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Who cares?
Still don't care about Aloy, but the engine these cream puffs made still blows my mind how good it looks.
gimme a good one.
Make-up makes wonders.
Post more Aloy in tribal make up.
Is fucking ugly
Why does her name being a stupid pun bother me so much?
Their civilization has no frame of reference for worlds outside their own, why would they have this thematic naming convention when to them its just a regular planet? Like we didn't name all our children stupid-ass grass and vegetation puns because ancient earth was lush and green, as if we had the information that outside of earth there exist other planets that aren't lush and green and full of plant life.
It looks good 10 feet in front of you, past that its pop-in city
You're extrapolating the Nora naming culture to the entire world.
they seem to have a problem with water though
>subhuman weeb
did you play the game?
>Horizonfag talking shit about anything
literally the worst game of the whole generation
So this is the power of autism? Want more?
Rost = Rust
Its just fucking dumb
Its like the fucking Flintstones
the person who made that model needs to be fired
i still dont follow that logic unless you didnt play the game or wiki the lore
It's funny how the only way to make her pretty is stuffing her face with make up. Just like your everyday real life roastie, I guess.
Now add multiplayer, and make it like Monster Hunter.
Please don't make fun of aloy
Wait, is that shopped?
Don't remember her looking that good.
It's a game for girls user, you don't have a say.
>its an 'amerimutts pretend a goblina is attractive' thread
>Wait, is that shopped?
I can't tell anymore
Why does everybody hate him? Feminine boys are fine.
>Feminine boy
aloy is clearly a caveman
yeah about that...
Pls no bully.
i still remember that tintin comparison that went around during the height of its release
A literal redditor took this screenshot.
>you're just haters
>wears a mask to hide her ugly mug
real women just aren't ugly enough
Pls stop posting unflattering pictures of my waifu.
Yeah, and this feminist garbage belongs there
Redditors are the ones fucking up this board by importing their shit in the first place. Roasties whining on reddit doesn't affect us.
Why are the animations in this game so shit? This is almost Andromeda tier blunder from the animations but nobody flipped their tits because the models are well made.
Interesting that you chose a headpiece that covers her fivehead.
>covering her forehead because you're ashamed of it
Because the game is presented as being of much larger scale than it actually is.
How do you explain people who name their daughters Rose or Lilly then?
It's a game for girls, anything targeted to them has no quality standards
it isnt that bad. only some of the side missions are terrible
One more roll
Damn, that looks pretty fucking bad.
How did you get the make up anyway?
You already have a thread for your ugly goblin right here you blind autist
A bit of a waste.
but that's a man
>only semi attractive picture covers over 80% of her face
Probably more system limitations than engine limitations considering it's never left the PS4
I think they patched a few of them and made huge improvements in the DLC.
people still cant choreograph capeshit fights.looks like they are fighting without having any control over their flight abilities
On top of the pretty mediocre gameplay I could honestly never get past the hammy VO and the ugly-and-slightly-confused-looking protagonist. I had to stop playing after like 8 hours. I'm glad I waited until it was on sale for like $12.