Daily reminder that Sonic has never good

daily reminder that Sonic has never good

Attached: download.png (622x461, 70K)

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based monkeyman

t. Zoomer

>it's real
Holy mother of keks.

baseado e vermelho


This makes me want to kill myself for reasons I don't understand

Literally who?

Attached: 1548274816434.jpg (534x513, 22K)

Brazilian Trump


Trump of Brazil

Trump of the tropics

oh, that guy
I head he was a nigger

He actually hates niggers.

In other news sky reported to be blue and rumors that water is wet. More at 11.

Is he /ourguy/?


Please tell me North Korea actually used the fucking Skyrim theme in their propaganda because that is fucking hilarious.

Illiterate monkey

It's Oblivion

He's from South America so it's weird he thinks he's any different.

Niggers can hate niggers, as evidenced by this guy

What did he mean by this?

Why is Sonic retweeting a fascist dictator?

yikes... this is problematic on so many levels..

>Brazillian president
>Tall, heterosexual white man with blue eyes
What the fuck is this?

Attached: pr_foto_oficial_do_presidente_da_republica_jair_bolsonaro___copia-18198353.jpg (2040x1708, 291K)

>fascist dictator
You just couldn't help yourself, right faggot? You love political shitstorms you little slut.

Attached: kniggers.jpg (650x1280, 145K)

But he is a fascist underman user. Like your demagogic, NEET ass.

This zoomer likes Sonic.


>He keeps trying to make me fall for it
Imagine being this thirsty for (You)s. Why don't we talk about videogames instead?

>talk about videogames
>No reply
Sasuga faggot, keep bitching about /pol/ while you post offtopic garbage.