Still no good police games

Still no good police games.

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La Noire is alright

>not playing Police Quest and SWAT

THATS what russian police look like?! woah...

Unironically made for BBC

SWAT3. it's on GOG and runs on modern systems
thank me later, zoomer.

Any news about that game that was going to be the spiritual successor to SWAT?

I've always wanted to make a game where you play as a policeman arresting criminals and it'd play like megaman but instead of robot masters it'd be various criminals and levels based on various crimes (drug smuggling, robbery, assassination, etc.)

Ok i hope you enjoyed my blog bye

I want to commit a crime.

Max Payne 1 and 2 though.

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But 4 is better. Also Vigilante missions in GTA.

I'd get arrested

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LA Noire
True Crime
Sleeping Dogs


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imagine thinking SWAT 3 and 4 are bad

>TFW women being allowed on the force only enforces crimes to happen

No thats probably rare cases.
t. Russian

That sentence is a crime against the English language.


Also GTA 6 is gonna be cop/robber as main characters


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>But 4 is better.
boils down to personal opinion and I happen to prefer 3, but yeah, it's also good.
also like some user already said, OP needs to get all the fucking Police Quest games.

I would spend 5 years digging canal at gunpoint in the gulag just to get a sip of her vodka if you cheeki my breeki.


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>TFW incels always complaining about roasties are homosexuals waiting to happen

Your idea is cool. I will steal it. Bye.

Urban chaos.
This is the police.

>Everytime hot woman gets posted all americans can think of is BBC instead of imagining themselves fucking it

Why didn't NK nuke those c*ucks yet? Fuck mutts, but with no offense to black people.

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When you have a gun or a tazer, physical strength doesn't really mean shit.

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Its a bot

lol women are biologically weaker than men

I hate the tank control.

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>Entry team to TOC. OP is a faggot who has clearly never played SWAT 4 before. Over.
>Entry team this is Sierra 1, I have confirmation that OP is a faggot for not playing SWAT 4, over
>Roger that, sierra and entry team. Trailers standing by.

I enjoyed Battlefield Hardline.

Is that year 5 of Rainbow Six Siege?

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I'm a drill sergeant at a police academy
You wouldnt believe how much they've lowered the fitness standards here because of women
Squads also need a minimum 40% female representation, thats why the waiting list to join the force is so long
I personally do data entry on the raw fitness results, and thr women are so unfit and physically inferior to the men its unreal

Fuck OP, a bunch of buddies and I downloaded and played SWAT 4 about a year ago, kino experience. I want to play SWAT again, should we try 3 or does it offer nothing that 4 doesnt

imagine the smell...

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Id play a GTA game where you play as a possibly corrupt cop.

It not. You fucks actually think you're being hilarious by """ironically""" posting this as bait when in reality the people who post that shit every fucking thread peddle it because they're unironically beta males who get off on BBC.

Post numbers from a reliable or fuck off.

Did you see a picture of Tess Holiday? No? Then the answer is no.

lol so fucking what, you absolute cockseeker.

Best police game right here

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>female cops

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*pops a boner*

Fake gta v doesn't have that.

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goddamn I love airline stewardesses. Excellent post.

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