Are all Jap devs this stupid?

Are all Jap devs this stupid?

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Hmm, a thread about promoting a liberal in a shining light, while bashing japan.
Definitely have never seen this pattern before.

I don't know. Are they?

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All of those Jap games take place in a western setting. Atleast the nips know which culture is more interesting.

>can practically hear western slurping his own dick
>jap dev spends time bonding with his children

All this does is reveal the bias of review sites not wanting to give nips a lower score. All the games in that pic are trash except RE

>a bunch of games he played with his children
>Titanfall 2
how is this a bad thing?

Sonic Team is well known to be retarded

>Children? Ugh. Way to be heteronormative. Just get immigrants.

Fuck Firewatch

>hurr you are an awful person for trying to help or not helping and you cheat on her with her sister no matter what

didnt even want to play after that absolute diarrhea of an intro

3/5 of those western dev games are shitty indie games

Man westerners sure like to prattle

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They're not insufferable.

So western devs love sniffing their own farts and japaense devs actually care about video games?

where are these quotes even from?

>the food look yummy
truly the best way to express how deeply you care for video games

>Gone homo
Oh wow, this dude and that other bitch are still around? I thought they vanished after the GG fiasco.

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ah yes, i remember all my liberal university student peers telling me this ad nauseum

>I love mech
Based jap developed

and 5/5 of the japs games are shitty games, what's your point

>Western dev is so gay it's literally in his last name

>Used to listen to Idle Thumbs back in the day.
I'm sorry, I didn't know any better.

Why the fuck not
What was the question anyway?

Oh boy, yet another online-only multiplayer shooter with microtransactions!

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Imagine being pitted against a Sonic the Hedgehog dev and coming out more autistic than him
sasuga homo

>Japanese man
>2 of the games he plays with his sons, establishing a rapport rarely seen in japanese families according to my animu and video games where japanese parents are never present
>other games he plays for fun instead of to look like a pretentious hipster faggot
based japanese developer

Titanfall 2 has an unironically great single player campaign

The gameplay's actually great though. It's the one decent thing EA has at this point in time.

No idea. OP is a useless nigger who posts things out of context

Are you a weeb or are you just retarded?

This, Team Fortress 2 is god awful.

>jap says he likes it

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Cope you mutt, your region can't make good games

both are shit

This has to be bait.

>western culture more interesting than glorious nippon


I think he's making a Team Fortress 2 joke

Western dev sounds like a the typical manchild who think superhero movies and harry potter are high art.

Even in our current days, western dev are far superior. Japs sucks at making good graphics and good story without western help.

Jap dev usuali make video games and not college art projects or movies
Kojima being an exception

>Marketed as a horror game
>Literally no horror elements at all
I beat the game within 2 hours waiting for literally anything to happen. I've never refunded anything so fast before

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Imagine shitting on my boy Titanfall 2

Don't put american "culture" and western Europe culture un the same category please

>That movement system
>Those mechs that actually move fast
>That singleplayer campaign where the NPCs don't feel like they just talk at you for ages
Titanfall2 was a treasure.

Devs' top 5 games of 2016

>kingdom hearts 3
>not stupid

>Weebs getting their panties in a twist because Gaynorchad dabs on dem shitty nip developers

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>Acclaimed Japanese dev prefers shitty battle royale, consolized fps and shitty open world rpgs

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a place doesn't necessarily has everything to do with its people
dumb americans for example has nothing to do with their country having places like these
also, yes, in theory japs find more interest in an unknown culture but the games end up good with characters with nip's wholesome mindset and because it was made by them and not westerns

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This is one of the most creative east vs west memes I've seen in a while.

Wrpg-kun would be proud.

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>sonic dev
You shouldn't expect much

His name is actually GAYNOR?


>looks and dresses like a fagoot
>literally has the word GAY in his name
>only likes artsy fartsy gay hipster shit games
Is this actually real?

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>Kingdom Hearts, which takes place in a multitude of different settings including San Francisco as if it were conquered by Japan

>Ace Combat 7, which is centered around the politics of an alternate world - particularly a nation which shares nomenclature and historical parallels with Eastern Europe

Bait for what? Have you ever actually played a Japanese game in your life?

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Well, have you seen the models for the food in FFXV? It should be criminal to make something that will make you hungry past midnight.



possibly fake/close name
too good to be the real thing

>makes terrible sonic games

The Virging westerm "dev"
>picks "games" the think make him sound intellectual
>rambles like a pr robot
>makes pointless walking simulators
>is named gaynor

The Chad Japanese developer
>picks certified ludo like titanfall 2
>family man
>knows having fun with his kids is more important than looking artsy for a bunch of genderspecial social rejects
>makes sonic

resetera: the infographic

>resetera: the infographic
Resetera is Otaku Central. They have an overwhelming bias towards Japanese games.

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Yikes user. This is your resident retardera tranny mod here to tell you american mcgee is a known meganazi and liking the "alice" games is a class 3 transmysoginistc hate warcrime. please stand by for a 3 month ban.

>nu Yea Forums don't even remember one of the people that caused Gamergate

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NOBODY on the left is even a tenth as iconic as the ones on the right. What a stupid comparison. Just because you wrote it in the corner doesn't absolve you of your cherrypicking. Not to mention its a moot point in the first place.

thats right trannyera just LOOOVES japan. i believe you, person who certainly belongs here

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Why claim they're iconic then? What are you trying to prove?

>white man bad

meanwhile, in reality, resetera gets japanese games censored on a regular basis by screeching that they're "problematic."

>unnecessarily long reviews that say nothing

just too good

>Vanillaware games in general
any other games where the in game food looks delicious
>I love mech

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haha his name has gay in it

>fast forward to nowaday
>a nonbinary trasngedered nigger with ADHD (x5)

Is the joke that none of the characters on the left are iconic?

Im a bigger weeb than any newfag in this thread and Titanfall 2 is the best multiplayer shooter out right now.

The virgin rationalization vs the chad statement

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Western dev
>Try hard faggot who needs to look deep and emotionally interesting.

Japanese dev
>A man who enjoys the simple things in life and doesn't take things for granted.

Literally why would anyone eat communion wafers, especially while dunking them in soda?


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nah, Nioh did pretty well critically and is set in Japan.

Raziel is too good to be in this bait

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