>2,611 shekels per video
2,611 shekels per video
okay sseth we get it, you can finally stop making threads about yourself
Not sure what this is about but I fucking hate you faggots.
hey hey people
him and danielfromsl are the only decent game youtubers desu
>steals your video and claims its his own
nothing personal, goyim
>You're wasting your time trying to reason with Sseth fans. Once you're giving someone money to make content this poor it'll be near impossible to be convinced that you should stop. If you're PAYING FOR MEMES then you're obviously a fucking idiot and nothing is going to make you think you should stop because you're already paying for the bottom of the barrel
>How can Sseth disappoint or let down people whose expectations are already so low?
ecelebs go in
So what did you think about the new Kenshi vid anons?
i thought it was nice seth, kinda interested in the game now but it looks very janky and difficult to learn and i feel like i couldn't really get into it right now
>is a shlomo
>steals content from others
>gets paid from patreon
why are goyims so retarded?
>/pol/ has gone so far out it's cannibalizing its' own
horseshoe theory was right
At least he gets paid from actually posting, instead of collecting shekels per months while rarely posting
Funny joke, but he's a massive jew. First one in the ovens
you learn as you go dumbass, is the best way to learn any videogame, unless you are an autistic fuck
ah yes sseth the notorious alt-right /pol/ activist
stupid fucking cunt
how quickly does it turn from bumbling around and learning things the hard way to actually having fun?
i liked mount and blade, although i did get bored once i realized it was just going to be more "amass big army -> take over castle -> amass even biggerer army"
I thought he was such a regular Slav
wtf I love the merchant guild now