It's canon there are no animals in the pokemon world

it's canon there are no animals in the pokemon world

they are the animals

that means that humans are pokemon too

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Pokémon lore makes no sense and shouldn't be given the time of day by anyone but ten-year-olds.

human's aren't animals

Pokedex entries mention animals

I think Gen 4 confirmed that, and that humans used to marry pokemon(gross!).

Isn't that a whole minor plot point in one of the games. Or at least an NPC brings up the question

Pretty sure we technically are.

Get out Mohammed

The Pokedex in red and blue definitely made reference to real life animals.

Yes, we are animals. Mammals specifically

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So you don't eat sleep and shit?

What the hell is this then? And don't even bring up the, "Pokedex is completely wrong" theory, because how else would someone think of something so specific as "Indian Elephant".

>pokedex entries refer to pokemon as the ''insert X animal'' pokemon
whatever op


Forgot picture

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what the fuck

"Indian Elephant" is just a type of pokemon that hasn't been shown yet, it'll be in gen 8.

Well, duh. That's kind of it.
Pokedex isn't canon, though.

Seagulls are often featured in the TV-show though.

Why don't the villain organizations just use guns to do their jobs? It's not like you always have your pokemon out so a gun draw is going to be faster than summoning your pokemon. And it's not like all pokemon are resistant to steel bullets and physically tanky. And don't give me that "they haven't invented it" bullshit as you're telling me they somehow advanced in chemistry and physics enough to develop rockets but not firearms?

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Did someone save the thumbnail?

I think there was an episode of the Japanese version of the show where Jessie & James had a gun to some old man's head.

why don't jessie and james do something other than try and steal the same kid's pikachu for 20 fucking years?

And normal everyday fish show up too


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Maybe all non-human animals became extinct, hence humans creating pokemon to take their place.

low-effort bait, here's your (You) you stupid nigger

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Is this in the jap version? Translations aren't canon.

don'y make me say the nigger word you dickhead.

God made us in our own image, you shit stains.

That is kinda gross desu, at least post better fanart.

IIRC pokemon have some biology thing that lets them be digitized so they fit in balls and PCs. Humans dont have that which is why you cant catch them. That means any other plants and animals that arent pokemon can exist.


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>same egg group as muk and weezing
>not even in the human-like egg group

> made us in our own image


I'm not even religious, but isn't it "His image"?

we don't need no water let that poke-y-man burn

Yes and we created God in our image so in the end he created us in our own as well.

im dying squirtle

What if I worship Arceus?

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Then you are stupid.

how do you know pokeballs and PCs can´t affect humans?

also, plant pokemon are made of meat too? and oviparous?


Be careful with that meme it's an antique

what happened in the great pokeyman war, Yea Forums

why is it not referenced anywhere else besides lt surge

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What about this one?

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le rickrolle

Nah man, humans aren't animals. I know animals. Now my question is; is a chicken a bird or an animal? It confunds me to this day.


That meme predates Rick Roll by over a decade, user.

chickens are feathered humans

Just how intelligent are Pokemon, really? Are they just as sapient as humans? In the anime and movies we've seen special Pokemon like Mewtwo, Lucario, and Meowth etc. that can speak with humans. Whenever trainers communicate and give commands to their average Pokemon, they seem to understand each other very well. Are average Pokemon just as sapient, or are they more akin to wild animals?

is milk cow soap or cow juice?

They have the intelligence of a child at least unless their whole design is them being stupid (like magikarp).

You'd be surprised how many times I've had to use this diagram.

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Behold! A man!

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I wanna fuck an absol so bad bros

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What's the white square?

Some Pokemon have human level intelligence like xatu or gardevoir

If you knew both humans and animals then you'd know that some humans are far more animalistic than others and animals can be much better people than people

That's a lie, people in Pokemon world eat animal meat and derivatives.

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>it's canon there are no animals in the pokemon world
The Pokedex mentions regular animals a number of times

So Warner Brothers had it wrong the whole time?

Cow Soap I believe

I want to believe you but I think you're trying to deceive me.

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There are actual bees in Vespiqueens attack/defend/heal order. Also Pokerus isnt a pokemon

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Refined cow extract.

Wait but if chiken isn't a mammal how do they have sex?? Needs boobie glands to make eg.