DSP thread??

DSP thread??

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>its okay when its an eceleb i like!
fuck off

I like that he played RE2 on hardcore only. Respect.


>Jabs stubby finger in front of the camera

>what's a lolcow


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ecelebs go in

>144 deaths in his 4th? playthrough of Dark souls 1 with a magic build

just how does he manage

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>>what's a lolcow

I think he also did worse on his MGS2 "redemption" run

but you don't "like" a lolcow, you make fun of it. dps is a hilarious retard, not someone you worship and jerk off over

Why is dsp funnier than other channels like game grumps and oneyplays

His Tetris 99 stream was hilarious

>i did everything correct and still lost

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get real. kiwis worship DSP more than anyone.

I. Am. Deceased. Please link highlights of this play through.

what do you mean?

What are some games he gave up on and never completed?

He cannot be stopped.
Nice going, Tevin

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He has never ragequit a video game.

Fucking the witcher 3, I'm in college and do not have the time to ever finish it



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because he uploads unboxings of just disc cases with the fucking fire alarm in his apt complex going off in the background, doesn't get much better than that

>He doesn't like /ourguy/, the literal face of Yea Forums

What is the meaning of this?

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Would you a female DSP?

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He is right that his detractors are boring nobodies who only get attention from the drama of shitting on him. It's true about all of them except Internet aristocrat who only does it because other people do the work for him.

that hit close to home

Holding up his parents health as a reason kids should give him their Christmas and New Years money makes me understand why some people fall to A-Logging.

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Balding is a detractor meme

>paypig just dropped 100$
literally unstoppable

Looking into DSP's past, how the fuck is he still managing? Lucky Patron bucks?

Guys he really needs that money to save the mansion

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So did Kevin get banned from jewtube and mixer?

The irony is that if there was no detractors, he probably wouldn't be streaming anymore. He would fall into obscurity. It was the SoK and KWO retards who kept that manchild stay afloat.


persona 3 on the final boss

post some dsp kino you fucks

doesn't this faggot have 2 houses?

It's the same reason people watch trainwrecks.

bros we can't let Narcissa make more than our guy from Patreon, we must increase our pledges immediately

I only have screencaps

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Black Mesa

Is there a bigger scumbag?


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boogie comes to mind


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There are. It's just that this idiot's the worst at hiding it. Maybe to his advantage.

dsp is based

I'm a manlet and I'd rather be bald. nobody in my family has hair loss so I'm not going to lose mine.

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He is streaming dark souls right now

>People gave him advice on how to be a better streamer
>he just ignores it

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top kek

Nier automata

The act is so inauthentic anymore, no emotion in it

It's funny that Yea Forums has picked on this guy for so long without realizing that he is a character fabricated to make money


>following a dude who's even worse than DSP

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Post the Hitler one

He did it eventually.

Attached: dsphitler.webm (1280x720, 1.43M)

>cheating on a new game on console


why do you think this thread is here?

shut the fuck up

not remotely unheard of since console games generally have 0 cheat protection in place.


Based and, dare I say it, redpilled.

At least detractors are not pathetic beggars like Dave

Attached: U Thirsty Kid.webm (1280x720, 1.55M)

I don't like Phil but he clearly meant rage quitting in fighting game matches.


Go to bed, Phil

>the cucks of sonjima

underrated KINO moment of vidya, we never really got to laugh at it because DSP threads get deleted on Yea Forums, but oh boy how that shit backfired

he even did that even after the absolute disaster that RE 0 on Hard was. gotta give him respect where it's due

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SoK didn't beg either, and look where other shitty things got them. It's public knowledge that they were a bunch of speds, and their leader was a crazy person. They surpassed DSP in lolcowdom. And the rest of who remains, isn't too far from that point either.

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>when he knew that playing on normal would be too easy and he has to keep that "king of Retro" facade up

It's shocking how they not only kept DSP relevant, but also made him look BETTER by comparison. God, those guys were pathetic.

>SoK is dead
>Zaibatsu is dead
>Machinima is dead
>Totalbiscuit is literally dead
>...yet DSP still lives

He's like a tardigrade; a fat pathetic worm that just refuses to die to anything.

Yeah these detractors are often their own worst enemy by twisting things out of context. They think by blowing something way out of proportion they're making their "case" against Phil stronger. But all they're doing is just just watering it down for anyone that isn't already seething at him 24/7.

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I find it so fucking infuriating when his immediate reaction to being bad at any game (he's bad at 99% of the shit he plays) he either blames the players or the game, or both, it's NEVER his fault

Was kojima world order part of sons of kojima? I kinda liked their content.