia stopped getting new games.

I blame the internet. People study the meta before ever really playing the game. You end up with everybody playing the game the same way.



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Not enough core values

Because Smash Bros

Because people can't be a big fish in a small pond anymore now that the world is interconnected.
If you haven't been playing since you were 8 you're going to get your shit slapped in any fighter online and nobody does locals unless they're already that good.
Since the games demand skill and will consistantly show you when you are not skilled the genre is unpopular for anyone that isn't either already into it or deeply competetive.

Where can I find girls with thick, pompous, lucius hair like this? Honestly that's what makes her a cut above all the other waifushit

FG literally died the same time people shitted on the marvel vs series, the franchise that once everyone loved and, all of a sudden, it was no good enough for then.
I hate this timeline.

combination of every fighting game series getting dumbed down to become the next sf4, and capcom outsourcing sfv/mvci.

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Them's Fightin' Herds will save fighting games

>discussion got sent to the shadow realm that is /mlp/ because mods have a bias
Damn shame. I’d rather have shitposting than dead threads.

mvci was all done in house
capcom doesn't have any talent left in the fightan division

They’re not dead

What's wrong with mvci's gameplay?

Best character

I hope the goat is cool

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>horsefucker game gets sent to horsefucker board
how is that a bias? It's where it belongs

dunno but i wanna burry my face deep in that ass and die of lack of oxygen

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For me personally, having to endure:
>SFxTK, with its gem-DLC, on-disk DLC characters, time-out scams, and game-'breaking' glitches (Megaman fly glitch)
>SFV, with its lack-luster launch, malware on the PC version, extremely questionable character choices/implementations after season-1
>MVCI, having my favourite franchise dragged through the mud with a low-budget, low-effort cash-grab. Also 'functions' meming lead to anti-shilling, the game became 'cool to hate', leading to the game immediately dying.
>DBZF, the game that was going to save fighting games, but it didn't. Has it's own respectable niche, but isn't really the mainstream fighting game that could save the genre. It's not to my taste desu.
>Tekken 7, yeah this game is good, but it is 3D.
>Guilty Gear, I'm not buying another iteration of the same game just so I can practice-mode Sol for two-minutes before turning the game off forever.

After being burned one too many times, I stopped giving a shit about the genre. Smash won.

This, I got into fighters way too late and while I like the feel of fighting games I'm not competetive at all so I'll never get gud. I don't even know anyone who likes them to play casually with so I'm trying to leave the genre behind.

Yeah there sure were a lot of ponies in that game
I hate how many ponies were in that game, it was such a clear violation of GR15

user, ASSFAGGOTS are extremely time intensive, because you need to both grind mechanical skill and understand how the game works.

Yeah, I'm interested in what they're going to do
The description sounded like Vega or something, but it doesn't feel like that kind of game really. So far all the characters are pretty straightforward despite having a lot of unique tools, I'm curious how they're going to handle it without ending up with something completely off the wall.

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I know ASSFAGGOTS is a tongue in cheek acronym used to describe mobas, but I’ve never known what the individual letters stand for

Tagging is exceptionally safe to the point of being unfun, and the combo system has a hardcoded 20 light hit max rather than having a sensible chain system. Boring ass loops are the optimal combo for several characters.
The Blue stone is objectively stronger than the others and also the least fun to fight against.
I could keep going but this post has enough rambling.

Aeon of Strife Style Fortress Assault Game Going On Two Sides

Aeon of Strife Styled Fortress Assault Game Going On Two Sides
It's probably the most accurate acronym to describe the genre

That’s pretty funny, actually. Hah.

Developers being afraid of putting real difficulty in games has given the average modern gamer a false sense of superiority. So when they play a game and LOSE, it's clearly because it's shit and shouldn't be bothered with.

That fag draws nice asses and nothing else, just like his name suggests. All his other art is fucking horrible.


A Combination of:
>Bring afraid to lose in a 1v1 scenario
>Thinking you Need to do an optimal Combo 100 Times in a row without failing before ging online
>Usually Maximum jew practices and terrible "reward" to keep you hooked

>Guilty Gear, I'm not buying another iteration of the same game just so I can practice-mode Sol for two-minutes before turning the game off forever.
This sounds like your fault rather than the game

I just hope they put in a Kelpie
That’d be really cool

This is less of an objective complaint, but I feel like switching from "3v3 with assists" to "2v2 with gems and active tag" was a mistake. Also changing the button layout was a mistake. Skills from MVC3 didn't transfer over to MVCI as well as, for example, jumping from SF4 to SF5. It left me with a feeling of "Well I could re-learn this game, but it is already universally panned as a bad game, so why invest my time?".

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People have bad mindsets going into the genre. You can play a fighting game for months and almost never win, it's natural. Too many people expect to become intermediate players after like a week of practicing combos on a idle character in training mode. You need to go in expecting to lose a hundred games to someone for weeks, maybe even months. I've started playing Third Strike the last month, I've put at least 80 hours or so into it and can probably count the games I've won on one hand. It can feel demotivating but practice is practice, as long as you care and learning form your games you are making progress.

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>weekly local in start in less than hour away
Time to take shower

>Why did fighting games die?
I fucking hate this meme. Fighting games aren't dying just look at the view counts for EVO last year. Their growing more popular every year.
The only problem with it growing popularity is the increase of Casualfaggotry and Esports santization.

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He’s most likely shitposting

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You need people playing fighting games, not watching them

Nah, i like the ramble to be honest.
>Tagging is exceptionally safe to the point of being unfun
I played lots of marvel 2 to have people tell me why i spam assist in the game. There were people that never used assist either. And I didn't spam assist, i go in, i call drones. I get pressured, i call commando.
Same in mvc3, i jump, i call rapid slash. I wavedash towards opponent, i call hidden missiles.
Tagging isn't safe at all, you can always hold grab to the freeze screen and win beat any incoming attack, except in blockstun, but in any marvel game blocking means death so its your fault. Also, you can always storm out of anything really, like xfactor out of anything too.
Conclusion, a matter of preference.
>the combo system has a hardcoded 20 light hit max rather than having a sensible chain system
Correct. I dunno you would wanna 20 light hit combo anyways. But i see what you mean, the game has a threshold of 5k damage. After that, moves that arent hard knockdowns, wallbounces, groundbounces, freezes or lockdown will miss. I would argue that this makes more characters damage viable, unlike mvc3 which if your character couldn't hit the 1mil damage... or wasted too much meter + x factor, or if he didnt leave you in a favorable incoming mixup setup situation, the character was plainly un-viable.
>Boring ass loops are the optimal combo for several characters
I can't defend this one. I fucking hate Dante players in mvci. Same fucking shit over and over again. Same could be said about evil ryu, ibuki, cammy, yun and other similar chars back in sf4, and zero may cry and nemo's team in umvc3.
>The Blue stone is objectively stronger than the others and also the least fun to fight against.
Space and soul are objectively best storm by far. Seems like the best characters aren't top tier on their own, but the stone makes them way to good. Power stone is def best surge, but the characters that benefits the most out of power stone could use the other two stones.

I wish pink and tan Felicia was the default one and not blue and pale Felicia.

I wish there was a Felicia version of this, but she's too pure

Most people don't have the luxury to invest so much time outside of work and family obligations to become that level of skilled, if what you say is true. Eventually when you do get to that point, you end up in reality enjoying the game as much as just about any other game that doesn't have such a steep learning curve. You'll only enjoy it if you're already enjoying it despite your losses.

user, it started as an MLP fangame called Fighting is Magic and you don't have to be a genius to figure out what the art style was inspired by

Too many of them spread across too small of an audience.

Why would you actually play a fighting game when you can just regurgitate the opinions of r/kappa?


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the juice isn't worth the squeeze, it takes far too long to git gud

I am willing to wager that there is a sizable contingent of gamers who have either "GG Xrd Sign" or "GG Xrd Revelator", but who do not have "GG Revelator 2". Every time they make a new iteration, there is no guarantee that 100% of the previous-iteration players will jump over.

because the online experience isn't good enough.
more devs need to implement ggpo

When Capcom goes under all of them go under, cept children's party games I guess

I'd play UNIST daily if it wasn't for the fairly quiet playerbase. It has plenty of players but after a day at work it's too much work to start looking in discord and waiting for meetups to be able to play a few casual matches. I really hope it makes it to mainstage EVO so it gets enough new players to keep ranked alive.

Because they try to appeal to people who DON'T play fighting games or won't stick around to play them for long.

Where did I say you have practice for multiple hours everyday? My point being that progress is slow in this genre. All I meant is that people have a weird attitude where they think being new doesn't equate to being bad. Unless you're an idiot and want to make it your sole source of income you don't need to practice like crazy, just play at your pace and try to get to a level you feel comfortable with.

What's that gif its cote and funny

They got continually more expensive, yet continually worse.

Because playing with your friends is probably how most people play games nowadays and you can't really play fighting games with your friends. You can just 1v1 each other which is extremely boring compared to a lot of other online games you could play together with your friends

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Fighting games require more mechanical knowledge than any other genre and unless both players are the exact same skill level it isn't fun.

Normies are literally never going to get past the barrier to entry in the form of combos, which is a problem because they're the basis for the gameplay depth of the entire genre
Adding inefficient autocombos doesn't change anything, it just means that normies can have a mild amount of fun for 3 matches before they drop the game entirely

Alot of people play fighting games but there are two problems. Not everyone is playing the same fighting games and not everyone is good or wants to get good at fighting games.

>unless both players are the exact same skill level it isn't fun.
This is also bullshit you can have fun playing against people who are better than you as long as you don't have that faggy mindset of "winning is everything."

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They are not dead. They are a skill. Skill takes time to develop

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I see what you mean. 3 chars versus 2 and a stone makes it feel like we are given less surely. I would argue that mvc2 was the same, 2 chars and 1 assist character in competitive play. Mvc3 more less so, but still there were even top players who were known to be good with 1 or 2 characters max: Fchamp (pheonix/dorm and magnus), chris g (morrigan), justin(wolvie and akuma), ryan(chunli, maybe morrigan).
Gameplay wise, i would defend that changing 1 stone instead of learning one character is way more intuitive and gives you freedom to counterpick without changing your favorite characters at all.
>"Well I could re-learn this game, but it is already universally panned as a bad game, so why invest my time?"
This 100%. Sadly, it doesn't have to do with gameplay but popularity is as important, more so nowadays.

You can also have fun playing people worse than you.

>wants to get good at fighting games
Correction, not everyone wants to spend the time and effort required to get good.

Yeah that's what I said.

I think there's a reason team games are so popular at the moment. It's much easier to push your loss onto someone else instead of accepting that your opponent is better than you. 1v1 games in general are on the decline recently because you either win or you lose and you're the only one to blame. People think that team games are more social too, when fighting games have a tight-knit community that usually needs to communicate to be able to arrange games together (especially in anime fighters). It's much easier to keep your head down and jump into randoms who you then blame for your loss in battle royales and mobas.

Smash killed the genre by making it both casualized and touneyfagized at the same time

Doubt you're in this thread still user, but go for Mediterranean chicks or girls near Military academies

What it started as is irrelevant though. You can certainly say it’s heavily inspired by it, but it’s a seperate property now with completely different character designs. Hell, the only actual pony in the game (the unicorn) looks nothing close to the mlp ones.
The Yea Forums mods obviously have a bias against games they don’t like, this is provable. Ask anybody in the SCP general on /vg/. Mods cracked down on Secret Labs threads for no reason.

>>Tekken 7, yeah this game is good, but it is 3D.

They're not dead, but Capcom ain't helping.

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>fighting games have a tight-knit community that usually needs to communicate to be able to arrange games together (especially in anime fighters)
That definitely helps. With shooters, mobas, and even MMOs, you just queue up for matchmaking, do your match/run, then move on. Custom servers used to force people to actively seek out others the way lobbies do now.

At least they're moving in a better direction with single player stuff. MK, Soul Calibur, Smash...all big story modes. Its comforting.

So Yea Forums, what fighting games do you play?

I mostly play skullgirls but mess around in fightcade as well.

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too much skill required

Capcom Japan got too greedy when they finally got another taste of USD.
Japanese players thought nigger behavior was cool and the "OGs" hampered the community overall since they became integrated with e-sports and the greater audience of newcomers had to experience their thuggery at every major or witness their shoddy commentary live on stream.

The core FGC doesn't support itself really, most top Americans are just out for themselves while companies still throw a bit of sponsorship money around.

Because people apparently think natural talent is how you get good at them and I can't fathom why they think that when it has never been easier to learn.

W-what's Chun Li doing back there, user?

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Anal, once the guy gets there. He paid for ten minutes.

Why? Blue's better. If anything, blue and tan should be the default.

battle royal games are popular and they're solo. It's more that you need 30000 hours in fighting games to learn the basics.

Funniest post in the thread

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>fighting games
That said, they're never going to get more popular. The vast majority of people that put the games down have the wrong mindset from the get go. They play to win and fail see that these games are more of a learning experience more than anything else, where one of your main goals is to simply improve, more so than it is to rack up wins. People that can't adopt that mentality to "do better" on their own are never going to "get" fighting games, despite games like Guilty Gear and Skullgirls having amazing tutorials and beginner auto-controls.

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