Peak performance

Peak performance.

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Other urls found in this thread:–1939


The Nazi's were good farmers
Look it up

>Keep saying "Blood and soil"
>Don't actually use blood in their soil

Missed opportunity desu

Must be true since the communists were dying of famine

i hated how the farms never lined up properly

They substituted it for Russian blood

It's actually one farm too many, one of them doesn't get harvested enough depending on the starting point of the villagers.

Yeah because Stalin had all the efficient farmers killed or sent to the gulags
It stuns me every time someone says they admire Stalin
At least with Hitler I can understand, he created the German Miracle, had the second highest standard of living in the world next to the USA during its economic boom
Stalin just fucked everything up repeatedly

>using mill as center to your farms
OP confirmed for never playing against human opponents. I hope you enjoy getting all your villagers dropping like flies to archers

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this is a problem I have as a newbie
I don't build enough tcs to serve as gathering points

>he created the German Miracle

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Its easy bro, just keep building more and nore TCs. Practically on all maps wood is the only resource you will never run out of. If you look at how pros play, they practically spam whole map with all buildings. Why they do it?
>it slows enemy advancement (you usually wipe all buildings before you push into main base)
>it allows you to build huge army from 0 to 75 pop limit in 20 seconds
>it clears fog of war

Do you even town center bro?



German Miracle usually refers to Germany's development after WW2

You do realize that Germany was Africa-tier during the Great Depression right?

Their money was at worthless as the Zimbabwe dollar at one point.

German Economic Miracle has only ever meant the boom in the 30s
Not sure where you heard that from


milk was like a million dollars and they burn the paper bills to live

Wrong game, dude.

It isn't tho


>German Economic Miracle has only ever meant the boom in the 30s
>Not sure where you heard that from
Pretty much everywhere?


Read the book Wages of Destruction

But the thread is about AoE2... and SHHHHH HA is in AoE2 too

I'm not denying the economic recovery though.
It's just that the term usually is used for timeperiod where he was already gone


Its a book, considered the magnum opus on the peace time german economy. It refers to it as the 1930's German Miracle.

What would be Hitler's stance on videogames and anime?

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Any art that didn't depict the struggle of the classes and tried to be as realistic as possible was Entartete Kunst according to nazi policy, so not much


I doubt there would be any, since Hitler placed so much importance on being outside and socialising, getting fit, ect. especially for the youth.
If there were it would probably be censored with regards to sexual content.

They would be free of niggers, faggots and feminism

>depict the struggle of the classes
Lol wut?
Hitler and his party was against the concept of class struggle, on their view all classes were working class and that's all that mattered
Entartete Kunst meant any art that didnt reflect "german feeling"
Meaning anything degenerate or not traditional or not masculine was banned

Hitler blundered his way through leadership, so unless he could use them in his soaring rheotic, he wouldn't have cared. Hell he'd probably be one of the people using video games as a scape goat- probably tieing them in with the jews.

They'd be considered degenerate, and rightfully so. Look at the state of faggots like you.

>Hitler blundered his way through leadership
Top kek
Care to explain? Countless historians have claimed that if Hitler had died before the Poland issue he would have gone down as the greatest German in history
So please enlighten me how he blundered

>Implying the jews aren't behind 99% of the western games being released

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He's just a kvetching jew, ignore him.

The fuck are you talking about

Maybe click those red numbers and read the reply chain dumbass?

The man had no idea what he was doing, read up on ol' hitler. He was a politician not and ubermench. Hence why he was fighting the entire world at once instead of taking it bit by bit.

not many, but everyone at DICE would have been hanged

>read up on ol' hitler
I have retard
Maybe you should take your own advice

>invading Russia in winter without proper equipment

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why exactly /pol/ got out of its containment board? go back to your cages mates, don't shit up other boards


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>instead of taking it bit by bit
American education everybody
All before Britian declared war.

>invading russia
>before the poland issue
Are you stupid?
Hitler was in power for 7 years before the war you realise

Stop shitting up the board with your terrible English first faggot.

Cry about it leftoid

Peak performance

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show me peak performance in other games as well

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It was moot's fault
He nuked /pol/ back in 2015 and the virus spread to survive
The roots of /pol/ on most of the important boards is too strong now, it cannot be stopped

not transparent enough m8

That's why you build your farms in the back, scrub.


Where did you hear that from? Knowyourmeme?
This site has always been right wing and a-political, not a safe space for your kind leftoid

I know because im from /pol/ you fucking idiot

good point

Also pol harbor was in 2014, my bad

>years ago brother had Age of Empires
>wanted a copy for myself
>go to Wal-Mart
>end up buying Empires Dawn of the Modern World because I was a dumb kid who only remembered "empire" was somewhere in the title

Didn't regret the purchase though.

Pendulam will swing back, Yea Forums never cared about politics beyond being counter culture and trolly. Once the right wing becomes the status quo, you'll see an upsurge in leftists.

Point is he did some really stupid shit, especially later on

>Oh ya
>As all
>A la batalla

what does the numbers mean?

2009 here
/pol/ was created in the first place because /new/ devolved into hitlerposting, Yea Forums had goobergate in 2014, then moot nuked /pol/ because they found out his jewish gf was cheating on him

Its a minesweeper reference.

sure you are

me too sorta, wanted to get a new game, and I saw on the back that it looked like age of empires

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Not really
If his generals had listened to him he would have won the war, he was repeatedly undermined by traitors

>not making it a square with a guard tower next to the mill

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do i need to post my trump folder?

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Earth 2150 was so good

The image only supports my case. These things are done because the draw a reaction in people, not because of any earnest ideology. Same reason we had so many anti-christian threads until Athiests and Athiest+ became so common; then suddenly everyone pretended they've always been die hard christifags.

Its just whatever draws the biggest reaction at the time.


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Thanks for ruining /pol/ conservatard

Sorry leftoid
As long as society is left, this site will be right
We're all dejected by normal society
Leftists are normal society

seething /sg/nigger

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>German Economic Miracle has only ever meant the boom in the 30s
You are beyond retarded

You forgot that Yea Forums is also contrarian to its own hivemind

OP here, what happened?

he was a known xbox user

>same reason we had so many anti-christian threads until Athiests and Athiest+ became so common; then suddenly everyone pretended they've always been die hard christifags.
>he was a fedora poster
Your kind was ALWAYS mocked dont fucking lie faggot
Some of the earliest pics i have saved are fedora memes

anyone else watch spirit of the law? his vids are top tier

someone interpreted your pic as a swastika and attention-seeking shitposters came out of the woodwork

It is time

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> gets stuck behind tree
> pathing fails manouvering around large bodies of water

> blocks self

i want to love playing the original again but it's just too fucked up and out of date.

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more like armed robbery of Germany's 1%

What exactly is /pol/ about your beliefs? You ruined the fucking board
Lowered the average IQ into the negatives

People can't divorce themselves from politics anymore, is what.

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He would like them so much that he tries to enter tourney where he gets rejected and starts a faggotry eradication of vidya years later out of spite

what about the remaster? didn't it at least fix the shit pathfinding or was it all just """""""""""pretty"""""""" new graphics and that was it?

probably similar to Lieberman

>Your kind was ALWAYS mocked dont fucking lie faggot

Gee, I wonder who this could be

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>armed robbery of Germany's 1%
? The vast majority of industrialists and other richfags were happy to go with Hitler

I was here before the fedora shit even caught on son. Don't try to revise history and dont play your little game of assigning people to groups.

I'm athiest retard
I just dont announce it everywhere I go like you do, hence why you get mocked with fedora memes
>hay guize did you know that you cant prove god exists? read the god delusion
Woah ur so smrt user!

Didn't he just outlaw unemployment and handed out Hitlertaler to workers which could be exchanged for goods and services or something like that?

>defending giant oil and textile companies
Lmao what a bootlicking cuck

2 different crises
The hyper inflation was from the end of WW1 to about 24, then there were 4 stable years until the GD, during that time they were hard hit, and the third last pre-Hitler chancellor's economic plan was "Look how fucking poor we are and cancel reparations", the economy recovering was mostly from that

TC's require stone too. You can't just spam them willy nilly, especially in the early game where you need stone for walling your shit off. Puts a dent in your castle production too since that shit requires a lot of stone.

man i miss farmville.

Brüning was the hero Germany (and Europe) needed. Sadly, he was extremely autistic even for German standards and so nobody liked or understood him

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Reminder that Hitler was only able to Blitzkrieg Russia because the russians were preparing for a war against central europe with the nazis using the weapons and goods the russians prepared at the border against them.

If Hitler wouldn't have invaded Russia the Russians would have invaded them instead. Stalin was not a nice dude either.

Are you implying the Nazis did something to harm those amssive corporations?

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>The hyper inflation was from the end of WW1 to about 24, then there were 4 stable years until the GD, during that time they were hard hit, and the third last pre-Hitler chancellor's economic plan was "Look how fucking poor we are and cancel reparations", the economy recovering was mostly from that–1939
>The Nazis came to power in the midst of Great Depression. The unemployment rate at that point in time was close to 30%.
>Hitler appointedHjalmar Schacht, a former member of theGerman Democratic Party, as President of theReichsbankin 1933 and Minister of Economics in 1934.[16]The policies he inherited included a largepublic worksprograms supported bydeficit spending– such as the construction of theAutobahnnetwork – to stimulate the economy and reduce unemployment.[18]
>Meanwhile, Schacht's administration achieved a rapid decline in the unemployment rate, the largest of any country during the Great Depression.[16]By 1938 unemployment was practically extinct.[23]

Hitler literally had the leaders of the synthetic oil company sign a contract at gunpoint to sell oil at a fixed lower price.

Thats completely incorrect. Why do you spread lies om the internet when its easy to prove you wrong?

"During Stalin'sGreat Purgein the late-1930s, which had not ended by the time of the German invasion on 22 June 1941, much of the officer corps of the Red Army was executed or imprisoned and their replacements, appointed by Stalin for political reasons, often lacked military competence.[123][124][125]Of the fiveMarshals of the Soviet Unionappointed in 1935, onlyKliment VoroshilovandSemyon Budyonnysurvived Stalin's purge. Tukhachevsky was killed in 1937. Fifteen of 16 army commanders, 50 of the 57 corps commanders, 154 of the 186 divisional commanders, and 401 of 456 colonels were killed, and many other officers were dismissed.[125]In total, about 30,000 Red Army personnel were executed.[126]"

aww yiss
even the demo was great

I didn't notice they had the ED so I never played them as a kid

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>mass replying

Nobles too but they weren't liked in Weimar either

I think Stresseman and Schacht also did a lot, but are never given any recognition.

Unemployment rate, not hyper inflation, 2 different crises,
As for the other part unemployment peaked in 1932 and was already on the decline.

>Hitler literally had the leaders of the synthetic oil company sign a contract at gunpoint to sell oil at a fixed lower price.
Fucking lol
>the IG Farben guaranteed to deliver 300.000–350.000 tons of synthetic fuel until the end of 1935
>in return, they were guaranteed a minimum price of 18.5 Pfennig per litre
>the international market price for fuel had crumbled due to the economic crisis to 9 Pfennig per litre, making synthetic fuel unprofitable

Ask a +4000 hours autists anything.
You have to trust me on this.

Favourite map?

whats the easiest civ to play and what's their general strategy?

>If Hitler wouldn't have invaded Russia the Russians would have invaded them instead
Yeah, somewhere in the second half of the 40's because their newly created military program would take half a decade at best to implement.

Fast feudal into archers and spam non stop.
Get castle age, get a few kts to harass and kill skirms and mangodels.
Spam shitloads of crossbows and harass the enemy from 100 kilometers away.
Get Imp and treb down everything down with 100 arbalests and halbs.


what can be done about the siege weapon menace other than more siege weapons

Fav civ? Have you tried American World?

>No mention of Longbowmen
So are they a meme? Should I just stick to the archer line?

A mixture of your own siege (mangodels) and light cavalry, kts if you have strong pikemen/crossbow resistance. If you're a monk civ you can get redemption and try to convert the mangodels during the fight

Fav civs are:

I have no idea what is that 'American World'

wtf I hate farms now

You need a castle to get Longbowmen out, you will get brutally outnumbered by producing longbowmen from 1 castle vs british crossbows from 3 Archery Ranges.
While Longbows are arguably better than british archer line, they shoot particurally slower, which leaves them particurally vulnerable to mass kts quickly closing the game, whereas crossbows are way more 'micromanageable'.
Use crossbows in castle, use elite longbowmen in imperial.

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A fairly popular new mod that introduces a couple of new civs. The devs said that it’ll maybe be added someday.

Bad move, with the farm on the left the vill just have to walk the right part of the farm, which is a 1x1 tile. Placing the farm on the far right the vill has to walk a while 3x3 farm size to get on the mill.

It's the optimal farm placement build order. Given that villagers only actually gather anything at the green section of the farm. The higher the number the worse the gathering rate.

Any Goth bros present?

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Fuck yeah.

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Is the "remake" good?

>A fairly popular new mod that introduces a couple of new civs.
Such as?

If you're a REAL goth main, I dare you to perform a 3 Foward Barracks gothic Man at Arms MASS in a 1vs1.

It's not a remake, it's more of an expansion.

No, the vil walks further from the left of the mill than the right

Worst case scenario the villager on the left farm position has to walk over 2 diagonal tiles to reach the. Best case it walks over 1 diagonal tile.

Right one ranges between 3 straight tiles and 5 straight tiles.

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That'd be right if the farm is touching the mill, but the one you pointed out isnt.
A farm occupies 9 tiles, a 3x3 square to be precise; villagers would only move to gather food in a small 2x2 square that is on the left side of the farm, while never venturing to collect food on the right, top and bottom part of the farm.
However, if the villager is fully carrying all her food, AND if the moment she stopped gathering she's in the center tile of the original left farm, she'd only have to walk 1x1 tile to get to the mill. At worst, if she stops gathering at the left corner of the map, she'd be walking the same distance than a villager on the further right farm you pointed out, AND even so if the villager on the further right farm stops working on the center tile of the farm, she needs to walk even a LONGER route than than the original villager on the left farm.

Get it right.

This is why I like island maps because I enjoy playing with other players but don't enjoy autistic speed-running tank rushes.

Se stöörme!

Quit tilting at windmills.

You shouldnt be playing aoe2 then in the very first place

Stalin was the least worst fuckup available, which tells you everything you need to know about how retarded the Russian gommies were.

This. Hitler himself was a kike and all he accomplished was creating Israel, a realistic international power for Jews beyond what they could have ever had otherwise, a rhetoric against an efficient working form of government, and making white nationalism a bad thing in the view of the dumb glass-eyed public.
He would've shilled video games and anime if it meant further harming the image of a working white fascist society, and he would've condemned them otherwise.

From the rhetoric of what his character is at face value, however, I think he would've promoted games such as simulators and builders as efficient ways for young children and young adults to learn valuable skills and trades without putting them in environments that could easily harm or maim them, thus giving them an advantage when they do enter such a profession.

Would you guys say AoE1 was kino?

You mean any RTS at all, every single one gets filled with people who want to finish the game as quick as possible instead of prolonging a fun game requiring a high amount of tactical thinking and long term strategies.

Care to elaborate your statement instead of using the meaningless buzzword 'kino' that makes you look like a gigantic cocksucker?

Yes, nobody has to share your own ideals of a 'fun game'.
Now fuck off.

Yeah I know that's why I correctly outed them as autists.

Good for you.
Now fuck off.

Why is turkish janissary spam so bad when in reality it should be the strongest strategy?

>he created the German Miracle

More like riding the wave of post depression financial reforms and robbing jews and rich people on their gold to fund social new programs.

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>Black forest
>Vikings only
Are you a bad enough dude?

Sorry I'm here to stay, guess you're going to have to sit down and deal with it for the rest of your life, nigger.

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who /voobly/ here?

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Careful spergy, esports cancer already killed your genre once, don't let it spoil people trying to enjoy it again.

Not necessarily, Castle Age Janissaries are really damm strong, but you need to micro them.
You need to get as much damage possible while taking the less damage vs mass kts. Trying to oneshot down kts one at the time with micro.
You need to actively use formations and dodge as much arrow fire from crossbows while getting close enough for your bullets to hit their mark, this is specially troublesome in the early game when there are low unit harassing groups and bullets can simply miss and go stray, whereas vs bigger groups a bullet can miss it's mark but still hit somebody else. See: Organ guns.

The problem is that, once again, Janissares are created from a castle, and you will get ALWAYS outproduced and outnumbered by 3 ARs or 3 Stables, to the point you will get overwhelmed by not having enough jans.
Also if you get many jans, the enemy will start getting mangodels that will force you to micro even harder.

My suggestion: Play a 4vs4 game, be turkish pocket and rush out a castle at 30-33 vills, and hope your flank doesnt get overrun before you arrive.

Are we ever going to see that mans dick?

Okay faggots.

Oh yeah faggots really original. Time for you to make up a better word.

>Fast Imp
>Get Onagers
>Cut Forests
>Land foward Castles on enemy territory
>Push out with elite zerks and siege rams
So hard.

Okay cunt.


Gigachad is art, not porn

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>you will never suck his dick while he tells you with a big smile how his favourite rts also is age of empires 2

Okay cunter?


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Pathetic. Australians invented both those words.

shhhh hoh

I really liked to just play a neutral merchant faction and set up huge trade networks while watching all the AI fight each other. I've always had a weird autism for that, like building giant wooden forts and boats in Gmod and having rebels vs. Combine duke it out. I need to find more games to satisfy this craving.

I just dislike how most units are unusable due to the short length of the game. Unfortunately rushing is way to strong.

not him, because you have to get to castle age, get a castle/several castles up for production for a unit that gets quickly outranged, outmanuvered and easily countered in a civ that relies way too much in gold units. the closes comparsion is the Conquistador from the spanish, but conqs work because the gunpowder power spike comes with speed and a ton of hp, plus a civ with a decent tech tree. turks need way too much time to get ready and even then they are good in lategame, nothing mind blowing like khmer deathball or goths

Turk pushes are a legit thing in arena tho, and turks in teamgames with a berber ally are fucking insane

Enjoy your Viking raids

Dude's right though, rush fucking sucks for like half the playerbase and literally every single RTS of all time had and has 'no rush' rooms in custom games. Seriously 10 min no rush.

I've seen plenty of games go over the 40 hour mark. Maybe you're just bad? Not a knock on you as I'm bad as well, but two high level players can absolutely have a match where every unit matters.

This man also speaks the truth.

Would've been funny if the crop rotated along with the windmills.

But user, you can't cut trees with onagers under those settings.

>Unfortunately rushing is way to strong.
Spoken like a true noob.
Stay in your BF games.
>Half of the playerbase cannot handle a basic strategy and mechanic from almost all RTS games.
Their fault for being bad in the first place.

Reminder that AoM>AoE

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user, are you unable to have a conversation without passive-aggressive remarks? I think this place is starting to influence you.

Oh shit you're right. However is still possible.
>Fast Castle
>Get a castle
>Get petards, 2 petards of a stone wall, 3 for a fortified wall, 3 for a gate, 4 for a fortified gate
>Make a breach as fast as possible, inmediadly pour kts, or crossbows, and land foward castles

what the fuck

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that just depends on the map really. things like 1v1 arabia are hard to take to the lategame because the map itself is designed to be open and competitive, and people that want to climb the ladder will go for whatever works. that's just the nature of the game, to outplay your opponent and to play on your civ's strength
if you want lategame or nothing BF or team/diplo games in general are probably what you are looking for. Arabia will always be an all-out war at all ages

like everything on his body it'll be probably photoshopped

Do comfy 4v3, 5v3, 8v3 etc. human versus AI rooms still exist in this game? Traditional comp stomp rooms made without competitive in mind where you can just have some no stress fun with other people that want to chill out.

I remember in the old Starcraft days I used to play protoss and cover my entire corner of the map with photon cannons because even under those conditions I was always too scared to engage the enemy. Then when the push finally came I'd muster a handful of zealots and help out where I could. It's like RTS junk food where you learn nothing but it's still entertaining.

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There's literally nothing immoral about robbing Jews.

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3hy are you still playing a dead game instead of playing Age of Empires III Wars of Liberty

Not him
But everyone has the right to call you a scrub if you cannot handle rushes.
Deal with the truth.

I suppose competitive folks have their fun in their own way.

Gigachad is real
only virgins say otherwise

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what i found more annoying is how the new AI is spamming food / wood units en mass and it comes down to an disgusting war of attrition between you and 500 spearman / hussars made by 3 different factions

I wasn't being passive aggressive I just legitimately think that he may not be very good at the game yet if he thinks rushes are overpowered. They're a tactic like any other and if they fail the player doing the rushing is more often than not fucked.

Because AoE3 sucks.
Also AoE2 is not dead you fucking mouthbreather, see Steam and Voobly. Also Gameranger, I guess.

Despite repeatedly fucking up and making a shitload of awful decisions Stalin actually turned a poor and shitty country into a world superpower for almost half a century desu
Hitler just reconstructed the Germany and made it into a superpower for a decade or so just to get it destroyed and getting the German people cucked to this very day

trash wars are just part of the ultra-lategame experience, especially FFAs

each to their own I guess. Taking into account that Forest Nothing is a legit thing people do and honestly it's fun from time to time it's safe to say that there are alot of ways to enjoy the game.

no, it didn't fix shit. still awful pathfinding, still dumb ai

What the fuck is even going on between his ab and groin area?

Aren't the Anno and Patrician games basically that?

You clearly didnt play the game.

Peak male body

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damn that's a shame to hear, shit was released last year and is already forgotten, i hope the AoE 2 remaster doesn't end up the same way

uhhhh hitler BAD GUY like in my marvel movies so he must be bad at everything ...

he'd be a Yukifag

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I love this fat tuck so much. getting a big ball of them+battle elephants is so satisfying
let's hope AoE DE, fixes HD's problems. if not I'll just stay in Voodly anyways

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I have seen them pretty often in HD

Siege Onagers and Halbs say hi

Yeah it was forgotten because AoE isnt particularly good aside from nostalgia. And since the remake modernized the music and sounds it doesnt even feel nostalgic enough. They should at least have had an option for the old soundtrack and fx.

They get kudos for having the demo campaign though, even if they changed some maps. I remember playing the AoE demo a billion times as a kid.

And dont hate me for saying AoE isnt good. I love the game due to nostalgia but its really clunky and all factions are exactly the same except for passives.

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Filtering your name. Never disagree with me again.

you're right, my bad. apparently the AI is actually worse in the definitive edition


Probably be used for propaganda.
Imagine wolfenstein but you are the Nazis and you are the good guys.

>10 abs

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don't skip sit-ups

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This man will die young, most likely of a heartattack

>walking along with your units into enemy territory
>suddenly hear WOLOLO from the other side of the map
>can't find the enemy priest before he snatches away your precious siege equipment, can only hear him wailing at you

fucking priests doing this shit freaks me out.

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Chariots exists, user.

It's a fucking shop

I know it isn't really an issue with mounted units, just feels like a jump scare when they creep up on you.

says the small brain virgin who'll never achieve peak male body

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mushroom man

says the small brain virgin with 300 pictures of his manfu on his computer

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This. I keep forgetting to collect stone most of the time. I just send some guys to get enough for a castle and then either forget about them and end up with 100k stone or never collect anything other than the initial 600 or something.

>I'm athiest retard
>I just dont announce it everywhere I go like you do

>infantry bonus against buildings
>faster barracks
>perfusion lets you shit out barracks units in 3 seconds
>UU with ungodly pierce armor, great damage and movespeed
>anarchy lets you make them in barracks
WHAT were they THINKING?
but yeah, Goths are lots of fun

remake? you mean AoE2HD?
they made everything work better with higher resolution and current systems, except the online which is now shit
the expansions they released with new civs are very cool in a competitive point of view, I don't know about the campaigns though

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>no walls
Goths are like ants. If you see a couple of them in your house they're easy to kill. However once the infestation starts in the late game you're absolutely fucked.

but they're fine in the feudal, just wall yourself with houses, and palisades can mostly do fine for walling in the feudal imo, I don't really see any sort of "weakness" unless you're actively playing them wrong

Blocks you are path

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IIRC a remake of AoE2 is in the works, same goes for AoE3
I really want this game with a better engine, I wouldn't mind 3D graphics, as long as I can have 500 unit armies with zero lag

I really really want the game with Voobly netcode. This should be their top priority. If they can manage this, they'll have so many people on board for competitive AoE2 it'll be glorious.

*costs billions of resources to upgrade*
*each unit still costly as fuck*

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>tfw loved Age of Empires Online but it was doomed to fail beause of GFWL

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it looked like mobile garbage, how was its gameplay?

scrub here, what do goths do against gunpowder?

This is actually true. They were the biggest soibean producers for a time to the point the bean was called "the nazi bean"

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Oh, that's actually because the other states did everything in their power to stop the Nazis.
Real Nazism has never been tried before.

What is wrong with you faggots?

People were talking about AOE and you have to come in again and ruin it with your dog whistling cuck bullshit. Is there any point in the day where you're not thinking about your inane politics?

I haven't played much goths fampay, but
>crossbowmen (hand cannoneers are fucking terrible beyond melee range
>Huskarls are decent against them
>capped ram garrison ungarrison
>bombard cannons
none of these are reeeally counters, but they should at least perform ok
and if all else fails
>shit out a ton of halberdiers
once I beat my friend that I couldn't outplay by building 6 barracks, setting rally point to his base and spamming halberdiers

then I built a 6 more on an isolated part of the map, and did the same, he couldn't safeguard both fronts

just remember to fully upgrade the shit you'll send waves of upon your enemy

just don't let the goths get beyond feudal, I say, and if it comes to castle do wall yourself properly as the Huskarls are fucking excellent base raiders because of their high movespeed + high damage + high pierce armor

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When i masturbate. Sometimes.

>surprised people are talking about history on an AGE OF EMPIRES thread
>specially one that began with the image of a mill surrounded by farms that form the manji symbol
c'mon son

>People were talking about AOE and you have to come in again and ruin it with your dog whistling cuck bullshit.
this was me And I was being cheeky you sperg, I don't actually believe the Nazis were good or had a good system.
>dog whistling
oh boy...
> Is there any point in the day where you're not thinking about your inane politics?
You're one to talk while you slurp the commie cock, moron.

Sorry meant My point still stands.

>looking anything close to manji/swastika
Don't kid yourself, it's only because of that faggot who mentioned the magic word in first post

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It played like a classic age of empires game. I actually really enjoyed the unit variety that you got as the celts. You also had 4 advisors that you could swap out between missions, so maybe have 4 economic advisors or 4 advisors that give you unique units. My only issue with it was you would have multiple advisors of the same type, but some had just been rolled with better stats, like you get two of the same advisor that lets you train longbowmen, but one starts with 100 hp and the other starts with 120 hp.

>Derail thread

You're alright.

>being this delusional

What is reading comprehension. We're not on plebbit, tard, I fully understand the 11 layers of irony you thought you were on. I'm not saying you're a dog whistling nazi, I was saying your inane bullshit is your way of dog whistling that your girlfriend is fucking another man.

I disagree with you.

Delusional about what?

Anti both. Neither are german aryan creations and take away from military duty which was the focal point of his regime.

Never trust a nazi/republican

Graphics aside it felt like genuine AoE game with interesting progression system, I loved how your units are just peasants with wooden sticks and planks for shields and when you progress further in the game you start equipping them with proper weapons and armour.
Also, similar to AoE3, you can specialize yourself to excel at different things, like having good economy or strong land units or good naval abilities, it was very diverse and you also had the ability to pick from various special units instead of just being forced to use one per civ.
I managed to unravel my inner Goth by building my civ focused on these unique units called "Pezhetairos", they are basically cheap to make, they train incredibly fast and excel against almost all unit types AND they move incredibly fast. For example, regular infantry moves at speed of 4 to 5, cavalry units 10-11, Pezhetairos has speed of 9.

There are communities that keep the game alive unnofficially and I am joined in one, but I've yet to install the game.
If anyone is interested,

>bringing the attention to the fags talking politics instead of talking more about AoE
you retards are to blame, let them have a side discussion, it would change nothing unless you start stirring shit up with them

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I didn't derail anything, just continue up the reply link and blame them.
The fact that you used the term "dogwhistling" unironically, probably means you should stay in reddit.
>le epic cuck meme XD
r/Yea Forums, please leave.

Is this loss?

Age of Mythology is better, fight me.

but I agree with you
though I disliked the chinese civ in Extended

Because communists hate farmers for some bizarre reason.

>all this talk about Nazis and Commies
Since we're already talking about impossible and unrealistic ideas.
I know declare this an Age of Mythology thread.

>though I disliked the chinese civ in Extended
Was it really that bad?

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The fuck is an r/Yea Forums? Why are you getting so triggered about being told to fuck off from derailing an AOE thread that you're launching into an internet debate about the proper etymology of "dog whistling". It was clear from the beginning that I used the word because I knew it would have precisely this effect on you.

What's the best campaign and why is it El Cid's?

Those euros will stab each other in the back the moment they think THEY can come out stronger.

>just send halbediers bro
they wouldn't even reach the janissary firing squad

every time i try goths someone counters with the turks and i have no idea what to do against the janissaries

>can't manage resources
get out of my face scrub

the units felt rather generic to me, the myth units look like shit, they don't have unique weapons like most units in the game, their scouts are just half kataskopos, fucking meh, I love the base+Titans game
as for units having unique weapons, what I mean is:
>chariot archers
>peltast = spear thrower
>gatasphretes = crossboman
>throwing axemen
>mounted spear thrower = turma
and so on, they barely repeated weapons/units if at all on units on different civs

>monkey boy units and the wonder are red team, just like the other side
what did they mean by this

>holding mass goth halb
you're a funny man

maybe you're just bad

Goths are one of the stronger civs against Turks.

Deny them gold, build more

Janisarries are generalist hand cannoners, and worse against infantry, so huskarls should break them

You also have tier2 onagers, heavy scorps, and a lot of upgrades for skirms

If they were so great why did they lose the war?


Wait a minute...

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Tremble and fear, for I have returned.
Ask, and speak.

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when are you gonna get a full set of 4s

in 400 hours.


i am bad
and also playing on black forest in noob lobbies