My potions would kill a dragon, let alone a man

My potions would kill a dragon, let alone a man.

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Have you heard of the high elves?

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By the nine divines, stay on the roads. It's the Daedra, you see.

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potion seller did nothing wrong, he knew his wares were too strong for any common traveler to consume

t. rascal

Why would you make potions that nobody can drink?

By the nine divines! Assault! Assault!

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By the Nine Divines !

But it's fine... that's fine, that's just... eh, it's a part of life, you know?

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eat your fondue
sweet dreams child

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He was in wrong if for no other reason than the simple fact that he purported to be something which he was not. He was not a potion seller, as he did not produce vendable wares. He was, at best, a potion hobbyist.

Truly the greatest video on the internet.

the adventurer explicitly asked for the best potions when he was clearly not strong enough to handle the best potions available

In a perfect world, men like him would not exist, but this is not a perfect world.

I miss you sweetie

This. You're not obligated to sell your wares to someone. Especially not to faggot crybaby knights.

Nonsense, his potions were only for the strongest and the traveler was clearly of the weakest.

Not only that the adventurer refused to even consider potions of his league. He was so blinded by fear of death he could not comprehend that what he was demanding from the potion seller was gonna kill him on the spot. Potion seller was a professional and did not sell the potion (though I doubt the adventurer could've even afford something like that) but he could've explained things better to the adventurer.

watching this one under the assumption that it's related to doleres fucked me right up

"Best" is not synonymous with "strongest." The best potion for a man going into battle would be one that helps him survive, not one that would assure his death.

why would the potion seller make potions that were not fit for a beast, let alone a man?

Because the adventurer clearly outed himself as a dimwit and wouldn't understand the concept of microdosing. He would gulp it all and obtain the powers of total brain death.

>Not only that the adventurer refused to even consider potions of his league.
The adventurer was going into battle and he needed only the potion sellers strongest potions.

goddamn that's a groovy ass tune

I love this guy a lot.

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Source on the vid?

cursed video

>My potions would kill a dragon, let alone a man

who the fuck would drink his potions then?

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They're only for the strongest. He has a specialty market.

Who was in the wrong here?

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A man who has surpassed all dragons and beasts

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thats right traveler, you can't handle my portions

A dragonslayer

Oblivion's distinctive jankiness makes me weirdly happy. The whole game was strained under the weight of its ambition, but felt like there was still a genuine passion over its world and stories, so there was a charm to it, warts and all. Something that's easy to poke fun at, but in a way that's almost looked back on fondly.

Later games are where the magic broke, and the jankiness wasn't held up by distinct memorable experiences anymore. Just endless hours of bug-ridden empty world and dull interchangeable filler side-quests.

Or more likely I'm just a dope with nostalgia goggles.

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I feel like at least some blame could be put on the potion seller, as he could easily just stock some less powerful potions

Potions are high class shit. It's not a fucking grocery store, the knight wasn't asking for the best steak. He was asking for something he couldn't handle and the potion seller rightfully denied the sale. It would be like someone with no idea how to snowboard going to take snowboard lessons lessons and demanding he get put right away on the most difficult, dangerous course with a ramp.

Potion seller and the knight are the same person

So, did the knight survive without the potions?

Are we going to have to live without closure?

That doesn't make any fucking sense you nigger.
If they were the same person then the knight wouldn't have to ask for the potions, he'd just take them since they're his.
Use your brain once in a while you knuckle dragging faggot

high lvl players

the potions was just a metaphor for inner strength

The knight, obviously. Potion seller knew the knight was a level 1 scrub who just started his quest and was trying to bamboozle his way to getting high level potions. Knight needed to grind some more.

Some might say it had, to coin a phrase, soul.

But seriously, the environments were far more beautiful than Skyrim's, and that's become more apparent as graphics have moved on and left both behind. With its realism washed out Skyrim is just dull and bleak, while Oblivion remains vibrant, colourful and fantastical.

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But the knight only wanted the strongest potions

In a perfect world, men like me would not exist
but this is not a perfect world

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The potion seller could simply tell the knight that the weaker potions were his strongest potions.
If the seller can correctly gauge that his strongest are too strong then surely he could find the strongest that would work for the knight?

This post is a metaphor for me shoving my foot up your ass

Maybe the discouragement kept him from seeking out battle at all. Or maybe his new life goal was to seek power simply to prove others wrong.

But he is a upright citizen and wont lie or bring shame upon his businesse

I don't hate Skyrim, but I kind of blame it for the trend of countless open-world games that lean more and more into quantity over quality.

Oblivion wasn't perfect, but I still remember plenty of random quests, environments, and moments off the top of my head way back from my first playthrough. Skyrim was designed to drag out the experience for as long as possible until everything started to blend together.

How did this shit blow up anyway?
Is there another youtube video with this much fanart?

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in a perfect world, men like me would not exist.

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But the potion-seller's strongest potions would clearly be too strong for the traveler, seeing as how he was of the weakest sort

Clearly you are of the weaker-minded

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Maybe the traveller wasnt going to be using the potions on himself

But this is not a perfect world

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who would even need potions at that point?

The Knight! He's going into battle!

He must be of the weakest if he needs performance enhancing drugs before going into battle.

I get it now. If he needed only the strongest potions that would mean he was obviously insecure about his own abilities meaning he truly WAS of the weakest kind

>no conclusion where the knight comes back years later decked out on legendary gear and glowing with a divine aura
>facing a demonic hoard 100,000 strong sweeping over the lands
>takes out a small vial of potion and allows a drop to touch his tongue