Yea Forums WILL defend this

>Yea Forums WILL defend this

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Other urls found in this thread:

Dark Souls 2 is fine, the disjointed levels don't actually matter

>Muh maps in a game that's already shit

Please fuck off.

No. DS2 might be a mess level design and mechanics wise, but i still think that the amount of content, most fleshed out combat in the series and amazing atmosphere make it one hell of a ride

I enjoyed it. Played it last out of the series, then revisited each game. Only problem I have with 2 is clunky hitboxes.

I don't really mind the arcade style stage feel of it. It makes no god damn sense but so what?

DS2 should have just had you warp to the different areas like the arch stones in DeS

>Time is convoluted.

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It may have some goofy level layouts, but it is still the most fun game in the series.

I had fun watching the speedrun for it. Just completely broken and retarded, it was great.

I had actually thought about it and what if Iron Keep just rests on top a part of the world where it's held up by trees like how the world is held up in DaS 1?

...Or DS3. I was very disappointed when I discovered that the only way to get out of the firelink schrine was to teleport at the bonfire. Way to avoid DS2 world map problems I guess.

Except the trees are now dead and broken as you can see in the memory of a dragon.
If you really want an explanation to DS2 wonkyness would be your best guess. Like a dream. After all in the intro you jump into a magic tornado so why not.

DaS2 fags aren't people, but we don't need yet another thread to come to that conclusion

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Why didn't they just make the elevator go down

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No Dark Souls fans defend that.

whats wrong with it?

Dude don't you know that time is convoluted in dark souls?

Can't defend that, it's a very abrupt and nonsensical level transition in a series that normally goes out of its way to have the levels be connected in a natural logical manner. The game is flawed in many ways, but is still very fun and a good addition to the Dark Souls trilogy.

In that dragon memory we only see the surrounding area where it had fallen, there could still be trees especially with the weird distances in DaS 2.
>Time is convoluted
Nah that's lame.

Why hasn't anyone noticed that you travel 5km when you go through the underground part of Manjula
The world isn't meant to make sense

>The world isn't meant to make sense
They gave up on having it make sense because they had to tear the game apart and stitch it back together in a nonsensical order.

It's pretty obvious that at some point in DS2's development someone had the great idea to make one interconnected world, because people liked that aspect of DS1, but instead of telling that trat to fuck off because they started off with the idea of warping to different areas and somehow connecting them now would lead to all kinds of retarded shit like a volcano in the sky or a harbour below sea level they all joined in on the great idea of taking what they had and smashing it together into one map till it barely worked enough.

The impact on the quality or enjoyment of the game is neglectable though.

You'd see a fuckhuge tree with a big red castle on top in the distance if it was intended. DS 2 development hell is the only sensible explanation. It's a miracle this game is still very enjoyable to me in spite of all its problems.

Snoys WILL defend this.

>it's okay when Bloodborne does it!

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Welcome to dreams fuckboy

these are two separate areas, i don't understand. was a dream!!! Stop it!!!!

Well the distance from the elevator all the way to the top is pretty far, but yeah let's be honest.

Retard. Its a dream world. Fantasy worlds on the other hand have to make logical sense.

DS2 is a dream too. Remember the whirlpool you jump into during the intro?

That doesn't count.

Even DS1 has incoherent parts.
>You see the Dukes archives far in the distance from Anor Londo.
>You walk through the relatively short tunnel with the 2 armored board
>Tadaaa, you're already inside the Duke's Archives.

Also if you see Ash Lake from the Tomb of Giants, the opposite should be true.

Who cares? lol!

I think that the level order was mixed up pretty late in development and originally instead of going to iron keep you'd have taken an elevator down to black gulch
the order would then be huntsman's copse --> harvest valley --> earthen peak --> black gulch, each having a poison gimmick that would get more prevalent

you can also see it with other areas that don't quite fit in
that scorpion boss' room in shaded woods has sand in it, which would make it a perfect transition to the sandy ground in brightstone cove, but for some reason they added doors of pharros inbetween which doesn't fit at all

not as bad as a literal floating invisible fishing village lmao

>Whirlpools are dreams

DS2fags damage control at its finest.

what map from ds2 is this? the monochrome 3d map makes it hard to tell, (and I have yet to finsh it mostly because the dlc bosses are annoying) plus I played the bulk of it quite a while ago

Oh man you just gave me an idea, what if the place the whirlpool is located on is the solid ground of an arch tree?

>Fantasy worlds on the other hand have to make logical sense.
"time and space are convoluted" is a part of the fantasy setting you dumb cuck

Bloodborne's dream world is on different "layers" stacked on top of each other, with different elements from those layers falling into each other

DS2 isn't a dream but it is in some weird reflection water world. That doesn't excuse its inaccuracies though

you need to take an elevator up to Duke's Archives after the tunnel though, it's consistent with its spacing
>Also if you see Ash Lake from the Tomb of Giants, the opposite should be true.
Depends, since Ash Lake is absolutely massive and the small bit of Tomb of the Giants may be in a different area than the part of Ash Lake the player can actually visit

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Earthen Peak to Iron Keep, it also shows that you only climb at most halfway up the windmill.

Drangleic is a dream realm you fucks, it doesn’t have to make sense

>Drangleic is a dream realm
I thought you were going back in the past


It makes perfect sense and the distance matches up to what you see from afar. You seem geographically challenged.

The only time travel is entering dreams. I'm pretty sure those DLC area shrines are for teleporting.

ha fuck

Flying castles are cool.

Of all the things to complain about in dark souls II this is the laziest.

Games have been doing this for over 30 years and its only a problem in Dark Souls 2?

So is the Ashen Mist for entering memories?

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Switchfag here to tell you that DREAMS NIGGER, THEY DONT MAKE SENSE

Yup. Now if you can still get into Alonne's dream without it I don't know. I've never tried.

wtf vros

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So is patches from Ds1 the same one in Ds2 and Ds3?

>the desperate headcanon to pretend its not a dream
The intro made it obvious from the beginning. Everyone always knew it wasnt the real world

Patches in DS1 and 3 is the same guy but not in Demon's, he wasn't in DS2

DaS 2's Patches is a different guy altogether who luckily had beef with someone else. And managed to be a slimier prick.

>Ganon uses magic to hover his castle over lava
>iron king couldn’t stop it from sinking
Zelda: 1
Dark Souls: 0

it's not the same "real world" as Lordran or Lothric but that doesn't make it a dream, just a parallel world

A man can give out different names in foreign lands.
Also the fact that its a reflection of the world from when aldia tried to go beyond the beyond adds to the fact that some people names are fudged

Well the Iron King is an asshole who built an entire castle out of solid iron.

There was Pat in DS2.
Actually, there's always a Patches or Pat in Fromsoft games, he even was in some Armored Core games with the same trait.

He's an absolutely amazing character btw. This will always make me feel:

Hell, he's even in Bloodborne.

>Yea Forums WILL defend this

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It’s another world not a dream. It establishes its rules and logic. Dreams don’t have to.

>Why hasn't anyone noticed
it's been mentioned thousands of times on Yea Forums. and the game was expected to make sense but team z couldn't give two fucks about it

Time and space is convoluted in Dark Souls dude, it has been since the first one. You have the forest where it only turns night once you're there, and also the whole ash lake stuff.

>and the game was expected to make sense but team z
Is that why Ash Lake is under the Swamp?

Pate isn't Patches

I'm pretty sure the only actual area clipping is with the valley of the drakes and the tomb of the giants

I’d say yes if it DS1 and 3 weren’t consistent still. The world warping so that previously far away lands now are right beside and on top of each other is okay, but in those instances they were still distinct from each other in their boundaries. Iron Keep still is a mess.

Because thats not as easy to point out or meme

This had a yuge impact on the game


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world tree nigga
look up yggdrasil

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Yeah, that bald dude with a spear who tricks you the first time you meet surely isn't Patches since he's called Pate. Idiot.

>it's consistent with its spacing
Its not even close.
The archives are easily half a mile away and you walk all of 300 feet
Hardly matters though since the rest works real well.

Holy autism

Dont you know that the stuff presented in from games are meant to be taken 100% literally and taking your own meaning from things presented isnt a thing at all?
Oh wait its the opposite and he is an idiot

he's the Drangleic counterpart of Patches but not actually Patches himself, remember Drangleic is in some alternate reflection world and not Lordran proper

there's also the fact that their VAs are different retard

But he doesn't do Patches things, his MO is different. He waits for you to go into dangerous areas so if you fuck up he can loot your shit, Patches just kicks you into those areas.

Ash Lake being underneath everything makes sense if it’s suppose to be a place of life origin. A kind of bedrock location. Especially since you have to go down a huge tree to get there. Is it accurate? Probably not. But does do you get the idea of how it works? That’s what’s important sometimes.

I can’t defend something I don’t understand, looks like a map or something.

So are all the crestfallen knight clones the same guy too?

Same thing happened in Dark Souls 1. Fuck off.

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>Patches just kicks you into those areas.
And then begs for forgiveness like a bitch

Pate and Creightons scenario was neat tho

>attacks dont come out exactly when I press the button because it's waiting to see if I held it down
It's fucking garbage.

They are not the same guy but they're the same character, like many characters in DS2 he's just a different version of the one in DS1.
There's always been a trickster in Fromsoft games, there was even a mech called Patches in Armored Core.

The transition from New Londo to Valley of Drakes is jarring. You go up a short set of steps, out the door and suddenly it's broad daylight.

how is that jarring?

user, New Londo is in a cave.

new londo is in a fucking cave

>But he doesn't do Patches things
He does them in a different way. In the forest of giants he's before a courtyard and warns you it's dangerous there. You get in and, oh, surprise the gate closes. Even Crayton was tricked and emprisoned by him.

Yes but Pate's method is very off-hands. He also builds the long game, even helping you out with the first boss so he can set you up later by giving you his set, ring and all.

I've never played this map, is it KotH or Payload?

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>so he can set you up later
I was so disappointed when weraing all his stuff didnt cause a unique things with Creighton.
I think posing as NPCs/enemies should be a feature


The fume knight gets pissed if you wear that other knights helmit

The method is different but the objective is the same. Patches helps you in DS3 against the Spear of the Church fight. He also helps you find the good way at the end of ringed city. But that's another story.

There's nothing wrong with non euclidean world design, especially when it's about the same one falling apart. DaS2 is already filled with plenty shitty design choices, but that is not one of them.

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Actually if you killed Pate earlier and talk to him in Tseldora with the Thorn Ring on he demands you hand it over or else.

oh no user you can't be reasonable like this someone will get upset!

Is there any reason that as Lapp, Patches was really nice? I didn't trust him when I heard his voice, then he got the Titanite Slab for me.

Yeah I loved that
Neat, never knew that one

Have a relic

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I never knew what the two goldish pipes on the side were

Imagine ACTUALLY being a Dark Souls 2 subhuman lmao

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Yeah no thanks stop shilling your shit here thanks

Tubes for the wind challenge

Thanks, but what I really want is a zoom in on those Large Titanites.

Because Lapp is hollow Patches, he forgot what his purpose is. He's completely helpless.
When you help him find the Purging Monument, he's extremely thankful and become Patches again. You meet him again in the double stairs tower. He tricks you again but this time he actually put you in the right tracks to the next bonfire and wishes you "a good dark souls" to you.

>implying anything has to make sense in a setting where dude time is convoluted lmao

Neat. Planning on running as team engie, RR Wrangler and Jag Effect loadout while camping in two corners. Will that work or should I just do the sensible thing and switch to Snoip?

rate the dragon transformations

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I actually just wanted to show a clip at 7:25 but it didn't work.

Who is this cutey tutey I keep seeing everywhere suddenly?

Hold up,you can save Lapp? I thought he hollowed period, that there was no saving him. Granted, I don't play these games with guides, besides if I'm utterly lost.

This is Dark Souls 3, people.

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Nah stick to Engineer, Snipers are only really needed at the upper part.

dark souls 2 good dark souls 1 shit dark souls 3 AAAAIIIIIIEEEEEEEEEEEE

nice cherrypicking 2cuck


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But I only see one person?

Yes. It's really hard to find but there is a hidden area in the Ringed City where you find the purging monument. Those who get there retrieve their humanity.
Don't worry, I completely missed it my first playthrough and missed it again and again.
NPC questlines are kinda weird in DS3.

Of course, let's ignore bugs and glitches in DS3 because it's Miyazaki's game.

is this just a visual glitch or are you suggesting cotd has overlapping architecture

and this is dark souls 2

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have you turned off shaders or is this a sight you can actually see unmodded?

also this

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And this is the best sword.

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Kewl, if I see you in mission will you bee my Pybro? Make sure to run stock flamethrower, also I heard there was a clipping exploit here that makes the Gas Passer actually useable

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Sure thing, I'll be sure to push any spies into the lava below.

I prefer the crypt sword

That's also great. You keep up what you do.

The only thing Dark Souls 2 did right was power stancing. It made PvP a blast because you never knew what you were going up against. Power stanced maces was amazing.

But the visuals were trash, the story sucked, nothing was really explained, and it felt exactly like what lore fags of dark souls say 2 is. One of an infinite number of kingdoms where a chosen is selected to rekindle the flame.

>the story sucked
Welcome to Soulsborne games, user.

They all look fucking retarded

what am i looking at here

>that last one
That's a fucking mountain goat

Nah I mean the lore building as a whole. Everything seemed like it was just thrown together and they pulled the sorry out of their ass in the end to attempt to link it somehow some way to Dark Souls 1. Both 1 & 3 had far better world building. 2 seemed more like a video game straight up where other souls games built a story as your progressed.

Shit even Lord's of the Fallen and The Surge did better.

Oh yeah, I bought Lords of the Fallen recently while it was on sale. Will try it after I get my last achievement in DS3.
I only play the series for PvE, not PvP. Although, it was fun in DS2.
At least in DS2 talked normally. In DS3 everything is some cryptic shit with that unnecessary long pauses between sentenced.

I can answer all your questions about Froms connected universe and its lore. It all still works flawlessly.


>I only play the series for PvE, not PvP. Although, it was fun in DS2.
Holy shit are you me. With the exception of playing Soul Police in DS3 being really fun as well

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Based user, we'll show them watfour!

Thank you for helping to make dumb conversations like this a thing on Yea Forums in Anno Domini 2019 (-u-)

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what’s the problem here I’m not seeing it

Haha. Now rate them so I can see how similar our tastes are, kek.

Lord's is shit desu. The character is like a Kratos rip off, combat is slow and clunky. Game is pretty though. I do however highly recommend The Surge. Much better than I thought it would be.

DaS3 > DeS = BB > DaS1 = DaS2
Been playing the series ever since DeS.

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>literally it doesnt count

Ok, thanks for the recommendation.
Yeah, not even close. Demon's is actually the last game I played (online was already dead) and while I liked it at first, I completely changed my mind after seeing ending credits. Fuck world tendency and the person who put this in the game.

>Dark Souls II

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>Fuck world tendency and the person who put this in the game.
I hear this very often but it never bothered me. Maybe it's because I played it at launch, but that only made it even more volatile back then. I actually like the setting and art direction of DeS more so than anything else, really. Also Manhunters are fucking gay

If you look under the water at the start of the lake village, you can see the city.

also fuck you it's cosmic dreams and shit

I like games

fuck you

Alright niggity nog let me explain to you one thing motherfucker. Everyone who likes Dark Souls 2 already objectively knows its the most shit in the series between the map looking like shit compared the "MUH STRUCTURED WORL DaS1 Map" and we know the movement and the hitboxes are complete shit. I know every fucking argument to why humanoid enemies and mob tactics suck shit. Defending this piece of shit fucking game is completely pointless but nonetheless there are plenty of fucking reasons why its best fucking souls game anyway.

Between content, bonfire ascetics, weapon variety, the best fucking PvP (Fack Dark Souls 3 its linear and gay as fuck), Best character creation, Easiest method to job the game into having a decent character, most amount of content, the motherfucking black gulch, and best side quests y'all faggots can choke on my fucking cock especially you OP you fat bitch.

>Its not even relevant to the story
Fuck off you fat fuck it takes place where instead of you saving dusk completely she gets infected by the chaos and spawns a lineage of chaos waifus that wish to plunge the world into pure fucking madness. In Dark Souls 3 Dusk just dies like a bitch and the chaos is nothing more then a fucking bad mold.


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SO. That's Hogwarts right?

The whirlpool was time-travel, idiot. That's why there's a ruined building above the water but the reflection of it is intact. They scrapped the time-travel mechanic, so the whirlpool's hinting at something that's no longer actually a feature.

You time travel via the memories

The thing that's wrong with it is people trying to argue it's an intentional design choice that has some deeper meaning, rather than acknowledging that Tanimura himself said they had to rearrange the entire world and openly admitted some of the transitions don't make sense because of it.

We also know from the datamining:
>Earthen Peak was meant to go down into Undead Crypt
>Forest of Fallen Giants was meant to lead into Iron Keep via the Salamander Tunnel

Yeah, but that's barely even a fraction of what was intended for the game. They planned on having the entire world change between two eras you were able to travel to. One of the most obvious examples is the Dragon Shrine bridge. Originally, they were planning on having it where it was impossible to cross the bridge in one era because the drakes would destroy it, but in the other era, there were no drakes in the sky and you could go across no problem.

And das3 was suppose to have crazy world states and unique features as well.
Shits always scrapped in every game aside from tendency
Even BB

Okay, but the point here is that the shit in the intro that was very obviously relating to the time travel stuff is as nonsensical as the world design now. We know it was meant for that, not some "Drangleic is a dream world" thing.

>he plays souls games for the lore

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Everytime I see threads like this I wonder if Yea Forums remembers fun.
Don't get me wrong, I know Yea Forums has proven that fun doesn't exist, but there has to be some vestigal bit of it that remembers fun; this is like sperging out halfway through portal 2 because "it's bigger on the inside" or some shit like that

Territory Control.
It's fun

>Except the trees are now dead and broken as you can see in the memory of a dragon.

that was a flashback before the age of fire dude

In Anor Londo there's a glitch where two of the buildings near the entrance dissapear as you walk towards them across the long bridge, the reverse of what pop-up is supposed to do.

Hideous repeating textures is painfully common in DS2.

It's the sign of a rushed game.

They cut out the lighting engine meaning the textures that were not meant to be visible were visible.

i think it's dark souls 2 vanilla, that is a shitty game on all aspects

World Tendency is the most autistic feature ever put in a videogame.