why is this line so iconic?
Why is this line so iconic?
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I really enjoyed the "What if" scenario in Off the Record where Frank runs into Chuck and Chuck couldn't save his daughter from her zombiefication process in time so to cope he carries around a not even convincing look like version of his daughter who he is wasting precious Zombrex on thinking its delaying her zombie symptoms
videogame protagonists are fucking terrible nowadays
that was depressing to see, because I really liked Chuck
No they aren't. Play more videogames.
Name 3 good ones from the last year
He covered wars you know
But hey you get Chuck's sweet chainsaw motorbike
Because he's covered wars, you know?
Chuck actually had a legit reason to become a psychopath. It was sad.
the irak "war" was still i thing back than.
>ywn play a dead rising game where chuck and frank take down phenotrans corp
Because of Jessica’s huge tits and load blowing lips
This was well thought
Sums up the character perfectly as well as exemplifying the schlubby every man that he is which makes him a good character. He's not Lt. Kickass, he's just a fucking reporter who wanted to get the big scoop on some zombies, and the fact he thinks that having "covered wars, ya know" makes him ready for the shit he's going to go through during the course of the game. He's a cocky idiot, and that's why we loved old Frank.
This is a 26 year-old man.
i really liked franks VA and then we never got him again because some leafs are very bad at making video game decisions.
Too much mileage
Unf. Shame we couldnt save her. RIP
Monkey D. Luffy from One Piece MUGEN v.23
Long Gone Days MC
DQ 11 MC
best boss in the game? it made feel things.
they got TJ rotolo to voice frank again in MVCI
Frank and Isaac from dead space have a lot in common, they aren't heroes or marines or combat trained, they're making the most out of a shit hand no one is prepared for.
So was DR4 any good? Like gameplay and story wise? The last game I played was 3 and that was oaky but a lot of the difficulty felt removed because you werent on so much of a time crunch
>brought him back
>for MvC:I
what a cruel fate
I can only think of Arthur Morgan.
>Monkey D. Luffy
TJ voiced Birkin in REmake 2, it was really nice hearing him
So Isabella is evil in 3. Is anyone bothered by this? Or that Chuck became a mob kingpin?
No and no.
Stupid faggots in charge understood jack shit about the series and tried to make some homogenized corporate cash-grab.
Don't buy it, even if it's cheap.
Oh shit. I almost forgot Ryuko from the latest killer kill game
how come one was so kino compared to the rest of the series (espaciliy 3 and 4)?
I've heard that dr4 got rid of what ever difficulty even dr3 had. Which sounds nice because now I appreciate dr3. There are 3 good dead risings and that makes me happy.
oh my god YOURE RIGHT
TJ Rotolo, the VA of Frank, is an expert on roman combat and a stuntman. Even though it's not explicitly said, the original framework for Dead Rising was a gladiatorial combat game which ended up being reused to make Dead Rising. Always came off as the reason for all the wrestling/grappling moves considering he did his own motion capture for the game. It makes it feel like TJ was always just in the right place at the right time to be Frank but when the new devs slighted him by saying they wanted a "real" VA to do Frank, it was a real kick in the dick. It's amazing how likeable he was.
>Not the Virgin with the Molotov’s
Funny thing was how the "real VA" in DR4 didn't want to be credited under his real name for the project.
>Freelance reporter who is currently infiltrating a government covered up is asked whether or not he is capable of defending himself under threat of attack after personally requesting the gun.
He was pretty much belittling her for asking a stupid question.
Damn I'm glad I'm not as retarded as you.
you guys are making me real fuckin sad right now because I want another dead rising game with Rotolo and just in general wish he got more work considering REmake was his latest gig.
>Play DR3
>"God, this Nick Ramos guy is such a little bitch. I swear, this series couldn't have a lamer main character in the cast than this."
>3 Years Later
How did a character this unlikable even make through their "extensive focus grouping".
will case zero and case west ever be released on pc?
Maybe they'll pull a DMC and restart the series at case zero, as if every game after 1 never happened.
I don't know, but my friend and I both played it at launch and I remember us quoting that line all the damn time, without knowing others had also picked up on it. Something about the tone of voice, I reckon.
>pic related comes out
>studios jumping on the Roman gladiator fad
>Russel Crowe helped in the creation of Dead Rising
Where does the series go now that Capcum Vancouver's dead
>Jessica hands frank, a photojournalist, a gun
>asks if he knows how to use it
>"Y-yeah totally."
>she gives him a look
>"I've covered wars, you know!"
It's a punchline to a joke.
Hopefully, they just let it rest for a while.
Dead Rising 4 was monumentally shitty, and reeked of corporate and shill media trying to convince the fans that they were wrong for wanting something better.
How many years has it been since DmC: Fukyou May Cry? Imagine something like that.
I can't see them making another one for awhile with how 4 was received so I guess Frank is stuck as cross over material and DR1 being ported to everything.
How old is Frank in the first game?
1 was made by japanese devs. 2 was made by a canadian team that understood some of what made 1 good. by the time 3 and especially 4 were made, all of the people who understood the franchise even a little were gone, with 4's development being led by a bunch of mobile game devs
Seems about right. They even look alike.
36 in Dead Rising 1
40 in the Dead Rising 2 Saga
It’s suppose to let you know Frank isn’t a wimp. He’s not a hero, nor is he badass, but when the time comes he can haul ass. That’s why he’s bretty good at the survival thing, it’s a no-rules scenario he’s use to. Frank’s character in the first game was so believable and likable. A lot of psychopaths yielded disgusted or terrified reactions from him. Then people laughed at how you can put on a funny hat and from there we got the “HAHA! Cheesey One Liners!” Frank of today
>mfw Sullivan is a bro in off the record
There’s no way Chuck is 26 years old
I liked how they made Stacy look worse to make her the baddie fit since fiction demands the good guys be the attractive ones.
In the prequel he is. He's 29 in DR2.
26 in Case 0, 29 in Dead Rising 2.
He's 26 in Case Zero, 29 in Dead Rising 2, and 39 in Dead Rising 3.
He's also Credo in DMC4.
Couple years in the vault, then it'll be back. Hopefully since Capcom are in their redemption arc the next one will be a fucking masterpiece.
>we'll get Dead Rising 5 by 2026
well shit
G's covered wars yaknow
Arthur Morgan
It’s a weird phrasing, like the fact he’s covered Wars doesn’t really answer whether he’s ever shot a gun before.
And just like everyone else, he suffered from much worse voice direction compared to MVC3
Even the achievement was supicious