>*shows up*
*shows up*
I understand that actually showing up to work its a great accomplishment for a mexican, but come on
>uses Rush style
nothing personnel kid
no problem
>rush style to build meter
>backdash x3 switch to dragon style
>do slappy super
Holy motherfucking Christ someone thought the gambling hall fight was acceptable. Small room with like 10 guys relentlessly attacking you. Stop dodging to attack and 3 guys come flying. Is this even doable without rush?
Is Rush basically the strongest style in Kiwami?
It would be if Tiger Drop didn't exist
>grab a dude in beast style
>press triangle
>everyone is dead
It took me a long time to realize that he has the same fighting style as Lao Gui
Tiger Drop requires so much fucking grinding to unlock in Kiwami that you basically don't need it anymore by the time you finally unlock it (and it's not like it works against the final boss and his gun spam anyway). Besides, Rush and Brawler have parries as well.
>whitest man in america appears
Until you max out Dragon, yes. The styles were better balanced in Zero, but enemies are so much more aggressive and so fond of knockdowns and stuns in Kiwami that tanking hits in Brawler and Beast just outright doesn't work and the damage output isn't high enough to make up for how much time you'll be spending face-down on the pavement.
I don't give a fuck how good rush is, I'll still be grabbing people and throwing them around like toys in beast and there's nothing this game can do about it.
Fuck this gay ass purple shit.
Is kiwami 2 any good? I heard the combat is worse then kiwami 1
What the FUCK was the hangman. I still don't get it. That fucking creepy resident evil piece of shit gets completely glossed over and I don't fucking understand what they meant by adding him. He had a FUNCTIONING EYE IN HIS MOUTH. What the fuck.
how the fuck do i do that special tastumakisenpuuken kick spin that kiryu had in the first game?
It's the same as 6.
The game overall is very good. Combat is much more physics-based and can feel pretty stiff until you get some speed and recovery upgrades, but I liked it better overall than Kiwami's combat, since that game loved knocking you on your ass every five seconds.
it's better then kawami that's for sure
>Gets Tiger Dropped