Do you have a videogame waifu?
And I don't mean favorite girl, I mean a girl that you have feelings for that is from a videogame.
Do you have a videogame waifu?
I love Reisen!
Luci's voice warms my heart when nothing else will.
Rinoa is my beloved.
Unironically Emi front Katawa Shoujo (this was a good 10 years or so ago though).
Anne Takamaki is the love of my life.
you faggots have the same thread saying the same garbage everyday
Welcome to Yea Forums
It's literal autism. One of the biggest signs of autism is doing retarded rituals like this. They also have imaginary friends.
it's board culture
Go argue about the anime porn threads first. Once you remove those, I'll talk about these threads with you on /qa/.
she looks like she fucks black shadows
It's the same 10 autists who keep these threads alive, don't call this garbage board culture. This shit is so dead you regulary bump the thread because no one replies
>'waifu' in OP
>doesn't autosage
tell me your secrets
At least you're always here to bump it too. Except when you sage, of course.
When will the madman stop
I'll always feel that way about her.
They changed that a little while ago. I guess they realized that it didn't really do anything.
I love Callie!
I love Kasumi!