
Attached: 1521078449476.webm (1280x720, 2.87M)

the fuck are you talking about

Attached: 1541056286522.webm (640x640, 2.86M)

post more possums

Attached: possums_eatin.gif (270x340, 1.72M)

Attached: 1534607421364.webm (640x640, 1.52M)

I don't know what this thread is about but i approve

The fuck is wrong with these cats' faces.

They're obviously autistic

Attached: 1520320288804.webm (640x640, 2.46M)

where can you legally own a possum?

Something is wrong with your dog m8

You just took this from the /trash/ thread.

No I got them from facebook, posted them on Yea Forums first then I posted in /haha/

Attached: 1525329559315.jpg (532x592, 57K)

>Am*rican "marsupials"

Attached: chad roo.jpg (768x960, 142K)

Fuck opossums. Dumb assholes won't stay out of my garage

they make good leather out of kangaroo's

Everywhere in the US. Just open your back door and let them in.

Kangaroos will never know comfiness.

Attached: 1521208444140.webm (600x600, 2.87M)

>how do you like your bongos, fªm?
>full of rabies and ticks please

Attached: 1518391211163.jpg.gif (500x249, 1.35M)

[obligatory opossum shilling post]

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Not awesome possum

in the woods
just don't let anybody know

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That possum probably gets more pussy than you lmao

Ey guys! Did I miss anything?

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Attached: 1546962859739.webm (640x360, 1.11M)

What the fuck is wrong with his ears

wtf that was cute

i like these possum threads that have popped up recently

>can't keep opossums out of his garage
>somehow it's the opossums that are dumb

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whoops wrong one

Attached: 1526761714568.webm (852x480, 2.94M)

I like his little hands he almost eats like a person you should get him a little fork and knife and see if he uses them.

Reminder that Oppusom's are one of the least likely mammals to have rabies because of their weird internal body temperature being lower than usual.

This thread doesn't even contain a object or idea of some sorts that could in any way shape or form relate to the idea of Yea Forums - Video Games

then let's do something about it.

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May not be Yea Forums related but damn I'd take this over the endless shitposting and /pol/ posting that normally floods this board.

and thats a good thing

>girl legs

Oh fuck now I have to jerk off

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possums are super dumb even compared to rodents

I have to stop running a dungeon to feed possums. Possums are vydia related now, keep posting possums.

Hey guys, what's going on in this thread?

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