So she's not going to give blowjob or pussy no matter what I do? I should cut her head off.
So she's not going to give blowjob or pussy no matter what I do? I should cut her head off
>he actually fell for the old toreador seduction trick
Oh you poor fella.
Her only reward is a cheap postcard.
Yeah I felt cheated too
You need to find out her real name, being called that is the only thing that gets her wet.
Reminder that the old books were nothing like the atrocity they are printing now. Anyone who tells you this is an unequivocal liar. For some reason there were a number of coordinated posters trying to force that last night.
This is why Malkavchad is best clan.
Vampires usually don't have sex at all. Feeding is supposed to be better for them.
It's the raging newfag from last night, how are ya bud?
Here's one now, trying to deflect from the narrative. Thanks, I was worried it didn't sound plausible
She gives you a fair bit of cash too, doesn't she?