will flag increase the quality of Yea Forums?
should twitter/reddit/resetera screencap thread be banned?
should eceleb garbage thread be allowed on Yea Forums?
should phoneposter be allowed to post on Yea Forums?
How do we fix Yea Forums?
Discussing it here won't change anything. Who gives a shit
Nintendo containment board
You listen to me. First move this to /qa/ after 100 posts, to get people to go there for appropriate meta discussion.
>should twitter/reddit/resetera screencap thread be banned?
>should eceleb garbage thread be allowed on Yea Forums?
>will flag increase the quality of Yea Forums?
you can literally tell if someone is an american or a third worlder
Delete /pol/ and create /Nin/ for Nintendo manchildren
Do like Yea Forums and only allow actual discussion of vidya. No e-celebs, no twitter screencaps, no lol
ecelbs out
ban meowie
ban wojaks
ban frogposting
ban twitter/reddit/resetera screencaps
ban eceleb threads
also ban everyone who posts in them
>s-s-stop banning threads!
furfag threads got you banned, brony threads got you banned, posting the surgeon copypasta got you banned, dubs threads got you banned, boxxy threads got you banned, posting cancer has always got you banned and this is no different
>how do we fix Yea Forums?
replace the mods
You could start by stopping making these stupid meta threads.
>will flag increase the quality of Yea Forums?
Holy fuck, no. You think shitposting is bad on Yea Forums now, flags would make it even worse.
>ban meowie
The mods added his Twitter link to the spam filter. He can't shill himself anymore.
They only need to ban more
Remove mobileposting and you would fix almost every board on Yea Forums.
Banning redditors like you would go a lot further than all that
divine punishment faggot
>will flag increase the quality of Yea Forums?
probably not. but it will lead to more /int/ type memes and shitposting
>should twitter/reddit/resetera screencap thread be banned?
yes, unless the linked cap is someone important saying something important (about games) and not randos/e-celebs with hot takes.
>should eceleb garbage thread be allowed on Yea Forums?
absolutely not
>should phoneposter be allowed to post on Yea Forums?
dunno how much of a difference it truly makes in the end, but i'm curious.
Yea Forums can be almost instantly fixed through applying the following word filters:
>based to win
>cringe to fail
>based and redpilled to epic win
>cringe and bluepilled to epic fail
>incel to gaijin
>yikes to EHHHHH?
None of these words or phrases are ever used in a post that contributes anything meaningful to any discussion.
Make Yea Forums a red board.
Make it a crossdresser, tranny and shemale board
wojak is reddit, forgposting is reddit, ecelebs are reddit because they have their own reddit subs, posting reddit screencaps is reddit and twitter/resetera also probably crosspost on reddit
we should ban you for defending reddit
Banning more things won't matter
Rules aren't really enforced unless it's Global Rule 1&2 is what I've noticed
Just use the catalog to filter and hide threads it's what I do since too many troll threads
/vint/ revealed a lot of shitposters being canadians
Flags are not necessary.
I don't care about the rest either. Phone posting wouldn't be a problem if pic quality wasn't decreased on phones, so Hiro should just update phone version of 4channel to display pics in original resolution.
>will flag increase the quality of Yea Forums?
watch all the pc fags turn out to be poorfag countries
Remember Yea Forumsint/ and how we came to realize every shitposter was either an Aussie or BR? Just block connections to those countries and we win.
>meta threads always get deleted
>continue making them anyway
what do you think he meant by this
I'm all about this idea.
no fucking way
so fucking based wtf, he will just change his url though, they need to ban him on sight in battlestation threads
You can't, the sites been going downhill since 2009 and there's nothing you can do in today's climate. All you can do is move on with your life, otherwise Yea Forums will move on without you.
Bring back noko.
If you don't know what that is, you're too new.
It was just enough of a barrier to make the site just a little harder to penetrate for people just casually checking it out.
Banning people who post racial/homophobic/transphobic slurs and insults would go a long way in improving board quality. These undesirables are the same types who post those bait threads that are barely related to video games anyway.
>muh bans
I don't like how paid advertisers and bots always throw up constant threads for 2 weeks around the release of any new game.
Maybe there could be some kind of rule against advertising.