Is there ANY hope for 3D Sonic at this point?
Is there ANY hope for 3D Sonic at this point?
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Yeah Sonic Omniverse
Make an HD remaster of Sonic Heroes. Fix bugs, tighten up the controls, and add general QoL improvements (like not having to play through all four stories before the Last Story).
Boom, you instantly have the best 3D Sonic ever.
Unfortunately we have no confirmation of that yet. I'm kinda dreading the upcoming SXSW because if there's no word on classic sonic, shitposting will happen.
I've got nothing against Lange but... I'll believe it when I see it.
Make Sonic Generations 2
3D levels done by same games who did generation 3D levels.
2D levels and physics done by mania guys
Boom best sonic game since Advance 2
yeah ive heard lange is a dipshit with no drive but this game is too good not to have hope for it
No,there isn't a single person working at Sonic Team right now capable of recreating Adventure kino. Sonic has been dead since the dreamcast died with the exception of some great handheld games.
Iizuka probably could.
>Iizuka probably could.
Maybe but I don't think Iizuka cares anymore, just look at what he allowed that hack Kishimoto do to this franchise
Modernshit has never been good and will never be good, even games Moderniggers defend like Adventure are shit. Sega should just axe that mistake and replace it with more Classic kino from Taxman and the lads.
Still at it, are we, hesse false-flagger
Please stop responding to this falseflagging shitposter
fine, won't stop him from arguing with himself tho
We can only hope he will get bored of talking to himself one day
Good thread
I'd like to see sonic games explore bullet time mechanics a bit more.
You get something close to that right before sonic uses the lightning ability in colors.
Use a shoulder button for making tight turns similar to drifting, but tie a bullet time function to this action. It gives the player enough time to control sonic and get a visual bearing on the new direction their taking, and also visually shows sonic winding himself up for when he bursts forward.
Other than that I would say the next best thing is to focus more on abstract world designs. The Wii U game was on to something, even if it did have some drawbacks.
So that one Sonic fan game with Emerald Coast as the level? With Sonic in what looks like his Riders gear?
That sounds utterly retarded, boostshit gives you the widest openings imaginable so you can see exactly where you're going.
No. And you can thank Sonic Colors.
>Sonic heroes
Nostalgia is a helll of a drug. Heroes was horribly mediocre even in team sonic's case.
I just want another adventure style game. Campy and dumb narritive with a pseudo serious plot, fun characters, fun playstyles, and a chao garden.
Thats the only thing that could get me to care even one iota about sonic anymore.
They did that in Secret Rings, was pretty meh
That one UE4 demo got it right. It's Adventure but good
No. Because people in the fandom will never be satisfied with the results; even if the idealistic 3D game was produced (i.e a game that incorporates a perfected momentum based-physics engine in conjugation with the 3D environment), would be due to the fact that people prefer a subjective "art-style" which originates from nostalgia, over a well programmed and utilized mechanics in a 3D area/space. It essentially boils down to this retarded schism between "classic" and "modern" fans, that can't appreciate the positives from each era and are unwittingly destroying the franchise that they claim to support. Projects like Sonic Utopia and SRB2 reveal that manufacturing a fusion of 2D and 3D game-play elements can be successful, if, the developers produce content that harmoniously unites core concepts from the Classic and Modern eras. It also depends upon the community by supporting this trend by advocating for this type of fusion-genre to become more common.
>Campy and dumb narritive with a pseudo serious plot
Gross cringe
Sonic Adventure? Yeah I love that game, Knuckles was badass. Why haven't they made a new one?
Which one?
>this is how adventurelards actually see xemselves
You think Ted does?
yea let me make it
Just make Xtreme and claim it was finally found
Why can't they do it, Yea Forums? They came so close to a great game with Colors.
>They came so close to a great game with Colors.
Bait or absolutely garbage taste
No they unironically didn't. Why do you retards defend a game that not only re-used its bosses 3 times over, but re-used its level design as well?
>Astroid coaster and starlight speedway are different because one is green and one is pink.
Same fucking mechanic. kill yourselves wispfags
Not him but I really do not understand where this complete opinion flip came from, nobody was saying this back in 2010, is it more just cause the game caused future incidents?
>nobody was saying this back in 2010
Did you live under a rock? Everyone critisized the lack of originality colors had. It had good levels, but fuck if it was perfect. And most of it felt repeated nonstop.
I know school just got out and you had a long day of reading, but I never said Colors was perfect. It just had the building blocks to be great.
Sonic fans were willing to eat shit back in 2010 because Sonic 06 was still kinda fresh.
Now that people have had time to actually reflect on the game without the hype of a Sonic game coming out thats not completely broken and they are realizing it was never very good to begin with.
School is 10 years behind me buddy. you're barking up the wrong strawman with that shit. Perfect and great, doesn't matter. my point was colors did not have "the building blocks" to be good. It was recycled Sonic rivals tier design for 2D style, and horrible physics for the endless runners. Terminal velocity is tantamount to how bad the physics are.
All it had was style, and style does not sell a game.
Well, I'm glad Mania was worth the hype at the very least, those were some Grade A threads.
every modern sonic game being bad is a gamegrumps meme
>Colors was perfect. It just had the building blocks to be great.
Kek it was the opposite. Colors took all the things that had potential to be great in Unleashed and destroyed them then replaced them with the shitty gimmicks known as the wisp.
I remember people praising Colors for being pretty much the first 3D Sonic game that had little to no bullshit. No alternate playstyles, no multiple playthroughs of the exact same levels just to complete the game, no guns, no Werehog, no edgy emo stories, just pure Sonic gameplay from start to finish.
The Wisps should have fucked off afterwards, though. No idea why they keep getting brought back.
>a great game with Colors.
I'd agree if you were talking about the right version, but chances are you're not.
>Sonic Rush 3
>Actual good level design
>No cringey dialogue from sonic/tails every two seconds
>Better implementation of wisps in 2D space over 3D
>Better bosses
>Actual special stages and final boss sequence instead of boosting indefinitely to win
But no, we all know you're talking about the garbage ass wii version and its 15 minute unskippable credit sequence
forgot image
Sega sees the success in Sonic games for the wrong reasons all the time. They thought Generations only succeeded because of Classic Sonic alone, not just being a decently made game, that's why they shoved him in Forces, they thought they could make lightning strike twice. And as much as I'm excited for another potential Mania, I'm willing to bet they'll think the reused levels were why it did so well.
most modern sonic games are good friends
>is it more just cause the game caused future incidents?
Yes? Do you think people hate on SA1/2 now because they were alaways bad apprantly? No, they had flaws, but flaws that people expected fixed and the good parts enhances. As SoJ always fucks up doing, they canned the good parts and made the bad parts the main core elements later on, ending up with ShTH and 06. And now from Unleashed/Gens, came colors bad parts, Lost World, and all of the worse parts of boost era in Forces. Japan doesn't understand what's good for Sonic, let alone what the fanbase likes.
Dude, calm down and drink your milkies. You're typing like a mad baby
This is the worst opinion i've ever heard.
Just give 3D sonic to the fans. Srb2 is a masterpiece, and there have been exactly 2 other exceptionally great 3D fan games.
They're really not. IMO everything went downhill with heroes. they deviated too far from what worked., Adventure was silly, and new, and it worked well for two games. it should've either continued off that trend, or ended there and went back to 2D platforming. Advance and rush were leagues above anything Heroes, shadow, and Unleashed tried to shit out. The console sonics always turned out piss poor and or mediocre. I'd argue Secret rings was a better designed game simply BECAUSE it didnt try to be sonic. At least it was fun.
I couldn't even finish Lost World
Best part of that game was getting to hear NiGHTS music for like 2 minutes
I probably would've dropped Forces too if it wasn't only like an hour long
I started playing Sonic 4 a couple days ago too and probably won't pick it up again either
the only bad things about was the RPG dialogue and shit framerate though
But both of those games in that image are better than Colors
Why do we let ourselves remain beholden to that snake Arin's lies
sonic infinity could have been very good for boostshit 3D sonic fangames but the fag developing it abandoned it
He wasnt a Sonic fan and was a cyberbully as well.
Nobody liked the ds version you dumb bitch faglord
Nobody would have used it anyway
why develop an engine for fangames when you are not even a fan of the franchise
>I'd argue Secret rings was a better designed
You were doing so well...
Mad? That's the last thing that's the case.
I'm ltierally stating facts. Sonic has a lot of good shit flushed down the drain because SEGA simply don't understand Sonic, and never had since 1991. Yuji Naka and Naoto Ohshima, plus the American branch of SEGA, knew what to do with Sonic. SoJ never had, and actively killed the bridges with a lot of good staff and companies, just because of their bigoted ways, ending with the Dreamcast.
He's lying, Infinity dev is a chad.
Is Sonic Jam worth trying out?
I've always been fascinated by the hub world in that game, kind of wish they ported it to dreamcast.
You're also typing with trembling fingers. There isn't a single post you've made where you haven't had typos littering your entire post. Calm. Down. Ragie.
Oh boy another nigger failing to recognize Hirokazu Yasuhara's vast contributions to the series
How typical
Not him but its unironically the best version of the game faggot. Get some taste
Fuck you nig, if I get an open source thing I'll at least do more than you faggots bitch about.
Just don't expect some Sonic 3K/SA2/Unleashed-Werehog tier product unless you wanna wait for 10+ years for a fan game. That stupid ass expectation from fan games from this pessimist fanbase is about the stupidiest bullshit thought process I've ever seen out of this autistic cesspool of a decisive community.
Every thead guys
Oh, so he's the level designer? Good, if I actually heard people bring him up I'd add him to the list, don't spit at me for that. I'd take him over Iizuka's being credited being "the best" at that, like I've seen people do for the 3D era games.
Cope. I don't care about my typing skills, they haven't been "proper" for 10 years. It's just mispellings, are you even more triggered when people say "kys, btfo, etc"? Fuck off.
Put both Adventure games and Riders into good and that list would be perfect.
Soi unlea is my fav sonic game
ok, how so?
No it isn't. Twice as gimmicky with less than half the graphics.
It's a decent compilation of the first 3 sonic games.
It wouldn't be like that if every fan didn't say they could do better than Sega.
8 bit Sonic games are worth it.
>No it isn't. Twice as gimmicky with less than half the graphics.
Rush graphics shit on the bootleg unleashed shit the wii version tried
Also atleast the DS version of Colors controls well because unlike Sonic Team the Rush devs know what they are doing
Heroes is a terrible excuse for a game. Over half of your time is spent just watching your character run/grind down straight or curvy hallways. The rest of it are terrible little sections to remind you that you're actually playing a game such as jumping on robots or punching doors.
Take your rose-tinted glasses off, it's not a good game.
Yasuhara is the only reason the classics aren't the hold right to win rollercoaster rides people claim they are.
Naka and Oshima wanted a more casual experience. He told them to fuck off.
He's the second core member, over Oshima, of the original Sonic Team, I don't get why he's so rarely mentioned.
Good controls mean nothing when all the levels are gutter trash the way they are in Colors DS. Get some taste, holy shit.
Finishing a half ass, soulless game means jack shit. Fuck mediocrity, this fucking board always cries about "soul" in games yet when one of the most passionate fanbase makes fan games with the hope it COULD go further than just being a tech demo/engine, you fags bitch about it. I get Yea Forums has its ass filled with contrainians and double standard bigots, but please, have some self awareness.
It's true no matter how you look at it, SEGA is a fucking bad company compared to many others, even indie ones like Wayforward handles their products and IPs far better than SEGA has in fucking YEARS. So many dead IPs, all because they milk Sonic's dick dry when they can't even do something good with that and keeps pumping out half ass effort. If we lived in a world where all these fans had infinite money with no social life outside of making a blue hedgehog physics based video game, I'm certain all of these fangames would have been finished at some point.
>Good controls mean nothing when all the levels are gutter trash the way they are in Colors DS. Get some taste, holy shit.
Are you implying the Wii version has good level design? Fucking kek you Colors faggots are fucking delusional
That sucks he's underrated like that. Where is he now? I assume he left SEGA too at this point, right?
sonic what? i can't find anything
>there are mouthbreathers in this world who want all Sonic music to be buttrock instead of giving us diverse musical kino
Shame on all of you.
No. Sega doesn't have the patience for it and even exporting it to another studio wouldn't cut it without taking hits to what makes sonic sonic.
Best you can hope for is 2.5D.
Yasuhara is also partially responsible for the garbage that was Sonic X-Treme.
I wonder how big Utopia is going to be. If they did more than 6 zones, I'd be impressed.
He left after the disaster of Sonic X-Treme.
>Sonic Battle in Good
Hell yeah
>There's no more time to waste; set timer for 15 minutes! Lets go, Rouge!
From Sega to Naughty Dog to Namco Bandai to Nintendo
I guess he's a Unity dev now
maybe but he is just PR dude now, it is SEGA's fault
5 Minutes was plenty user, I don't see how anyone could run out of time on that level it literally takes 40 seconds to run across the entire map.
3D Sonic fangames are basically in the same position classic fangames were in about 10 or so years ago. Several iterations, progressively getting closer and closer to the winning formula, and a bloat of unfinished/one-zone-only games.
Nobody thinks they don't have promise, and I'm sure that in time they'll only improve, but right now touting them as Sonic Team-killers seems a little disingenuous.
>Colors DStranny calling other people delusional
Damn I'm screenshotting this, my niggas will love this shit.
>set bomb timer for fifteen minutes
>give herself five minutes to find the emeralds so she can escape with the remaining ten
How dumb are you people?
He left the franchise after Sonic R, but he didn't leave Sega proper until 2002.
>Underage is dicksucking colors
Not surprising.
On Yea Forums? No, can't be.
>Post like a underage nigger and get called out for it
>s-stop projecting
Of course. SA1 and SA2 modding is coming along nicely, Sonic World DX looks to be polishing up the earlier releases and going for quality over quantity, there's several promising fan engines in the works and a handful of promising fangames.
>Of course. SA1 and SA2 modding is coming along nicely,
Yeah it took long enough but Sa2 finally has decent mod tools.
Does it take in any features from Sonic 3 Complete?
I actually agree with this mostly.
I think Heroes and Shadow are also Okay though, especially if you're putting Sonic R under 'okay'
There is no hope for 3D Sonic. SoJ and Sonic Team have been holding back it for many years, and it will continue to do so, as long there's no incentive, encouragement for someone like SoA to step in and take the franchise out of their greedy yellow hands by force.
For now, I'm only looking forward for many Sonic games the Evening Star might develop and pump out, soon or not.
Hohoho, great joke.
Why aren't there any 3D Sonic clones?
There's Fark the Electric Heater, and...
Tails assist controls, alternate super controls, some music options, etc. It doesn't have EVERYTHING, but still plenty of QoL improvements. They even added flight cancelling to Tails which is badass.
Electric JESTER, nani the fuck
Not with Sonic Team, no. You're going to continue to get more mediocre titles from them until Sonic as a series ceases to exist. It's all up to the fans now.
>SA2 finally has decent mod tools
You mean SA2 ALMOST has decent mod tools. SA2 modding isn't anywhere near the level of SADX modding yet, and it doesn't look like they're actively being worked on either.
>no 3d blast in at least okay tier
This is the perfect list.
The Wii version credits are skippable to my knowledge
3D blast is dog shit.
Yes, just make a game where every level is designed like prototype Windy Valley. Easy solve.
Shitposting will happen regardless.
Theres like no difference other then it looking horribly unfinished and bad color choices.
I know, it'll just be worse if there is no Mania 2, Shadow poster will always try and have the last laugh.
Add the All Stars Racing games to good and this would be better
Damn, is that gif from adventure 2?
>Like no difference
Bitch, do you not see all those alternative paths? The loads of places you can now ramp off of? The huge fucking spire you can use to jump off of at multiple angles to get to hard to reach places just for the sake of exploring?
I see a green hill, a tornado segment and a run down a ramp. The same shit only unpolished. The only noteable difference is a capsule over an emerald as the goal.
Ah, so you're retarded. Gotcha.
Great asthetics, pure soul.
If the surface level shit is literally all you care about then you honestly should stop discussing what makes good Sonic levels. Or maybe you're just baiting.
Yeah, regardless of what you think of the gameplay you can tell the team really gave a shit and put passion into the game.
If not caring about the tiniest points in a game makes me a normal person then good, better then being an autistic fuck like you bawwing about what ifs 20 something odd years late. .
>the technology has finally caught up so we can finish making this low-poly garbage
So nothing to do with gameplay, because you don't know what makes good level design good. Go back to boostshit, nig.
I like SA2 except for the robot levels, it should've been more like Gamma's in terms of pacing
Zoomers are retarded. Graphics /= better game.
>I like SA2 except for the robot levels, it should've been more like Gamma's in terms of pacing
I used to think the same thing but I replayed the game recently going for 100% and once you memorize the levels the mech movement actually feels kinda nice. I understand why most people dislike it though.
What happened to the comfy nature of Mania threads?
Forces happened.
Go the Donkey Kong Country Returns route. Mix 2D and 3D segments. Or maybe a 3D overworld with exploration and 2D levels (like Diddy Kong Racing). Anything is better than what they do now.
Shitposters and Falseflaggers happened
Does that retroactively change how good Mania was or something?
I like the idea of the second one more honestly, sounds like a lot of fun
The game's just been out for a while so the dust settled is all. They'll come back if we get a sequel gets announced. Plenty of people still like it.
It doesn't but most everyone is pessimistic and on edge about literally any major product with Sonic's name on it now because of how good Mania was
I'd say it came out but they started going to shit around when that leak happened.
I guess we drew too much attention which attracted shitposters? Dunno.
I wonder what BlueSphereAnon and Shaqposter are up to.
We could... pretend that this is a comfy Mania thread~
Even if it didnt start out as a Mania thread. What was the most surprising thing that happened in Sonic Mania?
What blew you guys away the most?
Just how much soul went into it, honestly.
Great 3D Sonic level design
Honestly seeing Oil Ocean and Metallic Madness return, Mirage Saloon Act 1 being a Sky Chase homage, Knuckles getting his own version of that stage, and I guess the return of Mighty and Ray
>What was the most surprising thing that happened in Sonic Mania?
Mirage Saloon act 1 and the return Bark, Bean, and Fang
How even though the zone ideas were reused they made the less enjoyable ones (Oil Ocean and Lava Reef) much more enjoyable. Also the Mean Bean minigame
No? No offense NiGHTSAnon, but Mania sadly doesn't pander to everyone in the fanbase, and only highlights more hostility of what "should" be Sonic, and further causes more backlash amongst the fanbase.
This is from a classicfag. Nothing is going to work until all of Sonic's niches are given, and that's not happening, it's practically impossible.
I loved that Knuckles got a whole level just for him. Kinda wish he had more unique stuff in other levels though.
It's a shame Chaotix killed any chance of another spinoff for him, there's a lot of untapped potential for Knuckles-centric level design. Hell, I think his moveset works better for 3D than Sonic's does since his glide and dive could make high speed platforming more manageable in 3D space and his climbing allows for more vertically oriented level design. Oh well.
No. It just made people pissed and TSR isnt helping to allievate the woes Forces caused on the fanbase.
>and TSR isnt helping to allievate the woes Forces caused on the fanbase.
TSR is looking better and better as they reveal stuff actually considering picking it up now.
Here's what I remember from my first playthough
>Chemical Plant 2 is one of the most fun and well designed Sonic levels period
>Flying Battery 2 is way too fucking long I have a headache I need to stop for a bit
>Press Garden in general being unexpectedly great; it was a very weird, almost Sonic 1-y in concept zone with good level design and then the outdoors area in act 2
>Giggling like an idiot over the Silver Sonic from S2GG in the Metal Sonic fight
>Hype for Hydrocity returning and then it was just fucking nothing except a Game Gear reference
>Hooligans in Mirage Saloon
>Entering Oil Ocean and instantly hunting for a fire shield; I didn't even know what would happen as I hadn't spoiled myself, but I had a strong hunch from the Green Hill bridges that something would happen. Sure enough, you can set the whole fucking place on fire
>What the FUCK Metallic Madness is here but all its gimmicks were in other levels already holy shit it's one of the best levels in the game
>Titanic Monarch kind of feels visually like a LakeFerarp stage and not in a good way but eh the scenery grew on me but fuck was it good level design wise
>The fucking Special Stages are fun as fuck
Honestly the best that game can do is just be solid, no matter how much it sells or how much people still reject the game after it releases. Based on what we can gather it probably will be, since it looks like they might be doing what Mania did and mixing original stages with old ones and such, but I guess we'll find out in the next couple weeks.
I'll never forget the day I played it day one with my best friend, we're both die hard classicfags so it was right up our alley, the first week with mania was probably the best time I had that entire year.
Agreed, the fact that they remixed a song from Runners of all games, Sand Hill, and Sandopolis, and the volcano stage allowing you to drive on lava makes the game look more and more interesting as we get closer to release. Gameplay also looks as fun as Transformed despite lacking the transformations. Hoping they release a public demo on all platforms after SXSW.
He's not wrong though. 3D sonic can't seem to get the physics down correctly. The only thing worth playing was the chao garden.
This. Looking at the latest stuff, the graphics actually improved. They don't look like mobileshit anymore, and honestly, almost looks CTRR tier. Almost.
So I hope the gameplay is still fine and at worse, it's just not the "Melee" of the Racing line of Sonic games just because one gimmick isn't back.
I hope it ends up good because I loved all stars and would happily play another great sonic racing game.
Funny, I remember in a thread awhile back one user compared TSR to Brawl, and I'm assuming by that he also meant to attribute Transformed to Melee, as he referred to most detractors of the new game as "Transformed tryhards".
Its ok. I guess I was talking more to the folks who livened up the Mania threads, not the ones who were soured by Mania's success. My bad for not acknowledging the others.
Honestly same, but a close second was when Stardust Speedway showed up for me~
Metallic Madness was incredible when I first went to it, and the new mechanic for Oil Ocean legitimately made my heart jump when I realized the smog was killing me.
That was pretty mindblowing. The fact that Bark, Bean, and Fang were outside of their posters and actually there (sorta) felt sorta like a justice for most I feel like~
Yeah! They fixed SO MANY of the Zones that people didnt like so much. For example, they even made Wacky Workbench's mechanic fun and satisfying and not frustrating and panic-inducing.
Feels just like Sonic 3&K when he got his own section of the island due to his cunning and knowledge of the inner workings of the island huh? It also seems to subtly hint at the OVA, due to him "seeing the subterranean levels of this planet" and how he "knows them better than anyone".
Im looking forward to TSR, albeit hesitantly.
I guess the one thing that would really sell it for me (outside of some soul) would be if they remembered NiGHTS? But that likely isnt going to happen, given that its all Sonic characters this time. Oh well. If its a good game thats all that really matters huh?~
Yeah! All that stuff huh?~ Also, probably seeing the intro for the first time. It felt just like being a kid again. Like. This is Sonic. Sonic was COOL back then and this is how cool he can be and I cant believe that its real and it happened...
The ending was a bit disappointing but I suppose given the nature of Sega's demands, that was to be expected.
Good thing Mania Adventures sorta writes Forces out of the picture~
Yeah, that stage was very reminiscent of Sandopolis. And don't worry, I'm sure NiGHTS will get some kind of Easter egg of some kind in at least one of the stages
Glad to see some positivity towards TSR.
>They remixed a song from Runners
Which one?
>Drop Dash
Holy fuck this is definitely going to replace Sonic 3 Complete now. The only thing left that it needs now from 3C is the option to use the Sonic 1 or 2 sprites.
NiGHTS was in Riders so you never know.
I'd figure spinoffs are the most likely place they could squeeze him in, but the question is does anyone at Sonic Team even care about NiGHTS anymore?
What kind of representation would you like to see? I'd adore a track based on Twin Seeds myself, it's weird to me that Sonic's done surrealist and cityscapes, but never both at the same time
Yeah, really great how you can have the insta-shield and drop dash at the same time.
The wisp were cool but they outstayed their welcome
Theory of Attack. The new song they released backing Frozen Junkyard shares its arrangement with some differences
Sonic Utopia is not a good game, period, let alone a good Sonic game. It works as a demo, as a tech demo, quite well actually, but it fucking fails as a game, the levels are to big and bland, the enemies stop being obstacles and are just there, you have to force yourself to actually get in the way of one, you get lost, you don't know where to go, you can see where is forward, is just not fun, it fails at a core level and I can't believe how the author himself fails to realize it.
>Mix 2D and 3D segments
Isn't that already what they do? No Sonic game since pre-Unleashed has had purely 3D levels.
Maybe because it's not a game yet?
Twin Seeds would be a perfect representation of the series!
But honestly, I feel like Soft Museum has lots more potential, with the warping landscape, the surreal imagery, the track already made from stone and dirt outside, and then bricks and marble inside, the mirror gimmick, the rubbery statues and structures.
Plus that music~
You already said it's a good tech demo, so you're smart enough to realize it's a tech demo, so why in the fuck are you also retarded enough to think that it's a game
>This tech demo feels too much like a tech demo
Too many things blew my mind. I was smirking through all the 1st playthrough getting references from things from the fucking 8-Bit Sonic games, or even finding big rings hiding similar to the spots as in S3&K
If i had to think about 5 things then Silver Sonic 8-bit, Sky Base lighting in FB Act2, MBM boss, the Hydrocity Act1 boss and the gacha boss
where the fuck is Spinball you literal nigger
>the enemies stop being obstacles and are just there, you have to force yourself to actually get in the way of one
I feel this argument extends to 3D platformers in general. Mario is just as guilty of this in just about every 3D game his in, up til maybe 3D Land, World and Odyssey maybe, and even that's being a bit generous. The only Sonic enemy in a 3D game I ever remember being a problem is that Chaos thing in Final Rush and any Heroes enemy only because they added fucking healthbars and made them gateblockers.
>Sky Base lighting in FB Act2
Actually, it's from Wacky Workbench
Ironically the one 3D Sonic game where I felt the enemies were actually a threat was Lost World.
Those are great ones too!
The amount of references and callbacks and attention to detail was stunning. Perhaps I was being rather stingy when I asked for one thing that blew people away, however, they seemed to realize this and shared quite a few!~
Its just a shame I wont be able to see them all again for the first time..
I still think this get to the goal idea needs to dropped. We have too many idiots thinking like they know what's good game design when so many casuals couldn't even get far in Dark Souls, making a meme out of it even.
I really don't care about people like you, you got Boost, you got Adventure fan projects like World, just let people have this if you can't cope with that fact. There is no *one* way to make Sonic work for many people, if you haven't noticed ya bloody idiot.
I honestly think Secret Rings was FAR more flawed than Heroes.
>Ironically the one 3D Sonic game where I felt the enemies were actually a threat was Lost World.
What about Heroes? The enemies as such a threat in that game they slow the gameplay down.
>I still think this get to the goal idea needs to dropped.
What else would you do? On an arbitrary level, "the goal" is where you head to in literally any non-sandbox game, period.
>the enemies stop being obstacles
>He doesn't know how to use the homing attack.
>it fails at a core level
The core level is where it succeeds and that's why there's so much interest in it. It's good Sonic mechanics, there just isn't a proper game there yet.
>I can't believe how the author himself fails to realize it
You haven't read anything the creators have said have you.
>make enemy into a health sponge
I hope other SEGA mascots appear, that would be nice.
That's because literally all of your control options activelly gets you fucked over by any form of hazard. It's literally no different from having a level 100% floating in the sky yet expects you to go at mach 10 with hyper sensitive controls on 1 pixel wide paths and platforms.
Aka, artificial difficulty. It's bad game design. The fact the LoZ is the single best level that actually doesn't feel like gimmicky shit proves the entire game should have just been based on that zone instead. And I bet Nintendo's team members likely made that level instead of the main Sonic Team.
By threat I mean you can't just go around them and they'll actually try to attack you and have decent AI. Heroes enemies are only a threat when the game forces you to fight them.
Just trying to put together some ideas you run into some problems. Sonic-type games are hard to build a lot of content for. They also need to be designed well enough to be replayable or else you end up with a Sonic Team disaster.
It doesn't help that Sonicfags would rather use their autism and faithfully recreate Sonic 2006 in Unity instead of doing their own thing.
>What else would you do?
3D Mario. I'm tired of idoits crying about the idea they want to get to one single goal, but then cry about not being able to explain the level, and also bitch that the game punishes you for not going fast becaues, fyi, if you have linear level design, this FORCES that narrtive that you have to play it the ""right way"", meaning just get to the goal as fast as you can. You cannot ask for both of these elements for 3D Sonic yet bitch one or the other is being represented. Double fucking standards.
Because making 3D Sonic anything is very difficult.
Same. JSR, Ristar, Ecco, Space Channel 5, and so many other Sega IPs are just gathering dust and deserve much more love than theyre given..
Iizuka still has love for some of these franchises, including NiGHTS.
I suppose if Sega hears the outcry from fans, they would be forced to create more games for them right?
I mean, in NiGHTS' case, for example, we could easily have a NiGHTS 3. Iizuka has been excited about making one for a while now, and he said all he needs is a greenlight from Sega to make it happen.
And I know that Hideki Naganuma is still jazzed about Jet Set Radio. Let your voice be heard and who knows what can happen?
*exploring the level.
And it being in 3D should make this a priority anyways. It's a platformer that's not constrained by two dimensions, not some RPG storybook shit.
I liked Sky Road 1
>3D Mario.
But that's still getting to the goal, you just have multiple optional goals
Heh, my favorite level. Why didn't I think of that? I'd just like to see a comfy nighttime level I guess.
Good taste my man.
>you just have multiple optional goals
EXACTLY! What's wrong with doing that? But instead of collection shit like Medals or stupid Red Ring garbage, why not make those "optional goals" lead you to new areas/zone acts you couldn't gain access to, like e.g, Knuckles routes in Sonic 3 & Knuckles?
The music for it was great. Lost World had some damn good songs, its only problem was that many of the tracks called back to Unleashed and Colors
Who said it had to be during the daytime?
You could have a nighttime variant just for this game, with some gorgeous nighttime skies in the background and maybe some scenery lights to help make the trees and distant buildings visible?~
In truth, they would probably do it like an HD translation of Soft Museum, but we can dream about the possibilities. I wouldnt hate that either~
Also nice trips.
Only has to finish Hidden Palace, Sky Sanctuary, Death Egg, and Doomsday Zone, then it'll pretty much be the complete Sonic 3 with widescreen and all those QoL changes. I'm hyped as fuck.
You're not allowed to be rational and have good ideas on Yea Forums, user.
>EXACTLY! What's wrong with doing that?
I thought your argument was against getting to a goal period
The only actual thing it's missing over Sonic 3 Complete at this point is the option to change Sonic's sprite into the S2 version. I'm thinking since you can mod the music in this game it'll at least be moddable by fans if not an actual feature.
Sorry user
No, just *a* goal. Basically pure 2D tier linear with 3D rendered graphics for no real reason. It's 3D, even when a game has a "narrative/direction", Wind Waker, Mario, Banjo, Rayman 2, etc. When given the options to explore, not to the point of getting lost I agree, just to discover new places you weren't expecting to find because you went off the main path, is fantastic. Even 2D Mario like World did this with keys and secondary blue doors in Ghosts Houses did this. Even making it where going under the goal post in one level, let you to 3 1-ups and a secret new level to go to afterwards, that shit was dope and I can't understand how hasn't Sonic done this what so ever for 20 yeas yet.
I mean, except ShTH I guess, but that game fucked that up with making it a objective just to go to a different level/bogging it down with shitty story telling.
This is the most minute little autistic thing but I hope he implements the unique level icons the zone title cards have in 3C instead of just having the same palm tree icon for every zone.
I never quite got the dislike for 3's sprite, but yeah I still hope the option is there too.
Sonic Team desperately needs some fresh blood imo
Sonic Forces is largely fresh blood
Sonic Team mostly is fresh blood, it's the suits that need to go and stay go.
The overall treatment given to the super transformations.
It is, factually, super fantastic.
Nothing else has made me feel extremely joyful and motivational, as much as seeing the super transformations for the first time. Everyone being capable to turn into almighty and be strong, having finally a more encouraging motive to get all the emeralds no matter which character you would play as, the astounding super music surprisingly sounding powerful and positively chaotic as how it should be, Super Sonic being containing itself so much power that his body sightly trembles and frowns (as well causing an amateur earthquake with his drop-dash), the perfect Encore ending demonstrating an awesome high-speed escapade of flying shining courageous mobians while kicking the Robotnik's butt to the Ruby portal as a form to pay him for once and all in Titanic Monarch that was blasting itself to ruins... this is extraordinarily good.
I couldn't grasp all of this marvelous show at once. I was so amazed, especially with Knuckles, my favorite one, finally being capable to turn into super after many years and years. He was the first character I picked to play Mania initially. The last-of-the-race guardian echidna having the capacity of blasting off through the zones at great speed and great power with his glimmering almighty form, was the greatest moment I have had so far with this game.
The special stages, themselves, were a blast to experience in the first place. With the much better super reward, the quality bar went from "great" to "perfect". Mania presents the best handling of the transformations, and it SHOULD be adapted and expanded further and further to future games, 3D or 2D, classic or modern.
Granted, the final secret boss was a little bad, although.
I really, really hope Mania 2 will follow this, and expand it. Taxman is the man. Take that, Iizuka.
Why was Unleashed so good when it was mostly fresh blood but Forces is so bad?
I really don't hate it, but I think a proper Mania tier revamp could make it look a lot better. I think the shading really does make it look weaker now compared to the other games.
*fresh blood who know what Sonic should be
FTFY, since they keep swapping out employees between games and Forces had two newbies under the instruction of Kishimoto
Because the talent was put into the artstyle, not the gameplay. Iirc the Rush level designer was on Unleashed, which had the best boost level design.
I miss the Flicky Army of Death desu.
Tails was always my favorite and he got shafted. Feels bad man
Better direction
Didn't a couple of guys who did the levels for Unleashed also work on Generations?
I just prefer the style of 1/2's sprite, 3's looks a bit silly. Regardless, Mania's is the best of both sprite styles and is the most based aside from the wrong shade of blue that can be easily fixed with mods.
Actually, I think Tria Amentia does the sprites a little more justice.
Forces just reeked of Sega trying way too hard to appeal to all possible demos. They brought back a bunch of old villains (but not really), they brought back the more serious but still goofy kind of tone that the Adventure games (especially 2) had, they brought back Classic Sonic again for no real reason, etc.
TL;DR Forces was a mess because Sega was trying to please everyone without a cohesive vision
Does Nights canonically have sharp teeth?
>I was smirking through all the 1st playthrough getting references from things
People like you are so sickening. "I clapped when I saw the thing I knew!" Get the fuck out, leave Sonic to the people who actually care about gameplay. If Mania is the new direction of the franchise then I weep for what comes next.
Cause pretty much all the concept art, and the intro movie for into Dreams, does have Nights with sharp teeth.
Pretty kino user. I think the first one looks perfect.
wait, are you this guy? wow that brings back memories
We'll be lucky if we even get a port to xbox one, ps4, or nintendo switch.
Stop avatarfagging
It's a "Taxman is the reason Green Hill is in the game" Episode
Surprised you're saying that to them and not the rotor poster
I agree. The roster may be a letdown but the stages look pretty fun and varied for the most part.
No, I don't go on /sthg/ because from what I've heard it's even worse than here.
A cheeky little smile != A standing ovation
Settle down
It's a cesspool of shitposters and underaged posters now. Maybe 2 years back it was not that bad, but not now.
I actually prefer /sthg/ to here because at least on /sthg/ you're actually allowed to like some 3d sonic games.
Well they're both pretty bad.
Who said you weren't? 3D discussion has been fine lately besides the obvious shitposters.
It used to be better until a couple of shitposters ruined the place.
If you even claim to think the Adventure games are fun you'll be beset by the classic fanatics and hesse posters saying shit like "THERE ARE NO GOOD 3D SONIC GAMES!" and the like.
>dipshit with no drive
>literally making FREE VIDEO GAMES
Fuck off
I like Sonic Mania, but when are we getting a successor to Sonic CD? A Sonic style game that takes the weird aspects and has an emphasis on exploring, shit like that
Not anymore, especially not tonight. Right now one guy's storytiming the latest IDW issue, another is storytiming a Sonichu comic, and the two are taking potshots at each other.
You do realize the hessefag is only like one or two guys, right? Don't take excuses like him seriously. And I'm saying this as a classicfag myself. Don't worry too much about it.
**besides the obvious shitposters.
You literally just sited two blatant shitposters. At best, SA1/2 aren't cancerous trash, just old outdated poorly aged games.
As far as I'm concerned the only 3D game people aren't allowed to like is Heroes.
Fuck Heroes.
Otherwise I'll just scoff and carry on. Besides a lot of modern Sonic hate in these threads is a kneejerk reaction to /sthg/ raiding during Mania hype threads. We tribalist now.
Sure, but it's still a pain in the ass. And considering TSR looks like it'll be OK at best and there hasn't been much mention of what will be at SXSW, things aren't looking too hopeful.
I honestly think it looks fine. The more stages they show the better it seems to look. It looks like they tried to have variety in the zones based on the fact that the ice zone also has a volcano stage.
hey lange
Honestly SXSW day is just gonna be a shitshow in general no matter what gets announced.
oldest comeback in the book, they say, if it was him he'd be using his tripcode.
sometimes i forget you cant turn off tripcodes when defending yourself, my bad
>tsr will be the best 3d sonic game since unleashed
oh no no no
I'm going to be optimistic and assume you meant "at worst" instead of "at best".
I think he's more frequent on Yea Forums than /sthg/ though.
Really? cause I've seen him absolutely go to town on /sthg/
>best Modern Sonic game since Sumo's last game
No, at best. Those games highest parts are literally outdated by modern stanards. Nothing from that point in time reflects the common interest of eastern trends. Bleach, Z/GT, Full Metal Alchmist? All of those don't even draw the same appeal anymore for anime stuff. Most anime is moeshit and cutest crap. The gameplay is outclassed by better iterations done years later in other games/fan games, with the only thing that game still could have a market for is the fucking tamagotchi simulator people still keep taking about.
what transformed? that glitchy shitty game with no content, a boring roster and items, and shovelware tier gimmicks that constantly break? all stars 1 is a way better game
Yeah, and I kek'd at that, because even though it's all incredibly true, I still had fun with the game and it's up there as one of my favorite kart racers. Roster wise it had its issues but it also had creative stages and set pieces and I find it more fun than the first one was, and I didn't mind the items being boring since they were more strategic. Also flipping>plain old tricks and the speeds you can reach made it fun as hell.
the speed is fun. and some levels like burning rangers, after burner, and skies of arcadia are pure kino. but by and large, almost every time ive played it, i had massive collision and detection issues with the transforming portals. and the regular driving is still the best part of the game. the netcode also goes in hand with the items, sometimes rockets and bees could do nothing to me but then some times, one doesnt hit me dead on and i spin out. im glad its back to karts only
I can agree there as I've been getting back into it recently (never unlocked Reala and AGES and want to before TSR) and I have been seeing through the cracks the game has. Game could have benefited from a delay or some extra polish like TSR got for sure.
I very much don't want to gather even more bad sentiments for you, but there might be a reasonable motive for why Tails didn't get his army, other than the probable stupid excuse of (jealous) Iizuka to ensure they "don't go too far".
Taxman might have made Super Tails the way he is in Mania, to align with the tellings of Yuji. Yuji has explained that Tails is "too young", too inexperienced to turn into a transformation, with only the Chaos Emeralds. He needs the Super Emeralds, in order to turn into super (Super, not Hyper).
In Mania, Tails can transform now normally to super with just the Chaos Emeralds, but without his army. I suppose that Taxman wants to subtly dictate that Tails can only have his flickies through the Super Emeralds.
So, that's why, I guess. Regardless, I do agree that Tails didn't deserve to lose his special exclusive ability (to be honest, that didn't bother me much, as I was more worried and focused with Knuckles).