Mass Effect

Is there a series with more wasted potential?

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the elder scrolls

Mass Effect desperately needed more planning before development even started. The inconsistencies from game to game in both story and gameplay absolutely ruin any sense of Mass Effect being a self-contained experience for anyone with an IQ over 100 who isn't a romance fag.

Honestly, they should have pulled a Warframe, built their own engine, make each game effectively an expansion, and updated everything over time.

Of course. The trilogy was far from perfect, and it was a shame that Andromeda killed the chance for more, but at least it ended its original story, making a series of games that carried over personal character driven choices in a way that I have yet to see repeated in any other game.

Plenty of creative IPs just die on a cliffhanger by the end of their first game.

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Dead Space

Honestly I think they pushed the game further then anyone could have hoped. You can fly any where in the galaxy and scan every planet. Combat was solid for Bioware, dialogue was mostly good. Your expectations of some grand ending are unrealistic.

I think you forgot andromeda

Also, concept art thread?

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>no krogan romance

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>no quarian bf

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Damn :( Yeah.

The Assassin's Creed: Origins series
I count them as a separate series because they have almost nothing to do with the previous games
It would have been a great chance to explore these time periods with all the tech that we have today but they decided to focus more on the fantasy aspect and fill the game with historical inaccuracies, a lot more than the previous games. Even minor inaccuracies like character or place names bothered me. Shame.

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I agree completely. Mass Effect 2 was jarring as fuck. It wasn't just the tonal felt like they handed it off to completely different writers, like they didn't have access to the story bible from the first game (if there ever was such a thing).

>if there ever was such a thing

I really don't think there was. I think Bioware was just desperate to get a game out with some appeal wider than the standard RPG audience since they didn't really have any big hits since KOTOR.

It would explain the selling out to EA.

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Is the giant Mr. Handy on the right the final boss?

For all the shit that Desmond got for being bland, I think it's a real shame that they dropped all the original plans for his overarching story in favor of milking the series cash cow indefinitely.

I still look back on his role in the first game fondly, just the whole setup of being locked up in the quiet sterile environment, poking around for what little info he could find about his captors and the conflicts going on outside just beyond his reach.

dragon age

You sound like a massive pussy and contrarian.

the character writing was god tier in 2 though, much much superior to 1's.
Shephard also felt like a human and not a robot

Also Noveria is the single best part of the whole franchise

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your life

>character writing
Largely irrelevent when the plot is mostly padding with fewer choices and filled with contrivances.

The "hey, lets shove all 12 squadmates + Shepard into a shuttle to go on a mission to nowhere while we test the Reaper IFF" segment is literally one worst written plot points in any game.

>it felt like they handed it off to completely different writers
That's literally what happened

Tides of Torment,

Hanging around pre-Searing was so comfy.

Really close between this and ME tbqh


I'm a fan of the destiny series, but there was definitely a lot lost between the concept stage and the final product.
Hopefully it was Activision's fault, but really I'll be looking forward to 3 either way.

give me Todd Howard smash click simulator

Post-isometric fallout

Why did Bioware go full SJW and shit on all of their games?


Sure, it is, but it's a harmless plot device to make way for the sense of urgency and player agency in the choices involved in the suicide mission. It's stupid, but with a huge payoff.

>based in Alberta, Canuckistan

Bungie Marathon which is more better than Halo,



Yo wtf

All they fucking had to do was reskin 2005 Battlefront II in the new game engine.
But no. EA is fucking retarded

The precursors knew

game took a major downturn after that though I still enjoyed exploring

Pokemon, any other answer is fucking wrong



shouldn't jenkins be among those names too?


>bethesda expects niche rpg to sell skyrim numbers
>it doesn't
>instead of releasing more story content in dlc tack on a bunch of minigames trying to "fix" it

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who cares
mass effect is largely a character interaction game speaking within it's writing. the plot was purely an excuse for the gameplay

my negro

any decent western porn game stuck forever in the 0.000061 alpha phase.

shame, i really liked the game

It had some great Aesthetic Designs especially that Stun-fun that look very retro.

God damn it Yea Forums here we go again, give me a name.

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Shepherd just felt like an asshole in the second game for some reason even if you played paragon. And I don't mean likable asshole, just obnoxious and childish.
If you played renegade god help you



Tyrone 2

>gets killed by sephiroth in space

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How so?

Big dick


hardly. ME1 wasn't a perfect game but it did so many things right that people expected something truly mind blowing with ME2&3. then ME2 came around with the dumbed down lore, no codex, no new interesting races and a plot that went nowhere. while it had some good points (Lair of the Shadow Broker for example, was one of the best DLCs), it was still passable withe expectation that ME3 will tie in everything and offer the ultimate experience. Needless to say, ME3 failed to meet people's expectations though I hoped till the very end that they'd somehow pull a rabbit out of the hat and save it. In retrospect seeing Roidy McBeefcake should have been warning enough.


Bioshock infinite
I want to know what happened in development becuse the gameplay previews, trailers and first 1/3 of the game were nothing like the rest of the game. Its arguably good, until you land on the beach and the whole game goes off a cliff into a lake of shit.
Either they bit off more then they could chew or they were lying massively before relase

Is this a joke? The asari consort sidequest of ME1 alone had better writting than the entire ME2.

Or when the Old AI program explained how their creators died off.


Yeah the writting of Ashley made so much sense, or Liara, or the council denying the reapers, or hell even the relationship of TIM and Shepard. Mass effect 2 had some good companions sure, but overall it made them walking tropes. And most importantly, Harbinger can only dream of being the villain Saren was, or even Sovereign.

>Is there a series with more wasted potential?
Star Wars somce the mid 2000s, probably.

Mass Effect 2 was literally The Expendables In SPACE!.

>tfw no Turian gf

Also Mass Effect needed more "stealth" missions, like that Segment of the Kasumi dlc

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>>Is it done, Yuri?

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bioware games r bad

>No, comrade Premier. It has only begun.

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>When you get a GDI Commando on the field and starts mowimg down troops.
My favorite moment.