You let them down Yea Forums, now they will be crucifiwd
You let them down Yea Forums, now they will be crucifiwd
Other urls found in this thread:
I honestly thought they went bankrupt like a decade ago. What do they even make now?
Their only mistake was that they apologized.
This. Apologizing after offending people is like sawing your entire leg off after shooting yourself in the foot.
they got the rights to timesplitters.
>AMA on 8ch
they went bankrupt in 2013. they were a trash company that made absolute bottom of the barrel shovelware and deserve to be shut down. yeah they made a few decent licensed games but for the most part they were garbage and that's why they went under. the chink company that bought quicksilver or whatever also bought THQ and made them THQNordic. all they do is release ports of THQ IPs. it's just a white label at this point like Atari is. the original company is long dead.
i don't care
maybe they should have come to Yea Forums instead
get woke, go broke
Yep. Good riddance.
>Yea Forums makes KCD into a million seller despite the DNC pulling strings to stop them
I would sympathize with them if they didn't apologize.
Fuck em.
THQ the American based publisher in 2013, THQ Nordic is still around is still around and did Sunset Overdrive, Darksiders 3, and several others
uDraw and Darksiders 2 are why old THQ went under
>now they will be crucifiwd
Good, fuckers are responsible for getting Metro Exodus on the Epic store.
There's no way that guy couldn't have known. The site being banned from Google search should have been more of a sign.
>defending them after they made metro exodus a epic store exclusive
y'all some npc
>public company
>associating with any chan site
>hUrR wE wErE JuSt PrETenDinG To bE rEtArDed
Not sure how much worldwide internet culture is known in Austria but really they did it to themselves.
Are you fucking stupid? THQ was founded by THQ Nordic, no Chinese company had anything to do with them being purchased or founded. THQ Nordic AB is a European company. No Chinese company bought Quicksilver either. Where the fuck are you idiots even getting this from? This crap isn't even on trash websites like Wikipedia, which I assumed is where you read this shit.
Really? Just ugh
Either way its a hilarious shitstorm
"old" THQ was called Vigil Games, newfag.
dumb nigger communists aka SJWs
There was literally no outcome to this that wouldn't have caused them to be absolutely crucified by game journo retards.
They chose the pedophile gamergate offsite and thought it was a smart business choice for investors/the average joe who reads shit like kotaku and polygon?
How fucking out of touch could you possibly be
Absolutely fucking BASED!
Tranny tears incoming
no dumbo, Vigil Games was Crytek Kiev
no their pr guy let them down lmao maybe next time he should do some research before posting
Again, the average joe didn't save their newest team acquisition, we, literally we did. This isn't like LEL DRUMF memeing, it was actually our effort that helped KCD get popular. Why the fuck would they waste time with socialist shitters that wouldn't buy your game unless it was filled to the brim with muslim lesbian disabled women?
this, libtards can go fuck themselves
Vigil Games made Darksiders and Darksiders 2 you fucking idiot, not THQ Nordic.THQ Published the game. Darksiders 2 was made before THQ Nordic was even founded as a game development studio
imagine believing this
Jesus christ how absolutely out of your element are you?
Hey tranny, how's the dialtion today?
>being this fucking deluded
Probably the last based member over there.
>How fucking out of touch could you possibly be
>the pedophile gamergate offsite
You tell me brainlet.
In 2014, the THQ trademark was acquired by Nordic Games, which had acquired some of THQ's properties in the auction. The company renamed itself THQ Nordic in August 2016.
what ever retard it was a foreign company. THQ went under and Nordic games bought them and turned it into thqnordic. it's just a label. you're a fucking retard. the only thing i
was wrong about was the country the company was in. and i meant deepsilver not quicksilver.
8ch is literally one of the most autistic chan offshoots to exist and that includes 12chan and wizardchan
ahh yes because previously hosting /hebe/ and /loli/ and harboring pedophiles is just m....muh freeze peach!!!!!
Guess dailydot supports pedophilia, by their own logic, too.
>Hosting an AMA on a blacklisted site full of literal pedos, racists, nazis and all kinds of filth
They deserve every bit of backlash they're getting. Even a single person getting let go won't be enough to absolve them of this deliberate and terrible decision.
So you agree with me now? You really are a brainlet.
Yikes...oof....just ugh......yikers.......
All of that is false accusations
a fuckton of big gaming sites literally refused to review the game, has a pityful metacritic score from the few people who reviewed it and had no marketing whatsoever
if you actually think that most people that bought it were the average eurojank buyer you are in some hardcore delusion
why are you on this website
Good, this was a fucktarded marketing stunt
>going against the grain gets you banned.
Whats even the point of having a forum if everyone is forced to agree with one opinion and avoid any meaningful discussions?
Is this what totalitarianism feels like?
They kicked themselves in the balls by apologizing. Now the hyenas will go after them as fast and hard as they can.
I love manufactured outrage. This will be forgotten by tomorrow when the herd finds something else inconsequential to waste their neet lives being mad at. Just like everything else
>if you actually think that most people that bought it were the average eurojank buyer you are in some hardcore delusion
The game had hype before any dumb controversy
God you KCD retards are delusional. Do you really think all your fellow fans are kekistani cringelords?
>it's a pedo site
>but they banned all the pedo stuff
a small amount of autists on 8ch isn't enough to justify the consumer/media suicide they just did by doing a fucking AMA on that autistic shithole lmao
no lol Vigil Games made Homefront and Warface
THQ Nordic (former nordic games) made Darksiders 1 2 3
>on a blacklisted site full of literal pedos, racists, nazis and all kinds of filth
>the thing wrote this on Yea Forums
>the thing believes whatever the media tells him
>the thing has to go back trannyera
>[discriminatory word for LGBT people]
Yeah this is obvious marketing shit and you guys are lapping it up. They're baiting both sides with this shit.
i didnt even gave a fuck bout thq in current year, the angry beehive is giving them free advertising
The "hype" came from the kikestarter and went nowhere after they kept delaying it time and time again., You know what caused people to be interested in it again? SJW and their journo lapdogs who couldn't shut up how BLACKED medival Europe supposedly was. If they had just kept silent, it wouldn't have sold nearly as well as it did.
attaching your company's name to any chan is a fucking stupid ass move unless your company panders to actual degenerates
>check who's complaining about it
>it's LITERALLY all video game """""""""""""journalists""""""""""""" and retardera trannies with pronouns on their profile
Hope they get fucked
Cripplechan does have pedos, racists and nazis though. Are you retarded?
Fantastic, you know how to use a search engine, that still doesn't explain how you somehow thought a Chinese company had anything to do with any of these companies when you could easily search this up to see that it's wrong
>what ever retard it was a foreign company
That changes nothing, you're still a fucking idiot.
>and I meant deepsilver, not quicksilver
They didn't get bought out by a Chinese company either, dumb fuck. Koch Media bought them, and Koch Media is a subsidiary of THQ Nordic AB.
Are you actually retarded or are you baiting me?
The funniest part is that that first quote isn't even actually him, people were using the same name without the reporter tag and journalists fell for it hard.
I don't even know about their games so it's not like I'd buy from them.
So does Yea Forums.
Those people go everywhere.
>the thing wrote this on Yea Forums
so does reddit, and tumbrl did before the bot takeover
Marketing isn't a one way street nigger. There's a difference between controversial marketing and negative marketing. One keeps your name/b rand/product in peoples mind by casueing controversy, the other one harms you since it associates negatives with you. By apologizing the dude turned something that might've been controversial pr into negative one. since he admitted that he was a-ok with having an AMA on a site that is associated with CP, Nazis and whatever else they will now throw at him.
They are also on discord, the place you like to LARP at as a different sex.
Yes, and?
Yeah but cripplechan panders to that demographic. That was Hot Wheels whole schtick.
>some chink company or some shit
you're a retard and you're taking a massive L by trying to be semantic about this lol
the country wasn't the point you absolute fucking div. i don't keep up with THQ cause they're trash. i just remembered them being bought by a foreign company years ago. the country doesn't matter you dumb fuck. weird hill to try and die on.
How long before the mentally ill start doxxing THQ employees?
I'd like to think this is a joke, but I know it's not.
I assume it's already happening.
Wow you cripplechan niggers really don't have a lot of self awareness.
They're doing it already.
This is the only thing those whales can do quickly.
>banning CP is pandering to pedophiles
Wow what dimension of chess is hotwheels operating on?
You'd get banned and reported to the police if you posted CP on here, you'd get promoted to a mod if you posted CP over on that website.
Are you guys actually retarded? You can look this up so fucking easily and you still get it wrong. Vigil Games developed Darksiders, THQ just published the game. You can even look at the games credit and even the god damned box art to see who it making the game and who is publishing it.
Fuck off already.
Why wouldn't they at least do an AMA on Yea Forums instead? 8ch by far more extreme and vile site than even here, this is really moronic on their part they deserve the backlash for this desu.
Check out Yea Forums my man :)
They've been dead for years and they deserved it. Fuck off.
Stay mad, im getting these racists fired while dialating ;=)
How long until Yea Forums election tourists learn what doxxing is?
and? just because you hate white people standing up for themselves doesn't mean they are scumbags. Jewish people are bigger scumbags.
Pedophiles get banned though, so saying it's a pedophile site is misleading.
when you take the red pill it totally fucks up the part of your brain that handles socializing and understanding PR
>if I just keep on making it up someone will believe me
Is that the same kind of logic you use to convince yourself that you're born in the wrong body?
>_____ does have pedos, racists and nazis though
note: _____ = youtube, twitter, reddit, retardera, Yea Forums and every other website out there
>entire 8ch thread was filled with people going "Don't you dare fucking apologize for this, you'll just end up digging yourself deeper"
>THQN does it anyway
I cannot TOLERATE IT any longer
That's THQ Nordic, you idiot.
So they can't be there because they're here? Smart
>/loli/ still exists
>That other lolicon board still exists and is popular as shit
>pedophiles aren't banned and congregate in communities because MUH FREE SPEECH
You're an actual retard and probably the type of individual who defends those faggots
how do we get rid of resetera invaders?
The BO of 8s/v/ asked them to do it and they agreed.
>Yea Forums makes KCD into a million seller
Nobody actually believes this.
>guys it's not doxxing
Hello Kraut and Tea.
Oofa loofa......this ain’t it chief.....y’all kidding me?
How did you determine I hate whites exactly?
Yea Forums doesn't have loli/shota boards anymore, btw
because THQ doesn't exist anymore and THQ Nordic is the company's name now
The only retard here is the one who actually thought a Chink company had anything to do with anything ITT.
>>some chink company or some shit
You didn't say this. You said "the chink company that bought quicksilver or whatever also bought THQ and made them THQNordic" in Do you not even read your own god damned posts before arguing with people? Are you actually a sub 85 IQ nigger or are you just 14 years old?
Based inbred magapede retard.
chan makes KCD into a million seller despite the DNC pulling strings to stop them
Nice joke.
>admits that he goes there
>accuses others of doing it
Let's just assume that I fell for your baiting and you're not really clinically retarded.
the point is the country is irrelvant you autistic loser lol
why didn't they do it on reddit like a normal person
shieeet even Yea Forums would've been better
I just want to thank the pure autists that are still arguing over this instead of dumb /pol/ shit. You guys are alright.
Is the NPC meme real?
>going to 8gag
I'd tell you to go back there, but there's probably 3 posts a week at this point.
>mongolian cave paintings = child abuse
ok retard
real lazy, that's what it is.
move politics threads to /pol/ for starters
THQ's gotten a nice bit of free publicity from this
>t. yikesbot
>global rules state that you get banned for CP
Gee, guess we're as bad as they are then if not worse thanks to Yea Forums.
No one says that lines on paper are real people. The fact of the matter is that it's a drawing of a CHILD, and history shows that if you're attracted to CHILDREN you will probably eventually act on that impulse. You need to go to jail before you hurt someone.
Why is this even blowing up?
Studio Trigger and Hideki Kamiya both did Q&As on this site and no one ever raised a stink about it
Is 4+Yea Forums that much worse?
Never implied I didn't, 8ch has fantastic niche porn, it ALSO houses and encourages actual pedophiles under the guise of 'muh freedom' which is fucking pathetic.
Hope you get locked up and killed in jail one day you disgusting fucking faggot.
Can anyone think of a good way to ruin words like yikes, ugh, and oof? Imagine how fucking amazing it would be if Socjust types got their toys taken away from them.
simply wrong. yes, the radicals will never be appeased, but most other people will stop caring eventually after an apology and/or someone taking the fall.
ironic example since sometimes that is necessary.
All publicity is good publicity is such a retarded mentality.
Only allow actual videogame threads and not videogame """""related"""" twitter threads for a start.
Wait it's banned on Google search? Jesus fucking christ I knew the entire world locking down the internet to be liked China was coming but it's already happening I guess. Remember kids, nobody powerful benefits from you being free.
>t. actual bot
That would be RoM. They can’t ban her because she’s a minority, yet goes against the grain. Her resolve is unwavering. Absolutely based.
I'm on board if that still includes left wing politics threads, which for some reason people think aren't /pol/.
there's no reason to be racist.
>history shows that if you enjoy VIOLENCE you will probably eventually act on that impulse
I don't use it
I think along with me probably more than half of the people in the thread don't use it either and only came there for the AMA
based inbred nigger spic retard
Oof, bad take #yikes
Not a good look
It's pretty much the same but it was associated with GG so """journalists""" sperg out extremely hard about it
gee willikers, user, why would you want to do that?
So if I enjoy fictional acts of violence, does that mean I'm going to murder someone? Nice logic, you fucking retard.
Why does Reddit condone 8ch for having loli circles on the past when they 5 years ago had literal pedophile trading circles?
It was something awful passtime to doxx redditers and report them to the fbi
>it ALSO houses and encourages actual pedophiles under the guise of 'muh freedom' which is fucking pathetic
I mean, it doesn't, which you would know if you actually would go there. CP gets deleted faster then here where thredas with it can reach the bump limit.
So erither you're just bullshitting for (you)s or a retard which is more likley. So seeth some more retard, seeing how it's the only thing you're capable of.
Kill yourself
based diabetic trailershit
because it's turned into an echo chamber where trannies and cucks ciriclejerk eachother thinking their opinions are facts written in stone. I mean ffs it has a large second OT where a thread is literally complaining how women/trannies are treated ad nauseum.
It's worse than GAF ever was, but that's not a surprise considering it was made and now populated by all the ex-GAF faggots who stunk that place up.
Why did those fags go on 8ch instead of here?
you're wrong
first, that's the remastered and second it's the special thanks
nice try though
Yeah, why didn't they go to Resetera so they could just threaten and make stupid demands?
Oh look, an 8gagger memespouting like a nimrod.
Google isn't even the big problem, it's payment processors that ban you that really hurt. When you're out of money from donations because nobody can give you any you're fucked and in the past couple months you saw "wrongthink" sites getting closed simply becasue they couldn't afford it anymore after getting their moneyline blocked.
diabetic communist scumbag
But that's not the same thing at all and it's not true in the context you're trying to frame it. If you like comitting VIOLENCE on living things like animals, eventually history tells us you will escalate.
Because we don't have Mark (shoutout to Mark)
not an argument
There is pedos everywhere in the world in every community and you would not even know because smart pedos which are the majority do not reveal themselves.
You probably talked and had discusion about whatever stuff with many pedophiles and your life. How does that make you feel?
see: nothing shows playing a violent game will lead you to murder. being sexually attracted to children, typically, will make you a pedophile user.
>looking at drawings is comparable to hurting real animals
>go into the den of goobergators and pedophiles
>"wooow broken pr mechanics"
Wow... can you not? Can you just... not?
>Is 4+Yea Forums that much worse?
Only in the minds of those who see GG as eternal boogyman. Hel, at times you get more vidya discussions going on there then here, simply for the rule that only one thread per topic is allowed, making enough space for other discussions takling place and not only two or three main topics.
The flaws are that it's rather slow and sooner or later threads will turn into political shitflinging for one reason ro another.
Did anybody ask them about Dawn of War?
Cunny are sexy.
Holy shit is that the spagettios kid
Pedophiles are fucking protected and given secure communities to flourish in you fucking retard, even if they don't post CP, it's still being traded and shared.
Why are you defending those disgusting pieces of shit unless you support it?
>can't even come up with his own insults
based flyover turd for brains goblino
Awwww I'm vewy sowwy
All far left faggots look like down syndrome kids.
Never been on 8 before but this place is awful and no one on their sane mind would do that here. 99% of the posts would be wojaks and pepe shit.
>Beth dev goes on resetEra
>tells them they're too extrreme and it scares devs away from posting
>gets his blue mark revoked and banned
They've just proved him right in the end.
Because they actually talk about video games over there instead of making endless threads about which waifu do you want to marry and shit
By golly, user, are you having a breakdown right before our eyes? Are you okay?
based dumb faggot
pedos and right wingers should be shot and killed in left wing concentration camps
>sooner or later threads will turn into political shitflinging for one reason ro another
The reason is that it's comprised of all the people who got thrown out of Yea Forums for political shitflinging.
Oh no, baby, who hurt you?
>Pedophiles are fucking protected and given secure communities to flourish in you fucking retard, even if they don't post CP, it's still being traded and shared.
Yeah, on reddit if this thread is to be belived. Otherwise I'm sure you can point me to where on 2*2*2ch it happens.
After hearing the news like... I've lost faith in humanity
Mark is delusional.
Just, ugh.
yes, also stalker 2, freespace 3, summoner 1 and 2 remakes
>complaining about pedophilia when these resetera faggots constantly keep getting caught for having actual cp and trying to fuck kids irl
>Only in the minds of those who see GG as eternal boogyman
Now it all makes sense
someday I'm going to be a boyfriend. Unlike you.
I wouldn't feel too sad if every left wing totalitarian faggot californian were killed by based China Pooh
Shh. nobody tell him that pedophiles are more likely to be left-leaning due to it being the best chance at attaining validation.
The kiwifarms post is the only good one there
Shoutouts to Simpleflips
Oops, I mean Mark
based manboob-wielding monstrosity
nope. which i said earlier. it's not comparable. but being attracted to drawings of children is a gigantic redflag because you're attracted to children.
>guys behave
Journos are gearing up.
>specifically said it was chinese
>no it wasn't
>omg fucking retard lmao hahahahahaha the country doesn't matter
Nice job, dumb ass. Any more wise words for me?
Good. What did those cunts say about it? It was like printing money for GW.
t. catholic priest
>he isn’t left wing
Enjoying depictions of violence is a gigantic redflag because you're enjoying depictions of violence
>gamergate didn't literally cause a resurgence of the right, get over yourselves
But i tough it was the ruskies? Or are both one and the same???
I'm waaaay ahead of you then, you dumb scumbag piece of shit left wing faggot.
outrage culture is in full force I see
>THQ does a dumb Q&A to be "hip" without knowing what they're doing and they barely answer anything
>Eightchan freaks out and try their best to be muh sekrit club racist pedos because that's edgy and redpilled
>Twitter journalists freak out over the internet existing
>THQ makes a stock bootlicking apology post
Honestly who gives a shit
So why does Japan have some of the lowest counts of child abuse on the globe?
Vigil Games developed the original Darksiders and THQ published it. This is what people were talking about the entire time. Holy fucking shit, how dumb is Yea Forums?
The mistake was announcing it on twitter, the site that gathers the worst people out there
>is already attempting to start a witchhunt
Jesus fuck burn it down, burn it all down.
Can anyone tell me why game journalists are freaking out about this? Are they simply triggered by the word "chan?"
>magapede memespouter pretending to be conservative
Oh wow.
...So who's gonna be alive at the end, then?
based beta cuck "anti" fascist faggot
because if you lower the age of consent to include children its no longer a crime
Scaring away the tourists is probably the smartest thing they've done. The fewer people there the better. Means the threads stay slightly higher quality than Yea Forums's
ladies are not interested in red capped fly overs. I now what ladies like.
Jesus fuck this post radiates second hand embarrassment
>guy who got cucked by a fat ugly slut got trump into office
>choosing 8/v/ over us
Have we really sunk that low?
>this schizophrenia
Y i k e s
14 is hardly the age range we're talking about when it comes to "lolis" you goalpost moving schmuck.
A lot of Western European countries have the age of consent at 15, only 1 year above Japan.
All devs must conform to the left-wing groupthink. Anyone who refuses to do so is a pedonazi goobergator and literally worse than Hitler.
>go to /pol/'s cp den to do an obscure AMA about "video games"
>pretend you didn't know
Uh huh, sure... I think those responsible at THQ Nordic are about to have their computers seized and searched.
yeah, you dropped every other point you thought you had because you realized you were wrong, so now you're harping on this inconsequential mistake i made when i confused some literal who slav company from buttfuck nowhere in europe for tencent who has been buying shit left and right. in other words, you're a retard. take the L.
"I know what the ladies like"
Said the pushover beta orbiter male feminist
What they claim is not wrong.
What they're wrong about is that it's a minority. It's literally like
>then would you fuck a queer
>80 out of 100 say "fuck no"
>even a lot of gay would not fuck a tranny
But aren't the left trying to add pedophilia to the LGBTWTFBBQ shit?
Depictions of violence is not the same as being sexually attracted to children. Why are you doing this, pedo? It's been shown time and time again that pedos who get busted have lolitrash on their computers. They like kids. Violence doesn't have the same correlation from media to action.
Choosing a degenerate site filled with pedos and weebs is not the smartest choice for doing an AMA when you're a big boi company
Yikes stands for Young Indians Killed to Entertain Soviets. The Russian populace uses it as a code word amongst other nationalities to avoid police enforcement of their underground child fighting pits. Since the year 2013 “Indian” has only remained for tradition as they now use any child of ethnic background.
>8chn is a pedo website boo hoo
>liberals support this:
I hope God exists and burn all these people alive.
Journalists are lurking in this thread guys, please be a bit more progressive.
>The second question in the AMA contained a direct reference to pedophilia and it accompanied a drawing of two young women with ridiculously large breasts being fondled by a man towering behind them. In response to the question -- "Where the big tiddie lolis at?" -- Brock said, "You got them already we'd say."
Reddit had CP for the longest time and people do AMAs there.
based head full of memes and pants full of shit gigatoddler
because the japanese criminal justice system is an absolute joke
>It's been shown time and time again that pedos who get busted have lolitrash on their computers.
Literally the same with school shooters and violent video games
>you goalpost moving schmuck
>moves goalposts
sasuga retard
>this projection
Now you're being silly.
Fuck off.
Reddit isnt infamous for being that tho is it
Based and oppailoli-pilled
>State the facts, which is that Japan has the AOC at 14
>Durr you moved the goalposts!
Are you high?
slowpoke here what happened, it looks like the 8ch AMA went fine.
The fatass would kill all the vegans you posted.
Roast cock is nice
I do not look like that. I dress well and smell good. Beta is a label poor dumb people like you use haha I;m laughing. Ladies do love me irl and I could get anyone I want. Who I will be voting for is nobodies business but mine but it wont be tramp unlike you who is lieing about having a gf. cause no lady would ever date someone so rude and close minded.
Pedos are okay as long as they support the mentally ill movement.
That Brock dude is a funny guy, can't make jokes in modern society
Holy based
guilt by association
This, fuck retardera they don't buy games anyway
You mean like the UK criminal justice system? Do I need to remind you that our own police force hides and protects "Asian" pedo gangs because they don't want people to attack them because it "mite be wacist."
I’d Like to bring it to light that Reddit had plenty of CP for years and ama’s were conducted, Twitter and Tumblr aswell.
So other than progressive bias why is this factoid being neglected
>If we get our leftie journo friends to spam articles, it legitimizes our argument
It was a forbidden site where nasty words are allowed to be said, that doesn't flow well in our restricted feelings paradise.
based throat full of AIDS from sucking faggot semen
They wrnt in thinking nobody wouod ask about Timesplitters then theu did and had no reply or response besides its "koch medias now lmao"
You're the one who keeps pics of vegans on his PC for fapping, tubby.
Yea Forums really should be separated to multiple boards, there's so much traffic that even if jannies actually did their job, they wouldn't be able to clean anything
>People whose job it is to maintain the PR of a company need to know that associating their company with Nazis and pedophiles will not be tolerated. We gain a greater degree of moral accountability for gaming companies. They need to know that catering to these folks will lose them business every single time.
I keep them to shut fucking losers like you down. Nobody is gonna vote for aoc here, faggot.
Is there a difference between the definition of sexual offences against children in Japan and the UK?
We aren’t 8ch Yea Forums
I'm sure it doesn't lead to constant infighting and everyone desperately trying to fit in to the point where you can't even hold a conversation. If you want high quality discussions, go to chans with small userbases.
I go there for the share threads, since pirating is a sin here.
The youtube ecelebs that are pro free speech are now jumping in to shit on THQ. So much for anti sjw
>doing ama on blacklisted sites where people post pedo shit, racist shit is totally fine reddit is racist too
I wasn't even the guy you were talking to, I just wanted to point out how you're a retard.
do you know why THQ went under?
Lets hope they gain more money for this then.
Which shitty site is that? Sounds like Kotaku writing
based "I collect pics of BBC for research" cockwrangler
Are they being against free speech shitting on THQ?
>im the under 13 zoomy zoom , help me!
THQ was both a game development studio as well as a publishing studio. they Published Darksiders, they did not develop the game. Are you illiterate?
>not accepting humanities nature of fucking and being petty
I agree. It's shameful to act like it doesns't exist.
Made me laugh.
Oh no, not racist shit, that's so rare on the internet. This is a golden, multicultural paradise where nobody ever has disagreements based on cultural preference or ethnicity.
yikers.... oofer boofers... Yikies...
>I keep them to shut fucking losers like you down.
You're doing a terrible job of it, butterball.
Despite all the bitching and whining Patrick Klipklec klepklic klicklep whatever his name was sure was eager to screen shot and document a lot of the ama. He even explained how comments work there.
No, they're joining the resetera outrage to get views. They probably think the chans are dark web tier sites.
dumbest shit i heard today
That's going to be an oofa doofa from me, lad
This but unironically
Dude's a funny guy and can make jokes. Something that obviously isn't allowed in CY+4.
Actually that's what you do user. Post them.
Seeth harder.
>yeah, you dropped every other point you thought you had
Except that I proved you wrong on every single point you brought up. You even mixed Quicksilver with Deepsilver, yet i'm supposedly the person who doesn't know what they're talking about? Nice job, underaged. Can you actually show me what points I dropped or are you going to keep shitposting? I pointed out how it wasn't a Chinese company like you said it was and that it was THQ Nordic AB, and I also pointed out how Neither Quicksilver or Deepsilver got bought out byt he same company you thought bought them initially. These were the only points that I brought up and I saw through to them in regards to proving your stupid asshole wrong. Now show me what points I dropped. i'll wait.
Hey i have a question about the tenacity of your shitposting? Why do you do it? I'm legitimately curious.
Is it to make people mad?
Do you care about the sides of the argument?
What goes through your head before you hit the post button?
I'm not trying to come off as facetious or anything like I said I'm curious
Imagine being a racist in 2019.....oof!
Sure, I wouldn't fuck em, but I don't give a fuck about what they do either.
fuck off to any of those, and never comeback
Right, well well done and making yourself look like a fucking retard.
>It's not a crime if you can fuck children!
>The legal Japanese AOC is 14
Sort of noticed something. On the outrage forums I realized it's the same two or so dozen people raging like crazy. I even used a custom extension to tag and highlight certain usernames and it's always them in every thread. How many active users does the site actually have?
They would've if not for apologizing for it. The dumbest thing they could've done and I wouldn#t be suprised if the dude gets fired for it.
>leftists all defend James Gunn for his pedo jokes
>also, attacking THQ Nordic for posting on a board that happens to have CP
Why are they so inconsistent with their logic?
>this entire post
Could you also answer
>THQ was founded by THQ Nordic
wrong, dumbfuck.
the only thing i got wrong in my post was saying a chink company bought them instead of a slav company. you're sperging out over essentially a typo lmao. go get laid you ugly virgin
>They need to know that catering to these folks will lose them business every single time
Is this supposed to imply "because Nazis won't buy your games" or "because then WE won't buy your games and we are more important"?
>defending pedophiles
fucking christ, the absolute state of whiny faggot 8ch users flooding this website because of this THQ trainwreck
I chuckled.
I find it incredibly funny that Resetera complain about pedos when their former safespace was led by pedos.
Let's be honest, they'd be sperging out if THQ did the AMAon Yea Forums , or even gamefaqs.
uuhh what?? this is why we can't have nice things. I'm literally shaking right now. WTF oof umm... yikes?? oh boy yeah no. What were they thinking? ewwww
This is literally my face in the pic right now wooooow.
Are you crying right now, fatty?
That's gonna be a yikes from me dawg
the guy is getting fired and blacklisted after this right
Just make a stupid low effort video with a Roblox model doing the sig heil while Erika with "oof"s is on the background.
>making a joke is the same as possessing child pornography
almost as if.... they create outrage......... for blog clicks..................................... damn
Fucks like you are the perfect example how outrage culture can control a persons life, rendering him completly unable to think for himself.
It's amazing everyone here can see this is the case but still /pol/ refuses to accept it too is an echo chamber where nothing meaningful gets discussed.
All of this outrage over literally nothing.
I don't understand why or how anyone could possibly be offended by any of this.
Lets unpack this
>8ch can't even get a text back, literally filled with incels
>mocks a man who gets laid in a stable monogamous non fag relationship
lmao what an absolute stitch up
Let's be honest here; journalists aren't mad because of the pedo shit, they're just mad because the site has the word "chan" in it.
Stop self projecting and post your BBC collection you fucking ADD piece of shit. Focus.
just fuck already
directly conveying your feelings is aggressive and toxic, you need to be more passive-aggressive. instead of saying "i disagree with you" try saying "uhh... guys... really?
Please clarify
Didn't they take the same mods that were on neogaf? Same shit, just with a different color.
>wrong, dumbfuck.
THQ Nordic, as a company, was founded by THQ Nordic AB in 2013. Are you still going to shitpost or will you finally fuck off?
This is your brain on america.
Explain your thought process behind this
You’re already seeing it in action, the way to kill it is to just make them look at what they are doing. They act like literal robots, it’s embarrassing. Big OOF
>Goes to cripplechan
>Let them down
Nah, they played themselves.
>implying Gunn isn't an actual pedophile
Fucking christ you 8ch refugees are hilariously pathetic, just neck yourself already, my god.
>needing 1 million likes just to have sex with your wife makes you a chad
user i ..
You're the butt of all the jokes, so I don't have to do much.
you are retarded and have no idea what you're talking about whatsoever
Who will be the most outraged about this?
My bet is on kotaku.
When the main audience of this board is actual 12 year olds I wouldn't try to make sense of those.
How did this Mark guy convince him anyway?
>>the only thing i got wrong in my post was saying a chink company bought them
Then you tried saying that you didn't say this when you actually did, not to mention that you also confused two completely different companies while still trying to argue about chinks.
>wrong dumbfuck You're the dumbfuck here, see
None of their answers seemed worth getting riled up over. The other posters in the thread acted like hyper idiots and spammed a bunch of dumb non-important shit, but the content of their answers seemed fine.
If they were smarter, they wouldn't have posted there themselves and instead just have the board operator actually post their answers for them. Might've saved some backlash.
They have such strong boycotting power with them.
Leftist types freaking out and virtue signalling about pedophiles will never stop weirding me out. It's like when people post "thank you for your service" to show support for a vet that agrees with gun control.
Why the fuck would they go on 8ch and how is it my fault?
>game dev has an AMA on a site for literal Nazis and pedophiles
>why would you be upset
Unironically, yikes dude
literally every public domain is a honey pot, and if you look at sex offenders in your area via the sex registry map you will find like 6-8 people in your area. I'm not saying those people don't deserve rope, but you're delusional if you think resetera,discord, or reddit are safe havens. Mods,users,and community related threads from those sites have been busted for CP;like multiple times.
pic related
>accusing others of pedophilia
We know you like kids user
Compared to the actual incel faggots at 8ch? Kiiiiinda does lmao
I mean, Mark told them what they were getting into. As much as I respect their decision to go through with the AMA, they honestly should have known that this was going to get them publicly castrated by every gaming outlet.
Actually, I'm starting to get the feeling none of these PR teams for any of these publishers or devs have any fucking idea what's going on outside of their bubbles. It seems like every time they do something that's not completely, one hundred percent kosher they apologize with the same exact wording "We had no idea what we're doing."
I grow more and more convinced that these people have no idea what they're doing.
Dude, this is who you are talking to. They are legitimately insane.
>He should never have apologized for posting on a pedo site
itt: literal pedo fags
>jack of to loli and oppai loli
>find children in real life the most disgusting shit in existence as they're annoying, they stink, and their face always have fluids coming out of it
It's not hard, retard. Have some self control and don't be a god damn moron?
I can find fucking real pedo shit on YouTube easier then I can here
It absolutely was him, the Reporter capcode does not show up in new replies until the page is refreshed. I can be certain it was him because the name field is disabled on Yea Forums, which is why the AMA required Reporter accounts in the first place as opposed to tripcodes.
>calling big tit loli drawings pedophilia.
us gaymen have morals, and will not buy from you, we stand for diversity, and equality, not bigoted nazi and pedos, we will not buy your shit boycott now.
only? they already bent the knee to SJWs. i dont understand why Yea Forumstards are praising them. they just lost the game like other western devs and will never be against SJWs. literal fucking shitcucks. losers.
Why do I get the feeling they're more upset that they didn't get chosen for the AMA over chan?
>goes on and proves my point
I hope at some point in your life you start to use the marble you call brain in your head and realize what's really going on.
sO, Is it actual CP or is it just drawings?
Ruh Roh Scoob did you say c-c-c-controversy?
Better post about it on twitter to virtue signal to my 9 followers and forget about it and pretend to be upset at the next thing.
Meanwhile 8ch actively hosts and encourages pedophiles who fucking trade CP in user created boards thanks to /hebe/ being shut down.
That being said, /hebe/ being shut down was the greatest tragedy to ever happen to 8ch, they should've just fucking hoarded the IPs and sent them off to authorities.
Do we have a site for figurative nazis and pedophiles?
fuck off moralfag
Retard, not one single time it has been proven that being politically incorrect hurts sales. This is a fucking false narrative.
Explain why you can’t get laid
Thats alotta buzzwords
Gets me every fucking time.
ur posting on one rn 2
u kno?
Sure, but you first. Since I asked first
Actual CP
Don't let the pedos tell you otherwise.
Because that's exactly what is going on.
No developers want to put up with their psychotic hugbox.
I think there was a CP board, but the catch was that it didn`t have actual CP, just images of children in general.
It isn`t around anymore, as far as I know.
Incels could always opt for a prostitute. A guy that's cucked by his wife, that's below omega.
Fucking Christ man that dude didn't deserve that
Go back to trannyera
I think a lot of companies just underestimate backlash. In this case they just think "Sure we can do an AMA there, what's wrong with that?" and then shit hits the fan.
Did they do an AMA here?
We let THEM down? How 8ch is the one that fucked them, hell we've had Kamiya and others without a shitstorm. Fuck off OP
>it didn't have actual CP
Except for the blatant CP trade.
>actually admitting to being an incel
Don’t shoot up a school
They think Yea Forums elected Trump. So, in order to avoid the "bis" they are trying to character assassinate Yea Forums, by pretending all the legitimate real life furry cuckolds are the cool kids, and only rejects (must be tens of millions but hey) vote for the republicans. There's also other reasons but that's the main one.
8ch was founded on actual CP boards of underwear models/pur-e nudism.
They deleted the board with models but keep open the various other pedophile ridden boards and do nothing about actual pedophiles on the website.
80% of the 8ch userbase is from those initial pedophiles and more who come there because they know they can get away with it, MAYBE 20% is gamergate autists.
Greetings bogdanoff, we meet again
>like seeing a bunch of WH40K Chaos cultists
They shutdown /hebe/? I haven’t been there in ages, what was the problem with it?
Link to source?
Who? I just heard that from previous threads, user.
You DO realize that paying for sex is the most pathetic thing a human being can do right?
>does a major and well known website on the public internet with millions of active users, located in the US, constantly under scrutiny and likely government attention, host child pornography?
Gee I fucking wonder
>Link to source?
Nice try, FBI.
Yeah, it probably would've been fine here.
Can someone post some cp already to scare the resetera niggers away
Why haven't you joined the winning side yet?
>Atlus censored away the transphobic content from Catherine Full Body
>CDPR Twitter guy that made disrespectful jokes got fired
>Even Sony and Valve are censoring loli now
>Hbomberguy raises 340,000 dollars for transgendered children while streaming Donkey Kong 64
>Klei takes out character based on white colonizers because it's culturally problematic
>NetherRealm Studios alters the female character's designs to be classier and more sensible for the new era
>Nintendo censoring Game&Watch offensive native American mimicry
>RDR 2 sold 17+ million and makes fun of racists
>Speedrunners that are too "redpilled" got taken out of the speedrunning charity shtick
>The Witcher Netflix series has African American and Indian women in major roles
>Ubisoft bans people for using toxic language in their chat (Including the n-word)
>We have based people making their own games, just like they were told to 4 years ago (The Last of Us 2)
>THQ Nordic apologized after hosting an AMA on 8ch
Shouldn`t be illegal, though.
>That being said, /hebe/ being shut down was the greatest tragedy to ever happen to 8ch, they should've just fucking hoarded the IPs and sent them off to authorities.
>what is sunshine
Not to mention that the rest of your post is just made up bullshit, but hell, you don't even know the most basic shit about 4x2 chan. Guess you're new and just recently joined the self-mutaliation club.
You mean overestimate?
Last I checked Nike and Gillette are doing just fine.
Nobody is not going to purchase a game published by THQ because of this.
They'll issue a "we're sorry you got upset" and those types will move onto whatever Trump did the next hour.
Holy fuck how low has Yea Forums fallen that it's filled with post after post of unironic cry posting over this shit. Anything said about cripple chan in this thread basically also applies to Yea Forums but all the complete fucking newfags who came here post 2016 thinking this is some progressive safe space are completely out of touch "I can't believe people post politically incorrect shit on an anonymous imageboard, that's basically a hate crime". You dumbshit fags need to fuck right off because you clearly don't belong here.
i'd like 8ch more if every non-porn board wasn't /pol/
>t.boganoffs son
white people are really pathetic
>Resetdrone with a Mazinger avatar
Cringe and unbased
>feeling dizzy and nauseous
How do these people function in real life?
The board was literally used to trade CP.
They shut the board down but banned no IPs, free trade of CP is still prevalent on 8ch.
That's the point of 8ch, you dumb fucker.
Name the board.
So at the end of the day it was Mark (the owner of 8ch's Yea Forums) desperate for views that fucked THQ, 8ch is fucking dying, it's tiny, the audience there can't be any good for THQ marketing anyway
The same stuff you find here. So no.
We are having tons of fun, though. You are the one crying, you faggot crybaby.
>people getting baited by shitlords who pretend like 4+Yea Forums is some bastion of free speech
they know exactly what that site is
the people at thq nordic who organised it know exactly what that site is
the people trying to bullshit you know exactly what that site is
The liberal ones... But make no mistake, these folks are in most countries these days.
>defending cuckholding just to own the incels
oof.. thats a REEEALLY bad look.
Give me the rundown. I was at work when they were posting on doublech.
Imagine defending a website which takes no action on actual pedophiles trading CP, leaving it up to the "board owner" to step in.
You're fucked in the head
>dizzy and nauseous
>from words on a screen
fucking Christ. I'm actually glad Trump is a Russian sockpuppet and that the Chinese are crushing us in a culture war.
Just fuck my society up, senpai.
Even Filipinos are into cuck shit
Which board does this? You know you can just report it and they have to delete it within 24 hours or the site gets shut down, right?
It's amazing how fast people move on from things in the internet age. I imagine some from ResetERA won't forget, but they probably weren't gonna buy shit anyway.
I never actually thought they were that big. Also, wasn't that started due to GG?
>was it X or Y?
based retard
yikes im actually on there
They have to live in an enviroment made specially for them, around the LA and Seattle area.
The state pains tons of taxes to allow them to live in a place where they don`t have to ever improve nor struggle. A "Safe Space" if you will.
Age of consent in japan is 18
>>Atlus censored away the transphobic content from Catherine Full Body
Atlus America.
>>Hbomberguy raises 340,000 dollars for transgendered children while streaming Donkey Kong 64
Pewdiepie got hundreds of thousands more for his charity stream
>We have based people making their own games, just like they were told to 4 years ago (The Last of Us 2)
This one is true. The idiots are making their own shit now.
Have you consumed to much yos bean
This thread is mainly just ripping on pedophiles from 8ch and the resulting fallout this'll cause for THQ, not giving a shit that THQ did an AMA there
Have you ever been to the site? It was probably due to copyright shit
>Yea Forums is an infamous hacker
>4channel is literally l*ddit 2.0 and 4 + Yea Forums steals all the fame
Also it negates any need for you to have an actual self-made opinion about something. All you need to do is turn your face to your tribe with a "uuuhh..." in order to get into this incredible intellectual circlejerk. Even if you can't think of something to counter your opponent's argument, you'll rest easy thinking "someone out there would absolutely obliterate them in my place, so it's fine if they've shut down all my arguments".
Don't miss out this bargain and get into this intellectual pyramid scheme at the low cost of your self awareness and pride.
Being proud of being a cuckold should be classified as a form of mental illness more than actually being a transvestite.
No they don't, they use white men's companies and white men's engines and whatever is left of white men developers. He won't address that his trannies killed Arenanet for one.
how many levels of irony are you on right now
>see cp
>report it
>wait 24 hours
>if not removed you can inform authorities and they restrict access to the site in the US
One could almost, ALMOST think that you're either making up bullshit for the sake of (you)s, or that you're genuinely retarded and simply believe everything on the internet without even trying to check if it's true. Take whatever makes you seeth less, brainlet.
>8ch Yea Forums owner markets their board because it is fucking DYING
>oh no they are stealing all the fame
lol hi mark
>they have to delete it within 24 hours or the site gets shut down, right?
You're actually fucking retarded lmao
More onions in this post than actual onions itself
>buy MX vs ATV supercross remaster
>20 fps, every tree flickers on outdoor maps, ridiculous loading times ,glitchy geometry, broken online
good riddance.
As far as I remember, there was no actual CP, just pictures of gravure models, or nudist beach pictures. I’ve seen more CP here than on cripplechan after years of browsing both
There’s no need to be ironic anymore. We won. We actually won.
Wrong, once the rightwing moved in the pedos were gone,
wtf I love thq nordic now
Yeah, I don't know about those numbers. It probably does have more pedos on it than Yea Forums (already a much larger proportion than the general population) due to the contrarian spirit of the site and its looser moderation, but I doubt it's anywhere close to 80%, at least judging by the boards I've frequented. I also doubt most weebs and edgy loli posters are "actual" pedophiles with actual CP.
8ch will never shake their reputation and probably will never substantially grow because of it.
So there aren't any and you're just baiting. Should've known better.
Then why is Trump still president?
So does every site on the internet, they're just more upfront about it.
The kicking out step happens because they overtake the original fanbase. That's normal and has and will happen to niche things that get popular now and ever.
thq talked to 4+Yea Forums about stuff and they did answer a few and then blue checkmarks/trannyera started sperging out
>They chose the the pedophile gamergate offsite
But they didn't choose resetera
Based cryptocentrist.
>THQ Nordic hosts an AMA on 8ch
>Apparently the board's owner, Mark, told the PR guy he'd "Take care" of the nasty posts
>8ch shitposts AND ask genuine questions about games like Destroy all humans and Timesplitters
>AMA ends 1 hour in
>Twitter blows up and says 8ch is a place for pedophiles and CP
>THQ Nordic immediately apoligizes
>We are basking in the aftermath.
It's pretty funny,all things considered.
>8ch will never shake their reputation
That's irrelevant, even ignoring the fact you can't google search them they simply don't offer anything Yea Forums doesn't
Based sandnigger
Who the fuck is Mark?
>I used TOR as protection
Nice try with the shaming language kiddo is better to be Nazi and Racist than a Cuck and censorship advocate. Show us the CP you have on your computer.
Tell me, where is your wall? Oof!
I'm finally quitting video games bros.
What are some good hobbies?
Didn't Yea Forums have the same rep?
You're right, they chose 8ch which is what he implied.
What the fuck is wrong with these people?
It's like watching those random ass retards in the YouTube comments section try to talk about anything.
You're trying pretty hard there, user. Why is that?